Tsai Th
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
European Journal of Cancer | 1979
Burns Er; Lawrence E. Scheving; Tsai Th
Abstract Circadian rhythms in the incorporation of 3 H -Tdr into chemically isolated DNA (DNA specific activity or DNA-SA) from spleen, thymus, duodenum, bone marrow and liver were altered by the presence of the Lewis Lung Carcinoma (LLC) in BDF 1 mice standardized to a 12:12 light—dark cycle (light 0600–1800 , CST). In general, the longer the LLC was present in the host the more pronounced the changes were in the normal circadian pattern of DNA-SA in the hosts organs. Different ages ( 6, 10 or 14-day old tumors) of LLC caused different changes in (1) phasing, (2) waveform and (3) over-all level of DNA-SA in all organs examined. The circadian rhythm in the mitotic index in the corneal epithelium, however, remained unperturbed by the presence of a 6 -, 10 - or 14-day -old LLC. The LLC itself exhibited significant high-frequency fluctuation in the amount of DNA-SA during the circadian period.
Chronobiology International | 1986
Ritchie J. Feuers; Robert R. Delongchamp; Lawrence E. Scheving; Daniel A. Casciano; Tsai Th; John E. Pauly
The activities of 23 brain or liver enzymes were studied in 5-6 week old C57BL/6JNctr male and female mice that had been fed ad libitum and standardized for 2 weeks to either (1) 12 hr of light (0600-1800) alternating with 12 hr of darkness (1800-0600) (LD 12:12), (2) staggered sequences of 12 hr of light and 12 hr of dark (SLD 12:12) or (3) continuous illumination (LL 12:12) for 2 weeks. Mice in the LD 12:12 and LL 12:12 experiments were killed at 4 hr intervals along a 24-hr span in order to sample at six different circadian stages. Lighting schedules for mice in the SLD 12:12 experiment were organized such that six different circadian stages were sampled when all mice were killed at one time of day. All 23 enzymes demonstrated a prominent circadian rhythm in at least one of the experiments. Moreover, about two-thirds of the enzymes in LD and SLD 12:12 had a statistically significant fit to a 24-hr cosine curve, while only one-third of the enzymes in LL 12:12 had significant fits to cosine curves. Peak activities of enzymes from mice in LD 12:12 were clustered at the time of transition from light to dark. This was also the trend for the activities of enzymes from mice in SLD 12:12, but resynchronization did not appear completed within the 2-week span. This, along with the observation that mesors (mean 24-hr activity) were reduced and amplitudes altered, indicated that the 2-week standardization period was not sufficient for some enzymes. Times of peak activities, mesors and amplitudes were affected for most enzymes from mice in the LL 12:12 environment. This suggests that individual mice became desynchronized from one another with respect to the original light-dark schedule and that rhythms were altered or lost because individual mice were free running with frequencies different from 24 hr.
Chronobiology International | 1990
David L. Vesely; Eugene L. Kanabrocki; Robert B. Sothern; Lawrence E. Scheving; Tsai Th; J. Greco; D. L. Bushell; E. Kaplan; J. Rumbyrt; R. P. Sturtevant; F. Sturtevant; W. F. Bremner; J. L.H.C. Third; William J. M. Hrushesky; J. H. Olwin
Circadian variation in the circulating concentrations of the N-terminal and C-terminal portions of the atrial natriuretic factor prohormone (pro ANF) was evaluated in 8 men, ages 41-47, who have been followed for 19 years with respect to circadian variation in physiological variables including blood pressure and clinical chemistries. The N-terminus of the ANF prohormone contains two peptides consisting of amino acids 1-30 and 31-67 while the C-terminus contains 1 peptide (amino acids 99-126) of this 126 amino acid prohormone which lower blood pressure and have natriuretic properties. To determine if either the N-terminus and/or the C-terminus of the prohormone have a circadian variation in their circulating plasma concentrations these 8 men had blood samples obtained for radiommunoassay every 3 hr during a 24-hr period. Three radiommunoassays which immunologically recognize (1) the whole N-terminus (i.e. amino acids 1-98), (2) the midportion of the N-terminus (amino acids 31-67) and (3) the C-terminus (amino acids 99-126) of the ANF prohormone were utilized. The whole N-terminus, the midportion of the N-terminus which circulates after being proteolytically cleaved from the rest of the N-terminus, and the C-terminus each had a peak circulating concentration between 0400 and 0700 which were significantly (P less than 0.001) higher than their concentrations at any other time throughout the 24-hr period.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Peptides | 1983
Lawrence E. Scheving; Tsai Th; John E. Pauly; Franz Halberg
The objective was to determine the effect of ACTH 1-17, an adrenocorticotropin analogue, on the mitotic index in the corneal epithelium of mice standardized in 12 hr of light alternating with 12 hr darkness. A question asked was whether the time of administration along the 24-hr time scale influenced any response found. The findings showed that ACTH 1-17 could, depending upon when it was administered, bring about a statistically significant decrease, an increase or even no such change in the mitotic index. The greatest responses found were increases, especially when ACTH 1-17 was administered during the dark span. Also the time after injection when the responses occurred varied. The greatest response recorded was at 12 hr after injection when ACTH 1-17 was given at 2 hr into the dark with a 641% and a 718% increase with a low (0.02 IU/kg) and a higher (20 IU/kg) dose, respectively. A 3-way analysis of variance supported the conclusion that the kind-of-treatment, time-of-treatment and treatment-to-kill interval (sampling time) are important factors when determining any response to ACTH 1-17 on the mitotic index.
Chronobiology International | 1986
Lawrence A. Scheving; Tsai Th; Lawrence E. Scheving
An investigation was done to assess the effect of a single intraperitoneal (ip) injection of thioacetamide on the incorporation of [3H]TdR into DNA of 13 different tissues and on the mitotic index of the corneal epithelium of mice. Seven-week-old CD2F1 mice, who had been standardized to 12 hours (hr) of light alternating with 12 hr of darkness, and fed ad libitum were used. The experimental design took into consideration the circadian variation that characterizes cell proliferation in all of the tissues studied. This was done by killing subgroups of seven animals every 6 hr for 96 hr. Thirty minutes prior to killing all mice were injected ip with 25 mu Ci of [3H]-thymidine and its incorporation into DNA was determined. The tissues of all thioacetamide and saline treated mice showed marked circadian variation in DNA synthesis. Thioacetamide treatment brought about significant (P less than 0.05) stimulation of DNA synthesis in the liver and kidney thus confirming, but extending an earlier finding. Moreover, the data showed for the first time that DNA synthesis in the bone marrow and spleen and colon were markedly statistically significantly stimulated at specific times after treatment. Synthesis of DNA in the thymus, lung, testes, tongue, esophagus, duodenum, rectum and the mitotic index in the corneal epithelium were not statistically significantly altered by thioacetamide treatment. A preliminary study also was carried out to explore what effect multiple treatment with epidermal growth factor (EGF) had on DNA synthesis in thioacetamide treated mice. Mice were killed 36 hr after thioacetamide treatment, but were treated with EGF which began 15 hr after the thioacetamide was administered and this was repeated at 18, 21 and 24 hr (50 micrograms/mouse/treatment). Under the conditions of this study EGF significantly (P less than 0.05) depressed DNA synthesis 76% in the liver, 64% in the thymus, 22% in the spleen, 30% in the duodenum and 24% in the esophagus. A histological analysis of the livers of four EGF treated and four non-EGF treated mice was done, but no consistent differences in terms of necrosis, inflammation or regeneration were observed between the two groups.
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology | 1978
Lawrence E. Scheving; John E. Pauly; Tsai Th
Chronobiology is the branch of science that explores mechanisms of biological time structure, including important rhythmic manifestations of life.
Peptides | 1984
Lawrence E. Scheving; Tsai Th; John E. Pauly; Franz Halberg
The objective was to determine the effect of adrenocorticotropin (ACTH 1-17) on the incorporation of [3H]TdR into DNA (DNA synthesis) in the tongue, esophagus and stomach of CD2F1 mice standardized to 12 hours of light alternating with 12 hours of darkness. A question asked was whether the time of administration along the 24-hour time scale influenced any response found. The response was complex as ACTH 1-17 was capable of bringing about statistically significant increases in the incorporation of [3H]TdR into DNA at certain times, decreases at other times, or no response at still another time. In general the most marked effects of 20 IU/kg of ACTH 1-17 when compared to controls, was to decrease DNA synthesis of as much as 60% 4 hours after administration at the end of the dark or beginning of the light span. A 2- and 3-way analysis of variance supported the conclusion that the kind-of-treatment, time-of-treatment and the interval-to-kill (Sampling time) as well as their interactions are important factors when determining any response of ACTH 1-17 or placebo.
Chronobiology International | 1984
Ritchie J. Feuers; Robert R. Delongchamp; L. A. Scheving; Tsai Th; John E. Pauly; Lawrence E. Scheving; Daniel A. Casciano
The influence of epidermal growth factor (EGF), 0.75 micrograms g1; insulin, 1.5 micrograms g-1; glucagon, 1.25 micrograms g-1 and their combinations on the activities of hepatic pyruvate kinase (PK) and malic enzymes (ME) was monitored. Male CD2F1 mice were treated toward the end of the light or dark periods, 9 or 23 hours after lights on (9 or 23 HALO), and subgroups of six mice were killed at 4, 8 or 12 hr post-treatment. PK and ME activities from control mice were well characterized by cosine curves. The PK activity was maximal when ME activity was minimal at the transition from light to dark (9 HALO plus 4 hr) and PK was at a minimum when ME was highest (23 HALO plus 4 hr). Both enzymes were influenced by at least one peptide hormone, and the effects were strongly circadian-stage dependent. The only effect attributed to EGF was an increase of PK activity (23%) 12 hr after injection at 23 HALO. PK activity was increased by insulin (23%) at 23 HALO (4 hr after injection), but not at 9 HALO, and decreased (17%) by glucagon 12 hr after injection at 9 HALO. Several reductions in PK activity in response to various combinations of peptides were observed, and appeared to be caused by glucagon but influenced by insulin.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Chronobiology International | 1991
Ritchie J. Feuers; Roberta A. Mittelstaedt; Jerry D. Hunter; Joe Saldivar; Tsai Th; Lawrence E. Scheving
The objective of this study was to determine in mice if a time-dependent pancreatic beta-cell susceptibility to alloxan could be correlated to daily changes in blood glucose levels and to monitor the pattern of blood glucose at various times of day as mice became diabetic. Food was removed from mice standardized to a 12-h light:dark cycle (lights on at 0600 h CST, during the month of June) at 12 h before subcutaneous injection with 0.27 mg/g of alloxan. Six groups of 30 fasted mice were injected at 4-h intervals. Blood glucose levels were measured from each group immediately prior to injection, and at 2, 4, 8, 12, 24, 48, and 216 h after treatment. Animals receiving alloxan during the early- to middark period had an increase in blood glucose after 2 h, followed by a decline to hypoglycemic levels between 4 and 8 h, and recovery to hyperglycemic levels 48 h after alloxan exposure. Three and 30% of these animals were dead at 8 and 48 h, respectively. Mice treated during the midlight span had decreased blood glucose levels 2 h after alloxan treatment followed by an increase to diabetic hyperglycemia within 48 h. Twenty-three and 70% of the animals treated at 1430 h were dead at 8 and 48 h, respectively. At 216 h, total mortality was 45.6% and 81 of the 98 surviving mice were hyperglycemic. These data suggest a greater sensitivity to alloxan during the midlight resting period of the mice. This may be the result of increased sensitivity to the insulin released from the beta cells when alloxan was given during the light span.
Peptides | 1984
L. A. Scheving; Lawrence E. Scheving; Tsai Th; R. Lopez; John E. Pauly
Epidermal growth factor (EGF) or saline was administered intraperitoneally to hypophysectomized adult male CD2F1 mice or intact controls at 0700 hr. Subgroups of mice were killed at 4, 8, or 12 hr after injection. EGF was shown to stimulate [3H]TdR incorporation into DNA into several organs as previously reported. The response to EGF was found to be enhanced in both hypophysectomized and fasted mice. Differences in [3H]TdR incorporation into DNA, corneal epithelium mitotic index, RNA in pancreas and kidney of hypophysectomized and intact mice are reported. EGF was shown to result in stomach enlargement due to increased luminal contents in both hypophysectomized and intact mice.