
Featured researches published by Tyler N. Shendruk.

Electrophoresis | 2009

Modeling the separation of macromolecules: a review of current computer simulation methods.

Gary W. Slater; Christian Holm; Mykyta V. Chubynsky; Hendrick W. de Haan; Antoine Dubé; Kai Grass; Owen A. Hickey; Christine Kingsburry; David Sean; Tyler N. Shendruk; Lixin Zhan

Theory and numerical simulations play a major role in the development of improved and novel separation methods. In some cases, computer simulations predict counterintuitive effects that must be taken into account in order to properly optimize a device. In other cases, simulations allow the scientist to focus on a subset of important system parameters. Occasionally, simulations even generate entirely new separation ideas! In this article, we review the main simulation methods that are currently being used to model separation techniques of interest to the readers of Electrophoresis. In the first part of the article, we provide a brief description of the numerical models themselves, starting with molecular methods and then moving towards more efficient coarse‐grained approaches. In the second part, we briefly examine nine separation problems and some of the methods used to model them. We conclude with a short discussion of some notoriously hard‐to‐model separation problems and a description of some of the available simulation software packages.

Science Advances | 2016

Encapsulation-free controlled release: Electrostatic adsorption eliminates the need for protein encapsulation in PLGA nanoparticles

Malgosia M. Pakulska; Irja Elliott Donaghue; Jaclyn Obermeyer; Anup Tuladhar; Christopher K. McLaughlin; Tyler N. Shendruk; Molly S. Shoichet

Researchers demonstrate that encapsulation is not necessary to achieve controlled, long-term protein release. Encapsulation of therapeutic molecules within polymer particles is a well-established method for achieving controlled release, yet challenges such as low loading, poor encapsulation efficiency, and loss of protein activity limit clinical translation. Despite this, the paradigm for the use of polymer particles in drug delivery has remained essentially unchanged for several decades. By taking advantage of the adsorption of protein therapeutics to poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) nanoparticles, we demonstrate controlled release without encapsulation. In fact, we obtain identical, burst-free, extended-release profiles for three different protein therapeutics with and without encapsulation in PLGA nanoparticles embedded within a hydrogel. Using both positively and negatively charged proteins, we show that short-range electrostatic interactions between the proteins and the PLGA nanoparticles are the underlying mechanism for controlled release. Moreover, we demonstrate tunable release by modifying nanoparticle concentration, nanoparticle size, or environmental pH. These new insights obviate the need for encapsulation and offer promising, translatable strategies for a more effective delivery of therapeutic biomolecules.

Biophysical Journal | 2015

Simulating the Entropic Collapse of Coarse-Grained Chromosomes

Tyler N. Shendruk; Martin Bertrand; Hendrick W. de Haan; James L. Harden; Gary W. Slater

Depletion forces play a role in the compaction and decompaction of chromosomal material in simple cells, but it has remained debatable whether they are sufficient to account for chromosomal collapse. We present coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations, which reveal that depletion-induced attraction is sufficient to cause the collapse of a flexible chain of large structural monomers immersed in a bath of smaller depletants. These simulations use an explicit coarse-grained computational model that treats both the supercoiled DNA structural monomers and the smaller protein crowding agents as combinatorial, truncated Lennard-Jones spheres. By presenting a simple theoretical model, we quantitatively cast the action of depletants on supercoiled bacterial DNA as an effective solvent quality. The rapid collapse of the simulated flexible chromosome at the predicted volume fraction of depletants is a continuous phase transition. Additional physical effects to such simple chromosome models, such as enthalpic interactions between structural monomers or chain rigidity, are required if the collapse is to be a first-order phase transition.

Physical Review Letters | 2016

Upstream Swimming in Microbiological Flows

Arnold J. T. M. Mathijssen; Tyler N. Shendruk; Julia M. Yeomans; Amin Doostmohammadi

Interactions between microorganisms and their complex flowing environments are essential in many biological systems. We develop a model for microswimmer dynamics in non-Newtonian Poiseuille flows. We predict that swimmers in shear-thickening (-thinning) fluids migrate upstream more (less) quickly than in Newtonian fluids and demonstrate that viscoelastic normal stress differences reorient swimmers causing them to migrate upstream at the centerline, in contrast to well-known boundary accumulation in quiescent Newtonian fluids. Based on these observations, we suggest a sorting mechanism to select microbes by swimming speed.

Langmuir | 2013

Structure of polyelectrolyte brushes subject to normal electric fields.

Yu-Fan Ho; Tyler N. Shendruk; Gary W. Slater; Pai-Yi Hsiao

Molecular dynamic simulations of salt-free polyelectrolyte brushes subject to external fields applied normal to the grafting substrate reveal the three-dimensional monomer and counterion distributions. It is found that below a critical electric field, local electroneutrality holds for densely grafted brushes and the brush height remains independent of field intensity. Above this critical field (which scales as 1/3 with grafting density) brush height increases smoothly, and the fraction of condensed counterions decreases. The brush bifurcates into two subpopulations of stretched and collapsed chains when the grafting density is not low. At intermediate grafting densities, the majority of chains are stretched and the minority are nonstretched. At high grafting densities bifurcation and brush height growth occur consecutively. The majority of the chains are nonstretched at high grafting densities. Although not observed prior to overstretching of the chain model, it is predicted that the two subpopulations will re-merge to a single highly stretched phase when field intensity reaches a third critical value. The ability to control subpopulations of chains suggests that utilizing electric fields normal to polyelectrolyte brushes holds potential as controllable gates in microfluidic devices.

Journal of Chromatography A | 2012

Operational-modes of field-flow fractionation in microfluidic channels.

Tyler N. Shendruk; Gary W. Slater

Through a careful consideration of the retention ratio for field-flow fractionation (FFF), we show that a single unified ideal retention theory can predict a wide range of separation behaviours including hydrodynamic chromatography, normal-mode FFF and steric-mode FFF by introducing the concept of a device retention parameter. We determine the critical device retention parameter above which normal-mode does not exist and there is no clear distinction between hydrodynamic chromatography and steric-mode FFF. Numerical analysis of the elution order as a function of particle size quantitatively predicts the transitions between these regimes. The resulting map of the operational-modes shows each of the regions and their connectivity, and so may guide future device design. By extending this analysis to account for the variation of stress over particle surfaces, a hitherto unreported regime called Faxén-mode FFF is predicted, which has the same elution order as normal-mode FFF. This mode arises when particle sizes approach the channel height, as can occur when microfluidic devices are utilized for FFF. The transition from steric-mode to Faxén-mode FFF is numerically mapped and approximations for each transition are presented.

Analytical Chemistry | 2013

Field-Flow Fractionation and Hydrodynamic Chromatography on a Microfluidic Chip

Tyler N. Shendruk; Radin Tahvildari; Nicolas M.-Catafard; Lukasz Andrzejewski; Christian Gigault; Andrew Todd; Laurent Gagne-Dumais; Gary W. Slater; Michel Godin

We present gravitational field-flow fractionation and hydrodynamic chromatography of colloids eluting through 18 μm microchannels. Using video microscopy and mesoscopic simulations, we investigate the average retention ratio of colloids with both a large specific weight and neutral buoyancy. We consider the entire range of colloid sizes, including particles that barely fit in the microchannel and nanoscopic particles. Ideal theory predicts four operational modes, from hydrodynamic chromatography to Faxén-mode field-flow fractionation. We experimentally demonstrate, for the first time, the existence of the Faxén-mode field-flow fractionation and the transition from hydrodynamic chromatography to normal-mode field-flow fractionation. Furthermore, video microscopy and simulations show that the retention ratios are largely reduced above the steric-inversion point, causing the variation of the retention ratio in the steric- and Faxén-mode regimes to be suppressed due to increased drag. We demonstrate that theory can accurately predict retention ratios if hydrodynamic interactions with the microchannel walls (wall drag) are added to the ideal theory. Rather than limiting the applicability, these effects allow the microfluidic channel size to be tuned to ensure high selectivity. Our findings indicate that particle velocimetry methods must account for the wall-induced lag when determining flow rates in highly confining systems.

Nature Communications | 2017

Onset of meso-scale turbulence in active nematics

Amin Doostmohammadi; Tyler N. Shendruk; Kristian Thijssen; Julia M. Yeomans

Meso-scale turbulence is an innate phenomenon, distinct from inertial turbulence, that spontaneously occurs at low Reynolds number in fluidized biological systems. This spatiotemporal disordered flow radically changes nutrient and molecular transport in living fluids and can strongly affect the collective behaviour in prominent biological processes, including biofilm formation, morphogenesis and cancer invasion. Despite its crucial role in such physiological processes, understanding meso-scale turbulence and any relation to classical inertial turbulence remains obscure. Here we show how the motion of active matter along a micro-channel transitions to meso-scale turbulence through the evolution of locally disordered patches (active puffs) from an ordered vortex-lattice flow state. We demonstrate that the stationary critical exponents of this transition to meso-scale turbulence in a channel coincide with the directed percolation universality class. This finding bridges our understanding of the onset of low-Reynolds-number meso-scale turbulence and traditional scale-invariant turbulence in confinement.

Science Advances | 2016

Active micromachines: Microfluidics powered by mesoscale turbulence

Sumesh P. Thampi; Amin Doostmohammadi; Tyler N. Shendruk; Ramin Golestanian; Julia M. Yeomans

An ordered array of symmetric rotors immersed in active turbulence can turn persistently. Dense active matter, from bacterial suspensions and microtubule bundles driven by motor proteins to cellular monolayers and synthetic Janus particles, is characterized by mesoscale turbulence, which is the emergence of chaotic flow structures. By immersing an ordered array of symmetric rotors in an active fluid, we introduce a microfluidic system that exploits spontaneous symmetry breaking in mesoscale turbulence to generate work. The lattice of rotors self-organizes into a spin state where neighboring discs continuously rotate in permanent alternating directions due to combined hydrodynamic and elastic effects. Our virtual prototype demonstrates a new research direction for the design of micromachines powered by the nematohydrodynamic properties of active turbulence.

Journal of the Royal Society Interface | 2016

Hotspots of boundary accumulation: dynamics and statistics of micro-swimmers in flowing films

Arnold J. T. M. Mathijssen; Amin Doostmohammadi; Julia M. Yeomans; Tyler N. Shendruk

Biological flows over surfaces and interfaces can result in accumulation hotspots or depleted voids of microorganisms in natural environments. Apprehending the mechanisms that lead to such distributions is essential for understanding biofilm initiation. Using a systematic framework, we resolve the dynamics and statistics of swimming microbes within flowing films, considering the impact of confinement through steric and hydrodynamic interactions, flow and motility, along with Brownian and run–tumble fluctuations. Micro-swimmers can be peeled off the solid wall above a critical flow strength. However, the interplay of flow and fluctuations causes organisms to migrate back towards the wall above a secondary critical value. Hence, faster flows may not always be the most efficacious strategy to discourage biofilm initiation. Moreover, we find run–tumble dynamics commonly used by flagellated microbes to be an intrinsically more successful strategy to escape from boundaries than equivalent levels of enhanced Brownian noise in ciliated organisms.

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