
Nature | 2003

Selective gating of visual signals by microstimulation of frontal cortex

Tirin Moore; Katherine M. Armstrong

Several decades of psychophysical and neurophysiological studies have established that visual signals are enhanced at the locus of attention. What remains a mystery is the mechanism that initiates biases in the strength of visual representations. Recent evidence argues that, during spatial attention, these biases reflect nascent saccadic eye movement commands. We examined the functional interaction of saccade preparation and visual coding by electrically stimulating sites within the frontal eye fields (FEF) and measuring its effect on the activity of neurons in extrastriate visual cortex. Here we show that visual responses in area V4 could be enhanced after brief stimulation of retinotopically corresponding sites within the FEF using currents below that needed to evoke saccades. The magnitude of the enhancement depended on the effectiveness of receptive field stimuli as well as on the presence of competing stimuli outside the receptive field. Stimulation of non-corresponding FEF representations could suppress V4 responses. The results suggest that the gain of visual signals is modified according to the strength of spatially corresponding eye movement commands.

Neuron | 2002

Complex Movements Evoked by Microstimulation of Precentral Cortex

Michael S. A. Graziano; Charlotte S. R. Taylor; Tirin Moore

Electrical microstimulation was used to study primary motor and premotor cortex in monkeys. Each stimulation train was 500 ms in duration, approximating the time scale of normal reaching and grasping movements and the time scale of the neuronal activity that normally accompanies movement. This stimulation on a behaviorally relevant time scale evoked coordinated, complex postures that involved many joints. For example, stimulation of one site caused the mouth to open and also caused the hand to shape into a grip posture and move to the mouth. Stimulation of this site always drove the joints toward this final posture, regardless of the direction of movement required to reach the posture. Stimulation of other cortical sites evoked different postures. Postures that involved the arm were arranged across cortex to form a map of hand positions around the body. This stimulation-evoked map encompassed both primary motor and the adjacent premotor cortex. We suggest that these regions fit together into a single map of the workspace around the body.

Nature Neuroscience | 2010

Stimulus onset quenches neural variability: a widespread cortical phenomenon

Mark M. Churchland; Byron M. Yu; John P. Cunningham; Leo P. Sugrue; Marlene R. Cohen; Greg Corrado; William T. Newsome; Andy Clark; Paymon Hosseini; Benjamin B. Scott; David C. Bradley; Matthew A. Smith; Adam Kohn; J. Anthony Movshon; Katherine M. Armstrong; Tirin Moore; Steve W. C. Chang; Lawrence H. Snyder; Stephen G. Lisberger; Nicholas J. Priebe; Ian M. Finn; David Ferster; Stephen I. Ryu; Gopal Santhanam; Maneesh Sahani; Krishna V. Shenoy

Neural responses are typically characterized by computing the mean firing rate, but response variability can exist across trials. Many studies have examined the effect of a stimulus on the mean response, but few have examined the effect on response variability. We measured neural variability in 13 extracellularly recorded datasets and one intracellularly recorded dataset from seven areas spanning the four cortical lobes in monkeys and cats. In every case, stimulus onset caused a decline in neural variability. This occurred even when the stimulus produced little change in mean firing rate. The variability decline was observed in membrane potential recordings, in the spiking of individual neurons and in correlated spiking variability measured with implanted 96-electrode arrays. The variability decline was observed for all stimuli tested, regardless of whether the animal was awake, behaving or anaesthetized. This widespread variability decline suggests a rather general property of cortex, that its state is stabilized by an input.

Neuron | 2003

Visuomotor Origins of Covert Spatial Attention

Tirin Moore; Katherine M. Armstrong; Mazyar Fallah

Covert spatial attention produces biases in perceptual performance and neural processing of behaviorally relevant stimuli in the absence of overt orienting movements. The neural mechanism that gives rise to these effects is poorly understood. This paper surveys past evidence of a relationship between oculomotor control and visual spatial attention and more recent evidence of a causal link between the control of saccadic eye movements by frontal cortex and covert visual selection. Both suggest that the mechanism of covert spatial attention emerges as a consequence of the reciprocal interactions between neural circuits primarily involved in specifying the visual properties of potential targets and those involved in specifying the movements needed to fixate them.

Neuron | 2002

The cortical control of movement revisited

Michael S. A. Graziano; Charlotte S. R. Taylor; Tirin Moore; Dylan F. Cooke

Recently, we found that electrical stimulation of motor cortex caused monkeys to make coordinated, complex movements. These evoked movements were arranged across the cortex in a map of spatial locations to which the hand moved. We suggest that some of the subdivisions previously described within primary motor and premotor cortex may represent different types of actions that monkeys tend to make in different regions of space. According to this view, primary and premotor cortex may fit together into a larger map of manual space.

Trends in Cognitive Sciences | 2006

Visual and oculomotor selection: links, causes and implications for spatial attention

Edward Awh; Katherine M. Armstrong; Tirin Moore

Natural scenes contain far more information than can be processed simultaneously. Thus, our visually guided behavior depends crucially on the capacity to attend to relevant stimuli. Past studies have provided compelling evidence of functional overlap of the neural mechanisms that control spatial attention and saccadic eye movements. Recent neurophysiological work demonstrates that the neural circuits involved in the preparation of saccades also play a causal role in directing covert spatial attention. At the same time, other studies have identified separable neural populations that contribute uniquely to visual and oculomotor selection. Taken together, all of the recent work suggests how visual and oculomotor signals are integrated to simultaneously select the visual attributes of targets and the saccades needed to fixate them.

Neuron | 2001

Eye Movements Modulate Visual Receptive Fields of V4 Neurons

As Tolias; Tirin Moore; Stelios M. Smirnakis; Edward J. Tehovnik; Athanassios G. Siapas; Peter H. Schiller

The receptive field, defined as the spatiotemporal selectivity of neurons to sensory stimuli, is central to our understanding of the neuronal mechanisms of perception. However, despite the fact that eye movements are critical during normal vision, the influence of eye movements on the structure of receptive fields has never been characterized. Here, we map the receptive fields of macaque area V4 neurons during saccadic eye movements and find that receptive fields are remarkably dynamic. Specifically, before the initiation of a saccadic eye movement, receptive fields shrink and shift towards the saccade target. These spatiotemporal dynamics may enhance information processing of relevant stimuli during the scanning of a visual scene, thereby assisting the selection of saccade targets and accelerating the analysis of the visual scene during free viewing.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2003

Complex movements evoked by microstimulation of the ventral intraparietal area

Dylan F. Cooke; Charlotte S. R. Taylor; Tirin Moore; Michael S. A. Graziano

Most neurons in the ventral intraparietal area (VIP) of the macaque brain respond to both visual and tactile stimuli. The tactile receptive field is usually on the face, and the visual receptive field usually corresponds spatially to the tactile receptive field. In this study, electrical microstimulation of VIP, but not of surrounding tissue, caused a constellation of movements including eye closure, facial grimacing, head withdrawal, elevation of the shoulder, and movements of the hand to the space beside the head or shoulder. A similar set of movements was evoked by an air puff to the monkeys cheek. One interpretation is that VIP contributes to defensive movements triggered by stimuli on or near the head.

Neuron | 2006

Changes in Visual Receptive Fields with Microstimulation of Frontal Cortex

Katherine M. Armstrong; Jamie K. Fitzgerald; Tirin Moore

The influence of attention on visual cortical neurons has been described in terms of its effect on the structure of receptive fields (RFs), where multiple stimuli compete to drive neural responses and ultimately behavior. We stimulated the frontal eye field (FEF) of passively fixating monkeys and produced changes in V4 responses similar to known effects of voluntary attention. Subthreshold FEF stimulation enhanced visual responses at particular locations within the RF and altered the interaction between pairs of RF stimuli to favor those aligned with the activated FEF site. Thus, we could influence which stimulus drove the responses of individual V4 neurons. These results suggest that spatial signals involved in saccade preparation are used to covertly select among multiple stimuli appearing within the RFs of visual cortical neurons.

Nature | 2011

Control of visual cortical signals by prefrontal dopamine

Behrad Noudoost; Tirin Moore

The prefrontal cortex is thought to modulate sensory signals in posterior cortices during top-down attention, but little is known about the underlying neural circuitry. Experimental and clinical evidence indicate that prefrontal dopamine has an important role in cognitive functions, acting predominantly through D1 receptors. Here we show that dopamine D1 receptors mediate prefrontal control of signals in the visual cortex of macaques (Macaca mulatta). We pharmacologically altered D1-receptor-mediated activity in the frontal eye field of the prefrontal cortex and measured the effect on the responses of neurons in area V4 of the visual cortex. This manipulation was sufficient to enhance the magnitude, the orientation selectivity and the reliability of V4 visual responses to an extent comparable with the known effects of top-down attention. The enhancement of V4 signals was restricted to neurons with response fields overlapping the part of visual space affected by the D1 receptor manipulation. Altering either D1- or D2-receptor-mediated frontal eye field activity increased saccadic target selection but the D2 receptor manipulation did not enhance V4 signals. Our results identify a role for D1 receptors in mediating the control of visual cortical signals by the prefrontal cortex and suggest how processing in sensory areas could be altered in mental disorders involving prefrontal dopamine.

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