
Science | 2009

Drought sensitivity of the Amazon rainforest

Oliver L. Phillips; Luiz E. O. C. Aragão; Simon L. Lewis; Joshua B. Fisher; Jon Lloyd; Gabriela Lopez-Gonzalez; Yadvinder Malhi; Abel Monteagudo; J. Peacock; Carlos A. Quesada; Geertje M.F. van der Heijden; Samuel Almeida; Iêda Leão do Amaral; Luzmila Arroyo; Gerardo Aymard; Timothy R. Baker; Olaf Banki; Lilian Blanc; Damien Bonal; Paulo M. Brando; Jérôme Chave; Atila Alves de Oliveira; Nallaret Dávila Cardozo; Claudia I. Czimczik; Ted R. Feldpausch; Maria Aparecida Freitas; Emanuel Gloor; Niro Higuchi; Eliana M. Jimenez; Gareth Lloyd

Amazon forests are a key but poorly understood component of the global carbon cycle. If, as anticipated, they dry this century, they might accelerate climate change through carbon losses and changed surface energy balances. We used records from multiple long-term monitoring plots across Amazonia to assess forest responses to the intense 2005 drought, a possible analog of future events. Affected forest lost biomass, reversing a large long-term carbon sink, with the greatest impacts observed where the dry season was unusually intense. Relative to pre-2005 conditions, forest subjected to a 100-millimeter increase in water deficit lost 5.3 megagrams of aboveground biomass of carbon per hectare. The drought had a total biomass carbon impact of 1.2 to 1.6 petagrams (1.2 × 1015 to 1.6 × 1015 grams). Amazon forests therefore appear vulnerable to increasing moisture stress, with the potential for large carbon losses to exert feedback on climate change.

Nature | 2009

Increasing carbon storage in intact African tropical forests

Simon L. Lewis; Gabriela Lopez-Gonzalez; Bonaventure Sonké; Kofi Affum-Baffoe; Timothy R. Baker; Lucas Ojo; Oliver L. Phillips; Jan Reitsma; Lee White; James A. Comiskey; Marie‐Noël Djuikouo K; Corneille E. N. Ewango; Ted R. Feldpausch; Alan Hamilton; Manuel Gloor; Terese B. Hart; Annette Hladik; Jon Lloyd; Jon C. Lovett; Jean-Remy Makana; Yadvinder Malhi; Frank Mbago; Henry J. Ndangalasi; J. Peacock; Kelvin S.-H. Peh; Douglas Sheil; Terry Sunderland; Michael D. Swaine; James Taplin; David Taylor

The response of terrestrial vegetation to a globally changing environment is central to predictions of future levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide. The role of tropical forests is critical because they are carbon-dense and highly productive. Inventory plots across Amazonia show that old-growth forests have increased in carbon storage over recent decades, but the response of one-third of the world’s tropical forests in Africa is largely unknown owing to an absence of spatially extensive observation networks. Here we report data from a ten-country network of long-term monitoring plots in African tropical forests. We find that across 79 plots (163 ha) above-ground carbon storage in live trees increased by 0.63 Mg C ha-1 yr-1 between 1968 and 2007 (95% confidence interval (CI), 0.22–0.94; mean interval, 1987–96). Extrapolation to unmeasured forest components (live roots, small trees, necromass) and scaling to the continent implies a total increase in carbon storage in African tropical forest trees of 0.34 Pg C yr-1 (CI, 0.15–0.43). These reported changes in carbon storage are similar to those reported for Amazonian forests per unit area, providing evidence that increasing carbon storage in old-growth forests is a pan-tropical phenomenon. Indeed, combining all standardized inventory data from this study and from tropical America and Asia together yields a comparable figure of 0.49 Mg C ha-1 yr-1 (n = 156; 562 ha; CI, 0.29–0.66; mean interval, 1987–97). This indicates a carbon sink of 1.3 Pg C yr-1 (CI, 0.8–1.6) across all tropical forests during recent decades. Taxon-specific analyses of African inventory and other data suggest that widespread changes in resource availability, such as increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations, may be the cause of the increase in carbon stocks, as some theory and models predict.

Ecological Applications | 2006


Jérôme Chave; Helene C. Muller-Landau; Timothy R. Baker; Tomás A. Easdale; Hans ter Steege; Campbell O. Webb

Wood density is a crucial variable in carbon accounting programs of both secondary and old-growth tropical forests. It also is the best single descriptor of wood: it correlates with numerous morphological, mechanical, physiological, and ecological properties. To explore the extent to which wood density could be estimated for rare or poorly censused taxa, and possible sources of variation in this trait, we analyzed regional, taxonomic, and phylogenetic variation in wood density among 2456 tree species from Central and South America. Wood density varied over more than one order of magnitude across species, with an overall mean of 0.645 g/cm3. Our geographical analysis showed significant decreases in wood density with increasing altitude and significant differences among low-altitude geographical regions: wet forests of Central America and western Amazonia have significantly lower mean wood density than dry forests of Central and South America, eastern and central Amazonian forests, and the Atlantic forests of Brazil; and eastern Amazonian forests have lower wood densities than the dry forests and the Atlantic forest. A nested analysis of variance showed that 74% of the species-level wood density variation was explained at the genus level, 34% at the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (APG) family level, and 19% at the APG order level. This indicates that genus-level means give reliable approximations of values of species, except in a few hypervariable genera. We also studied which evolutionary shifts in wood density occurred in the phylogeny of seed plants using a composite phylogenetic tree. Major changes were observed at deep nodes (Eurosid 1), and also in more recent divergences (for instance in the Rhamnoids, Simaroubaceae, and Anacardiaceae). Our unprecedented wood density data set yields consistent guidelines for estimating wood densities when species-level information is lacking and should significantly reduce error in Central and South American carbon accounting programs.

Nature | 2002

Increasing dominance of large lianas in Amazonian forests

Oliver L. Phillips; Rodolfo Vásquez Martínez; L. Arroyo; Timothy R. Baker; T. Killeen; Simon L. Lewis; Yadvinder Malhi; Abel Monteagudo Mendoza; David A. Neill; Percy Núñez Vargas; Miguel Alexiades; C. Cerón; A. Di Fiore; Terry L. Erwin; A. Jardim; Walter A. Palacios; M. Saldias; B. Vinceti

Ecological orthodoxy suggests that old-growth forests should be close to dynamic equilibrium, but this view has been challenged by recent findings that neotropical forests are accumulating carbon and biomass, possibly in response to the increasing atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide. However, it is unclear whether the recent increase in tree biomass has been accompanied by a shift in community composition. Such changes could reduce or enhance the carbon storage potential of old-growth forests in the long term. Here we show that non-fragmented Amazon forests are experiencing a concerted increase in the density, basal area and mean size of woody climbing plants (lianas). Over the last two decades of the twentieth century the dominance of large lianas relative to trees has increased by 1.7–4.6% a year. Lianas enhance tree mortality and suppress tree growth, so their rapid increase implies that the tropical terrestrial carbon sink may shut down sooner than current models suggest. Predictions of future tropical carbon fluxes will need to account for the changing composition and dynamics of supposedly undisturbed forests.

New Phytologist | 2010

Drought–mortality relationships for tropical forests

Oliver L. Phillips; Geertje M.F. van der Heijden; Simon L. Lewis; Gabriela Lopez-Gonzalez; Luiz E. O. C. Aragão; Jon Lloyd; Yadvinder Malhi; Abel Monteagudo; Samuel Almeida; Esteban Álvarez Dávila; Iêda Leão do Amaral; Sandy Andelman; Ana Andrade; Luzmila Arroyo; Gerardo Aymard; Timothy R. Baker; Lilian Blanc; Damien Bonal; Atila Alves de Oliveira; Kuo-Jung Chao; Nallaret Dávila Cardozo; Lola Da Costa; Ted R. Feldpausch; Joshua B. Fisher; Nikolaos M. Fyllas; Maria Aparecida Freitas; David Galbraith; Emanuel Gloor; Niro Higuchi; Eurídice N. Honorio

*The rich ecology of tropical forests is intimately tied to their moisture status. Multi-site syntheses can provide a macro-scale view of these linkages and their susceptibility to changing climates. Here, we report pan-tropical and regional-scale analyses of tree vulnerability to drought. *We assembled available data on tropical forest tree stem mortality before, during, and after recent drought events, from 119 monitoring plots in 10 countries concentrated in Amazonia and Borneo. *In most sites, larger trees are disproportionately at risk. At least within Amazonia, low wood density trees are also at greater risk of drought-associated mortality, independent of size. For comparable drought intensities, trees in Borneo are more vulnerable than trees in the Amazon. There is some evidence for lagged impacts of drought, with mortality rates remaining elevated 2 yr after the meteorological event is over. *These findings indicate that repeated droughts would shift the functional composition of tropical forests toward smaller, denser-wooded trees. At very high drought intensities, the linear relationship between tree mortality and moisture stress apparently breaks down, suggesting the existence of moisture stress thresholds beyond which some tropical forests would suffer catastrophic tree mortality.

Nature | 2015

Long-term decline of the Amazon carbon sink

Roel J. W. Brienen; Oliver L. Phillips; Ted R. Feldpausch; Emanuel Gloor; Timothy R. Baker; Jon Lloyd; Gabriela Lopez-Gonzalez; Abel Monteagudo-Mendoza; Yadvinder Malhi; Simon L. Lewis; R. Vásquez Martínez; Miguel Alexiades; E. Álvarez Dávila; Patricia Alvarez-Loayza; Ana Andrade; Luiz E. O. C. Aragão; Alejandro Araujo-Murakami; E.J.M.M. Arets; Luzmila Arroyo; Olaf S. Bánki; Christopher Baraloto; Jorcely Barroso; Damien Bonal; Rene G. A. Boot; José Luís C. Camargo; Carolina V. Castilho; V. Chama; Kuo-Jung Chao; Jérôme Chave; James A. Comiskey

Atmospheric carbon dioxide records indicate that the land surface has acted as a strong global carbon sink over recent decades, with a substantial fraction of this sink probably located in the tropics, particularly in the Amazon. Nevertheless, it is unclear how the terrestrial carbon sink will evolve as climate and atmospheric composition continue to change. Here we analyse the historical evolution of the biomass dynamics of the Amazon rainforest over three decades using a distributed network of 321 plots. While this analysis confirms that Amazon forests have acted as a long-term net biomass sink, we find a long-term decreasing trend of carbon accumulation. Rates of net increase in above-ground biomass declined by one-third during the past decade compared to the 1990s. This is a consequence of growth rate increases levelling off recently, while biomass mortality persistently increased throughout, leading to a shortening of carbon residence times. Potential drivers for the mortality increase include greater climate variability, and feedbacks of faster growth on mortality, resulting in shortened tree longevity. The observed decline of the Amazon sink diverges markedly from the recent increase in terrestrial carbon uptake at the global scale, and is contrary to expectations based on models.

Journal of Vegetation Science | 2002

An international network to monitor the structure, composition and dynamics of Amazonian forests (RAINFOR)

Yadvinder Malhi; Oliver L. Phillips; Jon Lloyd; Timothy R. Baker; James Wright; Samuel Almeida; L. Arroyo; T. Frederiksen; John Grace; Niro Higuchi; Timothy J. Killeen; William F. Laurance; C. Leaño; Simon L. Lewis; Patrick Meir; Abel Monteagudo; David A. Neill; P. Núñez Vargas; S.N. Panfil; S. Patiño; Nigel C. A. Pitman; Carlos A. Quesada; A. Rudas-Ll.; Rafael de Paiva Salomão; Scott R. Saleska; Natalino Silva; M. Silveira; W.G. Sombroek; Renato Valencia; R. Vásquez Martínez

Abstract The Amazon basin is likely to be increasingly affected by environmental changes: higher temperatures, changes in precipitation, CO2 fertilization and habitat fragmentation. To examine the important ecological and biogeochemical consequences of these changes, we are developing an international network, RAINFOR, which aims to monitor forest biomass and dynamics across Amazonia in a co-ordinated fashion in order to understand their relationship to soil and climate. The network will focus on sample plots established by independent researchers, some providing data extending back several decades. We will also conduct rapid transect studies of poorly monitored regions. Field expeditions analysed local soil and plant properties in the first phase (2001–2002). Initial results suggest that the network has the potential to reveal much information on the continental-scale relations between forest and environment. The network will also serve as a forum for discussion between researchers, with the aim of standardising sampling techniques and methodologies that will enable Amazonian forests to be monitored in a coherent manner in the coming decades. Abbreviation: PSP = Permanent sample plot.

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B | 2008

The changing Amazon forest

Oliver L. Phillips; Simon L. Lewis; Timothy R. Baker; Kuo-Jung Chao; Niro Higuchi

Long-term monitoring of distributed, multiple plots is the key to quantify macroecological patterns and changes. Here we examine the evidence for concerted changes in the structure, dynamics and composition of old-growth Amazonian forests in the late twentieth century. In the 1980s and 1990s, mature forests gained biomass and underwent accelerated growth and dynamics, all consistent with a widespread, long-acting stimulation of growth. Because growth on average exceeded mortality, intact Amazonian forests have been a carbon sink. In the late twentieth century, biomass of trees of more than 10 cm diameter increased by 0.62±0.23 t C ha−1 yr−1 averaged across the basin. This implies a carbon sink in Neotropical old-growth forest of at least 0.49±0.18 Pg C yr−1. If other biomass and necromass components are also increased proportionally, then the old-growth forest sink here has been 0.79±0.29 Pg C yr−1, even before allowing for any gains in soil carbon stocks. This is approximately equal to the carbon emissions to the atmosphere by Amazon deforestation. There is also evidence for recent changes in Amazon biodiversity. In the future, the growth response of remaining old-growth mature Amazon forests will saturate, and these ecosystems may switch from sink to source driven by higher respiration (temperature), higher mortality (as outputs equilibrate to the growth inputs and periodic drought) or compositional change (disturbances). Any switch from carbon sink to source would have profound implications for global climate, biodiversity and human welfare, while the documented acceleration of tree growth and mortality may already be affecting the interactions among millions of species.

Ecological Applications | 2008


Mark S. Reed; Andrew J. Dougill; Timothy R. Baker

Given the growing popularity of indicators among policy-makers to measure progress toward conservation and sustainability goals, there is an urgent need to develop indicators that can be used accurately by both specialists and nonspecialists, drawing from the knowledge possessed by each group. This paper uses a case study from the Kalahari, Botswana to show how participatory and ecological methods can be combined to develop robust indicators that are accessible to a range of users to monitor and enhance the sustainability of land management. First, potential environmental sustainability indicators were elicited from pastoralists in three study sites. This knowledge was then evaluated by pastoralists, before being tested empirically using ecological and soil-based techniques. Despite the wealth of local knowledge about indicators, this knowledge was thinly spread. The knowledge was more holistic than published indicator lists for monitoring rangelands, encompassing vegetation, soil, livestock, wild animal, and socioeconomic indicators. Pastoralist preferences for vegetation and livestock indicators match recent shifts in ecological theory suggesting that livestock populations reach equilibrium with key forage resources in semiarid environments. Although most indicators suggested by pastoralists were validated through empirical work (e.g., decreased grass cover and soil organic matter content, and increased abundance of Acacia mellifera and thatching grass), they were not always sufficiently accurate or reliable for objective degradation assessment, showing that local knowledge cannot be accepted unquestioningly. We suggest that, by combining participatory and ecological approaches, it is possible to derive more accurate and relevant indicators than either approach could achieve alone.

Global Ecology and Biogeography | 2014

Markedly divergent estimates of Amazon forest carbon density from ground plots and satellites

Edward T. A. Mitchard; Ted R. Feldpausch; Roel J. W. Brienen; Gabriela Lopez-Gonzalez; Abel Monteagudo; Timothy R. Baker; Simon L. Lewis; Jon Lloyd; Carlos A. Quesada; Manuel Gloor; Hans ter Steege; Patrick Meir; Esteban Álvarez; Alejandro Araujo-Murakami; Luiz E. O. C. Aragão; Luzmila Arroyo; Gerardo Aymard; Olaf Banki; Damien Bonal; Sandra A. Brown; Foster Brown; Carlos Cerón; Victor Chama Moscoso; Jérôme Chave; James A. Comiskey; Fernando Cornejo; Massiel Corrales Medina; Lola Da Costa; Flávia R. C. Costa; Anthony Di Fiore

Aim The accurate mapping of forest carbon stocks is essential for understanding the global carbon cycle, for assessing emissions from deforestation, and for rational land-use planning. Remote sensing (RS) is currently the key tool for this purpose, but RS does not estimate vegetation biomass directly, and thus may miss significant spatial variations in forest structure. We test the stated accuracy of pantropical carbon maps using a large independent field dataset. Location Tropical forests of the Amazon basin. The permanent archive of the field plot data can be accessed at: Methods Two recent pantropical RS maps of vegetation carbon are compared to a unique ground-plot dataset, involving tree measurements in 413 large inventory plots located in nine countries. The RS maps were compared directly to field plots, and kriging of the field data was used to allow area-based comparisons. Results The two RS carbon maps fail to capture the main gradient in Amazon forest carbon detected using 413 ground plots, from the densely wooded tall forests of the north-east, to the light-wooded, shorter forests of the south-west. The differences between plots and RS maps far exceed the uncertainties given in these studies, with whole regions over- or under-estimated by > 25%, whereas regional uncertainties for the maps were reported to be < 5%. Main conclusions Pantropical biomass maps are widely used by governments and by projects aiming to reduce deforestation using carbon offsets, but may have significant regional biases. Carbon-mapping techniques must be revised to account for the known ecological variation in tree wood density and allometry to create maps suitable for carbon accounting. The use of single relationships between tree canopy height and above-ground biomass inevitably yields large, spatially correlated errors. This presents a significant challenge to both the forest conservation and remote sensing communities, because neither wood density nor species assemblages can be reliably mapped from space.

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