V. R. Manfredi
University of Padua
Physics Letters B | 1996
E. Caurier; J. M. G. Gómez; V. R. Manfredi; Luca Salasnich
Abstract The spectral statistics of low-lying states of several fp shell nuclei are studied with realistic shell-model calculations. For Ca isotopes, we find significant deviations from the predictions of the random-matrix theory which suggest that some spherical nuclei are not as chaotic in nature as the conventional view assumes.
Physics Letters B | 2000
J. M. G. Gómez; Kamales Kar; V. R. Manfredi; Rafael A. Molina; J. Retamosa
Spectral distribution method and exact shell-model predictions for the strength sums of different transition operators are compared in detail for the J=0, T−Tz=0 states of 46V and 50Sc using the full pf shell. Good agreement of both models is observed in the high level density region of the energy spectrum, where chaotic motion is dominant, and larger discrepancies are observed in the ground state region, where nuclear motion is more regular. The agreement in the chaotic region becomes especially good in the 5986 dimensional space of 50Sc, illustrating the quality of the statistical theory in large configuration spaces.
Rivista Del Nuovo Cimento | 1994
M. T. Lopez-Arias; V. R. Manfredi; Luca Salasnich
An interesting aspect of nuclear dynamics is the co--existence, in atomic nuclei, of regular and chaotic states. In the first part of the present work, we review the state of the art of nuclear dynamics and use a schematic shell model to show how a very simple and schematic nucleon--nucleon interaction can produce an order
European Physical Journal A | 1992
V. R. Manfredi; Luca Salasnich
Physical Review C | 1998
S. Choubey; Kamales Kar; J. M. G. Gómez; V. R. Manfredi
chaos transition. The second part is devoted to a discussion of the wave function behaviour and decay of chaotic states using some simple models (to be published in Rivista Nuovo Cimento).
Modern Physics Letters B | 1995
S. Graffi; V. R. Manfredi; Luca Salasnich
Three different families of short periodic orbits in the semiclassical SU(3) nuclear model were studied and their stability calculated. Then, knowing the shortest periodTmin of the closed trajectories, the long-range behaviour of theΔ3 statistic was determined.
International Journal of Modern Physics E-nuclear Physics | 1995
V. R. Manfredi; Luca Salasnich
The spectral distribution method with modified Kuo-Brown interaction is extended to the study of the upper half as well as to odd-A nuclei, of the fp shell. The calculations show similar success to that obtained for the lower half.
Modern Physics Letters A | 1997
V. R. Manfredi; Luca Salasnich
In order to highlight the onset of chaos in the Pullen–Edmonds model a quantal analog of the resonance overlap criterion has been examined. A quite good agreement between analytical and numerical results is obtained.
arXiv: Nuclear Theory | 2002
V. R. Manfredi; Luca Salasnich
Using a classical analytical criterion (that of curvature) and numerical results (Poincare sections and spectral statistics), a transition order-chaos-order in the roto-vibrational model of atomic nuclei has been shown. Numerical calculations were performed for some deformed nuclei.
European Physical Journal A | 1989
M. T. Lopez-Arias; V. R. Manfredi
The Toda criterion of the Gaussian curvature is applied to calculate analytically the transition energy from regular to chaotic motion in a schematic model describing the interaction between collective dipole and quadrupole modes in atomic nuclei.