
11th Symposium on Geoinformatics for Intelligent Transportation, GIS Ostrava 2014, Ostrava, Czech Republic, 27-29 January 2014 | 2014

Geoinformatics for Intelligent Transportation

Igor Ivan; Itzhak Benenson; Bin Jiang; Jir Hork; James Haworth; Tomáš Inspektor

The aim of the book is to present and discuss new methods, issues and challenges involved in geoinformatics contribution to making transportation more intelligent, efficient and human-friendly. It covers a wide range of topics related to transportation and geoinformatics. The themes are divided into four main sections: Transport modeling, Sensor data and services, Intelligent transport systems, and Transport planning and accessibility.

Archive | 2017

Sparse Big Data Problem. A Case Study of Czech Graffiti Crimes

Jiří Horák; Igor Ivan; Tomáš Inspektor; Jan Tesla

Sparse data sets may be considered as a one of the issues of big data generating extremely uneven frequency distribution. To deal with this issue, special methods must be applied. The study is focused on the Czech graffiti crimes and selected factors (property offences, buildings, flats, garages, educational facilities, and gambling clubs) which may influence the graffiti crimes occurrence. For regression analysis decision trees with the exhaustive CHAID growing method were applied. Grid models with 100, 500 and 1000 m cells were tested. The model of 1 km grid was evaluated as the best. The most influencing factors are the occurrence of secondary schools and gambling devices enhanced for several territorial units. The results of the decision tree for 1 km grid are validated using alternative models of data aggregation—aggregation around the randomly selected building and randomly distributed points.

international conference on computational collective intelligence | 2013

Google Trends for Data Mining. Study of Czech Towns

Jiří Horák; Igor Ivan; Pavel Kukuliaă; Tomáš Inspektor; Branislav Deveăka; Markéta Návratová

Selected web search engines provide statistics of user activities according to the topics, time and locations. The utilization requires well prepared phrases and searching range. The system of etalons for calibration searching frequencies provided by Google Trends is proposed. It was applied for evaluation of searching names of Czech towns. The regression analysis proved high correlation with population. Highlighted anomalies were explored. K-means cluster analysis enabled a categorization of selected towns. The geographical network analysis of relationships among towns suffers from low quality of locations provided by Google. The discussion includes an overview of main pros and cons of Google Trends and provides recommendations.

Archive | 2018

Dynamics in GIscience

Igor Ivan; Jiří Horák; Tomáš Inspektor

The article gives a new approach to the assessment of objects in terms of various criteria which by its nature belong to the issue of multi-criteria decision making and analysis. The proposed variant of multi-criteria decision-making is based on a comparison of the real considered object model that is created according to user’s requirements with the reference value. The geographic object means a real object in this case the object is stored in digital geo-database in the geographic information system (GIS). The reference value represents optimal geographic object which is the most suitable for user’s purposes. The comparison of the values of individual criteria is based on the theory of tolerance and metric spaces. Supplementary GIS-based application to calculate the weights of the criteria, which have served to comparison was used. The proposed procedure for the evaluation of various criteria has been validated on a pilot project “SMART Regions” in the city Brno district of Nový Lískovec neighbourhood in the Czech Republic. Around the city district known by its typical of prefabricated blocks of flats it is necessary to compare the different options for renewal urban housing development. Urbanization city prefabricated housing estates using GIS opportunities will be ready to quick respond to the call of various changes in the field of energy sustainability. Therefore, it is important to utilize the available environmental resources for energy sustainability. D. Bartoněk (&) Faculty of Civil Engineering, Institute of Geodesy, Brno University of Technology, Veveří 330/95, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic e-mail: D. Bartoněk European Polytechnic Institute, Osvobození 899, 686 04 Kunovice, Czech Republic S. Dermeková J. Škurla Faculty of Civil Engineering, AdMaS Center, Brno University of Technology, Purkyňova 139, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic e-mail: J. Škurla e-mail:

XVIII. mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách. Sborník příspěvků. 18th International Colloquium on Regional ciences. | 2015

Regionální a blesková povodeň jako limitující faktor rozvoje

Jaromír Kolejka; Tomáš Krejčí; Petr Rapant; Tomáš Inspektor

Lokalizacni a rozvojove faktory jsou zpravidla dobře zname, zkoumane a zohledňovane při přijimani řeseni v rozhodovaci sfeře. Naopak limitujici faktory rozvoje obvykle stoji v pozadi. Soucasne datove zdroje, znalosti a modelacni technologie umožňuji do znacne miry předvidat rozsah nastale povodňove situace. Hodnoceni miry rizika regionalni nebo bleskove povodně nema být informaci odrazujici investory, ale naopak usměrňujici jejich aktivity do bezpecneho prostoru. Znalost rizikových lokalit v CR z hlediska uvaděných typů povodni přispiva rovněž bezpecnosti navstěvniků a mistniho obyvatelstva. Poznatky vhodně zakomponovane do rozvojových planů vsech dimenzi naopak podporuji iniciativy mistnich i externich investorů. Přispěvek doklada nekonvencni využiti veřejně dostupných geodat v podobě nabidky zasadni informace pro plany regionalniho rozvoje.

Archive | 2017

The Rise of Big Spatial Data

Igor Ivan; Alex Singleton; Jiří Horák; Tomáš Inspektor

international carpathian control conference | 2015

Early warning of flash floods based on the weather radar

Petr Rapant; Tomáš Inspektor; Jaromír Kolejka; Kateřina Batelková; Jana Zapletalová; Karel Kirchner; Tomáš Krejčí

Životné prostredie : revue pre teóriu a tvorbu životného#N#prostredia | 2016

Predikce rizika vzniku přívalové povodně s využitím dat meteorologických radarů

Petr Rapant; Jaromír Kolejka; Tomáš Inspektor

Archive | 2015

of Floods Based on the Weather Radar

Petr Rapant; Tomáš Inspektor; Jaromfr Kolejka; Katerina Batelkova; Jana Zapletalová; Karel Kirchner; Tomáš Krejčí

Archive | 2015

Non-parametric quick flash flood forecast: Case study of the Luha River flood on June 24, 2009

Petr Rapant; Jaromír Kolejka; Tomáš Inspektor; Kateřina Batelková

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