
Astronomy Letters | 2012

Redetermination of galactic spiral density wave parameters based on spectral analysis of masers radial velocities

A. T. Bajkova; V. V. Bobylev

To redetermine the Galactic spiral density wave parameters, we have performed a spectral (Fourier) analysis of the radial velocities for 44 masers with known trigonometric parallaxes, proper motions, and line-of-sight velocities. The masers are distributed in awide range of Galactocentric distances (3.5 kpc < R < 13.2 kpc) and are characterized by a wide scatter of position angles θ in the Galactic XY plane. This has required an accurate allowance for the dependence of the perturbation phase both on the logarithm of the Galactocentric distances and on the position angles of the objects. To increase the significance of the extraction of periodicities from data series with large gaps, we have proposed and implemented a spectrum reconstruction method based on a generalized maximum entropy method. As a result, we have extracted a periodicity describing a spiral density wave with the following parameters from the maser radial velocities: the perturbation amplitude fR = 7.7−1.5+1.7 km s−1, the perturbation wavelength λ = 2.2−0.1+0.4 kpc, the pitch angle of the spiral density wave i = −5−0.9°+0.2°, and the phase of the Sun in the spiral density wave χ⊙ = −147−17°+3°.

Astronomy Letters | 2013

Galactic rotation curve and spiral density wave parameters from 73 masers

V. V. Bobylev; A. T. Bajkova

Based on kinematic data on masers with known trigonometric parallaxes and measurements of the velocities of HI clouds at tangential points in the inner Galaxy, we have refined the parameters of the Allen-Santillan model Galactic potential and constructed the Galactic rotation curve in a wide range of Galactocentric distances, from 0 to 20 kpc. The circular rotation velocity of the Sun for the adopted Galactocentric distance R0 = 8 kpc is V0 = 239 ± 16 km s−1. We have obtained the series of residual tangential, ΔVθ, and radial, VR, velocities for 73 masers. Based on these series, we have determined the parameters of the Galactic spiral density wave satisfying the linear Lin-Shu model using the method of periodogram analysis that we proposed previously. The tangential and radial perturbation amplitudes are fθ = 7.0±1.2 km s−1 and fR = 7.8±0.7 km s−1, respectively, the perturbation wave length is λ = 2.3±0.4 kpc, and the pitch angle of the spiral pattern in a two-armed model is i = −5.2° ±0.7°. The phase of the Sun ζ⊙ in the spiral density wave is −50° ± 15° and −160° ± 15° from the residual tangential and radial velocities, respectively.

Astronomy Letters | 2013

Galactic kinematics from a sample of young massive stars

V. V. Bobylev; A. T. Bajkova

Based on published sources, we have created a kinematic database on 220 massive (> 10 M⊙) young Galactic star systems located within ≤3 kpc of the Sun. Out of them, ≈100 objects are spectroscopic binary and multiple star systems whose components are massive OB stars; the remaining objects are massive Hipparcos B stars with parallax errors of no more than 10%. Based on the entire sample, we have constructed the Galactic rotation curve, determined the circular rotation velocity of the solar neighborhood around the Galactic center at R0 = 8kpc, V0 = 259±16 km s−1, and obtained the following spiral density wave parameters: the amplitudes of the radial and azimuthal velocity perturbations fR = −10.8 ± 1.2 km s−1 and fθ = 7.9 ± 1.3 km s−1, respectively; the pitch angle for a two-armed spiral pattern i = −6.0° ± 0.4°, with the wavelength of the spiral density wave near the Sun being λ = 2.6 ± 0.2 kpc; and the radial phase of the Sun in χ⊙ = −120° ± 4°. We show that such peculiarities of the Gould Belt as the local expansion of the system, the velocity ellipsoid vertex deviation, and the significant additional rotation can be explained in terms of the density wave theory. All these effects decrease noticeably once the influence of the spiral density wave on the velocities of nearby stars has been taken into account. The influence of Gould Belt stars on the Galactic parameter estimates has also been revealed. Eliminating them from the kinematic equations has led to the following new values of the spiral density wave parameters: fθ = 2.9 ± 2.1 km s−1 and χ⊙ = −104° ± 6°.

Astronomy Letters | 2012

Estimation of the galactic spiral pattern speed from Cepheids

V. V. Bobylev; A. T. Bajkova

To study the peculiarities of the Galactic spiral density wave, we have analyzed the space velocities of Galactic Cepheids with propermotions from the Hipparcos catalog and line-of-sight velocities from various sources. First, based on the entire sample of 185 stars and taking R0 = 8 kpc, we have found the components of the peculiar solar velocity (u⊙, v⊙) = (7.6, 11.6) ± (0.8, 1.1) km s−1, the angular velocity of Galactic rotation Ω0 = 27.5 ± 0.5 km s−1 kpc−1 and its derivatives Ω′0 = −4.12 ± 0.10 km s−1 kpc−2 and Ω″0 = 0.85 ± 0.07 km s−1 kpc−3, the amplitudes of the velocity perturbations in the spiral density wave fR = −6.8 ± 0.7 and fθ = 3.3 ± 0.5 km s−1, the pitch angle of a two-armed spiral pattern (m = 2) i = −4.6° ± 0.1° (which corresponds to a wavelength λ = 2.0 ± 0.1 kpc), and the phase of the Sun in the spiral density wave χ⊙ = −193° ± 5°. The phase χ⊙ has been found to change noticeably with the mean age of the sample. Having analyzed these phase shifts, we have determined the mean value of the angular velocity difference Ωp − Ω, which depends significantly on the calibrations used to estimate the individual ages of Cepheids. When estimating the ages of Cepheids based on Efremov’s calibration, we have found |Ωp − Ω0| = 10 ± 1stat ± 3syst km s−1 kpc−1. The ratio of the radial component of the gravitational force produced by the spiral arms to the total gravitational force of the Galaxy has been estimated to be fr0 = 0.04 ± 0.01.

Astronomy Letters | 2011

Searching for possible siblings of the sun from a common cluster based on stellar space velocities

V. V. Bobylev; A. T. Bajkova; A. Mylläri; Mauri J. Valtonen

We propose a kinematic approach to searching for the stars that could be formed with the Sun in a common “parent” open cluster. The approach consists in preselecting suitable candidates by the closeness of their space velocities to the solar velocity and analyzing the parameters of their encounters with the solar orbit in the past in a time interval comparable to the lifetime of stars. We consider stars from the Hipparcos catalog with available radial velocities. The Galactic orbits of stars have been constructed in the Allen-Santillan potential by taking into account the perturbations from the spiral density wave. We show that two stars, HIP 87382 and HIP 47399, are of considerable interest in our problem. Their orbits oscillate near the solar orbit with an amplitude of ≈250 pc; there are short-term close encounters to distances <10 pc. Both stars have an evolutionary status and metallicity similar to the solar ones.

Astronomy Letters | 2011

Galactic Kinematics from OB3 Stars with Distances Determined from Interstellar Ca II Lines

V. V. Bobylev; A. T. Bajkova

Based on data for 102 OB3 stars with known proper motions and radial velocities, we have tested the distances derived by Megier et al. from interstellar Ca II spectral lines. The internal reconciliation of the distance scales using the first derivative of the angular velocity of Galactic rotation Ω′0 and the external reconciliation with Humphreys’s distance scale for OB associations refined by Mel’nik and Dambis show that the initial distances should be reduced by ≈20%. Given this correction, the heliocentric distances of these stars lie within the range 0.6–2.6 kpc. A kinematic analysis of these stars at a fixed Galactocentric distance of the Sun, R0 = 8 kpc, has allowed the following parameters to be determined: (1) the solar peculiar velocity components (u⊙, v⊙, ω⊙) = (8.9, 10.3, 6.8) ± (0.6, 1.0, 0.4) km s−1; (2) the Galactic rotation parameters Ω0 = −31.5 ± 0.9 km s−1 kpc−1, Ω′0 = +4.49 ± 0.12 km s−1 kpc−2, Ω″0 = −1.05 ± 0.38 km s−1 kpc−3 (the corresponding Oort constants are A = 17.9 ± 0.5 km s−1 kpc−1, B = −13.6 ± 1.0 km s−1 kpc−1 and the circular rotation velocity of the solar neighborhood is |V0| = 252 ± 14 km s−1); (3) the spiral density wave parameters, namely: the perturbation amplitudes for the radial and azimuthal velocity components, respectively, fR = −12.5±1.1 km s−1 and fϑ = 2.0 ± 1.6 km s−1; the pitch angle for the two-armed spiral pattern i = −5.3° ± 0.3°, with the wavelength of the spiral density wave at the solar distance being λ = 2.3 ± 0.2 kpc; the Sun’s phase in the spiral wave x⊙ = −91° ± 4°.

Astronomy Letters | 2013

Estimation of the solar galactocentric distance and galactic rotation velocity from near-solar-circle objects

V. V. Bobylev

We have tested the method of determining the solar Galactocentric distance R0 and Galactic rotation velocity V0 modified by Sofue et al. using near-solar-circle objects. The motion of objects relative to the local standard of rest has been properly taken into account. We show that when such young objects as star-forming regions or Cepheids are analyzed, allowance for the perturbations produced by the Galactic spiral density wave improves the statistical significance of the estimates. The estimate of R0 = 7.25 ± 0.32 kpc has been obtained from 19 star-forming regions. The following estimates have been obtained from a sample of 14 Cepheids (with pulsation periods P > 5d): R0 = 7.66 ± 0.36 kpc and V0 = 267 ± 17 km s−1. We consider the influence of the adopted Oort constant A and the character of stellar proper motions (Hipparcos or UCAC4). The following estimates have been obtained from a sample of 18 Cepheids with stellar proper motions from the UCAC4 catalog: R0 = 7.64 ± 0.32 kpc and V0 = 217 ± 11 km s−1.

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2010

An investigation of the absolute proper motions of the XPM catalogue

P. N. Fedorov; V. S. Akhmetov; V. V. Bobylev; A. T. Bajkova

The XPM-1.0 is the regular version of the XPM catalogue. In comparison with XPM the astrometric catalogue of about 280 millions stars covering entire sky from -90 to +90 degrees in declination and in the magnitude range 10^m<B<22^m is something improved. The general procedure steps were followed as for XPM, but some of them are now performed on a more sophisticated level. The XPM-1.0 catalogue contains star positions, proper motions, 2MASS and USNO photometry of about 280 millions of the sources. We present some investigations of the absolute proper motions of XPM-1.0 catalogue and also the important information for the users of the catalogue. Unlike previous version, the XPM-1.0 contains the proper motions over the whole sky without gaps. In the fields, which cover the zone of avoidance or which contain less than of 25 galaxies a quasi absolute calibration was performed. The proper motion errors are varying from 3 to 10 mas/yr, depending on a specific field. The zero-point of the absolute proper motion frame (the absolute calibration) was specified with more than 1 million galaxies from 2MASS and USNO-A2.0. The mean formal error of absolute calibration is less than 1 mas/yr.

Astronomy Letters | 2014

Determination of galactic rotation parameters and the solar galactocentric distance R0 from 73 masers

V. V. Bobylev; A. T. Bajkova

We have determined the Galactic rotation parameters and the solar Galactocentric distance R0 by simultaneously solving Bottlinger’s kinematic equations using data on masers with known line-of-sight velocities and highly accurate trigonometric parallaxes and proper motions measured by VLBI. Our sample includes 73 masers spanning the range of Galactocentric distances from 3 to 14 kpc. The solutions found are Ω0 = 28.86 ± 0.45 km s−1 kpc−1, Ω′0 = −3.96 ± 0.09 km s−1 kpc−2, Ω″0 = 0.790 ± 0.027 km s−1 kpc−3, and R0 = 8.3 ± 0.2 kpc. In this case, the linear rotation velocity at the solar distance R0 is V = 241 ± 7 km s−1. Note that we have obtained the R0 estimate, which is of greatest interest, from masers for the first time; it is in good agreement with the most recent estimates and even surpasses them in accuracy.

Astronomy Letters | 2014

The Gould Belt, the de Vaucouleurs-Dolidze belt, and the Orion arm

V. V. Bobylev; A. T. Bajkova

Based on masers with measured trigonometric parallaxes, we have redetermined the spatial orientation parameters of the Local (Orion) arm. Using 23 sources (the Gould Belt objects were excluded), we have found that their spatial distribution can be approximated by a very narrow ellipsoid elongated in the direction L1 = 77.1° ± 2.9° whose symmetry plane is inclined to the Galactic plane at an angle of 5.6° ± 0.2°. The longitude of the ascending node of the symmetry plane is

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