
International Journal of Obesity | 2011

Relationship of physical activity with motor skills, aerobic fitness and body fat in preschool children: a cross-sectional and longitudinal study (Ballabeina)

Flavia Bürgi; Ursina Meyer; Urs Granacher; Christian Schindler; Pedro Marques-Vidal; Susi Kriemler; Jardena J. Puder

Background:Adiposity, low aerobic fitness and low levels of activity are all associated with clustered cardiovascular disease risk in children and their high prevalence represents a major public health concern.Objective:The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship of objectively measured physical activity (PA) with motor skills (agility and balance), aerobic fitness and %body fat in young children.Design:This study is a cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses using mixed linear models. Longitudinal data were adjusted for baseline outcome parameters.Subjects:In all, 217 healthy preschool children (age 4–6 years, 48% boys) participated in this study.Measurements:PA (accelerometers), agility (obstacle course), dynamic balance (balance beam), aerobic fitness (20-m shuttle run) and %body fat (bioelectric impedance) at baseline and 9 months later.Results:PA was positively associated with both motor skills and aerobic fitness at baseline as well as with their longitudinal changes. Specifically, only vigorous, but not total or moderate PA, was related to changes in aerobic fitness. Higher PA was associated with less %body fat at baseline, but not with its change. Conversely, baseline motor skills, aerobic fitness or %body fat were not related to changes in PA.Conclusion:In young children, baseline PA was associated with improvements in motor skills and in aerobic fitness, an important determinant of cardiovascular risk.

Gerontology | 2011

An Intergenerational Approach in the Promotion of Balance and Strength for Fall Prevention ― A Mini-Review

Urs Granacher; Thomas Muehlbauer; Albert Gollhofer; Reto W. Kressig; Lukas Zahner

The risk of sustaining a fall is particularly high in children and seniors. Deficits in postural control and muscle strength either due to maturation, secular declines or biologic aging are two important intrinsic risk factors for falls. During life span, performance in variables of static postural control follows a U-shaped curve with children and seniors showing larger postural sway than healthy adults. Measures of dynamic postural control (i.e. gait speed) as well as isometric (i.e. maximal strength) and dynamic muscle strength (i.e. muscular power) follow an inverted U-shaped curve during life span, again with children and seniors showing deficits compared to adults. There is evidence that particularly balance and resistance training are effective in counteracting these neuromuscular constraints in both children and seniors. Further, these training regimens are able to reduce the rate of sustaining injuries and falls in these age groups. An intergenerational intervention approach is suggested to enhance the effectiveness of these training programs by improving compliance and increasing motivation of children and seniors exercising together. Thus, the objectives of this mini-review are: (1) to describe the epidemiology and etiology of falls in children and seniors; (2) to discuss training programs that counteract intrinsic fall risk factors by reducing the rate of falling, and (3) to present an intergenerational approach that has the potential to make training programs even more effective by including children and seniors together in one exercise group.

Gerontology | 2011

Age-Related Effects on Postural Control under Multi-Task Conditions

Urs Granacher; Stephanie A. Bridenbaugh; Thomas Muehlbauer; Anja Wehrle; Reto W. Kressig

Background: Changes in postural sway and gait patterns due to simultaneously performed cognitive (CI) and/or motor interference (MI) tasks have previously been reported and are associated with an increased risk of falling in older adults. Objective: The objectives of this study were to investigate the effects of a CI and/or MI task on static and dynamic postural control in young and elderly subjects, and to find out whether there is an association between measures of static and dynamic postural control while concurrently performing the CI and/or MI task. Methods: A total of 36 healthy young (n = 18; age: 22.3 ± 3.0 years; BMI: 21.0 ± 1.6 kg/m2) and elderly adults (n = 18; age: 73.5 ± 5.5 years; BMI: 24.2 ± 2.9 kg/m2) participated in this study. Static postural control was measured during bipedal stance, and dynamic postural control was obtained while walking on an instrumented walkway. Results: Irrespective of the task condition, i.e. single-task or multiple tasks, elderly participants showed larger center-of-pressure displacements and greater stride-to-stride variability than younger participants. Associations between measures of static and dynamic postural control were found only under the single-task condition in the elderly. Conclusion: Age-related deficits in the postural control system seem to be primarily responsible for the observed results. The weak correlations detected between static and dynamic measures could indicate that fall-risk assessment should incorporate dynamic measures under multi-task conditions, and that skills like erect standing and walking are independent of each other and may have to be trained complementarily.

Ageing Research Reviews | 2013

The biomechanical mechanism of how strength and power training improves walking speed in old adults remains unknown.

Chantal Beijersbergen; Urs Granacher; A. A. Vandervoort; Paul DeVita; Tibor Hortobágyi

Maintaining and increasing walking speed in old age is clinically important because this activity of daily living predicts functional and clinical state. We reviewed evidence for the biomechanical mechanisms of how strength and power training increase gait speed in old adults. A systematic search yielded only four studies that reported changes in selected gait biomechanical variables after an intervention. A secondary analysis of 20 studies revealed an association of r(2)=0.21 between the 22% and 12% increase, respectively, in quadriceps strength and gait velocity in 815 individuals age 72. In 6 studies, there was a correlation of r(2)=0.16 between the 19% and 9% gains in plantarflexion strength and gait speed in 240 old volunteers age 75. In 8 studies, there was zero association between the 35% and 13% gains in leg mechanical power and gait speed in 150 old adults age 73. To increase the efficacy of intervention studies designed to improve gait speed and other critical mobility functions in old adults, there is a need for a paradigm shift from conventional (clinical) outcome assessments to more sophisticated biomechanical analyses that examine joint kinematics, kinetics, energetics, muscle-tendon function, and musculoskeletal modeling before and after interventions.

Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport | 2010

Effects of balance training on postural sway, leg extensor strength, and jumping height in adolescents

Urs Granacher; Albert Gollhofer; Susi Kriemler

Deficits in strength of the lower extremities and postural control have been associated with a high risk of sustaining sport-related injuries. Such injuries often occur during physical education (PE) classes and mostly affect the lower extremities. Thus, the objectives of this study were to investigate the effects of balance training on postural sway, leg extensor strength, and jumping height in adolescents. Twenty high school students participated in this study and were assigned to either an intervention (n = 10) or control group (n = 10). The intervention group participated in a 4-week balance-training program integrated in their physical education lessons. Pre- and posttests included the measurements of postural sway on a balance platform, jumping height on a force platform, and maximal isometric leg extension force on a leg-press. Balance training resulted in significantly improved postural control, increased jumping height, and enhanced rate of force development of the leg extensors. Physiological adaptations rather than learning effects seem to be responsible for the observed findings. These results could have an impact on improving the performance level in various sports and on reducing the injury prevalence of the lower extremities.

Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation | 2010

Effects of muscle fatigue on gait characteristics under single and dual-task conditions in young and older adults

Urs Granacher; Irene Wolf; Anja Wehrle; Stephanie A. Bridenbaugh; Reto W. Kressig

BackgroundMuscle fatigue and dual-task walking (e.g., concurrent performance of a cognitive interference (CI) while walking) represent major fall risk factors in young and older adults. Thus, the objectives of this study were to examine the effects of muscle fatigue on gait characteristics under single and dual-task conditions in young and older adults and to determine the impact of muscle fatigue on dual-task costs while walking.MethodsThirty-two young (24.3 ± 1.4 yrs, n = 16) and old (71.9 ± 5.5 yrs, n = 16) healthy active adults participated in this study. Fatigue of the knee extensors/flexors was induced by isokinetic contractions. Subjects were tested pre and post fatigue, as well as after a 5 min rest. Tests included the assessment of gait velocity, stride length, and stride length variability during single (walking), and dual (CI+walking) task walking on an instrumented walkway. Dual-task costs while walking were additionally computed.ResultsFatigue resulted in significant decreases in single-task gait velocity and stride length in young adults, and in significant increases in dual-task gait velocity and stride length in older adults. Further, muscle fatigue did not affect dual-task costs during walking in young and older adults. Performance in the CI-task was improved in both age groups post-fatigue.ConclusionsStrategic and/or physiologic rationale may account for the observed differences in young and older adults. In terms of strategic rationale, older adults may walk faster with longer strides in order to overcome the feeling of fatigue-induced physical discomfort as quickly as possible. Alternatively, older adults may have learned how to compensate for age-related and/or fatigue-induced muscle deficits during walking by increasing muscle power of synergistic muscle groups (e.g., hip flexors). Further, a practice and/or learning effect may have occurred from pre to post testing. Physiologic rationale may comprise motor unit remodeling in old age resulting in larger proportions of type I fibres and thus higher fatigue-resistance and/or increased muscle spindle sensitivity following fatigue leading to improved forward propulsion of the body. These findings are preliminary and have to be confirmed by future studies.

European Journal of Sport Science | 2008

Strength, power, and postural control in seniors: Considerations for functional adaptations and for fall prevention

Urs Granacher; Lukas Zahner; Albert Gollhofer

Abstract The ageing neuromuscular system is affected by structural and functional changes that lead to a general slowing down of neuromuscular performance and an increased risk of falling. As a consequence, the process of ageing results in a reduced ability to develop maximal and explosive force, as well as in deficits in static and dynamic postural control. A decrease in the number and size of type II fibres in particular accounts for the age-related decline in muscle mass (sarcopaenia) and strength performance. Multiple denervation and re-innervation processes of muscle fibres seem to be responsible for the reduced number of muscle fibres. Recently, it has been suggested that it is not the decline in motoneurons that accounts for the loss in number of muscle fibres but the disturbed potential of fibre regeneration and re-innervation. Furthermore, an age-related reduction in the number of satellite cells has also been associated with sarcopaenia. The ability to compensate for platform and gait perturbations deteriorates with ageing as reflected in longer onset latencies and inefficient postural responses. All sites within the somatosensory system are affected by ageing and therefore contribute to postural instability. However, morphological changes of muscle spindles appear primarily to be responsible for the impaired ability to compensate for balance threats in old age. Given these neuromuscular limitations in old age, it is important to apply adequate training interventions that delay or even reverse the onset of these constraints. Strength training has the potential to enhance maximal as well as explosive force production capacity. This is accomplished by neural factors, including an improved recruitment pattern, discharge rate, and synchronization of motor units. Furthermore, an increase in number of satellite cells most likely accounts for training-induced muscle hypertrophy. Recent studies have investigated the impact of balance training in old age on the ability to develop maximal and explosive force. In addition, the effects of balance training on reflex activity during gait perturbations were also examined. Increases in maximal and explosive force production capacity and an improved ability to compensate for gait perturbations were observed. It is evident from the literature that researchers are increasingly studying the effects of more specifically designed training programmes on performance in populations of older adults. Thus, in the near future, strength training could be replaced by high-velocity forms of power training and balance training by perturbation-based training programmes. It is hypothesized that this new approach is more efficient in terms of fall prevention than the traditional approach.

International Journal of Sports Medicine | 2010

Balance Training and Multi-Task Performance in Seniors

Urs Granacher; Thomas Muehlbauer; Stephanie A. Bridenbaugh; E. Bleiker; Anja Wehrle; Reto W. Kressig

Age-related impairment in gait patterns when simultaneously performing cognitive (CI) and/or motor (MI) interference tasks are associated with an increased risk of falling in seniors. The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of balance training (BT) on walking performance with and without concurrently performing a CI and/or MI task in seniors. Twenty healthy women (n=14) and men (n=6) were assigned to either an intervention (n=11, age 71.9+/-4.8 yrs) or a control group (n=9, age 74.9+/-6.3 yrs). The intervention group conducted a six week BT (3/week). Pre and post tests included the assessment of stride-to-stride variability during single (walking), dual (CI or MI+walking), and triple (CI+MI+walking) task walking on an instrumented walkway. BT resulted in statistically significant reductions in stride time variability under single (p=0.02, Delta34.8%) but not dual or triple-task walking. Significant improvements in the MI task (p=0.05, Delta39.1%), but not in the CI task were found while walking. Findings showed that improved performance during single-task walking did not transfer to walking under dual or triple-task conditions suggesting multi-task BT as an alternative training modality. Improvement of the secondary motor but not cognitive task may indicate the need for the involvement of motor and particularly cognitive tasks during BT.

Gerontology | 2012

Relationship between Strength, Power and Balance Performance in Seniors

Thomas Muehlbauer; Carmen Besemer; Anja Wehrle; Albert Gollhofer; Urs Granacher

Background: Deficits in strength, power and balance represent important intrinsic risk factors for falls in seniors. Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between variables of lower extremity muscle strength/power and balance, assessed under various task conditions. Methods: Twenty-four healthy and physically active older adults (mean age: 70 ± 5 years) were tested for their isometric strength (i.e. maximal isometric force of the leg extensors) and muscle power (i.e. countermovement jump height and power) as well as for their steady-state (i.e. unperturbed standing, 10-meter walk), proactive (i.e. Timed Up & Go test, Functional Reach Test) and reactive (i.e. perturbed standing) balance. Balance tests were conducted under single (i.e. standing or walking alone) and dual task conditions (i.e. standing or walking plus cognitive and motor interference task). Results: Significant positive correlations were found between measures of isometric strength and muscle power of the lower extremities (r values ranged between 0.608 and 0.720, p < 0.01). Hardly any significant associations were found between variables of strength, power and balance (i.e. no significant association in 20 out of 21 cases). Additionally, no significant correlations were found between measures of steady-state, proactive and reactive balance or balance tests performed under single and dual task conditions (all p > 0.05). Conclusion: The predominately nonsignificant correlations between different types of balance imply that balance performance is task specific in healthy and physically active seniors. Further, strength, power and balance as well as balance under single and dual task conditions seem to be independent of each other and may have to be tested and trained complementarily.

International Journal of Sports Medicine | 2009

Resistance Training and Neuromuscular Performance in Seniors

Urs Granacher; Markus Gruber; Albert Gollhofer

Age-related processes in the neuromuscular and the somatosensory system are responsible for decreases in maximal and explosive force production capacity and deficits in postural control. Thus, the objectives of this study were to investigate the effects of resistance training on strength performance and on postural control in seniors. Forty healthy seniors (67+/-1 yrs) participated in this study. Subjects were randomly assigned to a resistance training (n=20) and a control group (n=20). Resistance training for the lower extremities lasted for 13 weeks at 80% of the one repetition maximum. Pre and post tests included the measurement of maximal isometric leg extension force with special emphasis on the early part of the force-time-curve and the assessment of static (functional reach test) and dynamic (tandem walk test, platform perturbation) postural control. Resistance training resulted in an enhanced strength performance with increases in explosive force exceeding those in maximal strength. Improved performances in the functional reach and in the tandem walk test were observed. Resistance training did not have an effect on the compensation of platform perturbations. Increases in strength performance can primarily be explained by an improved neural drive of the agonist muscles. The inconsistent effect of resistance training on postural control may be explained by heterogeneity of testing methodology or by the incapability of isolated resistance training to improve postural control.

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