U. Karshon
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Featured researches published by U. Karshon.
Nuclear Physics | 1976
D. Fong; M. Heller; A. M. Shapiro; M. Widgoff; F. Bruyant; D. Bogert; M. Johnson; R.A. Burnstein; C. Fu; D. Petersen; M. Robertson; H. A. Rubin; R.D. Sard; A. Snyder; J. Tortora; D. Alyea; C.Y. Chien; P. Lucas; R. Zdanis; J. Brau; J. Grunhaus; E. Hafen; R. I. Hulsizer; U. Karshon; V. Kistiakowsky; A. Levy; A. Napier; I. A. Pless; J.P. Silverman; P. C. Trepagnier
Abstract The results presented in this paper were obtained from a 105 000 frame exposure of the FNAL Hybrid Proportional Wire Chamber-30 inch Bubble Chamber System, in a tagged beam of 147 GeV/ c negative particles. Elastic, total and topological cross sections were obtained for both π − p and K − p interactions. Comparisons with other data, taken with various beam particles over large momentum intervals, show good agreement with KNO scaling, and similarity in the scaling behavior of σ n for the different beam particles.
Nuclear Physics | 1975
J. Brau; D.H. Brick; J. Grunhaus; Elizabeth S. Hafen; M.F. Hodous; R. I. Hulsizer; U. Karshon; V. Kistiakowsky; A. Levy; P.A. Miller; A. Nakkasyan; I. A. Pless; P. C. Trepagnier; J. Wolfson; R. K. Yamamoto
Abstract We have done an inclusive study of ϱ0 production in π−p interactions at 15 GeV/c. Evidence for two different production mechanisms, in addition to the known quasi two-body processes, is presented: production of ϱ0s in the central region of rapidity similar to the “pionization” region seen in the inclusive studies of pions; and forward production in the beam dissociation region of rapidity. Cross sections and rapidity distributions for the ϱ0 are given inclusively and by topology, and the results are compared with similar studies at other energies and with other incident particles. Results are also presented for the semi-inclusive reaction π−p → pϱ0 + X− and the exclusive final state pπ−ϱ0.
Physics Letters B | 1974
D. Fong; M. Heller; A.M. Shapiro; M. Widgoff; D. Bogert; M. Johnson; C.Y. Chien; P. Lucas; A. Pevsner; R. Zdanis; R.A. Burnstein; C. Fu; D. Petersen; R.M. Robertson; H. A. Rubin; R.D. Sard; A. Snyder; J. Tortora; E.D. Alyea; F. Bruant; J. Grunhaus; Elizabeth S. Hafen; R. I. Hulsizer; U. Karshon; V. Kistiakowsky; A. Levy; A. Napier; I.A. Pless; P. C. Trepagnier; J. Wolfson
Abstract Results are reported based on a study of π − p interactions at 147 GeV/ c in the FERMILAB 30-inch Proportional Wire Hybrid Bubble Chamber System. We have measured the topological cross sections and separated two-prong elastic and inelastic channels. In addition, we have extracted leading particle cross sections using the increased momentum resolution of the downstream proportional wire chambers. We have compared our results with experiments and predictions of a simple fragmentation hyphothesis.
Physics Letters B | 1975
D. Fong; M. Heller; A.M. Shapiro; M. Widgoff; F. Bruyant; D. Bogert; M. Johnson; R.A. Burnstein; C. Fu; D. Petersen; M. Robertson; H. A. Rubin; R.D. Sard; A. Snyder; J. Tortora; D. Alyea; C.Y. Chien; P. Lucas; A. Pevsner; R. Zdanis; J. Brau; J. Grunhaus; Elizabeth S. Hafen; R. I. Hulsizer; U. Karshon; V. Kistiakowsky; A. Levy; A. Napier; I. A. Pless; P. C. Trepagnier
Abstract We present data on inclusive and semi-inclusive ϱ 0 production in 147 GeV/ c π − p interactions. We find a total cross section of 7.3 ± 1.3 mb. Most of this cross section is found in the lower topology events (⩽ 10 prongs), and in the central and forward rapidity regions. The P T 2 dependence of ϱ 0 production, 〈: n > ϱ 0 per event, and the ϱ 0 / π + ratios are also discussed.
Physics Letters B | 1976
D. Fong; M. Heller; A. M. Shapiro; M. Widgoff; F. Bruyant; D. Bogert; M. Johnson; R.A. Burnstein; C. Fu; D. Petersen; M. Robertson; H. A. Rubin; R.D. Sard; A. Snyder; J. Tortora; D. Alyea; C.-Y. Chien; P. Lucas; A. Pevsner; Richard Zdanis; J. Brau; J. Grunhaus; E. Hafen; R. I. Hulsizer; U. Karshon; V. Kistiakowsky; A. Levy; A. Napier; I. A. Pless; P. C. Trepagnier
Abstract A study of charged particle production in 147 GeV/c π − p collisions yields no evidence for an electrically neutral central region or corresponding rapidity plateau. The results do indicate that electric charge and transverse momentum may be locally conserved over small intervals on the rapidity axis. These results support a picture in which the observed hadrons are emitted in clusters whose quantum numbers vary as a function of rapidity and reflect the incident channel quantum numbers at the extremes of the rapidity scale.
Nuovo Cimento Della Societa Italiana Di Fisica A-nuclei Particles and Fields | 1976
D. Fong; M. Heller; A. M. Shapiro; M. Widgoff; F. Bruyant; D. Bogert; M. Johnson; R.A. Burnstein; C. Fu; D. Petersen; M. Robertson; H. A. Rubin; R.D. Sard; A. Snyder; J. Tortora; E. D. Alyea; C.Y. Chien; P. Lucas; R. Zdanis; J. Brau; J. Grunhaus; E. Hafen; R. I. Hulsizer; U. Karshon; V. Kistiakowsky; A. Levy; A. Napier; I. A. Pless; J.P. Silverman; P. C. Trepagnier
SummaryThe results of a study of the reaction π-p→π-π-π+p at 2 147 GeV/c carried out at the Fermilab Proportional Wire 30″ Bubble Chamber Hybrid Spectrometer are reported. More than 92% of the cross-section ((670±41) μb) for this reaction is contained in those for proton and pion diffraction dissociation. The cross-sections for pion diffraction events with three-pion invariant mass in given regions are in agreement with values obtained by extrapolation of fits to data at lower incidentpion momenta. ρ0π- events make an important contribution in the A1 and A2 mass regions, and the data are consistent with contributions from f0π- in the A3 mass region. The cross-section for proton diffraction events is in agreement with a smooth extrapolation of the data at lower momentum.RiassuntoSi presentano i risultati di uno studio della reazione π-p→π-π-π+p a 147 GeV/c realizzati 2 nello spettrometro ibrido della camera a bolle di 30″ proporzionale a filo del Fermilab. Più del 92% della sezione d’urto (670±4) μb) per questa reazione è contenuto in quelle della dissociazione di diffrazione per il protone e il pione. Le sezioni d’urto per gli eventi di diffrazione del pione con la massa invariante di tre pioni in regioni date sono in accordo con i valori ottenuti mediante l’estrapolazione di appros-simazioni per dati a minore impulso del pione incidente. Gli eventi di ρ0π danno un contributo importante nelle regioni di massa di A1 e A2 e i dati sono compatibili con i contributi da f0π- nella regione di massa di A3. La sezione d’urto per gli eventi di diffrazione del protone è in accordo con un’estrapolazione uniforme dei dati ad impulso minore.РезюмеСообщаются результаты исследования реакции π-p→π-π-π+p при 147 ГэВ/с, проведенного в Лаборатории Ферми. Более чем 92% поперечного сечения ((670±41) мбарн) для этой реакции связано с дифракционной диссоциацией. Поперечные сечения для событий дифракции пионов с инвариантной массой трех пионов в заданных областях согласуются со значениями, полученными в результате экстраполяции подгонки данных при меньших импульсах падающих пионов. События π0π- дают важный вклад в области масс A1 и A2. Полученные данные соответствуют вкладам f0π- в области массы A3. Поперечное сечение для событий дифракции протонов согласуется с плавной экстраполяцией данных данных при малых импульсах.
Nuclear Physics | 1976
G. Berlad; J. Grunhaus; E. Hafen; M.F. Hodous; R. I. Hulsizer; U. Karshon; V. Kistialowsky; A. Levy; I. A. Pless; P. C. Trepagnier; J. Wolfson; R. K. Yamamoto
Abstract Four low-mass “diffractive like” reactions π ± p → π ± (p π 0 ) and π ± p → π ± (n π + ) have been studied at 3.9 GeV/ c incident pion momentum. These channels have been studied in the framework of a two-component model and we have proposed a definition of the diffraction dissociation amplitude. The following three features of the data are discussed: (1) an apparent violation of the predictions of isospin invariance for the cross section ratios, (2) the marked anisotropy of the s -channel helicity distributions and (3) the absence of the cross-over effect in the differential cross sections. The predictions of a two-component model previously used to explain the low mass I = 1 2 ( N π) enhancement [1] and s - and t -channel helicity non-conservation [2] are seen to be in agreement with these observations. Predictions are also made for higher energy incident pions and incident K, p, and p projectiles. These predictions are compared with available data including recent results at Fermilab and ISR energies.
Physics Letters B | 1975
G. Berlad; J. Grunhaus; Elizabeth S. Hafen; M.F. Hodous; R. I. Hulsizer; U. Karshon; V. Kistiakowsky; A. Levy; I. A. Pless; J. Wolfson; R. K. Yamamoto
The isospin |M12o|2 amplitude measured by means of π±p interactions at 3.9 GeV/c is compared to the low mass diffraction dissociation distributions in the process p+p→p+X at incident momentum from 175 to 400 GeV/c and p+p→(nπ+)+p at 1500 GeV/c. The comparison is made within the framework of a two-component model which predicts that the properties of the |M12o|2 amplitude at 3.9 GeV/c should be describe the p-p process. This predictio n is shown to be in excellent agreement with the high energy data.
Nuclear Physics | 1979
D. Brick; D. Fong; M. Heller; A. M. Shapiro; M. Widgoff; F. Bruyant; D. Bogert; M. Johnson; R.A. Burnstein; C. Fu; D. Petersen; M. Robertson; H. A. Rubin; A. Snyder; J. Tortora; E.D. Alyea; C.Y. Chien; P. Lucas; R. Zdanis; F. Barreiro; O. Benary; J. Brau; J. Grunhaus; E. Hafen; R. I. Hulsizer; U. Karshon; V. Kistiakowsky; A. Levy; A. Napier; I. A. Pless
Abstract In this paper we present new data for the reactions π−p→pslow+X− and π−p→πfast− + X+ at 147 GeV/c. This is the first time that experimental information on these two processes has been obtained using the same apparatus at Fermilab energies. The triple-Regge formalism is applied to the differential cross sections dσ/dMx2 of both reactions using all the data at present available in the literature. A good description of the data is obtained when parameters from a triple-Regge fit of the reaction pp → p + X are used, together with the assumption of factorization of the pomeron and the reggeons. The equality of the dσ/dMx2 distributions of the two reactions may be explained in terms of an interesting assumption in the framework of the independent quark model and imposes an additional relation between the triple-Regge terms.
Physical Review Letters | 1978
F. Barreiro; O. Benary; J. Brau; J. Grunhaus; E. Hafen; R. I. Hulsizer; U. Karshon; V. Kistiakowsky; T. Lainis; Amir Levy; P.A. Miller; A. Napier; I. A. Pless; J.P. Silverman; P. C. Trepagnier; R. K. Yamamoto