Tomáš Vomastek
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Journal of Cell Science | 2008
Marcin P. Iwanicki; Tomáš Vomastek; Robert W. Tilghman; Karen H. Martin; Jayashree Banerjee; Philip B. Wedegaertner; J. Thomas Parsons
A key step in cell migration is the dynamic formation and disassembly of adhesions at the front and the concomitant movement and release of adhesions in the rear of the cell. Fibroblasts maintained in the absence of serum have stable adhesions within the rear of the cell and exhibit reduced trailing-edge retraction resulting in an elongated cell phenotype. Addition of lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) induced the movement of adhesions and retraction of the trailing edge, thus mimicking tail retraction in a migrating cell. Focal adhesion kinase (FAK), guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEF) for Rho and the Rho effector Rho kinase II (ROCKII) are crucial for the regulation of adhesion movement and trailing-edge retraction. Downregulation of FAK by small interfering RNAs or small hairpin RNAs blocked LPA-induced adhesion movement and restoration of cell shape. This phenotype was rescued by the ectopic expression of PDZ-RhoGEF or a RhoA-effector-domain mutant that activates ROCK. Knockdown of PDZ-RhoGEF or ROCKII inhibited LPA-induced trailing-edge retraction and adhesion movement. Moreover, overexpressed PDZ-RhoGEF co-immunoprecipitated with FAK and localized to FAK-containing adhesions. These studies support a model in which FAK and PDZ-RhoGEF cooperate to induce Rho/ROCKII-dependent focal adhesion movement and trailing-edge retraction in response to LPA.
Molecular and Cellular Biology | 2007
Tomáš Vomastek; Marcin P. Iwanicki; Hans-Joerg Schaeffer; Adel Tarcsafalvi; J. T. Parsons; Michael J. Weber
ABSTRACT The extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) cascade is activated in response to a multitude of extracellular signals and converts these signals into a variety of specific biological responses, including cell differentiation, cell movement, cell division, and apoptosis. The specificity of the biological response is likely to be controlled in large measure by the localization of signaling, thus enabling ERK activity to be directed towards specific targets. Here we show that the RACK1 scaffold protein functions specifically in integrin-mediated activation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase/ERK cascade and targets active ERK to focal adhesions. We found that RACK1 associated with the core kinases of the ERK pathway, Raf, MEK, and ERK, and that attenuation of RACK1 expression resulted in a decrease in ERK activity in response to adhesion but not in response to growth factors. RACK1 silencing also caused a reduction of active ERK in focal adhesions, an increase in focal adhesion length, a decreased rate of focal adhesion disassembly, and decreased motility. Our data further suggest that focal adhesion kinase is an upstream activator of the RACK1/ERK pathway. We suggest that RACK1 tethers the ERK pathway core kinases and channels signals from upstream activation by integrins to downstream targets at focal adhesions.
Molecular and Cellular Biology | 2008
Tomáš Vomastek; Marcin P. Iwanicki; W. Richard Burack; Divya Tiwari; Devanand Kumar; J. Thomas Parsons; Michael J. Weber; Vinay Kumar Nandicoori
ABSTRACT Identifying direct substrates of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) and understanding how those substrates are selected is central to understanding how these ubiquitously activated enzymes generate diverse biological responses. In previous work, we identified several new candidate substrates for the MAPK ERK2 (extracellular signal-regulated kinase 2), including the nuclear pore complex protein Tpr (translocated promoter region). In this report, we identify sites on Tpr for ERK2 phosphorylation and binding and demonstrate their functional interaction. ERK2 phosphorylation and dimerization are necessary for ERK2-Tpr binding, and this occurs through a DEF (docking site for ERK2, FXF) domain on Tpr. Surprisingly, the DEF domain and the phosphorylation sites displayed positive cooperativity to promote ERK2 binding to Tpr, in contrast to substrates where phosphorylation reduces binding. Ectopic expression or depletion of Tpr resulted in decreased movement of activated ERK2 from the cytoplasm to the nucleus, implying a role for Tpr in ERK2 translocation. Collectively, the data provide direct evidence that a component of the nuclear pore complex is a bona fide substrate of ERK2 in vivo and that activated ERK2 stably associates with this substrate after phosphorylation, where it could play a continuing role in nuclear pore function. We propose that Tpr is both a substrate and a scaffold for activated ERKs.
Journal of Molecular Biology | 2013
Miloslava Maninová; Zuzana Klímová; J. Thomas Parsons; Michael J. Weber; Marcin P. Iwanicki; Tomáš Vomastek
The establishment of cell polarity is an essential step in the process of cell migration. This process requires precise spatiotemporal coordination of signaling pathways that in most cells create the typical asymmetrical profile of a polarized cell with nucleus located at the cell rear and the microtubule organizing center (MTOC) positioned between the nucleus and the leading edge. During cell polarization, nucleus rearward positioning promotes correct microtubule organizing center localization and thus the establishment of front-rear polarity and directional migration. We found that cell polarization and directional migration require also the reorientation of the nucleus. Nuclear reorientation is manifested as temporally restricted nuclear rotation that aligns the nuclear axis with the axis of cell migration. We also found that nuclear reorientation requires physical connection between the nucleus and cytoskeleton mediated by the LINC (linker of nucleoskeleton and cytoskeleton) complex. Nuclear reorientation is controlled by coordinated activity of lysophosphatidic acid (LPA)-mediated activation of GTPase Rho and the activation of integrin, FAK (focal adhesion kinase), Src, and p190RhoGAP signaling pathway. Integrin signaling is spatially induced at the leading edge as FAK and p190RhoGAP are predominantly activated or localized at this location. We suggest that integrin activation within lamellipodia defines cell front, and subsequent FAK, Src, and p190RhoGAP signaling represents the polarity signal that induces reorientation of the nucleus and thus promotes the establishment of front-rear polarity.
Cell Adhesion & Migration | 2014
Miloslava Maninová; Marcin P. Iwanicki; Tomáš Vomastek
Nucleus movement, positioning, and orientation is precisely specified and actively regulated within cells, and it plays a critical role in many cellular and developmental processes. Mutation of proteins that regulate the nucleus anchoring and movement lead to diverse pathologies, laminopathies in particular, suggesting that the nucleus correct positioning and movement is essential for proper cellular function. In motile cells that polarize toward the direction of migration, the nucleus undergoes controlled rotation promoting the alignment of the nucleus with the axis of migration. Such spatial organization of the cell appears to be optimal for the cell migration. Nuclear reorientation requires the cytoskeleton to be anchored to the nuclear envelope, which exerts pulling or pushing torque on the nucleus. Here we discuss the possible molecular mechanisms regulating the nuclear rotation and reorientation and the significance of this type of nuclear movement for cell migration.
FEBS Journal | 2016
Miloslava Maninová; Tomáš Vomastek
In polarized motile cells, stress fibers display specific three‐dimensional organization. Ventral stress fibers, attached to focal adhesions at both ends, are restricted to the basal side of the cell and nonprotruding cell sides. Dorsal fibers, transverse actin arcs, and perinuclear actin fibers emanate from protruding cell front toward the nucleus and toward apical side of the cell. Perinuclear cap fibers further extend above the nucleus, associate with nuclear envelope through LINC (linker of nucleoskeleton and cytoskeleton) complex and terminate in focal adhesions at cell rear. How are perinuclear actin fibers formed is poorly understood. We show that the formation of perinuclear actin fibers requires dorsal stress fibers that polymerize from focal adhesions at leading edge, and transverse actin arcs that are interconnected with dorsal fibers in spots rich in α‐actinin‐1. During cell polarization, the interconnected dorsal fibers and transverse arcs move from leading edge toward dorsal side of the cell. As they move, transverse arcs associate with one end of stress fibers present at nonprotruding cell sides, move them above the nucleus thus forming perinuclear actin fibers. Furthermore, the formation of perinuclear actin fibers induces temporal rotational movement of the nucleus resulting in nuclear reorientation to the direction of migration. These results suggest that the network of dorsal fibers, transverse arcs, and perinuclear fibers transfers mechanical signal between the focal adhesions and nuclear envelope that regulates the nuclear reorientation in polarizing cells.
Cellular Signalling | 2013
Josef Čáslavský; Zuzana Klímová; Tomáš Vomastek
The ERK (extracellular signal-regulated kinases) cascade has an evolutionarily conserved three tier architecture consisting of protein kinases Raf, MEK (MAPK/ERK kinase) and ERK. Following activation, ERK phosphorylates various cellular elements leading to diverse cellular responses. Downstream of ERK the family of p90 ribosomal S6 kinases (RSKs) has been proven to be an important conveyor of ERK signaling, however, little is known if ERK and RSK coordinate their functions to generate a specific biological response. Here we show that in epithelial cells conditional activation of the ERK pathway causes phenotypic conversion of epithelial cells to autonomously migrating cells. This process involves two sequential steps characterized by loss of apical-basal polarity followed by cell scattering. The activation of ERK, but not RSK, is sufficient for the execution of the first step and it requires calpain mediated remodeling of actin cytoskeleton. Conversely, RSK regulates the successive stage characterized by cell-cell contact weakening and increased cellular migration. Thus, ERK and RSK regulate different cellular subprograms and coordinated execution of these subprograms in time generates a relevant biological response. Our data also suggest that the mechanism by which the ERK pathway controls a cellular response may be distributed between ERK and RSK, rather than being elicited by a single effector kinase.
Protoplasma | 2017
Miloslava Maninová; Josef Caslavsky; Tomáš Vomastek
Stress fibers are actin bundles encompassing actin filaments, actin-crosslinking, and actin-associated proteins that represent the major contractile system in the cell. Different types of stress fibers assemble in adherent cells, and they are central to diverse cellular processes including establishment of the cell shape, morphogenesis, cell polarization, and migration. Stress fibers display specific cellular organization and localization, with ventral fibers present at the basal side, and dorsal fibers and transverse actin arcs rising at the cell front from the ventral to the dorsal side and toward the nucleus. Perinuclear actin cap fibers are a specific subtype of stress fibers that rise from the leading edge above the nucleus and terminate at the cell rear forming a dome-like structure. Perinuclear actin cap fibers are fixed at three points: both ends are anchored in focal adhesions, while the central part is physically attached to the nucleus and nuclear lamina through the linker of nucleoskeleton and cytoskeleton (LINC) complex. Here, we discuss recent work that provides new insights into the mechanism of assembly and the function of these actin stress fibers that directly link extracellular matrix and focal adhesions with the nuclear envelope.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta | 2016
Zuzana Klímová; Vojtěch Bráborec; Miloslava Maninová; Josef Čáslavský; Michael J. Weber; Tomáš Vomastek
The spreading of adhering cells is a morphogenetic process during which cells break spherical or radial symmetry and adopt migratory polarity with spatially segregated protruding cell front and non-protruding cell rear. The organization and regulation of these symmetry-breaking events, which are both complex and stochastic, are not fully understood. Here we show that in radially spreading cells, symmetry breaking commences with the development of discrete non-protruding regions characterized by large but sparse focal adhesions and long peripheral actin bundles. Establishment of this non-protruding static region specifies the distally oriented protruding cell front and thus determines the polarity axis and the direction of cell migration. The development of non-protruding regions requires ERK2 and the ERK pathway scaffold protein RACK1. RACK1 promotes adhesion-mediated activation of ERK2 that in turn inhibits p190A-RhoGAP signaling by reducing the peripheral localization of p190A-RhoGAP. We propose that sustained ERK signaling at the prospective cell rear induces p190A-RhoGAP depletion from the cell periphery resulting in peripheral actin bundles and cell rear formation. Since cell adhesion activates both ERK and p190A-RhoGAP signaling this constitutes a spatially confined incoherent feed-forward signaling circuit.
Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity | 2018
Kateřina Vaňková; Ivana Marková; Jana Jašprová; Aleš Dvořák; Iva Subhanová; Jaroslav Zelenka; Iva Novosádová; Jan Rasl; Tomáš Vomastek; Roman Sobotka; Lucie Muchova; Libor Vitek
Nutritional factors which exhibit antioxidant properties, such as those contained in green plants, may be protective against cancer. Chlorophyll and other tetrapyrrolic compounds which are structurally related to heme and bilirubin (a bile pigment with antioxidant activity) are among those molecules which are purportedly responsible for these effects. Therefore, the aim of our study was to assess both the antiproliferative and antioxidative effects of chlorophylls (chlorophyll a/b, chlorophyllin, and pheophytin a) in experimental pancreatic cancer. Chlorophylls have been shown to produce antiproliferative effects in pancreatic cancer cell lines (PaTu-8902, MiaPaCa-2, and BxPC-3) in a dose-dependent manner (10–125 μmol/L). Chlorophylls also have been observed to inhibit heme oxygenase (HMOX) mRNA expression and HMOX enzymatic activity, substantially affecting the redox environment of pancreatic cancer cells, including the production of mitochondrial/whole-cell reactive oxygen species, and alter the ratio of reduced-to-oxidized glutathione. Importantly, chlorophyll-mediated suppression of pancreatic cancer cell viability has been replicated in in vivo experiments, where the administration of chlorophyll a resulted in the significant reduction of pancreatic tumor size in xenotransplanted nude mice. In conclusion, this data suggests that chlorophyll-mediated changes on the redox status of pancreatic cancer cells might be responsible for their antiproliferative and anticancer effects and thus contribute to the decreased incidence of cancer among individuals who consume green vegetables.