Todd G. Caldwell
University of Texas at Austin
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing | 2016
Steven Chan; Rajat Bindlish; Peggy E. O'Neill; Eni G. Njoku; Thomas J. Jackson; Andreas Colliander; Fan Chen; Mariko S. Burgin; R. Scott Dunbar; Jeffrey R. Piepmeier; Simon H. Yueh; Dara Entekhabi; Michael H. Cosh; Todd G. Caldwell; Jeffrey P. Walker; Xiaoling Wu; Aaron A. Berg; Tracy L. Rowlandson; Anna Pacheco; Heather McNairn; M. Thibeault; Ángel González-Zamora; Mark S. Seyfried; David D. Bosch; Patrick J. Starks; David C. Goodrich; John H. Prueger; Michael A. Palecki; Eric E. Small; Marek Zreda
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) satellite mission was launched on January 31, 2015. The observatory was developed to provide global mapping of high-resolution soil moisture and freeze-thaw state every two to three days using an L-band (active) radar and an L-band (passive) radiometer. After an irrecoverable hardware failure of the radar on July 7, 2015, the radiometer-only soil moisture product became the only operational soil moisture product for SMAP. The product provides soil moisture estimates posted on a 36 km Earth-fixed grid produced using brightness temperature observations from descending passes. Within months after the commissioning of the SMAP radiometer, the product was assessed to have attained preliminary (beta) science quality, and data were released to the public for evaluation in September 2015. The product is available from the NASA Distributed Active Archive Center at the National Snow and Ice Data Center. This paper provides a summary of the Level 2 Passive Soil Moisture Product (L2_SM_P) and its validation against in situ ground measurements collected from different data sources. Initial in situ comparisons conducted between March 31, 2015 and October 26, 2015, at a limited number of core validation sites (CVSs) and several hundred sparse network points, indicate that the V-pol Single Channel Algorithm (SCA-V) currently delivers the best performance among algorithms considered for L2_SM_P, based on several metrics. The accuracy of the soil moisture retrievals averaged over the CVSs was 0.038 m3/m3 unbiased root-mean-square difference (ubRMSD), which approaches the SMAP mission requirement of 0.040 m3/m3.
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution: Focus | 2004
Dale W. Johnson; Richard B. Susfalk; Todd G. Caldwell; J. D. Murphy; Watkins W. Miller; Roger F. Walker
Estimates of C and N loss by gasification during a wildfire in a Jeffrey pine (Pinus Jeffreyii [Grev. and Balf.]) forest in Little Valley, Nevada are compared to potential losses in more mesic forests in the Integrated Forest Study (IFS). In Little Valley, the fire consumed the forest floor, foliage, and an unknown amount of soil organic matter, but little standing large woody material. on an ecosystem level, the fire consumed approximately equal percentages of C and N (12 and 9%, respectively), but a considerably greater proportion of aboveground N (71%) than C (21%). Salvage logging was the major factor in loss, and C lost from the site will not be replenished until forest vegetation is established and succeeds the current shrub vegetation. N2 fixation by Ceanothus velutinus [Dougl.l in the post-fire shrub vegetation appears to have more than made up for N lost by gasification in the fire over the first 16 yr, and may result in long-term increases in C stocks once forest vegetation takes over the site. N loss from the fire equaled > 1,000 years of atmospheric N deposition and > 10,000 years of N leaching at current rates. Calculations of C and N losses from theoretical wildfires in the IFS sites show similar patterns to those in Little Valley. Calculated losses of N in most of the IFS sites would equal many centuries of leaching. Conceptual models of biogeochemical cycling in forests need to include episodic events such as fire.
Biogeochemistry | 2001
Dale W. Johnson; Richard B. Susfalk; Randy A. Dahlgren; Todd G. Caldwell; Watkins W. Miller
We tested five hypotheses regarding the potential effects of precipitation change on spatial and temporal patterns of water flux, ion flux, and ion concentration in a semiarid, snowmelt-dominated forest in Little Valley, Nevada. Variations in data collected from 1995 to 1999 were used to examine the potential effects of snowpack amount and duration on ion concentrations and fluxes. Soil solution NO3−, NH4+, and ortho-phosphate concentrations and fluxes were uniformly low, and the variations in concentration bore no relationship to snowmelt water flux inputs of these ions. Weathering and cation exchange largely controlled the concentrations and fluxes of base cations from soils in these systems; however, soil solution base cation concentrations were affected by cation concentrations during snowmelt episodes. Soil solution Cl− and SO42− concentrations closely followed the patterns in snowmelt water, suggesting minimal buffering of either ion by soils. In contrast to other studies, the highest concentration and the majority of ion flux from the snowpack in Little Valley occurred in the later phases of snowmelt. Possible reasons for this include sublimation of the snowpack and dry deposition of organic matter during the later stages of snowmelt. Our comparison of interannual and spatial patterns revealed that variation in ion concentration rather than water flux is the most important driver of variation in ion flux. Thus, it is not safe to assume that changes in total precipitation amount will cause concomitant changes in ion inputs to this system.
Rangeland Ecology & Management | 2011
Benjamin M. Rau; Dale W. Johnson; Robert R. Blank; Annmarrie Lucchesi; Todd G. Caldwell; Eugene W. Schupp
Abstract Vegetation changes associated with climate shifts and anthropogenic disturbance have major impacts on biogeochemical cycling. Much of the interior western United States currently is dominated by sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata Nutt.) ecosystems. At low to intermediate elevations, sagebrush ecosystems increasingly are influenced by cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.) invasion. Little currently is known about the distribution of belowground organic carbon (OC) on these changing landscapes, how annual grass invasion affects OC pools, or the role that nitrogen (N) plays in carbon (C) retention. As part of a Joint Fire Sciences-funded project called the Sagebrush Treatment Evaluation Project (SageSTEP), we quantified the depth distribution of soil OC and N at seven sites experiencing cheatgrass invasion. We sampled plots that retained sagebrush, but represented a continuum of cheatgrass invasion into the understory. Eighty-four soil cores were taken using a mechanically driven diamond-tipped core drill to a depth of 90 cm, or until bedrock or a restrictive layer was encountered. Samples were taken in 15-cm increments, and soil, rocks, and roots were analyzed for OC and total N. We determined that cheatgrass influences the vertical distribution of OC and N within the soil profile and might result in decreased soil OC content below 60 cm. We also found that OC and total N associated with coarse fragments accounted for at least 10% of belowground pools. This emphasizes the need for researchers to quantify nutrients in deep soil horizons and coarse fragments.
Vadose Zone Journal | 2002
J. B. Sisson; Glendon W. Gee; Joel M. Hubbell; W. L. Bratton; J. C. Ritter; Anderson L. Ward; Todd G. Caldwell
Soil water pressures, measured over space and time, are needed to predict the direction of water flow and chemical transport in the vadose zone. Advanced tensiometers (ATs), which utilize a water-filled porous cup connected directly to a pressure transducer, can be installed at almost any location and depth using standard drilling techniques such as auger drilling, but these methods can significantly disturb the site. For sites where minimal disturbance is desired, alternate approaches for tensiometer placement have been sought. To test installation techniques and performance longevity, advanced tensiometers were placed into the ground at a test site near Richland, WA using two different installation methods, auger drilling and a drive-cone push technique. The tensiometers were subsequently monitored for nearly 2 yr without refilling or recalibration. The data indicated that tensiometers placed by the auger technique took several months to equilibrate, while the cone push units came to equilibrium within 24 h following their installation. Soil water pressures always remained above -90 cm pressure head (-90 mbar) at depths >90 cm. At the greatest depth (730 cm), positive then negative pressures were observed as the water table was lowered and the soil drained. The results suggest that for our test conditions (coarse sandy soil, no vegetation), soil water pressures stay well within the tensiometer range and unit gradient conditions persist, indicating a draining profile. Advanced tensiometers, placed either by auger or cone penetrometer, provide a robust and reliable method for long-term monitoring of soil water pressure profiles.
Geophysical Research Letters | 2016
Peter J. Shellito; Eric E. Small; Andreas Colliander; Rajat Bindlish; Michael H. Cosh; Aaron A. Berg; David D. Bosch; Todd G. Caldwell; David C. Goodrich; Heather McNairn; John H. Prueger; Patrick J. Starks; Rogier van der Velde; Jeffrey P. Walker
We examine soil drying rates by comparing surface soil moisture observations from the NASA Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission to those from networks of in situ probes upscaled to SMAPs sensing footprint. SMAP and upscaled in situ probes record different soil drying dynamics after rainfall. We modeled this process by fitting an exponential curve to 63 drydown events: the median SMAP drying timescale is 44% shorter and the magnitude of drying is 35% greater than in situ measurements. We also calculated drying rates between consecutive observations from 193 events. For 6 days after rainfall, soil moisture from SMAP dries at twice the rate of in situ measurements. Restricting in situ observations to times of SMAP observations does not change the drying timescale, magnitude, or rate. Therefore, observed differences are likely due to differences in sensing depths: SMAP measures shallower soil moisture than in situ probes, especially after rainfall.
Journal of Hydrometeorology | 2017
Rolf H. Reichle; Gabrielle De Lannoy; Q. Liu; Joseph V. Ardizzone; Andreas Colliander; Austin Conaty; Wade T. Crow; Thomas J. Jackson; Lucas A. Jones; John S. Kimball; Randal D. Koster; Sarith P. P. Mahanama; Edmond B. Smith; Aaron A. Berg; Simone Bircher; David D. Bosch; Todd G. Caldwell; Michael H. Cosh; Ángel González-Zamora; Chandra D. Holifield Collins; Karsten H. Jensen; Stan Livingston; Ernesto Lopez-Baeza; Heather McNairn; Mahta Moghaddam; Anna Pacheco; Thierry Pellarin; John H. Prueger; Tracy L. Rowlandson; Mark S. Seyfried
AbstractThe Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission Level-4 Surface and Root-Zone Soil Moisture (L4_SM) data product is generated by assimilating SMAP L-band brightness temperature observations into the NASA Catchment land surface model. The L4_SM product is available from 31 March 2015 to present (within 3 days from real time) and provides 3-hourly, global, 9-km resolution estimates of surface (0–5 cm) and root-zone (0–100 cm) soil moisture and land surface conditions. This study presents an overview of the L4_SM algorithm, validation approach, and product assessment versus in situ measurements. Core validation sites provide spatially averaged surface (root zone) soil moisture measurements for 43 (17) “reference pixels” at 9- and 36-km gridcell scales located in 17 (7) distinct watersheds. Sparse networks provide point-scale measurements of surface (root zone) soil moisture at 406 (311) locations. Core validation site results indicate that the L4_SM product meets its soil moisture accuracy requiremen...
Rangeland Ecology & Management | 2014
Benjamin M. Rau; Jeanne C. Chambers; David A. Pyke; Bruce A. Roundy; Eugene W. Schupp; Paul S. Doescher; Todd G. Caldwell
Abstract Current paradigm suggests that spatial and temporal competition for resources limit an exotic invader, cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.), which once established, alters fire regimes and can result in annual grass dominance in sagebrush steppe. Prescribed fire and fire surrogate treatments (mowing, tebuthiuron, and imazapic) are used to reduce woody fuels and increase resistance to exotic annuals, but may alter resource availability and inadvertently favor invasive species. We used four study sites within the Sagebrush Steppe Treatment Evaluation Project (SageSTEP) to evaluate 1) how vegetation and soil resources were affected by treatment, and 2) how soil resources influenced native herbaceous perennial and exotic annual grass cover before and following treatment. Treatments increased resin exchangeable NH4+, NO3−, H2PO4−, and K+, with the largest increases caused by prescribed fire and prolonged by application of imazapic. Burning with imazapic application also increased the number of wet growing degree days. Tebuthiuron and imazapic reduced exotic annual grass cover, but imazapic also reduced herbaceous perennial cover when used with prescribed fire. Native perennial herbaceous species cover was higher where mean annual precipitation and soil water resources were relatively high. Exotic annual grass cover was higher where resin exchangeable H2PO4− was high and gaps between perennial plants were large. Prescribed fire, mowing, and tebuthiuron were successful at increasing perennial herbaceous cover, but the results were often ephemeral and inconsistent among sites. Locations with sandy soil, low mean annual precipitation, or low soil water holding capacity were more likely to experience increased exotic annual grass cover after treatment, and treatments that result in slow release of resources are needed on these sites. This is one of few studies that correlate abiotic variables to native and exotic species cover across a broad geographic setting, and that demonstrates how soil resources potentially influence the outcome of management treatments.
Archive | 2000
Anderson L. Ward; Todd G. Caldwell; Glendon W. Gee
Contaminant transport through the vadose zone is a complex process controlled largely by interactions between subsurface lithologic features, water flow, and fluid properties. Understanding the processes controlling transport is an important prerequisite to the development and implementation of effective soil and ground water remediation programs. However, difficulties in directly observing and sampling the subsurface can complicate attempts to better describe subsurface transport processes and is mostly responsible for the large amount of uncertainty associated with vadose zone processes. The reduction of the uncertainty has been identified as a site need at Hanford by the STCG and the National Research Council (2000a) and is a key aspect of the site?s science and technology effort.
Other Information: PBD: 9 Mar 2001 | 2001
Todd G. Caldwell
Over 130 soil samples were collected from three soil borings in support of the VZFTS. The first boring was sampled just prior to the first injection test. The other two borings were sampled after completion of the injection tests. These soil samples were collected using a 7.6 cm (3 in) ID splitspoon sampler, with internal 15 cm (6 in.) long Lexan? liners. The samples ranged in depth from 4 to 17 m (13.5 to 56.5 ft), and were submitted to various laboratories for hydraulic property characterization and/or geochemical/tracer analyses. Preliminary results indicate that the major concentration front of the bromide tracer reached a relative depth of 5 m (below the injection point) 8 days after the final water injection and had migrated to a relative depth of about 7 m, 4 days later.