Tobias Malm
University of Eastern Finland
PLOS ONE | 2012
Carlos Peña; Tobias Malm
There is an ever growing number of molecular phylogenetic studies published, due to, in part, the advent of new techniques that allow cheap and quick DNA sequencing. Hence, the demand for relational databases with which to manage and annotate the amassing DNA sequences, genes, voucher specimens and associated biological data is increasing. In addition, a user-friendly interface is necessary for easy integration and management of the data stored in the database back-end. Available databases allow management of a wide variety of biological data. However, most database systems are not specifically constructed with the aim of being an organizational tool for researchers working in phylogenetic inference. We here report a new software facilitating easy management of voucher and sequence data, consisting of a relational database as back-end for a graphic user interface accessed via a web browser. The application, VoSeq, includes tools for creating molecular datasets of DNA or amino acid sequences ready to be used in commonly used phylogenetic software such as RAxML, TNT, MrBayes and PAUP, as well as for creating tables ready for publishing. It also has inbuilt BLAST capabilities against all DNA sequences stored in VoSeq as well as sequences in NCBI GenBank. By using mash-ups and calls to web services, VoSeq allows easy integration with public services such as Yahoo! Maps, Flickr, Encyclopedia of Life (EOL) and GBIF (by generating data-dumps that can be processed with GBIFs Integrated Publishing Toolkit).
Cladistics | 2015
Tobias Malm; Tommi Nyman
The Hymenoptera constitutes one of the largest, and ecologically and economically most important, insect orders. During the past decade, a number of hypotheses on the phylogenetic relationships among hymenopteran families and superfamilies have been presented, based on analyses of molecular and/or morphological data. Nevertheless, many questions still remain, particularly concerning relationships within the hyperdiverse suborder Apocrita, but also when it comes to the evolutionary history of the ancestrally herbivorous “sawfly” lineages that form the basal, paraphyletic grade Symphyta. Because a large part of the uncertainty appears to stem from limited molecular and taxonomic sampling, we set out to investigate the phylogeny of Hymenoptera using nine protein‐coding genes, of which five are new to analyses of the order. In addition, we more than tripled the taxon coverage across the symphytan grade, introducing representatives for many previously unsampled lineages. We recover a well supported phylogenetic structure for these early herbivorous hymenopteran clades, with new information regarding the monophyly of Xyelidae, the placement of the superfamily Pamphilioidea as sister to Tenthredinoidea + Unicalcarida, as well as the interrelationships among the tenthredinoid families Tenthredinidae, Cimbicidae, and Diprionidae. Based on the obtained phylogenies, and to prevent paraphyly of Tenthredinidae, we propose erection of the tribe Heptamelini to family status (Heptamelidae). In particular, our results give new insights into subfamilial relationships within the Tenthredinidae and other species‐rich sawfly families. The expanded gene set provides a useful toolbox for future detailed analyses of symphytan subgroups, especially within the diverse superfamily Tenthredinoidea.
Systematic Entomology | 2013
Tobias Malm; Kjell Arne Johanson; Niklas Wahlberg
The insect order Trichoptera (caddisflies) forms the second most species‐rich monophyletic group of animals in freshwater. So far, several attempts have been made to elucidate its evolutionary history with both morphological and molecular data. However, none have attempted to analyse the time frame for its diversification. The order is divided into three suborders – Annulipalpia, Integripalpia and ‘Spicipalpia’. Historically, the most problematic taxon to place within the order is ‘Spicipalpia’, whose larvae do not build traditional cases or filtering nets like the majority of the caddisflies. They have previously been proposed to be the sister group of all other Trichoptera or more advanced within the order, with equivocal monophyly and with different interordinal placements among various studies. In order to resolve the evolutionary history of the caddisflies as well as timing their diversification, we utilized fragments of three nuclear (carbamoylphosphate synthethase, isocitrate dehydrogenase and RNA polymerase II) and one mitochondrial (cytochrome oxidase I) protein coding genes, with 16 fossil trichopteran taxa used for time calibration. The ‘spicipalpian’ families are recovered as ancestral to all other caddisflies, though paraphyletic. We recover stable relationships among most families and superfamilies, resolving many previously unrecognized phylogenetic affinities amongst extant families. The origin of Trichoptera is estimated to be around 234 Ma, i.e. Middle – Late Triassic.
Zoologica Scripta | 2009
Kjell Arne Johanson; Karl M. Kjer; Tobias Malm
Conoesucidae (Trichoptera, Insecta) are restricted to SE Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand. The family includes 42 described species in 12 genera, and each genus is endemic to either New Zealand or Australia. Although monophyly has been previously assumed, no morphological characters have been proposed to represent synapomorphies for the group. We collected molecular data from two mitochondrial genes (16S and cytochrome oxidase I), one nuclear gene (elongation factor 1‐α) (2237–2277 bp in total), and 12 morphological characters to produce the first phylogeny of the family. We combined the molecular and morphological characters and performed both a maximum parsimony analysis and a Bayesian analysis to test the monophyly of the family, and to hypothesize the phylogeny among its genera. The parsimony analysis revealed a single most parsimonious tree with Conoesucidae being a monophyletic taxon and sistergroup to the Calocidae. The Bayesian inference produced a distribution of trees, the consensus of which is supported with posterior probabilities of 100% for 15 out of 22 possible ingroup clades including the most basal branch of the family, indicating strong support for a monophyletic Conoesucidae. The most parsimonious tree and the tree from the Bayesian analysis were identical except that the ingroup genus Pycnocentria changed position by jumping to a neighbouring clade. Based on the assumption that the ancestral conoesucid species was present on both New Zealand and Australia, a biogeographical analysis using the dispersal‐vicariance criteria demonstrated that one or two (depending on which of the two phylogenetic reconstructions were applied) sympatric speciation events took place on New Zealand prior to a single, late dispersal from New Zealand to Australia.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution | 2012
Kjell Arne Johanson; Tobias Malm; Marianne Espeland; Elisabet Weingartner
We tested the previous hypotheses of the phylogenetic position and monophyly of the caddisfly family Polycentropodidae. We also tested previous hypotheses about the internal generic relationship within the family by including 15 ingroup genera, many of them also represented by the genotype. All families that were previously taxonomically associated with the polycentropodids were included in the analysis. The total data set of 2225 bp representing sequences of combined nuclear and mitochondrial genes and 171 taxa, was analyzed using Bayesian inference. We found strong support for a monophyletic Polycentropodidae with Ecnomidae as the closest sister group. The recently erected families Kambaitipsychidae and Pseudoneureclipsidae were monophyletic and distantly related to the Polycentropodidae. Within Polycentropodidae, monophyly and validity of the genera Neucentropus, Neureclipsis, Cyrnus, Holocentropus, Tasmanoplegas, Pahamunaya, Cernotina and Cyrnellus was strongly supported, while the genera Polycentropus, Polyplectropus, Plectrocnemia, Placocentropus and Nyctiophylax were all polyphyletic. The New Caledonian species were polyphyletic and represented three distinct clades. The sister group to the New Caledonian clades are from Australia, New Zealand and Chile, respectively. The Vanuatu species evolved after dispersal from the Fiji Islands. New internal primers for cytochrome oxidase I sequences of Trichoptera are introduced.
Molecular Ecology Resources | 2017
Stefan Schmidt; Andreas Taeger; Jérôme Morinière; Andrew D. Liston; Stephan M. Blank; Katja Kramp; Manfred Kraus; Olga Schmidt; Erik Heibo; Marko Prous; Tommi Nyman; Tobias Malm; Julie K. Stahlhut
The ‘Symphyta’ is a paraphyletic assemblage at the base of the order Hymenoptera, comprising 14 families and about 8750 species. All have phytophagous larvae, except for the Orussidae, which are parasitoids. This study presents and evaluates the results of DNA barcoding of approximately 5360 specimens of ‘Symphyta’, mainly adults, and 4362 sequences covering 1037 species were deemed of suitable quality for inclusion in the analysis. All extant families are represented, except for the Anaxyelidae. The majority of species and specimens are from Europe, but approximately 38% of the species and 13% of the specimens are of non‐European origin. The utility of barcoding for species identification and taxonomy of ‘Symphyta’ is discussed on the basis of examples from each of the included families. A significant level of cryptic species diversity was apparent in many groups. Other attractive applications include the identification of immature stages without the need to rear them, community analyses based on metabarcoding of bulk samples and association of the sexes of adults.
PLOS ONE | 2014
Sanna A. Leppänen; Tobias Malm; Kaisa Värri; Tommi Nyman
Genetic divergence and speciation in plant-feeding insects could be driven by contrasting selection pressures imposed by different plant species and taxa. While numerous examples of host-associated differentiation (HAD) have been found, the overall importance of HAD in insect diversification remains unclear, as few studies have investigated its frequency in relation to all speciation events. One promising way to infer the prevalence and repeatability of HAD is to estimate genetic differentiation in multiple insect taxa that use the same set of hosts. To this end, we measured and compared variation in mitochondrial COI and nuclear ITS2 sequences in population samples of leaf-galling Pontania and bud-galling Euura sawflies (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae) collected from six Salix species in two replicate locations in northern Fennoscandia. We found evidence of frequent HAD in both species complexes, as individuals from the same willow species tended to cluster together on both mitochondrial and nuclear phylogenetic trees. Although few fixed differences among the putative species were found, hierarchical AMOVAs showed that most of the genetic variation in the samples was explained by host species rather than by sampling location. Nevertheless, the levels of HAD measured across specific pairs of host species were not correlated in the two focal galler groups. Hence, our results support the hypothesis of HAD as a central force in herbivore speciation, but also indicate that evolutionary trajectories are only weakly repeatable even in temporally overlapping radiations of related insect taxa.
Systematic Entomology | 2017
Kjell Arne Johanson; Tobias Malm; Marianne Espeland
We inferred the phylogenetic relationships among 58 genera of Sericostomatoidea, representing all previously accepted families as well as genera that were not placed in established families. The analyses were based on five fragments of the protein coding genes carbamoylphosphate synthetase (CPSase of CAD), isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH), Elongation factor 1a (EF‐1a), RNA polymerase II (POL II) and cytochrome oxidase I (COI). The data set was analysed using Bayesian methods with a mixed model, raxml, and parsimony. The various methods generated slightly different results regarding relationships among families, but the shared results comprise support for: (i) a monophyletic Sericostomatoidea; (ii) a paraphyletic Parasericostoma due to inclusion of Myotrichia murina, leading to synonymization of Myotrichia with Parasericostoma; (iii) a polyphyletic Sericostomatidae, which is divided into two families, Sericostomatidae sensu stricto and Parasericostomatidae fam.n.; (iv) a polyphyletic Helicophidae which is divided into Helicophidae sensu stricto and Heloccabucidae fam.n.; (v) hypothesized phylogenetic placement of the former incerta sedis genera Ngoya, Seselpsyche and Karomana; (vi) a paraphyletic Costora (Conoesucidae) that should be divided into several genera after more careful examination of morphological data; (vii) reinstatement of Gyrocarisa as a valid genus within Petrothrincidae. A third family, Ceylanopsychidae fam.n., is established based on morphological characters alone. A hypothesis of the relationship among 14 of the 15 families in the superfamily is presented. A key to the families is presented based on adults (males). Taxonomic history, diagnosis, habitat preference and distribution data for all sericostomatoid families are presented.
Ecology Letters | 2012
Tommi Nyman; H. P. Linder; Carlos Peña; Tobias Malm; Niklas Wahlberg
Journal of Hymenoptera Research | 2014
Marko Prous; Stephan M. Blank; Henri Goulet; Erik Heibo; Andrew D. Liston; Tobias Malm; Tommi Nyman; Stefan Schmidt; David R. Smith; Hege Vårdal; Matti Viitasaari; Veli Vikberg; Andreas Taeger