Tino Kämpfer
University of Jena
Physical Review Letters | 2013
Kilian Peter Heeg; Hans-Christian Wille; Kai Schlage; Tatyana Guryeva; Daniel Schumacher; I. Uschmann; Kai Schulze; Berit Marx; Tino Kämpfer; G. G. Paulus; Ralf Röhlsberger; Jörg Evers
The control of light-matter interaction at the quantum level usually requires coherent laser fields. But already an exchange of virtual photons with the electromagnetic vacuum field alone can lead to quantum coherences, which subsequently suppress spontaneous emission. We demonstrate such spontaneously generated coherences (SGC) in a large ensemble of nuclei operating in the x-ray regime, resonantly coupled to a common cavity environment. The observed SGC originates from two fundamentally different mechanisms related to cooperative emission and magnetically controlled anisotropy of the cavity vacuum. This approach opens new perspectives for quantum control, quantum state engineering and simulation of quantum many-body physics in an essentially decoherence-free setting.
Nature Communications | 2013
Michael Schnell; Alexander Sävert; I. Uschmann; Maria Reuter; Maria Nicolai; Tino Kämpfer; Björn Landgraf; Oliver Jäckel; Oliver Jansen; A. Pukhov; Malte C. Kaluza; Christian Spielmann
Laser-plasma particle accelerators could provide more compact sources of high-energy radiation than conventional accelerators. Moreover, because they deliver radiation in femtosecond pulses, they could improve the time resolution of X-ray absorption techniques. Here we show that we can measure and control the polarization of ultra-short, broad-band keV photon pulses emitted from a laser-plasma-based betatron source. The electron trajectories and hence the polarization of the emitted X-rays are experimentally controlled by the pulse-front tilt of the driving laser pulses. Particle-in-cell simulations show that an asymmetric plasma wave can be driven by a tilted pulse front and a non-symmetric intensity distribution of the focal spot. Both lead to a notable off-axis electron injection followed by collective electron–betatron oscillations. We expect that our method for an all-optical steering is not only useful for plasma-based X-ray sources but also has significance for future laser-based particle accelerators.
Review of Scientific Instruments | 2005
Flavio Zamponi; Tino Kämpfer; Andreas Morak; I. Uschmann; E. Förster
In this Note we report on the characterization of a “deep depletion” charge-coupled device (CCD) in the keV range. Measurement of quantum efficiency for different energies from 4.5 until 27keV is given. A measurement of the capability of the CCD to detect single photons is also reported together with a determination of the spatial and spectral resolution. A Monte Carlo simulation was used to give a quantitative comparison with the measured spatial resolution.
Review of Scientific Instruments | 2013
Vinzenz Hilbert; Alexander Blinne; Silvio Fuchs; Torsten Feigl; Tino Kämpfer; Christian Rödel; I. Uschmann; Martin Wünsche; G. G. Paulus; E. Förster; U. Zastrau
We present a Michelson interferometer for 13.5 nm soft x-ray radiation. It is characterized in a proof-of-principle experiment using synchrotron radiation, where the temporal coherence is measured to be 13 fs. The curvature of the thin-film beam splitter membrane is derived from the observed fringe pattern. The applicability of this Michelson interferometer at intense free-electron lasers is investigated, particularly with respect to radiation damage. This study highlights the potential role of such Michelson interferometers in solid density plasma investigations using, for instance, extreme soft x-ray free-electron lasers. A setup using the Michelson interferometer for pseudo-Nomarski-interferometry is proposed.
SPECTRAL LINE SHAPES: Volume 15–19th International Conference on Spectral Line#N#Shapes | 2008
O. Renner; P. Sauvan; Elisabeth Dalimier; C. Riconda; F B Rosmej; Stefan Weber; Philippe Nicolai; O. Peyrusse; Ingo Uschmann; Sebastian Höfer; Tino Kämpfer; Robert Lötzsch; U. Zastrau; E. Förster; Eugene Oks
High‐resolution x‐ray spectroscopy is capable of providing complex information on environmental conditions in hot dense plasmas. Benefiting from application of modern spectroscopic methods, we report experiments aiming at identification of different phenomena occurring in laser‐produced plasma. Fine features observed in broadened profiles of the emitted x‐ray lines and their satellites are interpreted using theoretical models predicting spectra modification under diverse experimental situations.
Applied Physics Letters | 2014
B. Marx; Kai Schulze; I. Uschmann; Tino Kämpfer; Wehrhan O; Hans-Christian Wille; Kai Schlage; Ralf Röhlsberger; E. Weckert; E. Förster; T. Stöhlker; G. G. Paulus
We have measured the polarization purity of undulator radiation at 12.9 keV, with hitherto unachievable precision. We could measure a polarization purity of 1.8 × 10−4 by using a silicon channel-cut crystal with six Bragg reflections at 45° as analyzer.
Review of Scientific Instruments | 2012
R. Loetzsch; O. Jäckel; S. Höfer; Tino Kämpfer; J. Polz; I. Uschmann; Malte C. Kaluza; E. Förster; E. Stambulchik; E. Kroupp; Y. Maron
We developed a detection scheme, capable of measuring X-ray line shape of tracer ions in μm thick layers at the rear side of a target foil irradiated by ultra intense laser pulses. We performed simulations of the effect of strong electric fields on the K-shell emission of silicon and developed a spectrometer dedicated to record this emission. The combination of a cylindrically bent crystal in von Hámos geometry and a CCD camera with its single photon counting capability allows for a high dynamic range of the instrument and background free spectra. This approach will be used in future experiments to study electric fields of the order of TV/m at high density plasmas close to solid density.
Applied Physics Letters | 2011
Kai Schulze; Tino Kämpfer; I. Uschmann; S. Höfer; Robert Loetzsch; E. Förster
We demonstrate that an ultrashort-pulse laser-driven x-ray diode can be used for time-resolved experiments on a picosecond timescale. Hence, acoustical phonons in germanium are observed after ultrashort laser-excitation and the results are compared with calculations according to a microphysical model. We also show the advantages of this kind of picosecond x-ray source compared to other sources on the basis of its properties.
Applied Physics Letters | 2016
Hendrik Bernhardt; Berit Marx‐Glowna; Kai Schulze; Benjamin Grabiger; Johann Haber; Carsten Detlefs; Robert Loetzsch; Tino Kämpfer; Ralf Röhlsberger; E. Förster; T. Stöhlker; I. Uschmann; Gerhard G. Paulus
We report on the use of synthetic single-crystal diamonds for high purity x-ray polarimetry to improve the polarization purity of present-day x-ray polarimeters. The polarimeter setup consists of a polarizer and an analyzer, each based on two parallel diamond crystals used at a Bragg angle close to 45°. The experiment was performed using one (400) Bragg reflection on each diamond crystal and synchrotron undulator radiation at an x-ray energy of 9838.75 eV. A polarization purity of 8.9 × 10−10 was measured at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, which is the best value reported for two-reflection polarizer/analyzer setups. This result is encouraging and is a first step to improve the resolution of x-ray polarimeters further by using diamond crystal polarizers and analyzers with four or six consecutive reflections.
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation | 2015
Berit Marx‐Glowna; Kai Schulze; I. Uschmann; Tino Kämpfer; G. Weber; Christoph Hahn; Hans-Christian Wille; Kai Schlage; Ralf Röhlsberger; E. Förster; Thomas Stöhlker; G. G. Paulus
The spectrum of the undulator radiation of beamline P01 at Petra III has been measured after passing a multiple reflection channel-cut polarimeter. Odd and even harmonics up to the 15th order, as well as Compton peaks which were produced by the high harmonics in the spectrum, could been measured. These additional contributions can have a tremendous influence on the performance of the polarimeter and have to be taken into account for further polarimeter designs.