
Cell Metabolism | 2012

Fumarate Is Cardioprotective via Activation of the Nrf2 Antioxidant Pathway

Houman Ashrafian; Gabor Czibik; Mohamed Bellahcene; Dunja Aksentijevic; Anthony C. Smith; Sarah J. Mitchell; Michael S. Dodd; Jennifer A. Kirwan; Jonathan J. Byrne; Christian Ludwig; Henrik Isackson; Arash Yavari; Nicolaj B. Støttrup; Hussain Contractor; Thomas J. Cahill; Natasha Sahgal; Daniel R. Ball; Rune Isak Dupont Birkler; Iain Hargreaves; Daniel A. Tennant; John M. Land; Craig A. Lygate; Mogens Johannsen; Rajesh K. Kharbanda; Stefan Neubauer; Charles Redwood; Rafael de Cabo; Ismayil Ahmet; Mark I. Talan; Ulrich L. Günther

Summary The citric acid cycle (CAC) metabolite fumarate has been proposed to be cardioprotective; however, its mechanisms of action remain to be determined. To augment cardiac fumarate levels and to assess fumarates cardioprotective properties, we generated fumarate hydratase (Fh1) cardiac knockout (KO) mice. These fumarate-replete hearts were robustly protected from ischemia-reperfusion injury (I/R). To compensate for the loss of Fh1 activity, KO hearts maintain ATP levels in part by channeling amino acids into the CAC. In addition, by stabilizing the transcriptional regulator Nrf2, Fh1 KO hearts upregulate protective antioxidant response element genes. Supporting the importance of the latter mechanism, clinically relevant doses of dimethylfumarate upregulated Nrf2 and its target genes, hence protecting control hearts, but failed to similarly protect Nrf2-KO hearts in an in vivo model of myocardial infarction. We propose that clinically established fumarate derivatives activate the Nrf2 pathway and are readily testable cytoprotective agents.

Analytical Biochemistry | 2008

Optimized metabolite extraction from blood serum for 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy

Stefano Tiziani; Abdul-Hamid Emwas; Alessia Lodi; Christian Ludwig; Christopher M. Bunce; Mark R. Viant; Ulrich L. Günther

Blood serum is commonly used for clinical diagnostics because its protein composition bears a wealth of information about the health of an organism. More recently the analysis of the small molecule composition, the metabolome, has received increased attention because the metabolite composition is influenced by many diseases, by the administration of drugs and toxins, and by the diet and life style of an individual. When nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy is used as an analytical tool it is often preferable to remove catalytically active proteins, in particular for longer measurements, because metabolite concentrations are otherwise in constant flux. Here we have compared different protocols for the separation of proteins and metabolites, including precipitation methods and ultrafiltration. Whereas most extraction methods involving protein precipitation deplete some metabolites, ultrafiltration is superior in retaining metabolite concentrations and offers excellent reproducibility. We also describe a new method to recover the hydrophobic fraction for ultrafiltration with good reproducibility.

PLOS ONE | 2009

Metabolomic profiling of drug responses in acute myeloid leukaemia cell lines.

Stefano Tiziani; Alessia Lodi; Farhat L. Khanim; Mark R. Viant; Christopher M. Bunce; Ulrich L. Günther

Combined bezafibrate (BEZ) and medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) exert unexpected antileukaemic activities against acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) and these activities are associated with the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) within the tumor cells. Although the generation of ROS by these drugs is supported by preceding studies including our own, the interrelationship between the cellular effects of the drugs and ROS generation is not well understood. Here we report the use of NMR metabolomic profiling to further study the effect of BEZ and MPA on three AML cell lines and to shed light on the underlying mechanism of action. For this we focused on drug effects induced during the initial 24 hours of treatment prior to the onset of overt cellular responses and examined these in the context of basal differences in metabolic profiles between the cell lines. Despite their ultimately profound cellular effects, the early changes in metabolic profiles engendered by these drugs were less pronounced than the constitutive metabolic differences between cell types. Nonetheless, drug treatments engendered common metabolic changes, most markedly in the response to the combination of BEZ and MPA. These responses included changes to TCA cycle intermediates consistent with recently identified chemical actions of ROS. Notable amongst these was the conversion of α-ketoglutarate to succinate which was recapitulated by the treatment of cell extracts with exogenous hydrogen peroxide. These findings indicate that the actions of combined BEZ and MPA against AML cells are indeed mediated downstream of the generation of ROS rather than some hitherto unsuspected mechanism. Moreover, our findings demonstrate that metabolite profiles represent highly sensitive markers for genomic differences between cells and their responses to external stimuli. This opens new perspectives to use metabolic profiling as a tool to study the rational redeployment of drugs in new disease settings.

Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry | 2009

Fast targeted multidimensional NMR metabolomics of colorectal cancer

Christian Ludwig; Douglas G. Ward; Ashley Martin; Mark R. Viant; Tariq Ismail; Philip J. Johnson; Michael J. O. Wakelam; Ulrich L. Günther

The study of small molecules in body fluids has become an important tool to monitor the state of biological organisms. Applications range from model studies using cell lines to applications where human body fluids are used to monitor disease states or drug responses. NMR spectroscopy has been an important tool for metabolomics although severe overlap of signals has limited the number of compounds, which can be unambiguously identified and quantified. Therefore, deconvolution of NMR spectra is one of the greatest challenges for NMR‐based metabolomics. This has commonly been achieved by using multidimensional spectra that have the disadvantage of requiring significantly longer acquisition times. Recently, a number of methods have been described to record NMR spectra much faster. Here, we explore the use of Hadamard‐encoded TOCSY spectra to simultaneously select multiple lines from crowded NMR spectra of blood serum samples to acquire pseudo‐two‐dimensional spectra in minutes which would otherwise require many hours. The potential of this approach is demonstrated for the detection of a signature for colorectal cancer from human blood samples. Copyright

BMC Bioinformatics | 2011

MetaboLab - advanced NMR data processing and analysis for metabolomics

Christian Ludwig; Ulrich L. Günther

BackgroundDespite wide-spread use of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) in metabolomics for the analysis of biological samples there is a lack of graphically driven, publicly available software to process large one and two-dimensional NMR data sets for statistical analysis.ResultsHere we present MetaboLab, a MATLAB based software package that facilitates NMR data processing by providing automated algorithms for processing series of spectra in a reproducible fashion. A graphical user interface provides easy access to all steps of data processing via a script builder to generate MATLAB scripts, providing an option to alter code manually. The analysis of two-dimensional spectra (1H,13C-HSQC spectra) is facilitated by the use of a spectral library derived from publicly available databases which can be extended readily. The software allows to display specific metabolites in small regions of interest where signals can be picked. To facilitate the analysis of series of two-dimensional spectra, different spectra can be overlaid and assignments can be transferred between spectra. The software includes mechanisms to account for overlapping signals by highlighting neighboring and ambiguous assignments.ConclusionsThe MetaboLab software is an integrated software package for NMR data processing and analysis, closely linked to the previously developed NMRLab software. It includes tools for batch processing and gives access to a wealth of algorithms available in the MATLAB framework. Algorithms within MetaboLab help to optimize the flow of metabolomics data preparation for statistical analysis. The combination of an intuitive graphical user interface along with advanced data processing algorithms facilitates the use of MetaboLab in a broader metabolomics context.

PLOS ONE | 2009

Combined Bezafibrate and Medroxyprogesterone Acetate: Potential Novel Therapy for Acute Myeloid Leukaemia

Farhat L. Khanim; Rachel E. Hayden; Jane Birtwistle; Alessia Lodi; Stefano Tiziani; Nicholas J. Davies; Jon P. Ride; Mark R. Viant; Ulrich L. Günther; Joanne C. Mountford; Heinrich Schrewe; Richard M. Green; Jim A. Murray; Mark T. Drayson; Christopher M. Bunce

Background The majority of acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) patients are over sixty years of age. With current treatment regimens, survival rates amongst these, and also those younger patients who relapse, remain dismal and novel therapies are urgently required. In particular, therapies that have anti-leukaemic activity but that, unlike conventional chemotherapy, do not impair normal haemopoiesis. Principal Findings Here we demonstrate the potent anti-leukaemic activity of the combination of the lipid-regulating drug bezafibrate (BEZ) and the sex hormone medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) against AML cell lines and primary AML cells. The combined activity of BEZ and MPA (B/M) converged upon the increased synthesis and reduced metabolism of prostaglandin D2 (PGD2) resulting in elevated levels of the downstream highly bioactive, anti-neoplastic prostaglandin 15-deoxy Δ12,14 PGJ2 (15d-PGJ2). BEZ increased PGD2 synthesis via the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and activation of the lipid peroxidation pathway. MPA directed prostaglandin synthesis towards 15d-PGJ2 by inhibiting the PGD2 11β -ketoreductase activity of the aldo-keto reductase AKR1C3, which metabolises PGD2 to 9α11β-PGF2α. B/M treatment resulted in growth arrest, apoptosis and cell differentiation in both AML cell lines and primary AML cells and these actions were recapitulated by treatment with 15d-PGJ2. Importantly, the actions of B/M had little effect on the survival of normal adult myeloid progenitors. Significance Collectively our data demonstrate that B/M treatment of AML cells elevated ROS and delivered the anti-neoplastic actions of 15d-PGJ2. These observations provide the mechanistic rationale for the redeployment of B/M in elderly and relapsed AML.

Metabolomics | 2015

COordination of Standards in MetabOlomicS (COSMOS): facilitating integrated metabolomics data access

Reza M. Salek; Steffen Neumann; Daniel Schober; Jan Hummel; Kenny Billiau; Joachim Kopka; Elon Correa; Theo H. Reijmers; Antonio Rosato; Leonardo Tenori; Paola Turano; Silvia Marin; Catherine Deborde; Daniel Jacob; Dominique Rolin; Benjamin Dartigues; Pablo Conesa; Kenneth Haug; Philippe Rocca-Serra; Steve O’Hagan; Jie Hao; Michael van Vliet; Marko Sysi-Aho; Christian Ludwig; Jildau Bouwman; Marta Cascante; Timothy M. D. Ebbels; Julian L. Griffin; Annick Moing; Macha Nikolski

Abstract Metabolomics has become a crucial phenotyping technique in a range of research fields including medicine, the life sciences, biotechnology and the environmental sciences. This necessitates the transfer of experimental information between research groups, as well as potentially to publishers and funders. After the initial efforts of the metabolomics standards initiative, minimum reporting standards were proposed which included the concepts for metabolomics databases. Built by the community, standards and infrastructure for metabolomics are still needed to allow storage, exchange, comparison and re-utilization of metabolomics data. The Framework Programme 7 EU Initiative ‘coordination of standards in metabolomics’ (COSMOS) is developing a robust data infrastructure and exchange standards for metabolomics data and metadata. This is to support workflows for a broad range of metabolomics applications within the European metabolomics community and the wider metabolomics and biomedical communities’ participation. Here we announce our concepts and efforts asking for re-engagement of the metabolomics community, academics and industry, journal publishers, software and hardware vendors, as well as those interested in standardisation worldwide (addressing missing metabolomics ontologies, complex-metadata capturing and XML based open source data exchange format), to join and work towards updating and implementing metabolomics standards.

Cancer Research | 2010

Systems biologists seek fuller integration of systems biology approaches in new cancer research programs

Olaf Wolkenhauer; Charles Auffray; Simone Baltrusch; Nils Blüthgen; Helen M. Byrne; Marta Cascante; Andrea Ciliberto; Trevor Clive Dale; Dirk Drasdo; David A. Fell; James E. Ferrell; Daniel Gallahan; Robert A. Gatenby; Ulrich L. Günther; Brian D. Harms; Hanspeter Herzel; Christian Junghanss; Manfred Kunz; Ingeborg M.M. van Leeuwen; Philippe Lenormand; Francis Lévi; John Lowengrub; Philip K. Maini; Arif Malik; Katja Rateitschak; Owen J. Sansom; Reinhold Schäfer; Karsten Schürrle; Christine Sers; Santiago Schnell

Systems biology takes an interdisciplinary approach to the systematic study of complex interactions in biological systems. This approach seeks to decipher the emergent behaviors of complex systems rather than focusing only on their constituent properties. As an increasing number of examples illustrate the value of systems biology approaches to understand the initiation, progression, and treatment of cancer, systems biologists from across Europe and the United States hope for changes in the way their field is currently perceived among cancer researchers. In a recent EU-US workshop, supported by the European Commission, the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research, and the National Cancer Institute of the NIH, the participants discussed the strengths, weaknesses, hurdles, and opportunities in cancer systems biology.

Biochemistry | 2008

Functional and biophysical analysis of the C-terminus of the CGRP-receptor ; a family B GPCR

Matthew T. Conner; Matthew R. Hicks; Timothy R. Dafforn; Timothy J. Knowles; Christian Ludwig; Susan Staddon; Michael Overduin; Ulrich L. Günther; Johannes Thome; Mark Wheatley; David R. Poyner; Alex C. Conner

G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) typically have a functionally important C-terminus which, in the largest subfamily (family A), includes a membrane-parallel eighth helix. Mutations of this region are associated with several diseases. There are few C-terminal studies on the family B GPCRs and no data supporting the existence of a similar eighth helix in this second major subfamily, which has little or no sequence homology to family A GPCRs. Here we show that the C-terminus of a family B GPCR (CLR) has a disparate region from N400 to C436 required for CGRP-mediated internalization, and a proximal region of twelve residues (from G388 to W399), in a similar position to the family A eighth helix, required for receptor localization at the cell surface. A combination of circular and linear dichroism, fluorescence and modified waterLOGSY NMR spectroscopy (SALMON) demonstrated that a peptide mimetic of this domain readily forms a membrane-parallel helix anchored to the liposome by an interfacial tryptophan residue. The study reveals two key functions held within the C-terminus of a family B GPCR and presents support for an eighth helical region with striking topological similarity to the nonhomologous family A receptor. This helix structure appears to be found in most other family B GPCRs.

Journal of Nutrition | 2011

A Lyophilized Red Grape Pomace Containing Proanthocyanidin-Rich Dietary Fiber Induces Genetic and Metabolic Alterations in Colon Mucosa of Female C57BL/6J Mice

Daneida Lizárraga; M. Pilar Vinardell; Véronique Noé; Joost H.M. van Delft; Gema Alcarraz-Vizán; Simone G. van Breda; Y.C.M. Staal; Ulrich L. Günther; Michelle Reed; Carlos J. Ciudad; Josep Lluís Torres; Marta Cascante

Diet plays a decisive role in promoting or preventing colon cancer. However, the specific effects of some nutrients remain unclear. The capacity of fruit and vegetables to prevent cancer has been associated with their fiber and antioxidant composition. We investigated whether consumption of a lyophilized red grape pomace containing proanthocyanidin-rich dietary fiber (grape antioxidant dietary fiber, GADF) by female C57BL/6J mice would affect the serum metabolic profile or colon mucosa gene expression using NMR techniques and DNA microarray, respectively. The mice were randomly assigned to 2 groups that for 2 wk consumed a standard rodent diet and were gavaged with 100 mg/kg body weight GADF suspended in water or an equivalent volume of plain tap water (10 mL/kg body weight). The amount of fiber supplemented was calculated to equal the current recommended daily levels of fiber consumption for humans. The inclusion of dietary GADF induced alterations in the expression of tumor suppressor genes and proto-oncogenes as well as the modulation of genes from pathways, including lipid biosynthesis, energy metabolism, cell cycle, and apoptosis. Overexpression of enzymes pertaining to the xenobiotic detoxifying system and endogenous antioxidant cell defenses was also observed. In summary, the genetic and metabolic profiles induced by GADF were consistent with the preventive effects of fiber and polyphenols. On the basis of these observations, we propose that GADF may contribute to reducing the risk of colon cancer.

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