V. A. Alimov
Radiophysical Research Institute
Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics | 1997
V. A. Alimov; L. M. Erukhimov; E. N. Myasnikov; A. V. Rakhlin
The problem of defining the spectral form of ionospheric irregularities with dimensions from hundreds to thousands of meters is considered. A generalized model is proposed for the ionospheric turbulence spectrum, taking into account both the anisotropic properties of the large-scale fraction of irregularities and the dependence of the anisotropy (elongation) of small-scale irregularities of the upper ionosphere along the Earth magnetic field direction on the transverse scale of those irregularities. Relations have been derived to determine the basic parameters of the irregularity spectrum of the uppers ionosphere (anisotropy indices for large-scale and small-scale fractions) and the depth of a thin ionospheric layer through measurement of the spectral characteristics of amplitude and phase fluctuations of orbital satellite signals. Using this model of the plasma irregularity spectrum, we can explain consistently many well-known experimental data on spectral characteristics of the phase and amplitude fluctuations of orbital satellite signals both in the high-latitude and midlatitude ionosphere.
Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics | 2002
V. A. Alimov; F. I. Vybornov; A. N. Karashtin; G. P. Komrakov; A. V. Rakhlin
We present the results of the last experiments aimed at studying the phenomenon of mid-latitude F-spread by radio-raying of the ionosphere using the signal from the SURA facility received onboard the NASA spacecraft WIND. A generalized model of spatio-temporal distribution of the electron density in the mid-latitude ionosphere under F-spread conditions is proposed. Based on this model describing large-scale ionospheric irregularities, we calculate the ray trajectories of HF radio waves. We also discuss the known results of comparative measurements of the variances of relative electron-density fluctuations in large-scale irregularities of the mid-latitude ionosphere, carried out by the OGO-6 spacecraft, and the frequency broadening of the ionograms of ground-based stations for the vertical sounding. It is shown that the proposed model of electron-density disturbances in the mid-latitude ionosphere in the presence of F-spread is able not only to describe well the main qualitative feature of HF radiowave propagation under disturbed geophysical conditions, but also to reproduce quite accurately the quantitative parameters of the frequency broadening of reflected HF signals under conditions of standard and developed F-spread.
Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics | 1997
V. A. Alimov; A. V. Rakhlin; F. I. Vybornov
A model of decameter-decimeter radio wave propagation in a strongly inhomogeneous mid-latitude ionosphere is constructed using a modified method of radio wave refractive scattering. The model establishes the relationship between the basic statistical radio wave characteristics and the turbulence parameters of the upper ionosphere. Different aspects of the theory of radio wave refractive scattering are considered in application to the study of amplitude and phase fluctuations of decameter-decimeter radio waves propagating in a three-dimensional randomly inhomogeneous ionosphere with an arbitrary electron density distribution.
Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics | 2001
Yu. V. Tokarev; V. A. Alimov; G. P. Komrakov; G. N. Boiko; M. T. Rietveld; Pablo Rodriguez; J.-L. Bougeret; M. L. Kaiser; K. Goetz
Results of the 1999 experiments on receiving radio-frequency signals from the SURA and EISCAT facilities on the WIND spacecraft at 5475 kHz are presented. Power and frequency distortions imposed by near-Earth plasmas on the response of SURA-EISCAT, an active decameter radio interferometer with a superlong baseline of ∼2000 km, are studied. Quasi-oscillatory variations in the intensity of the received radiation with a period of several tenths of a second and the corresponding maximum in the intensity fluctuation spectrum are observed during synchronized operation of the facilities under both quiet and perturbed geophysical conditions including the occurrence of mid-latitude F spread. Variations in the mean frequency of the spectral line both because of the motion of the spacecraft and the large-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances are detected. The obtained results are compared with the modern theoretical concept of propagation of short radio waves in a randomly irregular ionospheric plasma. The possibility to realize the limiting angular resolution of a ground-based decameter interferometer with a superlong baseline for observations of discrete space radio sources is discussed.
Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics | 1999
Yu. V. Tokarev; M. L. Kaiser; P. Rodrigues; V. A. Alimov; Yu. I. Belov; G. N. Boiko; G. P. Komrakov; N. V. Muravyova; A. V. Rakhlin
We present experimental results on reception of VHF signals of the transmitting facility “Sura” of the Radiophysical Research Institute by the NASA spacecraft WIND. The experiments were performed during daytime during the summer seasons 1997–1998. The dependence of power and spectral characteristics of the VHF radio waves on the power of the sounding radiation is analyzed. We find that, in a wide range of effective powers of the VHF radiation from about 40 kW to 160 MW, the phenomena observed in the radiation received onboard WIND (such as focusing, scintillations, or frequency deviations of signals) does not usually depend on the operation mode of the “Sura” facility. At the same time, broadening of the radiation pattern of the facility and decrease of the mean level of the received signal by about 6 dB toward the direction of maximum of the radiation pattern were observed at the peak radiation power of the facility. The experimental results are compared to present concepts on effects of self-focusing instability and nonlinear defocusing of VHF radio waves in the ionospheric plasma.
Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics | 1996
V. A. Alimov; A. V. Rakhlin
We consider some aspects of the theory of radio-wave scattering with respect to studies of radiation intensity fluctuations behind a random phase screen. The expressions for a piecewise approximation of the function of distribution of intensity fluctuations in the near zone and in the region of random focusing behind the screen are found. The expressions obtained are used to calculate the radio-wave scintillation index in these regions. The corresponding calculations are performed with allowance for the finite dimensions of external and internal scales of turbulent inhomogeneities of the phase screen. It is shown that the radio-wave refraction scattering, as a rule, is characterized by a pronounced random focusing of the radiation intensity behind the phase screen. However, under strongly developed turbulence of the radio-wave propagation medium (phase screen) the above phenomenon may be absent.
Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics | 1996
V. A. Alimov; A. V. Rakhlin
The results of a complex experiment on the synchronous observation of geostationary-satellite signals and of reflected HF signals of the vertical-sounding station in the course of ionosphere modification by powerful short waves are analyzed using the method of refractive scattering of radio waves. We show that the main statements of the known stochastic theory of F-spread in the ionosphere can be used in the development of a model of artificial F-spread. In particular, the artificial F-spread can be described as multiple-ray propagation of short radio waves in the ionosphere modified by high-power radio waves, the electron-density distribution of which is a random process locally stationary in space and time.
Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics | 2001
V. A. Alimov; Yu. V. Tokarev
We consider some theoretical issues concerning diffraction of radio waves in a randomly irregular ionosphere with application to the problems of long-wavelength interferometry of cosmic objects. The statistical characteristics of intensity fluctuations of the decameter radio emission from discrete sources in the case of ground-based observations by two-element interferometers with very long and small baselines are analyzed. Analytical expressions are obtained for the autocorrelation function of the radiation intensity and for the scintillation spectrum of a point source in the limiting cases of large and small phase increments in an irregular ionospheric plasma. We find that in the case of radio interferometric reception, the scintillation spectrum corresponding to observations of a source by a single antenna is transferred from the zero-frequency region to the region of the Doppler frequency of the interferometer. It is shown that decameter ground-based and space-borne radio interferometers can be used to study the angular distribution of the radio brightness of cosmic sources under conditions of both quiet and disturbed ionosphere.
Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics | 1994
V. A. Alimov; F. I. Vybornov; L. M. Erukhimov; N. A. Mityakov; A. V. Rakhlin
The results of a special experiment to study the statistics of short-wave signals reflected from the ionosphere during F-spread conducted in the first half of 1994 at the proving ground of the Scientific-Research Radio-Physics Institute at Zimenki of the Nizhny Novgorod region are presented. The dependence of the index of amplitude fluctuations on the reception bandwidth was studied. The experiment results are compared with existing theoretical concepts of the origin of F-spread. The experiment favors the hypothesis that middle-latitude F-spread is result of the multiple-ray nature of short-wave signals reflected from the large-scale quasi-regular inhomogeneous structure of the ionosphere.
Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics | 2004
V. A. Alimov; A. V. Rakhlin; F. I. Vybornov
We solve the problem of diffraction of fluctuating radiation by an optically thin irregular layer (phase screen) with developed turbulent structure. It is shown that in the case of diffraction of radiation with saturated fluctuations and a narrow-band frequency spectrum by a weakly turbulent moving phase screen, the measured frequency spectrum of intensity fluctuations in the observation plane allows one to obtain information on the form of the spectrum of irregularities of an optically thin irregular layer in a wide size range significantly exceeding the size of the first Fresnel zone. Similarly to the well-known phase method of diagnostics of randomly irregular media, the conventional scintillation method modified in such a way yields undistorted information on the form of the irregularity spectrum. However, in contrast to the phase method, it also allows one to obtain data on the drift velocity of irregularities in the studied irregular layer.