Valderês Aparecida de Sousa
Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária
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Featured researches published by Valderês Aparecida de Sousa.
BMC Proceedings | 2011
Valderês Aparecida de Sousa; Camila Campos Mantello; Ananda Virgínia de Aguiar; Daiane Rigoni Kresting; Anete Pereira de Souza; Laila Toniol Cardin
Background Pinus tecunumanii has displayed good performance in tropical regions of Brazil and showed high potential for commercial exploitation. Embrapa Forestry and its partners own many of the species seed production areas. In spite of its importance, the majority of P. tecunumanii germplasm collections remain still genetically uncharacterized. Thus identifying genetic markers is an important tool to genetically characterize these collections.We describe the initial steps to develop microsatellites for Pinus tecunumanii by enriched library construction with the ultimate goal of characterizing accessions of the germplasm collections of EMBRAPA.
BMC Proceedings | 2011
Camila Campos Mantello; Daiane Rigoni Kestring; Valderês Aparecida de Sousa; Ananda Virgínia de Aguiar; Anete Pereira de Souza
*Grevillea robusta is a native tree to the subtropical coastal regions of northern New South Wales and southern Queensland in Australia. In Brazil, Embrapa Forestry and its partners have established many provenance/progeny tests to increase the species genetic basis and aim to implement a breeding program to improve timber production. Genetic variability of these tests has been monitored through the assessment of quantitative traits. However, the genetic evaluation of materials based on phenotypic traits is influenced by many environmental factors. Estimates of some genetic parameters such as gene flow and parentage are possible using molecular tools as most common molecular marker, microsatellite (Simple Sequence Repeats, SSRs) which are codominant and highly polymorphic. Genetic markers have intensively applied for the main strategies in breeding programs, especially when economically important traits are difficult measure because of low heritability. The aim of this study was develop microsatellite markers for Grevillea robusta through enriched library in order to estimate the genetic diversity and structure of the species, and direct efforts for the conservation and management of its active germplasm banks.
Revista Arvore | 2018
Valderês Aparecida de Sousa; Antonio Nascim Kalil Filho; Emerson Gonçalves Martins; Jarbas Yukio Shimizu; Fernando Albertin ABSTRACT – We describe isoenzymes variability in six populations of Grevillea robusta from a provenances and progenies test established in a randomized block design with five plants per replication in Southern Brazil. The population genetic structure was examined by using biochemical markers in 5-year old trees, specifically at MDH-3, PGM-2, DIA-2, PO-1, PO-2, SOD-1, and SKDH-1 loci. The northern provenances (Rathdowney and Woodenbong) showed a strong divergence in relation to the average of provenances when alleles per locus (Ap), allele richness (Rs), Nei’s gene diversity (H), and inbreeding coefficient (f) were considered. Inbreeding in varying degrees was detected. The commercial control showed the highest inbreeding coefficient, (f = 0.4448), whereas the provenance average was f = 0.2306, possibly due to insufficient sampling of populations in their origin (Australia). Despite its restricted natural range, a positive correlation between genetic divergence and geographic distance among original populations was detected. Genetic distance and cluster analyses based on the Bayesian model revealed three distinct provenance groups: 1) Rathdowney-QLD and Woodenbong-QLD; 2) Paddy’s Flat-NSW; and 3) Mann River-NSW, Boyd River-NSW and the commercial control (material used in Brazil). The grouping of the control to both Mann River-NSW and Boyd River-NSW provenances suggests that the northern provenances have the highest potential for genetic improvement of wood productivity in Brazil, due to their high genetic diversity and low inbreeding coefficient.
Revista Arvore | 2015
Valderês Aparecida de Sousa; Ananda Virgínia de Aguiar; Janaína Spoladore
A erva-mate (Ilex paraguariensis A. St. Hil.) e uma especie nativa brasileira de grande interesse economico. Programas de melhoramento genetico dessa especie tem visado ao aumento da produtividade de biomassa e qualidade. A polinizacao controlada permite a combinacao de caracteristicas desejaveis da especie. Para isso, tecnicas adequadas de polinizacao controlada devem ser disponibilizadas. Este trabalho teve por objetivo definir uma metodologia para a polinizacao controlada de erva-mate. Para isso, utilizou-se um teste clonal de 15 anos de idade na Embrapa Florestas-Colombo-PR com nove tratamentos em flores de tres arvores (repeticoes). As flores foram polinizadas em novembro de 2010 e os frutos, coletados em marco de 2011. Os frutos e sementes produzidos foram quantificados e a viabilidade dos embrioes, avaliada pelo teste de tetrazolio. Os dados foram analisados com base no procedimento GLM do programa R. Maior quantidade de frutos e sementes foi observada na polinizacao controlada comparativamente a polinizacao livre. Conclui-se que a polinizacao controlada apos a antese dessa especie deve ser realizada em dois dias consecutivos, para assegurar boa producao de sementes em erva-mate.
BMC Proceedings | 2011
Ananda Virgínia de Aguiar; Camila Campos Mantello; Daiane Rigoni Kestring; Valderês Aparecida de Sousa; Anete Pereira de Souza; Laila Toniol Cardin
Background Integrating the use of molecular techniques in ongoing breeding can help identifying divergent genotypes to be used in controlled crosses for the development of hybrids, estimating parentage and monitoring the efficient use of genetic variation. Breeding programs carried out at EMBRAPA have established a broad population genetic base for various species of pine, from which trees with high productivity and wood quality have been selected. P. maximinoi was included in this program as its timber has specific characteristics of great economic importance. One of the main features of P. maximinoi is its rapid growth, reaching 20 to 40 meters in height with a diameter at breast height of 100 cm. The species’ straight trunk with few branches is advantageous to the sawmill, and the timber’s thick fiber is necessary for quality paper production. IN this work we report on the initial steps of the development of microsatellite markers for P. maximinoi derived from microsatellite-enriched libraries. These markers will be used to characterize the breeding populations and germplasm collections of EMBRAPA.
Ciência e Natura | 2010
Ricardo Alexandre Valgas; Anselmo Chaves Neto; Osmir José Lavoranti; Valderês Aparecida de Sousa
This work has as objective to determine the genetic divergencebetween local populations of Araucaria angustifolia by isozyme markers.For this, trees in Irati, PR and Cacador, SC were sampled, for each tree sixlocus were evaluated and observed the alleles of endosperm and embryos(homozygous and heterozygous). The results were explored by multivariatetechniques as Analysis of Group where the similarities between the experimentalunits were obtained by the measures Euclidian and Manhattan. Thelinkage methods used to perform the groups were: Ward, NextNeighborhood and Average Linkage. It was observed the smallest geneticdivergence between local population samples of Pristine Forest and LoggedForest in Irati, even as Capao 3 and Capao 4 in Cacador. The Planted Forestin Irati and the local populations of Capao 1 and Capao 2 in Cacador werethe most critical regions observed for conservation.
Pesquisa Florestal Brasileira | 2010
Ananda Virgínia de Aguiar; Valderês Aparecida de Sousa; Jarbas Yukio Shimizu
Pesquisa Florestal Brasileira | 2014
Juliana Prado Moreira; Jarbas Yukio Shimizu; Valderês Aparecida de Sousa; Mario Luis Teixeira de Moraes; Nara Fernandes Moura; Ananda Virgínia de Aguiar
Unasylva: revista internacional de silvicultura e industrias forestales | 2009
Marcos Silveira Wrege; Rosana Clara Victoria Higa; Ricardo Miranda Britez; M. C. Garrastazu; Valderês Aparecida de Sousa
Scientia Forestalis | 2018
Wanderley dos Santos; Mayte Sampaio Cesário da Silva; Larissa Delazari Deniz; Wesllen Schuhli Kieras; Jarbas Yukio Shimizu; Valderês Aparecida de Sousa; Ananda Virgínia de Aguiar