Tuncay Ayas
Sakarya University
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Featured researches published by Tuncay Ayas.
SAGE Open | 2014
Christian Vollmer; Christoph Randler; Mehmet Barış Horzum; Tuncay Ayas
This study assessed the relationship between computer game addiction and computer game usage time, age, gender, BIG-5 personality, and chronotype. Seven hundred and forty-one adolescents from Turkey responded to questionnaires on these topics. We found that computer game addiction, computer game usage time, and chronotype were related with each other. Evening-oriented, younger, and male students had higher computer game addiction scores than morning-oriented, older, and female students. Furthermore, extraverted and agreeable students reported lower computer game addiction. No significant relationship was observed between students’ computer game addiction scores and openness to experience, conscientiousness. We conclude that evening types may be more prone to computer game addiction than morning types.
Sakarya University Journal of Education | 2013
Metin Batmaz; Tuncay Ayas
As a result of misuse of technological improvements by the students who follow these improvements, cyber bullying, a new bullying type among students, has started to be seen. Cyber bullying can be defined as harming other people in a conscious and deliberate way by using internet and other digital technologies. It was aimed to predict the cyber bullying levels of students in second stage of primary education according to psychological symptoms. The study group of this research consists of 407 people, 192 females and 215 males, studying in primary school in the second term of 2011-2012 education year in Hendek county of Sakarya province. Cyber Bully/Victim Questionnaire and Brief Symptom Inventory were used as data collecting instruments in the research. When the correlation between cyber bullying level and psychological symptoms is examined, it is seen that there is a positive correlation between cyber bullying level and psychological symptoms of anger hostility, depression, interpersonal sensitivity and psychoticism.
İbrahim Taş; Tuncay Ayas
This study aims to examine the effects of the psychoeducational program prepared by the researcher for reducing psychological symptoms on Internet addiction among adolescents. The research was conducted with 509 ninth-, tenth- and eleventh-grade students attending an Anatolian High School in Uskudar district of Istanbul province in the academic year of 2014-2015. The Internet Addiction Scale (IAS) and Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) were used to choose the study group. Lots were drawn among 33 students who scored above the average in both scales to form the 24-participant research group. The participants were randomly assigned to the research groups (experimental, n= 12; control, n= 12). While the psychoeducational program prepared by the researcher was performed to the experimental group, no program was applied the control group. 2x3 (experimental/control groups X pretest/posttest/follow-up test) split plot design was used in the study. Two-factor variance analysis technique was utilized for repeated measures on one factor to determine whether there was a difference between measures and groups in the data analysis. Bonferroni post-hoc test was used to find the source of intergroup difference. According to the research findings, it was seen that effect of intervention x time was significant for all dependent variables of psychological symptoms and Internet addiction (p<.05). Results of Bonferroni post-hoc test and variance analysis showed that the psychoeducational program was effective in reducing psychological symptoms and Internet addiction, and this effect was retentive at the end of 45-day follow-up. The findings were discussed in line with the literature, and recommendations were made for future research.
Tuncay Ayas
Youngsters are individuals who follow the developments in information and communication technologies closely and have the skills to use the technological devices on a high level. As a result of the misuse of such technological devices for hurting other youngsters, cases of cyberbullying have started to occur at schools as a different version of bullying. Cyberbullying can be defined as the misuse of information and communication technologies to harm other people intentionally and on purpose. It is aimed in this research to examine the relationship between students who are cyberbullies, cyber victims, cyberbullies/victims, and neutral and self-esteem and extraversion. The study sample is composed of 519 students who study at different high schools in Sakarya in 2014-2015 academic year. 274 (52.8%) of the students are males, 245 (47.2%) of them are females. It was seen that the relationship between cyber victims and self-esteem was on the mid-level; the relationship between cyberbullying and self-esteem on a positively low level; the relationship between cyberbully/victim students and self-esteem on a negatively low level; and the relationship between neutral students and self-esteem on the mid-level. It was also found that the relationship between cyber victims and extraversion was on a negatively mid-level; the relationship between cyberbullying and extraversion on a negatively low level; the relationship between cyberbully/victim students and extraversion on a negatively low level; and the relationship between neutral students and extraversion on a positively mid-level.
Sakarya University Journal of Education | 2016
Mustafa Koç; Mehmet Barış Horzum; Tuncay Ayas; Furkan Aydin; Ahmet Özbay; Erol Uğur; Senem Çolak
Bilgi ve iletisim teknolojileri ogrenciler tarafindan amaci disinda birbirlerine zarar vermek amaciyla ortaya cikan sanal zorbalik olaylari gunumuzde onemli bir sorun haline geldigi gorulmektedir. Okullarda ogrenciler arasinda yasanan bu olaylar ogrencileri akademik, psikolojik ve sosyal acidan olumsuz sekilde etkilemektedir. Ogrenciler sanal zorbalik olaylariyla bas edebilmek icin farkli yontem ve teknikler kullanabilmektedirler. Okullarda yasanan bu tur olaylarla ogrencilerin nasil bas etiklerini tespit etmek amaciyla bu olcek gelistirme calismasi yapilmistir. Arastirmada veriler acimlayici ve dogrulayici faktor calismalar icin farkli liselerde egitim ogretim faaliyetlerini surduren iki gruptan toplanmistir. Acimlayici faktor icin veriler Sakarya ili merkezinde yer alan farkli liselerde ogrenim goren 264 ogrencinin 140’i dokuzuncu sinif ogrencisinden (%53) ve 124’u (%47) on birinci sinif ogrencilerinden olusmustur. Katilimcilardan 129’u (%48,9) kiz, 135’i (%51,1) erkektir. Ikinci calismada dogrulayici faktor analizi icin Sakarya ili merkezinde yer alan farkli liselerde ogrenim goren 277 ogrenciden veriler toplanmistir. Ogrencilerin 135’i (%48.7) dokuzuncu sinif ve 142’si (%51.3) onuncu sinif ogrencisidir. Bu katilimcilardan 136’si (%49.1) kiz, 141’i (%50.9) erkektir. Ogrenciler 15 ile 18 yas arasindadir. Olcek gelistirme surecinde oncelikle sanal zorbalikla bas etmeyle ilgili alan yazin incelenerek madde havuzu olusturulmustur. Olusan madde havuzuyla ilgili uzman gorusleri dogrultusunda olcekte gerekli duzeltmeler yapildiktan sonra olcek hedef kitleye uygulanarak olcegin faktoriyel ve yapi gecerlikleri ile guvenirlik analizleri yapilmistir. Olcegin analizlerinde faktoriyel gecerlik icin acimlayici ve dogrulayici faktor analizi, yapi gecerligi icin yakinsama ve ayirt edici gecerlik ve guvenirlik icinse Cronbach alfa ic tutarlilik ve kompozit guvenirlik katsayilarina bakilmistir. Yapilan bu islemler sonucunda 19 madde ve 4 faktorden olusan gecerli ve guvenilir bir sanal zorbalikla bas etme olcegi elde edilmistir
Education 3-13 | 2013
Tuncay Ayas; Mehmet Barış Horzum
İlköğretim Online | 2012
Tuncay Ayas; Mehmet Barış Horzum
Archive | 2011
Tuncay Ayas
Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi | 2013
Tuncay Ayas; Mehmet Barış Horzum
Ankara Universitesi Egitim Bilimleri Fakultesi Dergisi | 2011
Ozlem Cakir; Tuncay Ayas; Mehmet Barış Horzum