Tsutomu Kidokoro
Juntendo University
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Featured researches published by Tsutomu Kidokoro.
Acta Endoscopica | 1981
Tsutomu Kidokoro; Yasuo Haysashida; Motomichi Urabe; Shinsuke Watanabe; Katsujiro Maekawa; Kazuhide Kumagai
In Japan diagnostic technic of G.I. tract progressed considerably within these 15 years, particularly X ray diagnosis and endoscopic diagnosis are so advanced and generalised overall Japan that early gastric cancer is now numerously detected every year not only in university but also in smaller clinics as well. In this paper macroscopic feature of early gastric cancer is classified in accordance with the classification proposed by Japan Endoscopic Society 1962.
Surgery Today | 1981
Toshiki Kamano; Minoru Kurihara; Hiroshi Kishino; Ken Mizukami; Tsutomu Kidokoro; Kazuo Wakabayashi; Noriyuki Kuwabara
Experimental colonic carcinoma in a dog was induced by anal insertion of an N-ethyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (ENNG) suppository (each cone containing 50 mg of ENNG) for 17 months. The dog was autopsied 20 months after the initiation insertion of the suppository. Grossly, the colonic wall from the anus to the 10-cm oral side of the colon was thickened, and there was an infiltrating tumor with shallow depressions in the rough mucosa. The lymph nodes around this portion were enlarged, and white spots were found in the liver and redness in the lungs. Histological examination of the colon revealed a variety of pathologic features, e.g., undifferentiated carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and malignant melanoma in the region adjacent to the anus. Well and moderately differentiated adenocarcinomas involving the proper muscle layer were found in a region oral to these tumors and were accompanied by marked invasion of the blood vessels and lymphatic permeation. There were metastases to the liver, lungs and lymph nodes which corresponded to the gross findings, and also metastases to renal glomeruli. A well differentiated adenocarcinoma and signet ring cell carcinoma were evident in the gastric mucosa. This experimental model should be useful for studies related to colonic carcinoma in humans.
Gastroenterologia Japonica | 1980
Yozo Watanabe; Koichi Katoh; Hiroyuki Miyagami; Kiyoshi Shiono; Keiichiro Kondo; Hiroyuki Nishizaki; Tsutomu Kidokoro
SummaryThe function of residual parietal cells and G cells following selective vagotomy with pyloroplasty (SV+P) in 21 duodenal ulcer patients was assesed by light-electron microscopical studies of gastroendoscopic biopsy material and determination of gastric acid secretion and serum gastrin levels.The postoperative decrease in number of parietal cells was not so great when compared with the reduction of acid secretion. However, the ultrastructural changes of parietal cells suggested hypofunction of the cells. In addition, the response of parietal cells to histalog stimulation was also decreased according to morphological observations under electron microscope.Basal plasma gastrin was significantly increased (p< 0.01) one month after surgery. Integrated gastrin response (IGR) to meat extract and insulin hypoglycemia stimulation was also increased significantly (p< 0.01) six months postoperatively. The G cells were still increasing in number six months after SV+P, and G cell hyperplasia became more remarkable after one year. Emiocytotic figures were observed in denervated G cells which were stimulated by meat extract or insulin hypoglycemia.On the basis of the findings of this study, it is considered necessary to conduct complete vagotomy on the parietal cell region when SV+P is performed.
Jpn J Gastroenterol Surg, Nihon Shokaki Geka Gakkai zasshi | 1984
Kazuhide Kumagai; Katsujirou Maekawa; Motomichi Urabe; Yasuo Hayashida; Kazuhide Takezoe; Tsutomu Kidokoro
陥凹性早期胃癌の発育進展を検討するため, 癌巣の大きさと組織型との関係に加え占居腺領域による特性をみた. 対象は教室の単発陥凹性早期胃癌298例である. その結果, 占居腺領域を問わず分化型腺癌例は癌巣が大きくなるにつれ, sm癌の頻度が増し, 癌巣の大きさと深達度に関連性がみられたが, 未分化型腺癌例はそれらに相関関係は認められず, とくに中間帯領域に占居する未分化型腺癌例に顕著であった. 以上より, 分化型腺癌例の発育進展は同心円状進展が示唆されたが, 中間帯領域の未分化型腺癌例の進展に関しては, 多中心性発育も考慮に入れるべきものと考えられた.
Jpn J Gastroenterol Surg, Nihon Shokaki Geka Gakkai zasshi | 1984
Yozo Watanabe; Hidenori Tsumura; Kazuo Kojima; Toshinobu Kawashima; Takeshi Kudo; Takanori Haba; Akio Nomi; Hiroshi Sasaki; Tsuyoshi Ookubo; Kiyotaka Yabuki; Koiichi Sato; Toshio Morimoto; Tsutomu Kidokoro
本研究の目的は, われわれがこれまで出血性潰瘍に対して行ってきた保存療法と外科療法の成績を分析し, その治療方針を再検討することにある. 対象は慢性出血性潰瘍152例とストレス潰瘍を含むAGML54例である. 保存療法のうちH2受容体拮抗剤による間欠静注法の止血効果は, 軽症あるいは中等症の出血例に対しては80%以上の有効率であったが, 重症出血例に対しては30~50%と低い有効率であった. これらの無効例のうちAGMLの重症出血例に対しては, secretin 2U/kg/hの持続点滴法が有効であった. これら保存療法と内視鏡的止血法の組合わせにより, 外科療法の適応は, AGMLの重症出血の一部の例や, 穿孔あるいは狭窄をともなう慢性出血性潰瘍など限られてくる.
Jpn J Gastroenterol Surg, Nihon Shokaki Geka Gakkai zasshi | 1984
Koichi Sato; Yozo Watanabe; Kohtaro Shirasawa; Katzujiro Maekawa; Yasuo Hayashida; Akira Nagahama; Tsutomu Kidokoro; Masanobu Eguchi
I. は じめ に 虫垂 憩室 は欧 米で は諸 家 に よ り数多 く報 告 されて い るが, 本邦 で は比較 的 まれ な疾患 で あ る. 今 回われ わ れは虫 垂憩 室穿 孔 に よる腹 膜 炎の1例 を経験 した ので 文 献的 考察 を加 え報告 す る. II. 症 例 患者:K.O.52歳 男 性.職 業:医 師 主訴:発 熱,右 下 腹部 痛 既 往 歴:12歳 の 時 鼠径 ヘ ル ニ ア の手 術 を 受 け て い る. 家族 歴:特 記 すべ き ことな し. 現病 歴:昭 和58年11月24日,胃 癌,総 胆 管結 石症 の 診断 に て,胃 亜 全摘,脾 摘,胆 別 総胆 管切 開 ドレナ ー ジを 施行 した.術 後 経過 は 良好 であ った が,第20病 日 目よ り発 熱,右 下腹 部痛 が 出現 した. 現 症:体 格,栄 養中等 度,体 温37.1°C,脈 拍88/分, 整,血 圧110/70mmHg,貧 血,黄 疸 な し.胸 部 は理学 的 に異 常所 見 な し.腹 部 は平担 で右 下腹 部 に著 明な 自発 痛 お よび筋性 防禦 あ り.Mc-Bumey氏 点,Lanz氏 点 に圧 痛 を認 めた.Blumberg徴 候,Rosenstein徴 候, Rovsing徴 候 は いずれ も陽 性で あ った. 検 査所 見:白 血 球 数17,300/mm3,赤 血 球 数412万/ mm3,Hb量12.3g/dl,Ht値37.5%,肝 機 能検 査異 常 な し,尿 糖(一),尿 蛋 白(一). 腹 部単 純撮 影:下 腹 部 に小腸 ガス像 が認め られ た. 注腸造 影:胃 癌 お よび総 胆管 結石 の術 前 の注腸 造影 所 見を 再検討 した と ころ,盲 腸 か ら上行 結腸 に かけ て 多 数の 憩室 が認 め られ,虫 垂根 部 に も2個 の憩室 が認 め られ た(図1). 以上 の所見 よ り,急 性 虫垂炎 も し くは憩室 炎 の診 断 の も とに手術 を施 行 した.
World Journal of Surgery | 1985
Tsutomu Kidokoro; Yaso Hayashida; Motomichi Urabe
Archives of Histology and Cytology | 1977
Hiroyuki Miyagami; Yozo Watanabe; Y. Sawada; Koichi Kato; Kiyoshi Shiono; Keiichiro Kondo; Tsutomu Kidokoro
International Journal of Cancer | 1983
Toshiki Kamano; Hiroshi Kishino; Ken Mizukami; Noboru Azuma; Junji Tamura; Atsuo Katami; Tsutomu Kidokoro
Nihon Rinsho Geka Gakkai Zasshi (journal of Japan Surgical Association) | 1996
Michihiro Orihata; Makoto Hata; Yuzi Hase; Hiroyuki Nakagawa; Tsutomu Kidokoro; Osamu Yamanaka; Fumiaki Sagawa