
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America | 2012

A generalized power-law detection algorithm for humpback whale vocalizations

Tyler A. Helble; Glenn R. Ierley; Gerald L. D’Spain; Marie A. Roch; John A. Hildebrand

Conventional detection of humpback vocalizations is often based on frequency summation of band-limited spectrograms under the assumption that energy (square of the Fourier amplitude) is the appropriate metric. Power-law detectors allow for a higher power of the Fourier amplitude, appropriate when the signal occupies a limited but unknown subset of these frequencies. Shipping noise is non-stationary and colored and problematic for many marine mammal detection algorithms. Modifications to the standard power-law form are introduced to minimize the effects of this noise. These same modifications also allow for a fixed detection threshold, applicable to broadly varying ocean acoustic environments. The detection algorithm is general enough to detect all types of humpback vocalizations. Tests presented in this paper show this algorithm matches human detection performance with an acceptably small probability of false alarms (P(FA) < 6%) for even the noisiest environments. The detector outperforms energy detection techniques, providing a probability of detection P(D) = 95% for P(FA) < 5% for three acoustic deployments, compared to P(FA) > 40% for two energy-based techniques. The generalized power-law detector also can be used for basic parameter estimation and can be adapted for other types of transient sounds.

Journal of the Acoustical Society of America | 2013

Site specific probability of passive acoustic detection of humpback whale calls from single fixed hydrophones

Tyler A. Helble; Gerald L. D'Spain; John A. Hildebrand; Gregory S. Campbell; Richard L. Campbell; Kevin D. Heaney

Passive acoustic monitoring of marine mammal calls is an increasingly important method for assessing population numbers, distribution, and behavior. A common mistake in the analysis of marine mammal acoustic data is formulating conclusions about these animals without first understanding how environmental properties such as bathymetry, sediment properties, water column sound speed, and ocean acoustic noise influence the detection and character of vocalizations in the acoustic data. The approach in this paper is to use Monte Carlo simulations with a full wave field acoustic propagation model to characterize the site specific probability of detection of six types of humpback whale calls at three passive acoustic monitoring locations off the California coast. Results show that the probability of detection can vary by factors greater than ten when comparing detections across locations, or comparing detections at the same location over time, due to environmental effects. Effects of uncertainties in the inputs to the propagation model are also quantified, and the model accuracy is assessed by comparing calling statistics amassed from 24,690 humpback units recorded in the month of October 2008. Under certain conditions, the probability of detection can be estimated with uncertainties sufficiently small to allow for accurate density estimates.

Journal of the Acoustical Society of America | 2013

Calibrating passive acoustic monitoring: correcting humpback whale call detections for site-specific and time-dependent environmental characteristics.

Tyler A. Helble; Gerald L. D'Spain; Greg S. Campbell; John A. Hildebrand

This paper demonstrates the importance of accounting for environmental effects on passive underwater acoustic monitoring results. The situation considered is the reduction in shipping off the California coast between 2008-2010 due to the recession and environmental legislation. The resulting variations in ocean noise change the probability of detecting marine mammal vocalizations. An acoustic model was used to calculate the time-varying probability of detecting humpback whale vocalizations under best-guess environmental conditions and varying noise. The uncorrected call counts suggest a diel pattern and an increase in calling over a two-year period; the corrected call counts show minimal evidence of these features.

Journal of the Acoustical Society of America | 2010

Autonomous underwater glider based embedded real‐time marine mammal detection and classification.

Tyler Olmstead; Marie A. Roch; Paul Hursky; Michael B. Porter; Holger Klinck; David K. Mellinger; Tyler A. Helble; Sean S. Wiggins; Gerald L. D’Spain; John A. Hildebrand

Autonomous marine vehicles offer the potential to provide low‐cost data suitable for passive acoustic monitoring applications of marine mammals. Due to their extremely low‐power consumption and long range, gliders are an attractive option for long‐term deployments. Challenges related to power availability, payload size, and weight have previously restricted the viability of marine mammal monitoring. As an example, the wide bandwidth of odontocete echolocation clicks requires a high sampling rate and poses challenges with respect to limitations in power, size, and weight of the deployed system. Recent developments in commercial off‐the‐shelf hardware driven by the mobile phone industry’s need for multimedia‐rich smart phones have resulted in low‐power architectures capable of performing computationally demanding signal processing and stochastic recognition tasks in real time. We describe our work on a small form‐factor, light‐weight package used to perform real‐time passive acoustic detection and classific...

Journal of the Acoustical Society of America | 2015

Automated acoustic localization and call association for vocalizing humpback whales on the Navy's Pacific Missile Range Facility

Tyler A. Helble; Glenn R. Ierley; Gerald L. D'Spain; Stephen W. Martin

Time difference of arrival (TDOA) methods for acoustically localizing multiple marine mammals have been applied to recorded data from the Navys Pacific Missile Range Facility in order to localize and track humpback whales. Modifications to established methods were necessary in order to simultaneously track multiple animals on the range faster than real-time and in a fully automated way, while minimizing the number of incorrect localizations. The resulting algorithms were run with no human intervention at computational speeds faster than the data recording speed on over forty days of acoustic recordings from the range, spanning multiple years. Spatial localizations based on correlating sequences of units originating from within the range produce estimates having a standard deviation typically 10 m or less (due primarily to TDOA measurement errors), and a bias of 20 m or less (due primarily to sound speed mismatch). An automated method for associating units to individual whales is presented, enabling automated humpback song analyses to be performed.

PLOS ONE | 2017

Migratory behavior of eastern North Pacific gray whales tracked using a hydrophone array

Regina A. Guazzo; Tyler A. Helble; Gerald L. D’Spain; David W. Weller; Sean M. Wiggins; John A. Hildebrand; Songhai Li

Eastern North Pacific gray whales make one of the longest annual migrations of any mammal, traveling from their summer feeding areas in the Bering and Chukchi Seas to their wintering areas in the lagoons of Baja California, Mexico. Although a significant body of knowledge on gray whale biology and behavior exists, little is known about their vocal behavior while migrating. In this study, we used a sparse hydrophone array deployed offshore of central California to investigate how gray whales behave and use sound while migrating. We detected, localized, and tracked whales for one full migration season, a first for gray whales. We verified and localized 10,644 gray whale M3 calls and grouped them into 280 tracks. Results confirm that gray whales are acoustically active while migrating and their swimming and acoustic behavior changes on daily and seasonal time scales. The seasonal timing of the calls verifies the gray whale migration timing determined using other methods such as counts conducted by visual observers. The total number of calls and the percentage of calls that were part of a track changed significantly over both seasonal and daily time scales. An average calling rate of 5.7 calls/whale/day was observed, which is significantly greater than previously reported migration calling rates. We measured a mean speed of 1.6 m/s and quantified heading, direction, and water depth where tracks were located. Mean speed and water depth remained constant between night and day, but these quantities had greater variation at night. Gray whales produce M3 calls with a root mean square source level of 156.9 dB re 1 μPa at 1 m. Quantities describing call characteristics were variable and dependent on site-specific propagation characteristics.

Journal of the Acoustical Society of America | 2016

Swim track kinematics and calling behavior attributed to Bryde's whales on the Navy's Pacific Missile Range Facility

Tyler A. Helble; E. Elizabeth Henderson; Glenn R. Ierley; Stephen W. Martin

Time difference of arrival methods for acoustically localizing multiple marine mammals have been applied to recorded data from the Navys Pacific Missile Range Facility in order to localize and track calls attributed to Brydes whales. Data were recorded during the months of August-October 2014, and 17 individual tracks were identified. Call characteristics were compared to other Brydes whale vocalizations from the Pacific Ocean, and locations of the recorded signals were compared to published visual sightings of Brydes whales in the Hawaiian archipelago. Track kinematic information, such as swim speeds, bearing information, track duration, and directivity, was recorded for the species. The intercall interval was also established for most of the tracks, providing cue rate information for this species that may be useful for future acoustic density estimate calculations.

Journal of the Acoustical Society of America | 2016

Simultaneous recordings of marine mammal calls by a glider, float, and cabled hydrophone array

Selene Fregosi; Holger Klinck; Haru Matsumoto; Alex Turpin; Stephen W. Martin; Brian M. Matsuyama; Tyler A. Helble; E. Elizabeth Henderson; David Moretti; Ronald Morrissey; David K. Mellinger

Recent advances in passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) technologies have led to development of mobile autonomous platforms for recording marine mammals. These instruments may allow greater spatial and temporal sampling than traditional towed or bottom moored systems. However, comparison of recording abilities of these instruments to traditional methods has yet to be performed. We deployed two types of commercially available platforms at the Southern California Offshore Range (SCORE) complex in late December 2015 through early January 2016. The QUEphone, based on the APEX float (Teledyne Webb Research, Falmouth, MA, USA), is a buoyancy driven device capable of descending to 2000 m where it drifts horizontally with the currents. The Seaglider (Kongsberg Underwater Technology, Lynwood, WA, USA) is also buoyancy driven, but dives repeatedly up to 1000 m following a flight path controlled via satellite. We deployed one glider and two floats, each equipped with identical acoustic sensors developed by Oregon State...

Journal of the Acoustical Society of America | 2013

New observations and modeling of an unusual spatiotemporal pattern of fish chorusing off the southern California coast

Gerald L. D'Spain; Heidi Batchelor; Tyler A. Helble; Peter McCarty

The purpose of this paper is to present new results on an unusual spatiotemporal pattern of fish chorusing off the southern California coast. Characteristics of this fish chorus have been reported previously; it occurs at night in the late spring and summer months in shallow, sandy bottom regions just outside the surf zone. The background sound levels increase by up to 30 dB and cycle in level with a period of 30–35 s all night long. In this paper, recent results from measurements made by a set of high spatial resolution sensor systems spanning a 50-km stretch of coastline out to 20 km offshore over a 2-month time period are presented. These data allow the spatial dependence and long-term temporal variability of the chorus to be examined at high spatial resolution. Refinements to a numerical model that predicts this chorusing behavior are required to account for some aspects of these new observations. [Work supported by the Office of Naval Research, Code 322-MMB.]

Journal of the Acoustical Society of America | 2018

Lessons learned from acoustically tracking baleen whales on the Navy’s Pacific Missile Range Facility

Tyler A. Helble; E. Elizabeth Henderson; Stephen W. Martin; Gabriela C. Alongi; Cameron R. Martin; Glenn R. Ierley

Detection, localization, classification, and tracking of marine mammals has been performed on the U.S. Navy’s Pacific Missile Range Facility (PMRF) for over a decade. The range hydrophones are time-synchronized, have excellent spatial coverage, and monitor an area of approximately 1200 km2. Even with these ideal assets, there are hidden challenges when attempting acoustic density estimates of baleen whales on the range. This talk will cover lessons learned from tracking several species of baleen whales on the range over the last decade.Detection, localization, classification, and tracking of marine mammals has been performed on the U.S. Navy’s Pacific Missile Range Facility (PMRF) for over a decade. The range hydrophones are time-synchronized, have excellent spatial coverage, and monitor an area of approximately 1200 km2. Even with these ideal assets, there are hidden challenges when attempting acoustic density estimates of baleen whales on the range. This talk will cover lessons learned from tracking several species of baleen whales on the range over the last decade.

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