
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2003

Natural variation in human membrane transporter genes reveals evolutionary and functional constraints

Maya K. Leabman; Conrad C. Huang; Joseph DeYoung; Elaine J. Carlson; Travis R. Taylor; Melanie De La Cruz; Susan J. Johns; Doug Stryke; Michiko Kawamoto; Thomas J. Urban; Deanna L. Kroetz; Thomas E. Ferrin; Andrew G. Clark; Neil Risch; Ira Herskowitz; Kathleen M. Giacomini

Membrane transporters maintain cellular and organismal homeostasis by importing nutrients and exporting toxic compounds. Transporters also play a crucial role in drug response, serving as drug targets and setting drug levels. As part of a pharmacogenetics project, we screened exons and flanking intronic regions for variation in a set of 24 membrane transporter genes (96 kb; 57% coding) in 247 DNA samples from ethnically diverse populations. We identified 680 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), of which 175 were synonymous and 155 caused amino acid changes, and 29 small insertions and deletions. Amino acid diversity (πNS) in transmembrane domains (TMDs) was significantly lower than in loop domains, suggesting that TMDs have special functional constraints. This difference was especially striking in the ATP-binding cassette superfamily and did not parallel evolutionary conservation: there was little variation in the TMDs, even in evolutionarily unconserved residues. We used allele frequency distribution to evaluate different scoring systems (Grantham, blosum62, SIFT, and evolutionarily conserved/evolutionarily unconserved) for their ability to predict which SNPs affect function. Our underlying assumption was that alleles that are functionally deleterious will be selected against and thus under represented at high frequencies and over represented at low frequencies. We found that evolutionary conservation of orthologous sequences, as assessed by evolutionarily conserved/evolutionarily unconserved and SIFT, was the best predictor of allele frequency distribution and hence of function. European Americans had an excess of high frequency alleles in comparison to African Americans, consistent with a historic bottleneck. In addition, African Americans exhibited a much higher frequency of population specific medium-frequency alleles than did European Americans.

Pharmacogenetics | 2002

Polymorphisms in a human kidney xenobiotic transporter, OCT2, exhibit altered function

Maya K. Leabman; Conrad C. Huang; Michiko Kawamoto; Susan J. Johns; Douglas Stryke; Thomas E. Ferrin; Joseph DeYoung; Travis R. Taylor; Andrew G. Clark; Ira Herskowitz; Kathleen M. Giacomini

The completion of the Human Genome Project and the development of high-throughput polymorphism identification methods have allowed researchers to carry out full genetic analyses of many clinically relevant genes. However, few studies have combined genetic analysis with in vitro phenotyping to better understand the relationship between genetic variation and protein function. Many transporters in the kidney are thought to play key roles in defense against a variety of foreign substances. The goal of this study was to understand the relationship between variation in a gene encoding a major renal xenobiotic transporter, OCT2, and transporter function. We report a comprehensive genetic analysis and functional characterization of variants of OCT2. Twenty-eight variable sites in the OCT2 gene were identified in a collection of 247 ethnically diverse DNA samples. Eight caused non-synonymous amino acid changes, of which four were present at >/= 1% in an ethnic population. All four of these altered transporter function assayed in Xenopus laevis oocytes. Analysis of nucleotide diversity (pi) revealed a higher prevalence of synonymous (pi = 22.4 x 10-4) versus non-synonymous (pi = 2.1 x 10-4) changes in OCT2 than in other genes. In addition, the non-synonymous sites had a significant tendency to exhibit more skewed allele frequencies (more negative Tajimas D-values) compared to synonymous sites. The population-genetic analysis, together with the functional characterization, suggests that selection has acted against amino acid changes in OCT2. This selection may be due to a necessary role of OCT2 in the renal elimination of endogenous amines or xenobiotics, including environmental toxins, neurotoxic amines and therapeutic drugs.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics | 2006

Interaction of Methotrexate with Organic-Anion Transporting Polypeptide 1A2 and Its Genetic Variants

Ilaria Badagnani; Richard A. Castro; Travis R. Taylor; Claire M. Brett; Conrad C. Huang; Douglas Stryke; Michiko Kawamoto; Susan J. Johns; Thomas E. Ferrin; Elaine J. Carlson; Esteban G. Burchard; Kathleen M. Giacomini

Methotrexate (MTX) is used in patients with malignant and autoimmune diseases. This drug is primarily excreted unchanged in the urine, and its net excretion occurs via active secretory and reabsorptive processes. We characterized the interaction of MTX with human organic-anion transporting polypeptide transporter (OATP) 1A2, which is expressed in tissues important for MTX disposition and toxicity, such as the intestine, kidney, liver, and endothelial cells of the blood-brain barrier. In Xenopus laevis oocytes expressing OATP1A2, the uptake of the model substrate, estrone-3-sulfate (ES), was enhanced 30-fold compared with uninjected oocytes. MTX uptake in oocytes expressing OATP1A2 was saturable (Km = 457 ± 118 μM; Vmax = 17.5 ± 4.9 pmol/oocyte/60 min) and sensitive to extracellular pH. That is, acidic pHs stimulated MTX uptake by as much as 7-fold. Seven novel protein-altering variants were identified in 270 ethnically diverse DNA samples. Four protein-altering variants in OATP1A2 exhibited altered transport of ES and/or MTX. The common variant, protein reference sequence (p.) Ile13Thr, was hyperfunctional for ES and MTX and showed a 2-fold increase in the Vmax for ES. The common variant, p. Glu172Asp, exhibited reduced maximal transport capacity for ES and MTX. p. Arg168Cys was hypofunctional, and p. Asn277DEL was nonfunctional. Because of its expression on the apical membrane of the distal tubule and in tissues relevant to MTX disposition and toxicity, these findings suggest that OATP1A2 may play a role in active tubular reabsorption of MTX and in MTX-induced toxicities. Furthermore, genetic variation in OATP1A2 may contribute to variation in MTX disposition and response.

Pharmacogenetics and Genomics | 2005

Functional analysis of polymorphisms in the organic anion transporter, SLC22A6 (OAT1)

Tomoe Fujita; Chaline Brown; Elaine J. Carlson; Travis R. Taylor; Melanie De La Cruz; Susan J. Johns; Doug Stryke; Michiko Kawamoto; Kazumi Fujita; Richard A. Castro; Chung-Wen Chen; Emil T. Lin; Claire M. Brett; Esteban G. Burchard; Thomas E. Ferrin; Conrad C. Huang; Maya K. Leabman; Kathleen M. Giacomini

Objectives The organic anion transporter, OAT1 (SLC22A6), plays a role in the renal elimination of many drugs and environmental toxins. The goal of this study was to identify and functionally characterize OAT1 variants as a first step towards understanding whether genetic variation in OAT1 may contribute to interindividual differences in renal elimination of xenobiotics. Methods As part of a larger study, 276 DNA samples from an ethnically diverse population were screened and 12 coding region variants of OAT1 were identified. The non-synonymous variants were then constructed and characterized in Xenopus laevis oocytes. A small family-based clinical study was conducted to determine the renal elimination of a model OAT1 substrate, adefovir (an antiviral agent) in human subjects who possessed a non-functional variant, OAT1-R454Q. Results Six non-synonymous variants were identified; two (OAT1-R50 H and OAT1-R293W) were present at ≥1% in at least one ethnic population. These two variants exhibited normal uptake of p-aminohippurate, ochratoxin A and methotrexate assayed in X. laevis oocytes. One variant, OAT1-R454Q, was non-functional with respect to the above substrates. In the clinical study, there was no significant decrease in the renal secretory clearance of adefovir in family members heterozygous for OAT1-454Q in comparison to those with the reference transporter, OAT1-454R. Conclusions These data indicate that the coding region of OAT1 has low genetic and functional diversity and suggest that coding region variants of OAT1 may not contribute substantially to interindividual differences in renal elimination of xenobiotics.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics | 2008

The Human Multidrug Resistance Protein 4 (MRP4, ABCC4) : Functional Analysis of a Highly Polymorphic Gene

Nada Abla; Leslie W. Chinn; Tsutomu Nakamura; Li Liu; Conrad C. Huang; Susan J. Johns; Michiko Kawamoto; Doug Stryke; Travis R. Taylor; Thomas E. Ferrin; Kathleen M. Giacomini; Deanna L. Kroetz

ABCC4 encodes multidrug resistance protein 4 (MRP4), a member of the ATP-binding cassette family of membrane transporters involved in the efflux of endogenous and xenobiotic molecules. The aims of this study were to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms of ABCC4 and to functionally characterize selected nonsynonymous variants. Resequencing was performed in a large ethnically diverse population. Ten nonsynonymous variants were selected for analysis of transport function based on allele frequencies and evolutionary conservation. The reference and variant MRP4 cDNAs were constructed by site-directed mutagenesis and transiently transfected into human embryonic kidney cells (HEK 293T). The function of MRP4 variants was compared by measuring the intracellular accumulation of two antiviral agents, azidothymidine (AZT) and adefovir (PMEA). A total of 98 variants were identified in the coding and flanking intronic regions of ABCC4. Of these, 43 variants are in the coding region, and 22 are nonsynonymous. In a functional screen of ten variants, there was no evidence for a complete loss of function allele. However, two variants (G187W and G487E) showed a significantly reduced function compared to reference with both substrates, as evidenced by higher intracellular accumulation of AZT and PMEA compared to the reference MRP4 (43 and 69% increase in accumulation for G187W compared with the reference MRP4, with AZT and PMEA, respectively). The G187W variant also showed decreased expression following transient transfection of HEK 293T cells. Further studies are required to assess the clinical significance of this altered function and expression and to evaluate substrate specificity of this functional change.

Pharmacogenetics and Genomics | 2005

Genetic analysis and functional characterization of polymorphisms in the human concentrative nucleoside transporter, CNT2.

Ryan P. Owen; Jennifer H. Gray; Travis R. Taylor; Elaine J. Carlson; Conrad C. Huang; Michiko Kawamoto; Susan J. Johns; Doug Stryke; Thomas E. Ferrin; Kathleen M. Giacomini

The concentrative nucleoside transporter CNT2 (SPNT1; SLC28A2) plays a role in the absorption and disposition of naturally occurring nucleosides, as well as nucleoside analog drugs. The aim of the present study was to characterize genetic variation in SLC28A2, the gene encoding CNT2, and to functionally analyse non-synonymous variants of CNT2, as a first step towards understanding whether genetic variation in this nucleoside transporter contributes to variation in response to nucleoside analogs. As part of a larger study, DNA samples from an ethnically diverse population (100 African-Americans, 100 European-Americans, 30 Asians, 10 Mexicans and seven Pacific Islanders) were screened and 10 coding region variants of CNT2 were identified. The non-synonymous variants were then constructed and characterized in Xenopus laevis oocytes. Six non-synonymous variants were identified, and all were able to transport guanosine. The four common variants (>1% in the sample population) were further characterized with the anti-viral nucleoside analog drug ribavirin. No differences were observed among the four common variants in the uptake kinetics of 3H-ribavirin (Km in μM: 35.6±9.27 for CNT2-reference, 40.7±6.47 for CNT2-P22 l, 31.2±15.8 for CNT2-S75R, 26.7±6.13 for CNT2-S245T and 49.9±14.6 for CNT2-F355S). The variant CNT2-F355S exhibited a change in specificity for the naturally occurring nucleosides, inosine and uridine. All non-synonymous variants of CNT2 took up guanosine, and the four variants examined showed no significant difference in ribavirin kinetics. However, CNT2-F355S (3% allele frequency in the African-American sample) was found to alter specificity for naturally occurring nucleosides, which may have implications for nucleoside homeostasis.

Molecular Pharmacology | 2006

Functional Genetic Diversity in the High-Affinity Carnitine Transporter OCTN2 (SLC22A5)

Thomas J. Urban; Renata C. Gallagher; Chaline Brown; Richard A. Castro; Leah L. Lagpacan; Claire M. Brett; Travis R. Taylor; Elaine J. Carlson; Thomas E. Ferrin; Esteban G. Burchard; Seymour Packman; Kathleen M. Giacomini

Systemic carnitine deficiency (SCD) is a rare autosomal recessive disease resulting from defects in the OCTN2 (SLC22A5) gene, which encodes the high-affinity plasma membrane carnitine transporter. Although OCTN2 is fairly well studied in its relationship with SCD, little is known about the carrier frequency of disease-causing alleles of OCTN2, or of more common functional polymorphisms in this gene. To address these issues, we screened for genetic variants in the OCTN2 coding region by direct sequencing of the exons and flanking intronic region of OCTN2 in a large sample (n = 276) of ethnically diverse subjects. In addition, we established lymphoblastoid cell lines from subjects homozygous for either allele of the previously identified promoter region variant, -207G>C. We found eight amino acid sequence variants of OCTN2, of which three (Phe17Leu, Leu144Phe, and Pro549Ser) were polymorphic in at least one ethnic group. When assayed for functional activity by expression in human embryonic kidney 293 cells, using as probes both the endogenous substrate (l-carnitine) and the organic cation tetraethylammonium, three variants showed functional differences from the reference OCTN2 (Phe17Leu, Tyr449Asp, Val481Phe; p < 0.05). Further studies of the Phe17Leu polymorphism showed a reduced Vmax for l-carnitine transport to approximately 50% of the reference OCTN2. Confocal microscopy studies using an OCTN2-GFP fusion protein showed that Phe17Leu had distinct subcellular localization from the reference OCTN2, with diffuse cytoplasmic retention of Phe17Leu, in contrast to reference OCTN2, which localized specifically to the plasma membrane. Lymphoblasts from subjects homozygous for the -207G allele showed increased l-carnitine transport compared with the -207C/C homozygotes (p < 0.05). This study suggests that although loss-of-function mutations in OCTN2 are likely to be rare, common variants of OCTN2 found in healthy populations may contribute to variation in the disposition of carnitine and some clinically used drugs.

Drug Metabolism and Disposition | 2005

Functional characterization and haplotype analysis of polymorphisms in the human equilibrative nucleoside transporter, ENT2.

Ryan P. Owen; Leah L. Lagpacan; Travis R. Taylor; Melanie De La Cruz; Conrad C. Huang; Michiko Kawamoto; Susan J. Johns; Doug Stryke; Thomas E. Ferrin; Kathleen M. Giacomini

The equilibrative nucleoside transporter 2 (ENT2; SLC29A2) is a bidirectional transporter that is involved in the disposition of naturally occurring nucleosides as well as a variety of anticancer and antiviral nucleoside analogs. The goal of the current study was to evaluate the function of genetic variants in ENT2 in cellular assays and to determine the haplotype structure of the coding and flanking intronic region of the gene. As part of a large study focused on genetic variation in membrane transporters (Leabman et al., 2003), DNA samples from ethnically diverse populations (100 African-Americans, 100 European-Americans, 30 Asians, 10 Mexicans, and 7 Pacific Islanders) were screened for variants in membrane transporters, including SLC29A2. Fourteen polymorphic sites in SLC29A2 were found, including 11 in the coding region. Five protein-altering variants were identified: three nonsynonymous variants, and two deletions. Each of the protein-altering variants was found at a very low frequency, occurring only once in the sample population. The nonsynonymous variants and the deletions were constructed via site-directed mutagenesis and were subsequently characterized in Xenopus laevis oocytes. All variants were able to take up inosine with the exception of ENT2-Δ845-846, which resulted in a frameshift mutation that prematurely truncated the protein. ENT2 showed very infrequent variation compared with most other transporter proteins studied, and it was found that five haplotypes were sufficient to describe the entire sample set. The low overall genetic diversity in SLC29A2 makes it unlikely that variation in the coding region contributes significantly to clinically observed differences in drug response.

Neuron | 2005

Response to Zhang et al. (2005) loss-of-function mutation in tryptophan hydroxylase-2 identified in unipolar major depression. Neuron 45, 11-16 [2] (multiple letters)

Zhifeng Zhou; Eric J. Peters; Steven P. Hamilton; Francis J. McMahon; Christee Thomas; John Rush; Madhukar H. Trivedi; Dennis S. Charney; Alec Roy; Stephen R. Wisniewski; Robert H. Lipsky; David Goldman; Ann Van Den Bogaert; Sonia De Zutter; Lien Heyrman; Julien Mendlewicz; Rolf Adolfsson; Christine Van Broeckhoven; Jurgen Del-Favero; Charles E. Glatt; Elaine J. Carlson; Travis R. Taylor; Neil Risch; Victor I. Reus; Catherine Schaefer; Xiaodong Zhang; Raul R. Gainetdinov; Jean-Martin Beaulieu; Tatyana D. Sotnikova; Lauranell H. Burch

Zhang et al. reported a naturally occurring Arg441His missense variant of the human tryptophan hydroxylase-2 (TPH2) gene. The His441 allele was reported to be more abundant in a cohort of 87 depressed patients compared to 219 controls (Zhang et al., 2005). The frequency of His441 was higher in the depressed patients (0.06), among whom there were two His/His homozygotes and seven heterozygotes. His441 was also observed among the 219 controls (allele frequency 0.009), among whom one His/His homozygote and two Arg/His heterozygotes were detected. This reported association with depression is of note in the context of the effect of this substitution in reducing serotonin synthesis by approximately 80% in a heterologous expression assay in a rat cell line (Zhang et al., 2005) and through the observation of the role of TPH2 variants as genetic predictors of depression (Zill et al., 2004) and response to antidepressants (Peters et al., 2004). The authors of this letter represent three independent groups of investigators who have resequenced the relevant region of TPH2 in some 779 unrelated individuals (Table 1), including 403 with major depression (ages 19–74, n = 21 > 60 years). In addition, another 1740 individuals with major depression (from the STAR*D study, ages 18–75, n = 121 > 60 years) were genotyped (Table 1). The sequenced and genotyped individuals represent five ethnic populations. Psychiatric assessment was accomplished using semistructured psychiatric interviews: NIAAA, SCID or SADS-L; NIMH and UCSF, SCID-I/P. Major depression was diagnosed by DSMIII-R or DSM-IV criteria, and a DSM-IV checklist was used for the STAR*D samples. Additional descriptions of individual data sets have been reported (Nielsen et al., 1998; Robin et al., 1997; Roy, 2003; Peters et al., 2004; Rush et al., 2004). All data were collected following informed consent and under human research protocols approved by IRBs of the respective institutions. For direct sequencing, genomic DNA was amplified by PCR with primers encompassing the Arg441His variant, sequenced using the BigDye Terminator V3.1 (Applied Biosystems Inc., Foster City, CA) and analyzed on ABI 3100 or 3730 sequencers. For genotyping, assays were performed using 50-nuclease assay (TaqMan, ID # PMT06-55) and analyzed on an LJL plate reader (Molecular Devices, Sunnyvale, CA). 20% of the

American Journal of Physiology-renal Physiology | 2010

Genetic variants of human organic anion transporter 4 demonstrate altered transport of endogenous substrates

James E. Shima; Takafumi Komori; Travis R. Taylor; Doug Stryke; Michiko Kawamoto; Susan J. Johns; Elaine J. Carlson; Thomas E. Ferrin; Kathleen M. Giacomini

Apical reabsorption from the urine has been shown to be important for such processes as the maintenance of critical metabolites in the blood and the excretion of nephrotoxic compounds. The solute carrier (SLC) transporter OAT4 (SLC22A11) is expressed on the apical membrane of renal proximal tubule cells and is known to mediate the transport of a variety of xenobiotic and endogenous organic anions. Functional characterization of genetic variants of apical transporters thought to mediate reabsorption, such as OAT4, may provide insight into the genetic factors influencing the complex pathways involved in drug elimination and metabolite reclamation occurring in the kidney. Naturally occurring genetic variants of OAT4 were identified in public databases and by resequencing DNA samples from 272 individuals comprising 4 distinct ethnic groups. Nine total nonsynonymous variants were identified and functionally assessed using uptake of three radiolabeled substrates. A nonsense variant, R48Stop, and three other variants (R121C, V155G, and V155M) were found at frequencies of at least 2% in an ethnic group specific fashion. The L29P, R48Stop, and H469R variants displayed a complete loss of function, and kinetic analysis identified a reduced V(max) in the common nonsynonymous variants. Plasma membrane levels of OAT4 protein were absent or reduced in the nonfunctional variants, providing a mechanistic reason for the observed loss of function. Characterization of the genetic variants of reabsorptive transporters such as OAT4 is an important step in understanding variability in tubular reabsorption with important implications in innate homeostatic processes and drug disposition.

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