Ute Wölfle
University Medical Center Freiburg
Molecules | 2008
Günter Seelinger; Irmgard Merfort; Ute Wölfle; Christoph M. Schempp
Luteolin is a flavonoid which is part of our daily nutrition in relatively low amounts (less than 1 mg/day). Nevertheless, some epidemiological studies suggest an inverse correlation between luteolin intake and the risk of some cancer types. Luteolin displays specific anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic effects, which can only partly be explained by its anti-oxidant and free radical scavenging capacities. Luteolin can delay or block the development of cancer cells in vitro and in vivo by protection from carcinogenic stimuli, by inhibition of tumor cell proliferation, by induction of cell cycle arrest and by induction of apoptosis via intrinsic and extrinsic signaling pathways. When compared to other flavonoids, luteolin was usually among the most effective ones, inhibiting tumor cell proliferation with IC50 values between 3 and 50 µM in vitro and in vivo by 5 to 10 mg/kg i.p., intragastric application of 0.1–0.3 mg/kg/d, or as food additive in concentrations of 50 to 200 ppm. Luteolin has been shown to penetrate into human skin, making it also a candidate for the prevention and treatment of skin cancer.
Free Radical Biology and Medicine | 2011
Ute Wölfle; Philipp R. Esser; Birgit Simon-Haarhaus; Stefan F. Martin; Jürgen Lademann; Christoph M. Schempp
Ultraviolet (UV) radiation induces DNA damage, oxidative stress, and inflammatory processes in human keratinocytes resulting in skin inflammation, photoaging, and photocarcinogenesis. The flavonoid luteolin is one of the most potent antioxidative plant polyphenols. We investigated the UV protective and antioxidant properties of luteolin in human keratinocytes in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo. Spectrophotometric measurements revealed extinction maxima of luteolin in the UVB and UVA range. UV transmission below 370 nm was <10%. In human skin, luteolin effectively reduced the formation of UVB-induced cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers. The free radical scavenging activity of luteolin was assessed in various cell-free and cell-based assays. In the cell-free DPPH assay the half-maximal effective concentration (EC₅₀) of luteolin (12 μg/ml) was comparable to those of Trolox (25 μg/ml) and N-acetylcysteine (32 μg/ml). In contrast, in the H₂DCFDA assay performed with UVB-irradiated keratinocytes, luteolin (EC₅₀ 3 μg/ml) was much more effective compared to Trolox (EC₅₀ 12 μg/ml) and N-acetylcysteine (EC₅₀ 847 μg/ml). Luteolin also inhibited both UVB-induced skin erythema and the upregulation of cyclooxygenase-2 and prostaglandin E₂ production in human skin via interference with the MAPK pathway. These data suggest that luteolin may protect human skin from UVB-induced damage by a combination of UV-absorbing, DNA-protective, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties.
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B-biology | 2009
F. Casetti; W. Jung; Ute Wölfle; Juliane Reuter; K. Neumann; B. Gilb; A. Wähling; Steffen Wagner; Irmgard Merfort; Christoph M. Schempp
We investigated the skin tolerance and anti-inflammatory potential of a nanoparticular solubilisate of a luteolin-rich Reseda extract (s-RE) in two independent studies in vivo. Reseda luteola extract containing 40% flavonoids was solubilized with polysorbate, resulting in product micelles with a diameter of 10 (+/-1.5)nm. Standardized inflammation was induced by irradiating test areas on the back of healthy volunteers with defined doses of ultraviolet B (UVB). In the first study different concentrations of s-RE were tested in 10 volunteers to evaluate dose-dependency of anti-inflammatory effects of s-RE. In the second randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study a defined concentration of s-RE (2.5%w/w) was tested in 40 volunteers in comparison to the vehicle (glycerol) and hydrocortisone (1%w/w). s-RE dose-dependently reduced UVB-induced erythema when applied 30 min before irradiation. To a lesser extent, topical application of s-RE after irradiation also reduced UVB-induced erythema. s-RE was as effective as hydrocortisone, whereas the vehicle had no effect. Occlusive application of s-RE on non-irradiated test sites did not cause any skin irritation. Due to excellent skin tolerance combined with potent anti-inflammatory properties s-RE bears potential especially for the prevention but also for the treatment of inflammatory skin conditions such as UV-induced erythema.
Skin Pharmacology and Physiology | 2015
Ute Wölfle; Floriana Elsholz; Astrid Kersten; Birgit Haarhaus; Walter E. Müller; Christoph M. Schempp
Recent studies have shown that human bitter taste receptors (TAS2Rs) are not only expressed in mucous epithelial cells of the tongue, but also in epithelial cells of the colon, stomach and upper respiratory tract. These cell types come in close contact with external bitter compounds by ingestion or breathing. In the present work we addressed the question whether bitter taste receptors might also be expressed in cornified epithelial cells of the skin. Here, we show for the first time the expression of TAS2R1 and TAS2R38 in human skin. Double staining of HaCaT cells and primary keratinocytes demonstrated the colocalization of TAS2R1 and TAS2R38 with the adaptor protein α-gustducin that is essential for signal transduction upon ligand binding. To test if TAS2Rs in keratinocytes are functional, we stimulated HaCaT cells with diphenidol, a clinically used bitter-tasting antiemetic, or amarogentin, the bitterest plant substance, that binds TAS2Rs, including TAS2R1 and TAS2R38. Diphenidol and amarogentin induced calcium influx. Furthermore, in keratinocytes diphenidol and amarogentin stimulated the expression of the differentiation markers keratin 10, involucrin and transglutaminase. Therefore, apart from the known role in mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, TAS2Rs are expressed in the epidermis and might play a role in keratinocyte differentiation.
Skin Pharmacology and Physiology | 2011
Federica Casetti; Ute Wölfle; W. Gehring; Christoph M. Schempp
Dry skin is associated with a disturbed skin barrier and reduced formation of epidermal proteins and lipids. During recent years, skin-barrier-reinforcing properties of some botanical compounds have been described. Searching the PubMed database revealed 9 botanical extracts that specifically improve skin barrier and/or promote keratinocyte differentiation in vivo after topical application. The topical application of Aloe vera (leaf gel), Betula alba (birch bark extract), Helianthus annuus (sunflower oleodistillate), Hypericum perforatum (St. John’s wort extract), Lithospermum erythrorhizon (root extract), Piptadenia colubrina (angico-branco extract) and Simarouba amara (bitter wood extract) increased skin hydration, reduced the transepidermal water loss, or promoted keratinocyte differentiation in humans in vivo. The topical application of Rubia cordifolia root extract and rose oil obtained from Rosa spp. flowers stimulated keratinocyte differentiation in mouse models. The underlying mechanisms of these effects are discussed. It is concluded that some botanical compounds display skin-barrier-reinforcing properties that may be used in dermocosmetics for dry skin. However, more investigations on the mode of action and more vehicle-controlled studies are required.
Journal Der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft | 2009
Christoph M. Schempp; Matthias Emde; Ute Wölfle
The present review highlights the development of the integument and its adnexa from the primitive metazoans to man. The different stages of development represent independent, partially convergent evolutions rather than a continuous evolutionary line. The epidermis of the invertebrates (sponges, cnidaria, worms, echinoderms and arthropods) always consists of one layer of pluripotent cells. The barrier function of the integument at this level is achieved with physico‐chemical barriers, toxin production, fortification of the epidermis in the form of a cuticula, a syncytium or a neodermis. The lower vertebrates (cyclostoma, fishes and amphibians) have a stratified epidermis harboring many secretory cells. In terrestrial amphibians the outermost cell layer of the epidermis is cornified, and the secretory cells are relocated in the dermis. Terminal differentiation and cornification of the epidermis in the birds and mammals result in a more uniform shape of the epithelium. Stem cells are now restricted to some basal regions of the epithelium. In the mammals the glands are located in the deeper layers of the skin. In contrast to other vertebrate integuments the human skin does not possess specialized structures such as feathers, scales or coats. However, waiving specialization allows for unique universality of the human skin compared to other vertebrates.
Planta Medica | 2013
Ute Wölfle; Birgit Haarhaus; Christoph M. Schempp
Ultraviolet radiation induces DNA damage and oxidative stress which can result in skin inflammation, photoaging, and photocarcinogenesis. The flavonoid luteolin that is present in high amounts in the dyers weld, Reseda luteola, is one of the most potent antioxidative plant metabolites and also has ultraviolet-absorbing properties.The aim of this study was to determine whether tocopherol and ubiquinone add synergistic antioxidative values to luteolin. None of the substances showed cytotoxic effects in concentrations from 0.25 to 4 µg/mL. The photoprotective and antioxidant effect of equivalent concentrations of luteolin, tocopherol, and ubiquinone and their combination in a ratio of 4 : 4 : 1 were studied in solar simulator irradiated human skin fibroblasts. Luteolin had a half-maximal radical scavenging concentration of 2 µg/mL, whereas tocopherol and ubiquinone were only effective at higher concentrations. None of the substances showed a phototoxic effect, and only luteolin had a moderate photoprotective effect at 2 µg/mL. The combination of luteolin, tocopherol, and ubiquinone exerted a synergistic radical scavenging effect already at a concentration of 0.25 µg/mL and a complete photoprotection at 2 µg/mL.In summary, our findings suggest that the potent antioxidant and photoprotective effect of flavonoids like luteolin may be further increased by the addition of low concentrations of other antioxidants such as tocopherol and ubiquinone.
Journal Der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft | 2009
Ute Wölfle; Stefan F. Martin; Matthias Emde; Christoph M. Schempp
The present review highlights the evolution of the skin‐associated immune system from the invertebrates to the vertebrates and man. In the invertebrates a non‐specific humoral immune response dominates. It includes antimicrobial peptides, oxidases, lysozyme, agglutinins, coagulins and melanin. The cellular immune system initially consists of undifferentiated mesenchymal stem cells. Later migrating phagocytes and natural killer cells occur. From the fishes on, dendritic cells are present, linking innate and adaptive immune responses. In addition to this unspecific but highly effective immune system, the specific immune response, based on genetic recombination, is present in the vertebrates starting with the chondral fishes. The adaptive immune system possesses unlimited numbers of highly specific antibodies and T‐cell receptors, increasingly tissue specific MHC restriction, and cellular memory. Elements of the skin‐associated adaptive immune system are first detectable in the teleost fishes in the form of intraepithelial IgM positive lymphocytes and dendritic cells. Moving up to mammals and man, the skin‐associated immune system became more and more complex and effective.
Molecules | 2016
Ute Wölfle; Floriana A. Elsholz; Astrid Kersten; Birgit Haarhaus; Udo Schumacher; Christoph M. Schempp
Bitter taste receptors (TAS2Rs) are expressed in mucous epithelial cells of the tongue but also outside the gustatory system in epithelial cells of the colon, stomach and bladder, in the upper respiratory tract, in the cornified squamous epithelium of the skin as well as in airway smooth muscle cells, in the testis and in the brain. In the present work we addressed the question if bitter taste receptors might also be expressed in other epithelial tissues as well. By staining a tissue microarray with 45 tissue spots from healthy human donors with an antibody directed against the best characterized bitter taste receptor TAS2R38, we observed an unexpected strong TAS2R38 expression in the amniotic epithelium, syncytiotrophoblast and decidua cells of the human placenta. To analyze the functionality we first determined the TAS2R38 expression in the placental cell line JEG-3. Stimulation of these cells with diphenidol, a clinically used antiemetic agent that binds TAS2Rs including TAS2R38, demonstrated the functionality of the TAS2Rs by inducing calcium influx. Restriction enzyme based detection of the TAS2R38 gene allele identified JEG-3 cells as PTC (phenylthiocarbamide)-taster cell line. Calcium influx induced by PTC in JEG-3 cells could be inhibited with the recently described TAS2R38 inhibitor probenecid and proved the specificity of the TAS2R38 activation. The expression of TAS2R38 in human placental tissues points to further new functions and hitherto unknown endogenous ligands of TAS2Rs far beyond bitter tasting.
Rejuvenation Research | 2012
Ute Wölfle; Anja Heinemann; Philipp R. Esser; Birgit Haarhaus; Stefan F. Martin; Christoph M. Schempp
Human skin is continuously exposed to solar radiation, which can result in photoaging, a process involving both dermal and, to a lesser extent, epidermal structures. Previously, we have shown that the flavonoid luteolin protects the epidermis from ultraviolet (UV)-induced damage by a combination of UV-absorbing, antioxidant, and antiinflammatory properties. The aim of the present study was to determine direct and indirect effects of luteolin on dermal fibroblasts as major targets of photoaging. Stimulation of fibroblasts with UVA light or the proinflammatory cytokine interleukin-20 (IL-20) is associated with wrinkled skin, increased IL-6 secretion, matrix metalloproteinase (MMP-1) expression, and hyaluronidase activity. All of these targets were inhibited by luteolin via interference with the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway. Next, we assessed the role of conditioned supernatants from keratinocytes irradiated with solar-simulated radiation (SSR) on nonirradiated dermal fibroblasts. In keratinocytes, luteolin inhibited SSR-induced production of IL-20, also via interference with the p38 MAPK pathway. Similarly, keratinocyte supernatant-induced IL-6 and MMP-1 expression in fibroblasts was reduced by pretreatment of keratinocytes with luteolin. Finally, these results were confirmed ex vivo on skin explants treated with luteolin before UV irradiation. Our results suggest that SSR-mediated production of soluble factors in keratinocytes is modulated by luteolin and may attenuate photoaging in dermal fibroblasts.