Timothy Erickson
University of Alberta
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2014
Reo Maeda; Katie S. Kindt; Weike Mo; Clive P. Morgan; Timothy Erickson; Hongyu Zhao; Rachel Clemens-Grisham; Peter G. Barr-Gillespie; Teresa Nicolson
Significance Our understanding of the molecular basis of our sense of hearing and balance has improved significantly, although some of the key players in sensory hair cells have yet to be identified. Sensory hair cells depend on extracellular filaments known as tip links to transduce mechanical stimuli into electrical signals. We demonstrate that the tip link protein PCDH15 interacts with two integral member proteins, TMC1 and TMC2, which have recently been put forth as candidates for the mechanotransduction channel. The tip link protein protocadherin 15 (PCDH15) is a central component of the mechanotransduction complex in auditory and vestibular hair cells. PCDH15 is hypothesized to relay external forces to the mechanically gated channel located near its cytoplasmic C terminus. How PCDH15 is coupled to the transduction machinery is not clear. Using a membrane-based two-hybrid screen to identify proteins that bind to PCDH15, we detected an interaction between zebrafish Pcdh15a and an N-terminal fragment of transmembrane channel-like 2a (Tmc2a). Tmc2a is an ortholog of mammalian TMC2, which along with TMC1 has been implicated in mechanotransduction in mammalian hair cells. Using the above-mentioned two-hybrid assay, we found that zebrafish Tmc1 and Tmc2a can interact with the CD1 or CD3 cytoplasmic domain isoforms of Pcdh15a, and this interaction depends on the common region shared between the two Pcdh15 isoforms. Moreover, an interaction between mouse PCDH15-CD3 and TMC1 or TMC2 was observed in both yeast two-hybrid assays and coimmunoprecipitation experiments. To determine whether the Pcdh15–Tmc interaction is relevant to mechanotransduction in vivo, we overexpressed N-terminal fragments of Tmc2a in zebrafish hair cells. Overexpression of the Tmc2a N terminus results in mislocalization of Pcdh15a within hair bundles, together with a significant decrease in mechanosensitive responses, suggesting that a Pcdh15a–Tmc complex is critical for mechanotransduction. Together, these results identify an evolutionarily conserved association between the fish and mouse orthologs of PCDH15 and TMC1 and TMC2, supporting the notion that TMCs are key components of the transduction complex in hair cells.
Developmental Biology | 2010
Laura M. Pillay; A. Michael Forrester; Timothy Erickson; Jason N. Berman; Andrew J. Waskiewicz
During vertebrate development, the initial wave of hematopoiesis produces cells that help to shape the developing circulatory system and oxygenate the early embryo. The differentiation of primitive erythroid and myeloid cells occurs within a short transitory period, and is subject to precise molecular regulation by a hierarchical cascade of transcription factors. The TALE-class homeodomain transcription factors Meis and Pbx function to regulate embryonic hematopoiesis, but it is not known where Meis and Pbx proteins participate in the hematopoietic transcription factor cascade. To address these questions, we have ablated Meis1 and Pbx proteins in zebrafish, and characterized their molecular effects on known markers of primitive hematopoiesis. Embryos lacking Meis1 and Pbx exhibit a severe reduction in the expression of gata1, the earliest marker of erythroid cell fate, and fail to produce visible circulating blood cells. Concomitant with a loss of gata1, Meis1- and Pbx-depleted embryos exhibit downregulated embryonic hemoglobin (hbae3) expression, and possess increased numbers of pu.1-positive myeloid cells. gata1-overexpression rescues hbae3 expression in Pbx-depleted; meis1-morphant embryos, placing Pbx and Meis1 upstream of gata1 in the erythropoietic transcription factor hierarchy. Our study conclusively demonstrates that Meis1 and Pbx act to specify the erythropoietic cell lineage and inhibit myelopoiesis.
Developmental Biology | 2009
Curtis R. French; Timothy Erickson; Danielle V. French; David B. Pilgrim; Andrew J. Waskiewicz
Dorsal-ventral patterning of the vertebrate retina is essential for accurate topographic mapping of retinal ganglion cell (RGC) axons to visual processing centers. Bone morphogenetic protein (Bmp) growth factors regulate dorsal retinal identity in vertebrate models, but the developmental timing of this signaling and the relative roles of individual Bmps remain unclear. In this study, we investigate the functions of two zebrafish Bmps, Gdf6a and Bmp4, during initiation of dorsal retinal identity, and subsequently during lens differentiation. Knockdown of zebrafish Gdf6a blocks initiation of retinal Smad phosphorylation and dorsal marker expression, while knockdown of Bmp4 produces no discernable retinal phenotype. These data, combined with analyses of embryos ectopically expressing Bmps, demonstrate that Gdf6a is necessary and sufficient for initiation of dorsal retinal identity. We note a profound expansion of ventral retinal identity in gdf6a morphants, demonstrating that dorsal BMP signaling antagonizes ventral marker expression. Finally, we demonstrate a role for Gdf6a in non-neural ocular tissues. Knockdown of Gdf6a leads to defects in lens-specific gene expression, and when combined with Bmp signaling inhibitors, disrupts lens fiber cell differentiation. Taken together, these data indicate that Gdf6a initiates dorsal retinal patterning independent of Bmp4, and regulates lens differentiation.
Neural Development | 2010
Timothy Erickson; Curtis R. French; Andrew J. Waskiewicz
BackgroundDuring visual system development, multiple signalling pathways cooperate to specify axial polarity within the retina and optic tectum. This information is required for the topographic mapping of retinal ganglion cell axons on the tectum. Meis1 is a TALE-class homeodomain transcription factor known to specify anterior-posterior identity in the hindbrain, but its role in visual system patterning has not been investigated.Resultsmeis1 is expressed in both the presumptive retina and tectum. An analysis of retinal patterning reveals that Meis1 is required to correctly specify both dorsal-ventral and nasal-temporal identity in the zebrafish retina. Meis1-knockdown results in a loss of smad1 expression and an upregulation in follistatin expression, thereby causing lower levels of Bmp signalling and a partial ventralization of the retina. Additionally, Meis1-deficient embryos exhibit ectopic Fgf signalling in the developing retina and a corresponding loss of temporal identity. Meis1 also positively regulates ephrin gene expression in the tectum. Consistent with these patterning phenotypes, a knockdown of Meis1 ultimately results in retinotectal mapping defects.ConclusionsIn this work we describe a novel role for Meis1 in regulating Bmp signalling and in specifying temporal identity in the retina. By patterning both the retina and tectum, Meis1 plays an important role in establishing the retinotectal map and organizing the visual system.
BMC Developmental Biology | 2007
Curtis R. French; Timothy Erickson; Davon Callander; Karyn M. Berry; Ron Koss; Daniel W Hagey; Jennifer Stout; Katrin Wuennenberg-Stapleton; John Ngai; Cecilia B. Moens; Andrew J. Waskiewicz
BackgroundPbx genes encode TALE class homeodomain transcription factors that pattern the developing neural tube, pancreas, and blood. Within the hindbrain, Pbx cooperates with Hox proteins to regulate rhombomere segment identity. Pbx cooperates with Eng to regulate midbrain-hindbrain boundary maintenance, and with MyoD to control fast muscle cell differentiation. Although previous results have demonstrated that Pbx is required for proper eye size, functions in regulating retinal cell identity and patterning have not yet been examined.ResultsAnalysis of retinal ganglion cell axon pathfinding and outgrowth in pbx2/4 null embryos demonstrated a key role for pbx genes in regulating neural cell behavior. To identify Pbx-dependent genes involved in regulating retino-tectal pathfinding, we conducted a microarray screen for Pbx-dependent transcripts in zebrafish, and detected genes that are specifically expressed in the eye and tectum. A subset of Pbx-dependent retinal transcripts delineate specific domains in the dorso-temporal lobe of the developing retina. Furthermore, we determined that some Pbx-dependent transcripts also require Meis1 and Gdf6a function. Since gdf6a expression is also dependent on Pbx, we propose a model in which Pbx proteins regulate expression of the growth factor gdf6a, which in turn regulates patterning of the dorso-temporal lobe of the retina. This, in concert with aberrant tectal patterning in pbx2/4 null embryos, may lead to the observed defects in RGC outgrowth.ConclusionThese data define a novel role for Pbx in patterning the vertebrate retina and tectum in a manner required for proper retinal ganglion cell axon outgrowth.
eLife | 2017
Timothy Erickson; Clive P. Morgan; Jennifer Olt; Katherine Hardy; Elisabeth M. Busch-Nentwich; Reo Maeda; Rachel Clemens; Jocelyn F. Krey; Alex Nechiporuk; Peter G. Barr-Gillespie; Walter Marcotti; Teresa Nicolson
Transmembrane O-methyltransferase (TOMT/LRTOMT) is responsible for non-syndromic deafness DFNB63. However, the specific defects that lead to hearing loss have not been described. Using a zebrafish model of DFNB63, we show that the auditory and vestibular phenotypes are due to a lack of mechanotransduction (MET) in Tomt-deficient hair cells. GFP-tagged Tomt is enriched in the Golgi of hair cells, suggesting that Tomt might regulate the trafficking of other MET components to the hair bundle. We found that Tmc1/2 proteins are specifically excluded from the hair bundle in tomt mutants, whereas other MET complex proteins can still localize to the bundle. Furthermore, mouse TOMT and TMC1 can directly interact in HEK 293 cells, and this interaction is modulated by His183 in TOMT. Thus, we propose a model of MET complex assembly where Tomt and the Tmcs interact within the secretory pathway to traffic Tmc proteins to the hair bundle. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.28474.001
The Journal of Neuroscience | 2017
Reo Maeda; Itallia Pacentine; Timothy Erickson; Teresa Nicolson
Protocadherin 15 (PCDH15) is required for mechanotransduction in sensory hair cells as a component of the tip link. Isoforms of PCDH15 differ in their cytoplasmic domains (CD1, CD2, and CD3), but share the extracellular and transmembrane (TMD) domains, as well as an intracellular domain known as the common region (CR). In heterologous expression systems, both the TMD and CR of PCDH15 have been shown to interact with members of the mechanotransduction complex. The in vivo significance of these protein–protein interaction domains of PCDH15 in hair cells has not been determined. Here, we examined the localization and function of the two isoforms of zebrafish Pcdh15a (CD1 and CD3) in pcdh15a-null mutants by assessing Pcdh15a transgene-mediated rescue of auditory/vestibular behavior and hair cell morphology and activity. We found that either isoform alone was able to rescue the Pcdh15a-null phenotype and that the CD1- or CD3-specific regions were dispensable for hair bundle integrity and labeling of hair cells with FM4-64, which was used as a proxy for mechanotransduction. When either the CR or TMD domain was deleted, the mutated proteins localized to the stereocilial tips, but were unable to rescue FM4-64 labeling. Disrupting both domains led to a complete failure of Pcdh15a to localize to the hair bundle. Our findings demonstrate that the TMD and cytoplasmic CR domains are required for the in vivo function of Pcdh15a in zebrafish hair cells. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Tip links transmit force to mechanotransduction channels at the tip of hair bundles in sensory hair cells. One component of tip links is Protocadherin 15 (PCDH15). Here, we demonstrate that, when transgenically expressed, either zebrafish Pcdh15a-cytodomain 1 (CD1) or Pcdh15a-CD3 can rescue the phenotype of a pcdh15a-null mutant. Even when lacking the specific regions for CD1 or CD3, truncated Pcdh15a that contains the so-called common region (CR) at the cytoplasmic/membrane interface still has the ability to rescue similar to full-length Pcdh15a. In contrast, Pcdh15a lacking the entire cytoplasmic domain is not functional. These results demonstrate that the CR plays a key role in the mechanotransduction complex in hair cells.
Genesis | 2011
Timothy Erickson; Laura M. Pillay; Andrew J. Waskiewicz
In flies, the zinc‐finger protein Teashirt promotes trunk segmental identities, in part, by repressing the expression and function of anterior hox paralog group (PG) 1–4 genes that specify head fates. Anterior‐posterior patterning of the vertebrate hindbrain also requires Hox PG 1–4 function, but the role of vertebrate teashirt‐related genes in this process has not been investigated. In this work, we use overexpression and structure‐function analyses to show that zebrafish tshz3b antagonizes Hox‐dependent hindbrain segmentation. Ectopic Tshz3b perturbs the specification of rhombomere identities and leads to the caudal expansion of r1, the only rhombomere whose identity is specified independently of Hox function. This overexpression phenotype does not require the homeodomain and C‐terminal zinc fingers that are unique to vertebrate Teashirt‐related proteins, but does require that Tshz3b function as a repressor. Together, these results argue that the negative regulation of Hox PG 1–4 function is a conserved characteristic of Teashirt‐related proteins. genesis 49:725–742, 2011.
Developmental Biology | 2007
Timothy Erickson; Steffen Scholpp; Michael Brand; Cecilia B. Moens; Andrew J. Waskiewicz
BMC Genomics | 2015
Timothy Erickson; Teresa Nicolson