Uwe G. Kersting
Aalborg University
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience | 2014
Anderson Oliveira; Leonardo Gizzi; Dario Farina; Uwe G. Kersting
Locomotion can be investigated by factorization of electromyographic (EMG) signals, e.g., with non-negative matrix factorization (NMF). This approach is a convenient concise representation of muscle activities as distributed in motor modules, activated in specific gait phases. For applying NMF, the EMG signals are analyzed either as single trials, or as averaged EMG, or as concatenated EMG (data structure). The aim of this study is to investigate the influence of the data structure on the extracted motor modules. Twelve healthy men walked at their preferred speed on a treadmill while surface EMG signals were recorded for 60s from 10 lower limb muscles. Motor modules representing relative weightings of synergistic muscle activations were extracted by NMF from 40 step cycles separately (EMGSNG), from averaging 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, and 40 consecutive cycles (EMGAVR), and from the concatenation of the same sets of consecutive cycles (EMGCNC). Five motor modules were sufficient to reconstruct the original EMG datasets (reconstruction quality >90%), regardless of the type of data structure used. However, EMGCNC was associated with a slightly reduced reconstruction quality with respect to EMGAVR. Most motor modules were similar when extracted from different data structures (similarity >0.85). However, the quality of the reconstructed 40-step EMGCNC datasets when using the muscle weightings from EMGAVR was low (reconstruction quality ~40%). On the other hand, the use of weightings from EMGCNC for reconstructing this long period of locomotion provided higher quality, especially using 20 concatenated steps (reconstruction quality ~80%). Although EMGSNG and EMGAVR showed a higher reconstruction quality for short signal intervals, these data structures did not account for step-to-step variability. The results of this study provide practical guidelines on the methodological aspects of synergistic muscle activation extraction from EMG during locomotion.
Journal of Neurophysiology | 2012
Anderson Oliveira; Leonardo Gizzi; Uwe G. Kersting; Dario Farina
Balance recovery during walking requires complex sensory-motor integration. Mechanisms to avoid falls are active concomitantly with human locomotion motor patterns. It has been suggested that gait can be described by a set of motor modules (synergies), but little is known on the modularity of gait during recovery of balance due to unexpected slips. Our hypothesis was that muscular activation during reactive recovery of balance during gait has a modular organization. The aim of the study was to verify this hypothesis when perturbations were delivered in different directions. Eight healthy men walked on a 7-m walkway, which had a moveable force platform embedded in the middle. Subjects experienced unperturbed walking as well as perturbations delivered in the sagittal (forward and backward) and frontal (leftward and rightward) planes. Bilateral full-body kinematics and surface electromyography (EMG) from lower limbs, trunk, and neck were recorded during walking. Synergies and activation signals were extracted from surface EMG signals. Four modules were sufficient to explain the unperturbed gait and the gait perturbed in any of the perturbation directions. Moreover, three of four modules extracted from the unperturbed gait were the same for gait perturbed forward, leftward, and rightward (similarity in synergies = 0.94 ± 0.03). On the other hand, the activation signals were different between unperturbed and perturbed gait (average correlation coefficient = 0.55 ± 0.16). These strategies to recover balance were robust across subjects. In conclusion, changes in lower limb and trunk kinematics provoked by perturbations were reflected in minimal adjustments in the muscular modular organization of walking, with three of four modules preserved from normal walking. Conversely, the activation signals were all substantially influenced by the perturbations, being the result of integration of afferent information and supraspinal control.
Journal of Biomechanics | 2009
René E.D. Ferdinands; Uwe G. Kersting; Robert N. Marshall
Cricket fast bowlers have a high incidence of serious lumbar injuries, such as lesions in the pars interarticularis. Kinematic studies have shown that bowling actions with large shoulder counter-rotation are associated with significantly higher incidences of lumbar injury. However, in bowling, there has been no calculation of the spinal loads, which are the causal mechanisms of such injuries. In this study, 21 fast bowlers (22.4+/-3.9 years) of premier grade level and above were tested using a three-dimensional (3D) motion analysis system. The mean ball release speed was 31.9+/-2.8 m s(-1) and ranged from 27.0 to 35.6 m s(-1). Kinematics and kinetics were calculated for lumbar spine lateral bending, rotation, and flexion during the delivery and power phases of bowling. Power calculations were used to define the actuation of lumbar spine motion as either active or controlled. The actuation of the lumbar spine was complex, involving multiple sequences of active and controlled motion. In addition, lumbar spine loads were largest during the power phase when the ground reaction forces were highest. In conclusion, the dynamic loads and the cyclical nature of their application when the spine is positioned near its end range of motion may be significant factors of injury to this region. In addition, the lumbar spine in bowling has to vigorously flex, laterally bend and rotate simultaneously in a complex interdependent sequence of actuation patterns. Therefore, any technical change to reduce injury susceptibility needs to consider the mechanics of whole body coordination and timing.
Research in Sports Medicine | 2006
Uwe G. Kersting; Gert-Peter Brüggemann
The impact maximum and rearfoot eversion have been used as indicators of load on internal structures in running. The midsole hardness of a typical running shoe was varied systematically to determine the relationship between external ground reaction force (GRF), in-shoe force, and kinematic variables. Eight subjects were tested during overground running at 4 m/s. Rearfoot movement as well as in-shoe forces and external GRF varied nonsystematically with midsole hardness. Kinematic parameters such as knee flexion and foot velocity at touch-down (TD), also varied nonsystematically with altered midsole hardness. Results demonstrate that considerable variations of in-shoe loading occur that were not depicted by external GRF measurements alone. Individuals apparently use different strategies of mechanical and neuromuscular adaptation in response to footwear modifications. In conclusion, shoe design effects on impact forces or other factors relating to injuries depend on the individual and therefore cannot be generalized.
Gait & Posture | 2010
Rasmus Gottschalk Nielsen; Michael Skovdal Rathleff; C.M. Moelgaard; Ole Simonsen; Søren Kaalund; Christian Gammelgaard Olesen; F.B. Christensen; Uwe G. Kersting
INTRODUCTION Various studies have demonstrated significant as well as non-significant relationships between static evaluation of foot posture and injury likelihood. Therefore, the relationship of static and dynamic measures needs to be established as in clinical settings time consuming dynamic methods are often not feasible. PURPOSE Assess reliability of a new method to quantify midfoot movement and validate the use of Foot Posture Index (FPI) classification as predictor of dynamic foot function during walking. METHOD Foot type was classified using FPI in 280 randomly selected adult participants (mean age 43.4 years). A Video Sequence Analysis (VSA) system was used to quantify midfoot kinematics during walking. Navicula drop (DeltaNH) and minimal navicula height (NHL) were compared with FPI. RESULTS The Intraclass Correlation Coefficients (ICC) for DeltaNH and NHL ranged from 0.65 to 0.95 with a coefficient of repeatability of 1.4 mm for DeltaNH and 4.5 mm for NHL. System precision was estimated at 0.99 mm for DeltaNH and 3.18 mm for NHL. DeltaNH was significantly positively correlated with FPI scores while NHL decreased with increasing FPI. However, the FPI model predicted only 13.2% of the variation in DeltaNH and 45% of the variation in NHL during walking (p<0.001). CONCLUSION The VSA was proven as a reliable and precise method to quantify midfoot kinematics. FPI scores and individual components of the FPI show strong statistical relationships to dynamic measures but individual predictions remain questionable. Dynamic midfoot measures are recommended for clinical foot assessments.
machine vision applications | 2007
Bodo Rosenhahn; Uwe G. Kersting; Katie Powell; Reinhard Klette; Gisela Klette; Hans-Peter Seidel
In this paper an approach for motion capture of dressed people is presented. A cloth draping method is incorporated in a silhouette based motion capture system. This leads to a simultaneous estimation of pose, joint angles, cloth draping parameters and wind forces. An error functional is formalized to minimize the involved parameters simultaneously. This allows for reconstruction of the underlying kinematic structure, even though it is covered with fabrics. Finally, a quantitative error analysis is performed. Pose results are compared with results obtained from a commercially available marker based tracking system. The deviations have a magnitude of three degrees which indicates a reasonably stable approach.
European Journal of Sport Science | 2010
René E.D. Ferdinands; Uwe G. Kersting; Robert N. Marshall; Max Stuelcken
Abstract The classification of bowling actions in cricket is particularly important from an injury perspective. Research has consistently shown that bowlers with a mixed-action technique have an elevated risk of sustaining serious lumbar injury. In this study, 34 New Zealand bowlers (mean age 22.2±0.9 years) of premier competition standard and above were assessed using a three-dimensional motion analysis system (240 Hz). Data were analysed using three previous classification systems before classifying bowlers into the side-on, semi-open, front-on, and mixed-action types based on a modified set of angle threshold criteria and a more intuitive angle convention system. The majority of bowlers in the sample (64.7%) used the mixed action with high levels of shoulder counter-rotation. The strongest predictors of shoulder counter-rotation were shoulder alignment angle and pelvic–shoulder separation angle. The current results suggest that a large proportion of fast bowlers may be at a higher risk of lumbar injury from the use of the mixed-action technique. We believe it may be advisable to recommend the semi-open action as an alternative to the front-on action. In addition, the adopted angle convention is more practical than the previous convention for bowling action classification.
joint pattern recognition symposium | 2006
Thomas Brox; Bodo Rosenhahn; Uwe G. Kersting; Daniel Cremers
The present paper considers the supplement of prior knowledge about joint angle configurations in the scope of 3-D human pose tracking. Training samples obtained from an industrial marker based tracking system are used for a nonparametric Parzen density estimation in the 12-dimensional joint configuration space. These learned probability densities constrain the image-driven joint angle estimates by drawing solutions towards familiar configurations. This prevents the method from producing unrealistic pose estimates due to unreliable image cues. Experiments on sequences with a human leg model reveal a considerably increased robustness, particularly in the presence of disturbed images and occlusions.
Sports Biomechanics | 2007
René E.D. Ferdinands; Uwe G. Kersting
Cricket bowling is traditionally thought to be a rigid-arm motion, allowing no elbow straightening during the delivery phase. Conversely, research has shown that a perfectly rigid arm through delivery is practically unattainable, which has led to rule changes over the past years. The current rule requires a bowler not to increase the elbow angle by more than 15°, thus requiring a measurement to confirm legality in “suspect” bowlers. The aims of this study were to evaluate whether the current rule is maintained over a range of bowlers and bowling styles, and to ascertain whether other kinematics measures may better differentiate between legal and suspect bowling actions. Eighty-three bowlers of varying pace were analysed using reflective markers and a high-speed (240 Hz) eight-camera motion analysis system in a laboratory. The change in elbow segment angle (minimum angle between the arm and forearm), the change in elbow extension angle with respect to the flexion–extension axis of a joint coordinate system, and the elbow extension angular velocity at ball release were measured. We found that bowlers generally bowled within a change in elbow extension angle of 15°. However, this limit was unable to differentiate groups of bowlers from those who were suspected of throwing in the past. Improved differentiation was attained using the elbow extension angular velocity at ball release. The elbow extension angular velocity at ball release may be conceptually more valid than the elbow extension angle in determining which bowlers use the velocity-contributing mechanisms of a throw. Also, a high value of elbow extension angular velocity at ball release may be related to the visual impression of throwing. Therefore, it is recommended that researchers and cricket legislators examine the feasibility of specifying a limit to the elbow extension angular velocity at ball release to determine bowling legality.
Neuroscience | 2013
Anderson Oliveira; Priscila de Brito Silva; Morten Enemark Lund; Uwe G. Kersting; Dario Farina
This study investigated the modular control of complex locomotor tasks that require fast changes in direction, i.e., cutting manoeuvres. It was hypothesized that such tasks are accomplished by an impulsive (burst-like) activation of a few motor modules, as observed during walking and running. It was further hypothesized that the performance in cutting manoeuvres would be associated to the relative timing of the activation impulses. Twenty-two healthy men performed 90° side-step cutting manoeuvres while electromyography (EMG) activity from 16 muscles of the supporting limb and trunk, kinematics, and ground reaction forces were recorded. Motor modules and their respective temporal activations were extracted from the EMG signals by non-negative matrix factorization. The kinematic analysis provided the velocity of the centre of mass and the external work absorbed during the load acceptance (negative work, external work during absorption (W-Abs)) and propulsion phases (positive work, external work during propulsion (W-Prp)) of the cutting manoeuvres. Five motor modules explained the EMG activity of all muscles and were driven in an impulsive way, with timing related to the initial contact (M2), load acceptance (M3), and propulsion (M4). The variability in timing between impulses across subjects was greater for cutting manoeuvres than for running. The timing difference between M2 and M3 in the cutting manoeuvres was significantly associated to W-Abs (r(2)=0.45) whereas the timing between M3 and M4 was associated to W-Prp (r(2)=0.43). These results suggest that complex locomotor tasks can be achieved by impulsive activation of muscle groups, and that performance is associated to the specific timing of the activation impulses.