Toshiyuki Ihara
Kyoto University
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters | 2016
Daiki Yamashita; Taketo Handa; Toshiyuki Ihara; Hirokazu Tahara; Ai Shimazaki; Atsushi Wakamiya; Yoshihiko Kanemitsu
Charge carrier dynamics in perovskite CH3NH3PbI3 solar cells were studied by means of microscopic photoluminescence (PL) and photocurrent (PC) imaging spectroscopy. The PL intensity, PL lifetime, and PC intensity varied spatially on the order of several tens of micrometers. Simultaneous PL and PC image measurements revealed a positive correlation between the PL intensity and PL lifetime, and a negative correlation between PL and PC intensities. These correlations were due to the competition between photocarrier injection from the CH3NH3PbI3 layer into the charge transport layer and photocarrier recombination within the CH3NH3PbI3 layer. Furthermore, we found that the decrease in the carrier injection efficiency under prolonged light illumination leads to a reduction in PC, resulting in light-induced degradation of solar cell devices. Our findings provide important insights for understanding carrier injection at the interface and light-induced degradation in perovskite solar cells.
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters | 2017
Naoki Yarita; Hirokazu Tahara; Toshiyuki Ihara; Tokuhisa Kawawaki; Ryota Sato; Masaki Saruyama; Toshiharu Teranishi; Yoshihiko Kanemitsu
Metal-halide perovskite nanocrystals (NCs) are promising photonic materials for use in solar cells, light-emitting diodes, and lasers. The optoelectronic properties of these devices are determined by the excitons and exciton complexes confined in their NCs. In this study, we determined the relaxation dynamics of charged excitons and biexcitons in CsPbBr3 NCs using femtosecond transient-absorption (TA), time-resolved photoluminescence (PL), and single-dot second-order photon correlation spectroscopy. Decay times of ∼40 and ∼200 ps were obtained from the TA and PL decay curves for biexcitons and charged excitons, respectively, in NCs with an average edge length of 7.7 nm. The existence of charged excitons even under weak photoexcitation was confirmed by the second-order photon correlation measurements. We found that charged excitons play a dominant role in luminescence processes of CsPbBr3 NCs. Combining different spectroscopic techniques enabled us to clarify the dynamical behaviors of excitons, charged excitons, and biexcitons.
Applied Physics Letters | 2015
David M. Tex; Toshiyuki Ihara; Hidefumi Akiyama; Mitsuru Imaizumi; Yoshihiko Kanemitsu
Conventional external quantum-efficiency measurement of solar cells provides charge-collection efficiency for approximate short-circuit conditions. Because this differs from actual operating voltages, the optimization of high-quality tandem solar cells is especially complicated. Here, we propose a contactless method, which allows for the determination of the voltage dependence of charge-collection efficiency for each subcell independently. By investigating the power dependence of photoluminescence decays, charge-separation and recombination-loss time constants are obtained. The upper limit of the charge-collection efficiencies at the operating points is then obtained by applying the uniform field model. This technique may complement electrical characterization of the voltage dependence of charge collection, since subcells are directly accessible.
Angewandte Chemie | 2017
Hung-Chia Wang; W. N. Wang; An-Cih Tang; Hsin-Yu Tsai; Zhen Bao; Toshiyuki Ihara; Naoki Yarita; Hirokazu Tahara; Yoshihiko Kanemitsu; Shuming Chen; Ru-Shi Liu
All inorganic CsPbBr3 perovskite quantum dots (QDs) are potential emitters for electroluminescent displays. We have developed a facile hot-injection method to partially replace the toxic Pb2+ with highly stable Sn4+ . Meanwhile, the absolute photoluminescence quantum yield of CsPb1-x Snx Br3 increased from 45 % to 83 % with SnIV substitution. The transient absorption (TA) exciton dynamics in undoped CsPbBr3 and CsPb0.67 Sn0.33 Br3 QDs at various excitation fluences were determined by femtosecond transient absorption, time-resolved photoluminescence, and single-dot spectroscopy, providing clear evidence for the suppression of trion generation by Sn doping. These highly luminescent CsPb0.67 Sn0.33 Br3 QDs emit at 517 nm. A device based on these QDs exhibited a luminance of 12 500 cd m-2 , a current efficiency of 11.63 cd A-1 , an external quantum efficiency of 4.13 %, a power efficiency of 6.76 lm w-1 , and a low turn-on voltage of 3.6 V, which are the best values among reported tin-based perovskite quantum-dot LEDs.
Chemical Science | 2014
Masashi Ono; Taishi Nishihara; Toshiyuki Ihara; Makoto Kikuchi; Atsushi Tanaka; Masayuki Suzuki; Yoshihiko Kanemitsu
Semiconducting nanocrystal quantum dot (QD) films with high multiple exciton generation (MEG) efficiencies and high exciton dissociation efficiencies are appealing as solar cell materials. Here, we report the strong enhancement of the photocurrent in close-packed QD films, and discuss the importance of surface ligands on MEG and charge transport in QD films. Both exciton-recombination and charge-transport properties are influenced by the phenomenon of carrier tunnelling between neighboring QDs in thin films. These results can have important implications in the design of chemical treatments to control the electronic interactions between QDs in solution-processed solar cells. We demonstrate that the inorganic- and small sized-ligand passivation of PbS QDs by potassium thiocyanate causes a significant photocurrent enhancement.
Applied Physics Letters | 2007
Makoto Okano; Shu Man Liu; Toshiyuki Ihara; Hirotake Itoh; Masahiro Yoshita; Hidefumi Akiyama; Loren Pfeiffer; K. W. West; Oana Malis
The authors measured the temperature dependence of the lasing properties of current-injection T-shaped GaAs∕AlGaAs quantum-wire (T-wire) lasers with perpendicular p- and n-doping layers. The T-wire lasers with high-reflectivity coatings on both cleaved facets achieved continuous-wave single-mode operation between 5 and 110K. The lowest threshold current was 2.1mA at 100K. The temperature dependences of differential quantum efficiency and threshold current were attributed mainly to that of current-injection efficiency.
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters | 2017
Nao Hiroshige; Toshiyuki Ihara; Masaki Saruyama; Toshiharu Teranishi; Yoshihiko Kanemitsu
Giant-shell CdSe/CdS core/shell nanocrystals have attracted much attention due to their unique quasi-type-II band alignment, where a large valence band offset confines holes strongly to the core but electrons are delocalized due to a small conduction band offset. Here, we report the observation of the relative enhancement in the radiative recombination rate of a biexciton compared to that of an exciton in giant-shell CdSe/CdS nanocrystals. We found a clear correlation between the shell thickness of the CdSe/CdS nanocrystals and the ratio between the radiative recombination rates of the biexciton and exciton. Our finding can be explained by a picture in which the biexciton emission efficiency is enhanced through electron localization around the core due to the strong Coulomb potential of the two holes confined in the core.
Applied Physics Letters | 2012
Masahiro Yoshita; Takayuki Okada; Hidefumi Akiyama; Makoto Okano; Toshiyuki Ihara; Loren Pfeiffer; K. W. West
An absorption-spectroscopy method that utilizes internal emissions as the source of the probe light was used to measure the absorption spectra of quasi-one-dimensional (q-1D) excitons in T-shaped quantum wires embedded in an optical waveguide. The modal absorption area of the 1D ground-state excitons was estimated to be 0.39 eV cm−1 and was almost independent of temperature in the range 4–150 K. Quantitative evaluation using the absorption spectra revealed that the absorption cross-section per unit length at resonance peak and the spectrally integrated absorption cross-section area per unit length of the 1D ground-state excitons were 1.0 nm and 2.5 × 10−3 eV nm, respectively.
photovoltaic specialists conference | 2015
David M. Tex; Toshiyuki Ihara; Hidefumi Akiyama; Mitsuru Imaizumi; Yoshihiko Kanemitsu
Time-resolved photoluminescence (PL) is very useful for analyzing carrier dynamics and electrical properties of subcells which cannot be contacted directly. We investigate the excitation spot-size dependence of the PL decay time constants which are observed at high excitation powers. The excitation spot-size dependence is approximately linear and almost the same for both time constants. The origin of the spot-size dependence and the method for obtaining the subcell carrier-collection efficiencies are discussed.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics | 2014
David M. Tex; Toshiyuki Ihara; Itaru Kamiya; Yoshihiko Kanemitsu
Efficient upconverted photocurrent (PC) generation was verified for excitation of shallow InAs quantum well island (QWI) structures embedded in AlGaAs. Despite the weak absorption of a single layer with height of a few monolayer, about 0.04% increased external quantum efficiency for conversion of narrow monochromatic near-infrared light to PC was achieved. The excitation power dependence of the PC spectra indicates that state filling in the InAs layer occurs, and this must be considered for exact analysis of the upconversion mechanisms. When PC through GaAs is used for normalization, nearly identical power exponents were obtained for PC via upconversion in QWIs at low and high temperatures. This indicates that the same QWI states are responsible for the efficient PC generation from cryogenic up to room temperatures.