Torcuato Labella Caballero
University of Santiago de Compostela
Acta otorrinolaringológica española | 2012
Marcos Rossi Izquierdo; Carlos Martín Martín; Torcuato Labella Caballero
Endoscopic surgical techniques allow treating various pathological diseases of the cranial base, including cerebrospinal fluid leaks (CSF). These approaches have a high success rate and reduce surgical time and morbidity. However, when they are located in the lateral wall of the sphenoid, the surgery is more complex. In our case, the CSF appeared to be related with a Sternbergs canal. Predisposing factors were also associated with an extensive unilateral pneumatization of the sinus and benign intracranial hypertension. The closure of the leak was achieved using an endoscopic transethmoidal transpterygoid approach for proper exposition of the lateral wall of the sphenoid. After five years of monitoring, the patient has had no more episodes of rhinoliquorrhea.
Acta otorrinolaringológica española | 2009
Marcos Rossi Izquierdo; Andrés Soto Varela; Sofía Santos Pérez; Torcuato Labella Caballero
INTRODUCTION The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) in patients diagnosed with endolymphatic hydrops (EH) and to analyze whether this association is a factor for poor prognosis in these patients. MATERIAL AND METHODS A retrospective study was carried out in our department among the patients definitively diagnosed as having Ménières disease according to the criteria of the American Academy of Otolaryngology and BPPV by the usual triggering manoeuvres. RESULTS The prevalence of BPPV in our patients with EH was 5.1%. The rate of cure with the repositioning manoeuvres is 90.9%, however success with the first manoeuvre was only 63.36%. Recurrences occurred in up to 22.22%. We found a lower success rate with the first manoeuvre in relation to the rest of the patients with BPPV without EH. This difference is statistically significant (P=0.042). DISCUSSION We did not find that these patients to have a lower rate of cure with the repositioning manoeuvres or a higher rate of recurrence. But in our protocol the first manoeuvre had a lower success rate than in the rest of the patients.
Acta otorrinolaringológica española | 2008
Luis Puñal Vidal; José Manuel Suárez Peñaranda; Marcos Rossi Izquierdo; Cristina Dios Loureiro; Torcuato Labella Caballero; Jerónimo Forteza Vila
El adenocarcinoma de laringe es un tipo de tumor muy infrecuente, que supone solo un 0,35-0,5 % de las neoplasias laringeas malignas. Se caracteriza por su elevada agresividad y por su tendencia a producir metastasis en los ganglios linfaticos regionales y a distancia. Presentamos el caso de un varon de 64 anos de edad con un adenocarcinoma de laringe con metastasis ganglionares en el momento del diagnostico. Fue tratado con una combinacion de cirugia y radioterapia postoperatoria. Siete meses despues presento recidiva regional.
Acta Otorrinolaringologica | 2008
Luis Puñal Vidal; José Manuel Suárez Peñaranda; Marcos Rossi Izquierdo; Cristina Dios Loureiro; Torcuato Labella Caballero; Jerónimo Forteza Vila
Laryngeal adenocarcinomas are extremely unusual (only 0.35%–0.5% of all laryngeal malignancies). It usually behaves as a highly malignant tumour, with tendency for local lymph node and distant organ metastases. We report a case of a 64-year-old man with an adenocarcinoma of the larynx with cervical lymph node involvement at the moment of the diagnosis. The patient was treated with surgery (total laryngectomy and cervical lymph node dissection) and postoperative radiotherapy. Seven months later, the patient had a local recurrence.
Acta Otorrinolaringologica | 2009
Marcos Rossi Izquierdo; Andrés Soto Varela; Sofía Santos Pérez; Torcuato Labella Caballero
Abstract Introduction The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) in patients diagnosed with endolymphatic hydrops (EH) and to analyze whether this association is a factor for poor prognosis in these patients. Material and methods A retrospective study was carried out at our department among the patients definitively diagnosed as having Menieres disease according to the criteria of the American Academy of Otolaryngology and BPPV by the usual triggering manoeuvres. Results The prevalence of BPPV in our patients with EH was 5.1%. The rate of cure with the repositioning manoeuvres is 90.9%, however success with the first manoeuvre was only 63.36%. Recurrences occurred in up to 22.22%. We found a lower success rate with the first manoeuvre in relation to the rest of the patients with BPPV without EH. This difference is statistically significant ( P Discussion We did not find that these patients had a lower rate of cure with the repositioning manoeuvres or a higher rate of recurrence. But in our protocol the first manoeuvre had a lower success rate than in the rest of the patients.
Acta otorrinolaringológica española | 2008
Rubén Duilio Manrique Lipa; Andrés Soto Varela; Sofía Santos Pérez; Roslyn Kathryn Manrique Lipa; Ana Isabel Lorenzo Lorenzo; Torcuato Labella Caballero
Acta Otorrinolaringologica | 2012
Marcos Rossi Izquierdo; Carlos Martín Martín; Torcuato Labella Caballero
Revista Portuguesa de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia Cérvico-Facial | 2008
Ana Faraldo García; Marcos Rossi Izquierdo; Carlos Martín Martín; Begoña Vieites Pérez Quintela; Asunción Lozano Ramírez; Torcuato Labella Caballero
Acta Otorrinolaringologica | 2008
Rubén Duilio Manrique Lipa; Andrés Soto Varela; Sofía Santos Pérez; Roslyn Kathryn Manrique Lipa; Ana Isabel Lorenzo Lorenzo; Torcuato Labella Caballero
Revista Portuguesa de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia Cérvico-Facial | 2012
Wasim Elhendi Halawa; Sofía Santos Pérez; Antonio Caravaca García; Torcuato Labella Caballero