Valdemiro Amaro da Silva Junior
Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco
Featured researches published by Valdemiro Amaro da Silva Junior.
Journal of Applied Toxicology | 2011
Bruno Mendes Tenorio; George Chaves Jimenez; Rosana Nogueira de Morais; Sandra Maria de Torres; Romildo de Albuquerque Nogueira; Valdemiro Amaro da Silva Junior
Society has been increasingly exposed to low‐frequency electromagnetic fields (EMF), mainly from electricity distribution networks and electro‐electronic devices. Aiming to clarify the extension of possible interactions between EMF and testicular development, this study evaluated the effects of exposure to 60 Hz and 1 mT EMF in the maturation of testicular components. Wistar rats were exposed to EMF three times per day for 30 min, between the 13th day of gestation and the 21st postnatal day. Results showed a decrease in the following parameters: tubular diameter and seminiferous tubules area; seminiferous epithelium height; total volume of seminiferous tubule; tubular lumen; seminiferous epithelium; and Leydig cells. On the other hand, an increase was observed in connective tissue cells and blood vessels volume. Plasma testosterone, Sertoli cells population, tubular length and gonadosomatic index did not change when exposed to EMF. Histomorphometric analysis showed that exposure to EMF can promote a delay in testicular development. Copyright
Acta Cirurgica Brasileira | 2004
Silvio Romero Marques; Christina A. Peixoto; Júlio Brando Messias; Alessandra Ribeiro de Albuquerque; Valdemiro Amaro da Silva Junior
OBJETIVO: Demonstrar os efeitos do uso de oleo de semente de girassol no tratamento de feridas cutâneas. METODOS: Dezoito carneiros da raca Santa Ines foram divididos em 3 grupos de acordo com o pos-cirurgico (7, 14, e 21 dias). Apos antisepsia e anestesia local foram produzidas cirurgicamente duas feridas de 4 cm2 em cada lado da regiao toracica proxima escapula. As feridas experimentais foram tratadas com oleo de semente de girassol, com alta concentracao de acido linoleico (LA) e as controles com vaselina esterilizada. Biopsias dos tecidos das feridas pos-cirurgicas foram realizadas no 7o, 14o e 21o dias e avaliadas histologicamente. RESULTADOS: A aplicacao topica do oleo de semente de girassol acelerou o processo de cicatrizacao no 7oe 21o dias, reduzindo a area e aumentando a contracao das feridas. O tecido de granulacao se desenvolveu mais rapidamente em feridas tratadas. A epiderme das feridas tratadas estava completamente reconstituida em relacao as feridas controle. CONCLUSAO: O uso topico do oleo de semente de girassol acelerou a cicatrizacao, podendo ser utilizado como alternativa terapeutica na cicatrizacao de feridas por segunda intencao.
Journal of Applied Toxicology | 2012
Bruno Mendes Tenorio; George Chaves Jimenez; Rosana Nogueira de Morais; Christina Alves Peixoto; Romildo de Albuquerque Nogueira; Valdemiro Amaro da Silva Junior
The population exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) has been growing in recent decades. The generation, distribution and use of electric energy can generate low‐frequency electromagnetic fields. The present study investigates the effects of EMF (60 Hz and 1 mT) on spermatogenesis of rats during different periods of maturation. Wistar rats were exposed to EMF from day 13 of gestation to postnatal day 21 or 90 in three daily applications of 30 min. Plasma testosterone concentration was not changed by EMF exposure; however, histopathological and histomorphometrical analyses of the testes showed testicular degeneration in a subset of animals exposed to EMF. The magnitude of the degenerative process varied between those individuals affected, indicating different individual sensitivity to EMF. The main alterations observed through transmission electron microscopy were highly electron‐dense mitochondria with loss of their organization and cristae. Exposure to 60 Hz and 1 mT EMF can disturb spermatogenesis and may produce subfertility or infertility. Copyright
International Journal of Morphology | 2008
Valdemiro Amaro da Silva Junior; Marleyne José Afonso Accioly Lins Amorim; Adelmar Afonso de Amorim Júnior; Catarina Ferreira Pinto; Tereza Cristina B. J Deiró; João Ricardo Mendes de Oliveira; Christina Alves Peixoto; Raul Manhães-de-Castro
La proposito del presente estudio fue probar la hipotesis que el uso de fluoxetina - un inhibidor altamente selectivo de la serotonina (SSRI) - induce cambios en el desarrollo testicular de ratas durante el periodo de amamantamiento. Los grupos de ratas macho recien nacidas fueron asignados aleatoriamente con diversas dosis del fluoxetina, 24 horas despues del nacimiento. Cada cria permanecia con su madre respectiva durante 21 dias. El peso corporal (BW) fue medido diariamente desde el 21dia 1 al 21, para calcular la dosis diarias del fluoxetina. 5 mg (T1), 10 mg (T2) y 20 (T3) o agua desionizada fueron inyectados intraperitonealmente. En el dia 21, los animales fueron tratados con heparina, anestesiados y la sangre fue recogida por puncion cardiaca para determinar por radioinmunoanalisis los niveles de la hormona foliculo-estimulante (FSH). Los testiculos fueron retirados, pesados y procesados para el analisis morfometrico. Los grupos trtados con fluoxetina presentaron disminucion del tamano y peso testiculares, en comparacion con el grupo control dia 21. Los resultados demuestran que la manipulacion del sistema serotoninergico con fluoxetina durante el periodo critico del desarrollo testicular, altera la poblacion de celulas de Sertoli y todos los parametros testiculares relacionados con este tipo celular.
Mediators of Inflammation | 2014
Edlene Lima Ribeiro; Karla Patrícia de Souza Barbosa; Ingrid Tavares Fragoso; M.A.M. Donato; Fabiana Oliveira dos Santos Gomes; Bruna Santos da Silva; Amanda Karolina Soares e Silva; Sura Wanessa Santos Rocha; Valdemiro Amaro da Silva Junior; Christina Alves Peixoto
Diethylcarbamazine (DEC) is an antifilarial drug with potent anti-inflammatory properties as a result of its interference with the metabolism of arachidonic acid. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the anti-inflammatory activity of DEC in a mouse model of acute inflammation (carrageenan-induced pleurisy). The injection of carrageenan into the pleural cavity induced the accumulation of fluid containing a large number of polymorphonuclear cells (PMNs) as well as infiltration of PMNs in lung tissues and increased production of nitrite and tumor necrosis factor-α and increased expression of interleukin-1β, cyclooxygenase (COX-2), and inducible nitric oxide synthase. Carrageenan also induced the expression of nuclear factor-κB. The oral administration of DEC (50 mg/Kg) three days prior to the carrageenan challenge led to a significant reduction in all inflammation markers. The present findings demonstrate that DEC is a potential drug for the treatment of acute lung inflammation.
Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine | 2013
Waldo Monteiro de Oliveira; Iana Raphaela de Sá; Sandra Maria de Torres; Rosana Nogueira de Morais; Anderson Joel Martino Andrade; Frederico Celso Lyra Maia; Bruno Mendes Tenorio; Valdemiro Amaro da Silva Junior
Due to the widespread use of fluoxetine to treat depression, including pregnant and nursing women, the present study aimed to investigate the effects of in utero and lactational exposure to fluoxetine in rat offspring at post natal day 22. Wistar rat dams were orally treated with fluoxetine (5, 10, and 20 mg/kg) from day 13 gestation to day 21 lactation. Exposure to 10 and 20 mg/kg fluoxetine reduced the body and testis weights. The volume of the seminiferous tubules and epithelium were also reduced following 20 mg/kg fluoxetine exposure. The length of the seminiferous tubules and the population of Sertoli cells changed in offspring exposed to fluoxetine. The amount of seminiferous tubules lacking tubular lumen was higher in rats exposed to 20 mg/kg fluoxetine. Plasma testosterone showed no significant change. In conclusion, fluoxetine exposure via the placenta and lactation may inhibit and delay testicular development, adversely affecting several testicular parameters important for the establishment of sperm production in adulthood.
Ciencia Rural | 2010
Fábio Luiz da Cunha Brito; José Luiz Laus; Wagner Luiz Tafuri; Maria Marta Figueiredo; Valdemiro Amaro da Silva Junior; Frederico Celso Lyra Maia; Leucio Câmara Alves
The objective of the present study was to investigate the histopathological alterations and detection of parasites that occur in the eyes of dogs naturally infected with Leishmania chagasi. The eyes of 25 dogs with a positive parasitological and serological exam for L. chagasi were submitted to routine ophthalmic examination. Fragments were obtained from the eyeball and were analyzed by immunohistochemistry and histopathology. Among the structures studied, the conjunctiva of the third eyelid was the tissue most frequently stained for L. chagasi. Histopathological analysis revealed a predominantly mononuclear inflammatory infiltrate whose intensity ranged from discrete to intense in the various ocular structures. Vascular congestion and perivasculitis were also observed. The histopathological alterations that occur in the eyeball of dogs with visceral leishmaniasis might be related to the presence of antibodies.
Acta Cirurgica Brasileira | 2008
Camila Maria Beder Ribeiro; Belmiro Cavalcanti do Egito Vasconcelos; Joaquim Celestino da Silva Neto; Valdemiro Amaro da Silva Junior; Nancy Gurgel Figueiredo
PURPOSE To analyze the action of gangliosides in peripheral nerve regeneration in the sciatic nerve of the rat. METHODS The sample was composed of 96 male Wistar rats. The animals were anaesthetized and, after identification of the anaesthesic plane, an incision was made in the posterior region of the thigh, followed by skin and muscle divulsion. The right sciatic nerve was isolated and compressed for 2 minutes. Continuous suture of the skin was performed. The animals were randomly divided into two groups: the experimental group (EG), which received subcutaneous injection of gangliosides, and the control group (CG), which received saline solution (0.9%) to mimic the effects of drug administration. RESULTS No differences were observed between the experimental and control groups evaluated on the eighth day of observation. At 15 and 30 days the EG showed an decrease in Schwann cell activity and an apparent improvement in fibre organization; at 60 days, there was a slight presence of Schwann cells in the endoneural space and the fibres were organized, indicating nerve regeneration. At 15 and 30 days, the level of cell reaction in the CG had diminished, but there were many cells with cytoplasm in activity and in mitosis; at 60 days, hyperplastic Schwann cells and mitotic activity were again observed, as well as nerve regeneration, but to a lesser extent than in the EG. CONCLUSION The administration of exogenous gangliosides seems to improve nerve regeneration.
Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine | 2014
Waldo Oliveira Monteiro Filho; Sandra Maria de Torres; Marleyne José Afonso Accioly Lins Amorim; Anderson Joel Martino Andrade; Rosana Nogueira de Morais; Bruno Mendes Tenorio; Valdemiro Amaro da Silva Junior
Abstract Fluoxetine is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor used to treat depression in pregnant and nursing women. However, recent studies have shown adverse effects in the male reproductive system after fluoxetine treatment. Aiming to analyze the extent of damage caused by fluoxetine in the testicle and safe doses for treatment during the perinatal period, the present study analyzed the effects of in utero exposure and exposure during lactation to fluoxetine in spermatogenesis of male rat offspring in adulthood. Wistar rat dams were orally treated with fluoxetine (5, 10, and 20 mg/kg) from 13 days of gestation to lactation day 21 and their offspring were analyzed at 90 days old. Results showed a reduction in the weight of testes (16%), epididymis (28%), and seminal glands (18%) in animals exposed to fluoxetine 20 mg/kg compared to the control. Seminal gland weight was also reduced 25% and 30% in animals exposed to 5 mg/kg and 10 mg/kg fluoxetine, respectively. Body weight of animals exposed to 20 mg/kg fluoxetine was reduced from post-natal day 9 to 36 compared to controls but from the post-natal day 9 to 36 there was no statistical difference. The volume of seminiferous epithelium reduced 17% and the total volume of Leydig cells reduced 30% in the group exposed to fluoxetine at 20 mg/kg. Furthermore, Leydig cells volume reduced 29% in the 5 mg/kg group. The length of the seminiferous tubules reduced 17% and daily sperm production per testicle also reduced 18% in animals exposed to the highest dose of fluoxetine compared to controls. The individual area of Leydig cells increased 7% and plasma testosterone increased 49% in animals exposed to fluoxetine at 20 mg/kg. In conclusion, exposure to 20 mg/kg fluoxetine via the placenta and during lactation may change testosterone and testicular parameters important for sperm production and male fertility in adulthood.
Journal of Applied Toxicology | 2013
Simone de Siqueira Bringel; Adelmar Afonso de Amorim Júnior; Marleyne José Afonso Accioly Lins Amorim; Lorena Tavares de Brito; Rosana Nogueira de Morais; Sandra Maria de Torres; Bruno Mendes Tenorio; Valdemiro Amaro da Silva Junior
Olanzapine is an atypical antipsychotic drug that has been increasingly used in acute treatment of, and therapeutic support for, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and other psychoses. Considering that olanzapine acts on the dopaminergic receptor and this receptor is detected in germ cells, the present study aims to investigate the effects of treatment with different doses of olanzapine on spermatogenesis, plasma testosterone and weight of androgen‐dependent organs in rats. Results showed reduced plasma testosterone levels, and reduced testis, epididymis and prostate weights. Histopathologic and histomorphometric analysis of spermatogenesis indicated testicular degeneration. Furthermore, germ cell desquamation, syncytial multinucleated cells, Sertoli cell vacuolization and presence of necrotic and apoptotic germ cells wwew observed. Olanzapine treatment in rats promoted endocrinological changes and lesions in the testis, leading to a disturbance in spermatogenesis. Copyright