
Radiotherapy and Oncology | 2011

Geometric accuracy of a novel gimbals based radiation therapy tumor tracking system.

Tom Depuydt; Dirk Verellen; Olivier C.L. Haas; T. Gevaert; Nadine Linthout; M Duchateau; Koen Tournel; Truus Reynders; K Leysen; Mischa S. Hoogeman; Guy Storme; Mark De Ridder

PURPOSE VERO is a novel platform for image guided stereotactic body radiotherapy. Orthogonal gimbals hold the linac-MLC assembly allowing real-time moving tumor tracking. This study determines the geometric accuracy of the tracking. MATERIALS AND METHODS To determine the tracking error, an 1D moving phantom produced sinusoidal motion with frequencies up to 30 breaths per minute (bpm). Tumor trajectories of patients were reproduced using a 2D robot and pursued with the gimbals tracking system prototype. Using the moving beam light field and a digital-camera-based detection unit tracking errors, system lag and equivalence of pan/tilt performance were measured. RESULTS The system lag was 47.7 ms for panning and 47.6 ms for tilting. Applying system lag compensation, sinusoidal motion tracking was accurate, with a tracking error 90% percentile E(90%)<0.82 mm and similar performance for pan/tilt. Systematic tracking errors were below 0.14 mm. The 2D tumor trajectories were tracked with an average E(90%) of 0.54 mm, and tracking error standard deviations of 0.20 mm for pan and 0.22 mm for tilt. CONCLUSIONS In terms of dynamic behavior, the gimbaled linac of the VERO system showed to be an excellent approach for providing accurate real-time tumor tracking in radiation therapy.

Radiotherapy and Oncology | 2013

Initial assessment of tumor tracking with a gimbaled linac system in clinical circumstances: A patient simulation study

Tom Depuydt; K. Poels; Dirk Verellen; Benedikt Engels; C. Collen; Chloe Haverbeke; T. Gevaert; Nico Buls; Gert Van Gompel; Truus Reynders; M Duchateau; Koen Tournel; M. Boussaer; Femke Steenbeke; Frederik Vandenbroucke; Mark De Ridder

PURPOSE To have an initial assessment of the Vero Dynamic Tracking workflow in clinical circumstances and quantify the performance of the tracking system, a simulation study was set up on 5 lung and liver patients. METHODS AND MATERIALS The preparatory steps of a tumor tracking treatment, based on fiducial markers implanted in the tumor, were executed allowing pursuit of the tumor with the gimbaled linac and monitoring X-rays acquisition, however, without activating the 6 MV beam. Data were acquired on workflow time-efficiency, tracking accuracy and imaging exposure. RESULTS The average time between the patient entering the treatment room and the first treatment field was about 9 min. The time for building the correlation model was 3.2 min. Tracking errors of 0.55 and 0.95 mm (1σ) were observed in PAN/TILT direction and a 2D range of 3.08 mm. A skin dose was determined of 0.08 mGy/image, with a source-to-skin distance of 900 mm and kV exposure of 1 mAs. On average 1.8 mGy/min kV skin dose was observed for 1 Hz monitoring. CONCLUSION The Vero tracking solution proved to be fully functional and showed performance comparable with other real-time tracking systems.

International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics | 2012

Clinical evaluation of a robotic 6-degree of freedom treatment couch for frameless radiosurgery.

T. Gevaert; Dirk Verellen; Benedikt Engels; Tom Depuydt; Karina Heuninckx; Koen Tournel; M Duchateau; Truus Reynders; Mark De Ridder

PURPOSE To evaluate the added value of 6-degree of freedom (DOF) patient positioning with a robotic couch compared with 4DOF positioning for intracranial lesions and to estimate the immobilization characteristics of the BrainLAB frameless mask (BrainLAB AG, Feldkirchen, Germany), more specifically, the setup errors and intrafraction motion. METHODS AND MATERIALS We enrolled 40 patients with 66 brain metastases treated with frameless stereotactic radiosurgery and a 6DOF robotic couch. Patient positioning was performed with the BrainLAB ExacTrac stereoscopic X-ray system. Positioning results were collected before and after treatment to assess patient setup error and intrafraction motion. Existing treatment planning data were loaded and simulated for 4DOF positioning and compared with the 6DOF positioning. The clinical relevance was analyzed by means of the Paddick conformity index and the ratio of prescribed isodose volume covered with 4DOF to that obtained with the 6DOF positioning. RESULTS The mean three-dimensional setup error before 6DOF correction was 1.91 mm (SD, 1.25 mm). The rotational errors were larger in the longitudinal (mean, 0.23°; SD, 0.82°) direction compared with the lateral (mean, -0.09°; SD, 0.72°) and vertical (mean, -0.10°; SD, 1.03°) directions (p < 0.05). The mean three-dimensional intrafraction shift was 0.58 mm (SD, 0.42 mm). The mean intrafractional rotational errors were comparable for the vertical, longitudinal, and lateral directions: 0.01° (SD, 0.35°), 0.03° (SD, 0.31°), and -0.03° (SD, 0.33°), respectively. The mean conformity index decreased from 0.68 (SD, 0.08) (6DOF) to 0.59 (SD, 0.12) (4DOF) (p < 0.05). A loss of prescribed isodose coverage of 5% (SD, 0.08) was found with the 4DOF positioning (p < 0.05). Half a degree for longitudinal and lateral rotations can be identified as a threshold for coverage loss. CONCLUSIONS With a mask immobilization, patient setup error and intrafraction motions need to be evaluated and corrected for. The 6DOF patient positioning with a 6DOF robotic couch to correct translational and rotational setup errors improves target positioning with respect to treatment isocenter, which is in direct relation with the clinical outcome, compared with the 4DOF positioning.

Radiotherapy and Oncology | 2009

Dosimetric assessment of static and helical TomoTherapy in the clinical implementation of breast cancer treatments

Truus Reynders; Koen Tournel; Peter De Coninck; S. Heymann; Vincent Vinh-Hung; Hilde Van Parijs; M Duchateau; Nadine Linthout; T. Gevaert; D. Verellen; Guy Storme

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Investigation of the use of TomoTherapy and TomoDirect versus conventional radiotherapy for the treatment of post-operative breast carcinoma. This study concentrates on the evaluation of the planning protocol for the TomoTherapy and TomoDirect TPS, dose verification and the implementation of in vivo dosimetry. MATERIALS AND METHODS Eight patients with different breast cancer indications (left/right tumor, axillary nodes involvement (N+)/no nodes (N0), tumorectomy/mastectomy) were enrolled. TomoTherapy, TomoDirect and conventional plans were generated for prone and supine positions leading to six or seven plans per patient. Dose prescription was 42Gy in 15 fractions over 3weeks. Dose verification of a TomoTherapy plan is performed using TLDs and EDR2 film inside a home-made wax breast phantom fixed on a rando-alderson phantom. In vivo dosimetry was performed with TLDs. RESULTS It is possible to create clinically acceptable plans with TomoTherapy and TomoDirect. TLD calibration protocol with a water equivalent phantom is accurate. TLD verification with the phantom shows measured over calculated ratios within 2.2% (PTV). An overresponse of the TLDs was observed in the low dose regions (<0.1Gy). The film measurements show good agreement for high and low dose regions inside the phantom. A sharp gradient can be created to the thoracic wall. In vivo dosimetry with TLDs was clinically feasible. CONCLUSIONS The TomoTherapy and TomoDirect modalities can deliver dose distributions which the radiotherapist judges to be equal to or better than conventional treatment of breast carcinoma according to the organ to be protected.

International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics | 2008

Assessment of Intrafractional Movement and Internal Motion in Radiotherapy of Rectal Cancer Using Megavoltage Computed Tomography

Koen Tournel; Mark De Ridder; Benedikt Engels; Paul Bijdekerke; Yves Fierens; M Duchateau; Nadine Linthout; Truus Reynders; D. Verellen; Guy Storme

PURPOSE The aim of this study was to provide estimates of setup and internal margins of patients treated for rectal carcinoma using helical tomotherapy and to assess possible margin adaptations. Using helical tomotherapy, highly conformal dose distributions can be created, and the integrated megavoltage computed tomography (MVCT) modality allows very precise daily patient positioning. In clinical protocols, however, margins originating from traditional setup procedures are still being applied. This work investigates whether this modality can aid in redefining treatment margins. METHODS AND MATERIALS Ten patients who were treated with tomotherapy underwent MVCT scanning before and after 10 treatments. Using automatic registration the necessary setup margin was investigated by means of bony landmarks. Internal margins were assessed by delineating and describing the mesorectal movement. RESULTS Based on bony landmarks, movement of patients during treatments was limited to 2.45 mm, 1.99 mm, and 1.09 mm in the lateral, longitudinal, and vertical direction, respectively. Systematic errors were limited to <1 mm. Measured movement of the mesorectal space was -1.6 mm (+/- 4.2 mm) and 0.1 mm (+/- 4.0 mm) for left and right lateral direction. In the antero-posterior direction, mean shifts were -2 mm (+/- 6.8 mm) and -0.4 mm (+/- 3.8 mm). Mean shifts in the cranio-caudal direction were respectively -3.2 mm (+/- 5.6 mm) and -3.2 mm (+/- 6.8 mm). CONCLUSIONS The use of the integrated MVCT on the tomotherapy system can minimize the setup margin for rectal cancer, and can also be used to adequately describe the internal margin allowing for direct treatment margin adaptation.

Radiation Oncology | 2012

Short course radiotherapy with simultaneous integrated boost for stage I-II breast cancer, early toxicities of a randomized clinical trial

Hilde Van Parijs; Geertje Miedema; Vincent Vinh-Hung; Sylvia Verbanck; Nele Adriaenssens; Dirk Kerkhove; Truus Reynders; Daniel Schuermans; K Leysen; Shane Hanon; Guy Van Camp; Walter Vincken; Guy Storme; D. Verellen; Mark De Ridder

BackgroundTomoBreast is a unicenter, non-blinded randomized trial comparing conventional radiotherapy (CR) vs. hypofractionated Tomotherapy (TT) for post-operative treatment of breast cancer. The purpose of the trial is to compare whether TT can reduce heart and pulmonary toxicity. We evaluate early toxicities.MethodsThe trial started inclusion in May 2007 and reached its recruitment in August 2011. Women with stage T1-3N0M0 or T1-2N1M0 breast cancer completely resected by tumorectomy (BCS) or by mastectomy (MA) who consented to participate were randomized, according to a prescribed computer-generated randomization schedule, between control arm of CR 25x2 Gy/5 weeks by tangential fields on breast/chest wall, plus supraclavicular-axillary field if node-positive, and sequential boost 8x2 Gy/2 weeks if BCS (cumulative dose 66 Gy/7 weeks), versus experimental TT arm of 15x2.8 Gy/3 weeks, including nodal areas if node-positive and simultaneous integrated boost of 0.6 Gy if BCS (cumulative dose 51 Gy/3 weeks). Outcomes evaluated were the pulmonary and heart function. Comparison of proportions used one-sided Fishers exact test.ResultsBy May 2010, 70 patients were randomized and had more than 1 year of follow-up. Out of 69 evaluable cases, 32 were assigned to CR (21 BCS, 11 MA), 37 to TT (20 BCS, 17 MA). Skin toxicity of grade ≥1 at 2 years was 60% in CR, vs. 30% in TT arm. Heart function showed no significant difference for left ventricular ejection fraction at 2 years, CR 4.8% vs. TT 4.6%. Pulmonary function tests at 2 years showed grade ≥1 decline of FEV1 in 21% of CR, vs. 15% of TT and decline of DLco in 29% of CR, vs. 7% of TT (P = 0.05).ConclusionsThere were no unexpected severe toxicities. Short course radiotherapy of the breast with simultaneous integrated boost over 3 weeks proved feasible without excess toxicities. Pulmonary tests showed a slight trend in favor of Tomotherapy, which will need confirmation with longer follow-up of patients.Trail NCT00459628

Acta Oncologica | 2008

An overview of volumetric imaging technologies and their quality assurance for IGRT

D. Verellen; M. De Ridder; Koen Tournel; M Duchateau; Truus Reynders; T. Gevaert; Nadine Linthout; G. Storme

Image-guided radiation therapy (IGRT) aims at frequent imaging in the treatment room during a course of radiotherapy, with decisions made on the basis of this information. The concept is not new, but recent developments and clinical implementations of IGRT drastically improved the quality of radiotherapy and broadened its possibilities as well as its indications. In general IGRT solutions can be classified in planar imaging, volumetric imaging using ionising radiation (kV- and MV- based CT) or non-radiographic techniques. This review will focus on volumetric imaging techniques applying ionising radiation with some comments on Quality Assurance (QA) specific for clinical implementation. By far the most important advantage of volumetric IGRT solutions is the ability to visualize soft tissue prior to treatment and defining the spatial relationship between target and organs at risk. A major challenge is imaging during treatment delivery. As some of these IGRT systems consist of peripheral equipment and others present fully integrated solutions, the QA requirements will differ considerably. It should be noted for instance that some systems correct for mechanical instabilities in the image reconstruction process whereas others aim at optimal mechanical stability, and the coincidence of imaging and treatment isocentre needs special attention. Some of the solutions that will be covered in detail are: (a) A dedicated CT-scanner inside the treatment room. (b) Peripheral systems mounted to the gantry of the treatment machine to acquire cone beam volumetric CT data (CBCT). Both kV-based solutions and MV-based solutions using EPIDs will be covered. (c) Integrated systems designed for both IGRT and treatment delivery. This overview will explain some of the technical features and clinical implementations of these technologies as well as providing an insight in the limitations and QA procedures required for each specific solution.

Radiotherapy and Oncology | 2013

Dosimetric comparison of different treatment modalities for stereotactic radiosurgery of arteriovenous malformations and acoustic neuromas

T. Gevaert; Marc Levivier; T. Lacornerie; Dirk Verellen; Benedikt Engels; Nick Reynaert; Koen Tournel; M Duchateau; Truus Reynders; Tom Depuydt; C. Collen; Eric Lartigau; Mark De Ridder

PURPOSE We investigated the influence of beam modulation on treatment planning by comparing four available stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) modalities: Gamma-Knife-Perfexion, Novalis-Tx Dynamic-Conformal-Arc (DCA) and Dynamic-Multileaf-Collimation-Intensity-Modulated-radiotherapy (DMLC-IMRT), and Cyberknife. MATERIAL AND METHODS Patients with arteriovenous malformation (n = 10) or acoustic neuromas (n = 5) were planned with different treatment modalities. Paddick conformity index (CI), dose heterogeneity (DH), gradient index (GI) and beam-on time were used as dosimetric indices. RESULTS Gamma-Knife-Perfexion can achieve high degree of conformity (CI = 0.77 ± 0.04) with limited low-doses (GI = 2.59 ± 0.10) surrounding the inhomogeneous dose distribution (D(H) = 0.84 ± 0.05) at the cost of treatment time (68.1 min ± 27.5). Novalis-Tx-DCA improved this inhomogeneity (D(H) = 0.30 ± 0.03) and treatment time (16.8 min ± 2.2) at the cost of conformity (CI = 0.66 ± 0.04) and Novalis-TX-DMLC-IMRT improved the DCA CI (CI = 0.68 ± 0.04) and inhomogeneity (D(H) = 0.18 ± 0.05) at the cost of low-doses (GI = 3.94 ± 0.92) and treatment time (21.7 min ± 3.4) (p<0.01). Cyberknife achieved comparable conformity (CI = 0.77 ± 0.06) at the cost of low-doses (GI = 3.48 ± 0.47) surrounding the homogeneous (D(H) = 0.22 ± 0.02) dose distribution and treatment time (28.4min±8.1) (p<0.01). CONCLUSIONS Gamma-Knife-Perfexion will comply with all SRS constraints (high conformity while minimizing low-dose spread). Multiple focal entries (Gamma-Knife-Perfexion and Cyberknife) will achieve better conformity than High-Definition-MLC of Novalis-Tx at the cost of treatment time. Non-isocentric beams (Cyberknife) or IMRT-beams (Novalis-Tx-DMLC-IMRT) will spread more low-dose than multiple isocenters (Gamma-Knife-Perfexion) or dynamic arcs (Novalis-Tx-DCA). Inverse planning and modulated fluences (Novalis-Tx-DMLC-IMRT and CyberKnife) will deliver the most homogeneous treatment. Furthermore, Linac-based systems (Novalis and Cyberknife) can perform image verification at the time of treatment delivery.

Radiotherapy and Oncology | 2013

A complementary dual-modality verification for tumor tracking on a gimbaled linac system

K. Poels; Tom Depuydt; Dirk Verellen; Benedikt Engels; C. Collen; Steffen Heinrich; M Duchateau; Truus Reynders; K Leysen; M. Boussaer; Femke Steenbeke; Koen Tournel; T. Gevaert; Guy Storme; Mark De Ridder

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE For dynamic tracking of moving tumors, robust intra-fraction verification was required, to assure that tumor motion was properly managed during the course of radiotherapy. A dual-modality verification system, consisting of an on-board orthogonal kV and planar MV imaging device, was validated and applied retrospectively to patient data. METHODS AND MATERIALS Real-time tumor tracking (RTTT) was managed by applying PAN and TILT angular corrections to the therapeutic beam using a gimbaled linac. In this study, orthogonal X-ray imaging and MV EPID fluoroscopy was acquired simultaneously. The tracking beam position was derived from respectively real-time gimbals log files and the detected field outline on EPID. For both imaging modalities, the moving target was localized by detection of an implanted fiducial. The dual-modality tracking verification was validated against a high-precision optical camera in phantom experiments and applied to clinical tracking data from a liver and two lung cancer patients. RESULTS Both verification modalities showed a high accuracy (<0.3mm) during validation on phantom. Marker detection on EPID was influenced by low image contrast. For the clinical cases, gimbaled tracking showed a 90th percentile error (E90) of 3.45 (liver), 2.44 (lung A) and 3.40 mm (lung B) based on EPID fluoroscopy and good agreement with XR-log file data by an E90 of 3.13, 1.92 and 3.33 mm, respectively, during beam on. CONCLUSION Dual-modality verification was successfully implemented, offering the possibility of detailed reporting on RTTT performance.

Physics in Medicine and Biology | 2010

An in-house developed resettable MOSFET dosimeter for radiotherapy

D. Verellen; Sven Van Vaerenbergh; Koen Tournel; Karina Heuninckx; Laurent Joris; M Duchateau; Nadine Linthout; T. Gevaert; Truus Reynders; Iwein Van de Vondel; Luc Coppens; Tom Depuydt; Mark De Ridder; Guy Storme

The purpose of this note is to report the feasibility and clinical validation of an in-house developed MOSFET dosimetry system and describe an integrated non-destructive reset procedure. Off-the-shelf MOSFETs are connected to a common PC using an 18 bit/analogue-input and 16 bit/output data acquisition card. A reading algorithm was developed defining the zero-temperature-coefficient point (ZTC) to determine the threshold voltage. A wireless interface was established for ease of use. The reset procedure consists of an internal circuit generating a local heating induced by an electrical current. Sensitivity has been investigated as a function of bias voltage (0-9 V) to the gate. Dosimetric properties have been evaluated for 6 MV and 15 MV clinical photon beams and in vivo benchmarking was performed against thermoluminescence dosimeters (TLD) for conventional treatments (two groups of ten patients for each energy) and total body irradiation (TBI). MOSFETS were pre-irradiated with 20 Gy. Sensitivity of 0.08 mV cGy(-1) can be obtained for 200 cGy irradiations at 5 V bias voltage. Ten consecutive measurements at 200 cGy yield a SD of 2.08 cGy (1.05%). Increasing the dose in steps from 5 cGy to 1000 cGy yields a 1.00 Pearson correlation coefficient and agreement within 2.0%. Dose rate dependence (160-800 cGy min(-1)) was within 2.5%, temperature dependence within 2.0% (25-37 degrees C). A strong angular dependence has been observed for gantry incidences exceeding +/-30 degrees C. Dose response is stable up to 50 Gy (saturation occurs at approximately 90 Gy), which is used as threshold dose before resetting the MOSFET. An average measured-over-calculated dose ratio within 1.05 (SD: 0.04) has been obtained in vivo. TBI midplane-dose assessed by entrance and exit dose measurements agreed within 1.9% with ionization chamber in phantom, and within 1.0% with TLD in vivo. An in-house developed resettable MOSFET-based dosimetry system is proposed. The system has been validated and is currently used for in vivo entrance dose measurement in clinical routine for simple (open field) treatment configurations.

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