Valdinei Tadeu Paulino
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Featured researches published by Valdinei Tadeu Paulino.
Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira | 2009
Geraldo Balieiro Neto; Evaldo Ferrari Júnior; José Ramos Nogueira; Rosana Aparecida Possenti; Valdinei Tadeu Paulino; Mauro Sartori Bueno
The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence addition whitewash (CaO) and Lactobacillus buchneri in fermentation losses, nutritional value, aerobic stability and apparent digestibility of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) silages. A first experiment evaluated fermentation losses, pH and temperature values, chemical composition and in vitro dry matter digestibility of sugarcane silages with or without bacterial inoculants (L. buchneri) or CaO. A second experiment evaluated intake and apparent digestibility of sugarcane silage with the same additives to sheep. The additives did not reduce silage losses, and silages with CaO presented greater effluent losses. The intake of silage with inoculant was lower than of silage with CaO and in natura sugarcane. Dry matter apparent digestibility of CaO silage was lower than that of in natura sugarcane and of silage with inoculant. Greater values were observed in ether extract for silage treated with CaO when compared to in natura sugarcane. Total digestible nutrients values of in natura sugarcane and of silage with inoculant or CaO were 61.2, 54.1, and 51.7%, respectively. Regardless of the additive, sugarcane ensilage results in nutrient loss and in reduced digestibility.
Archivos De Zootecnia | 2009
E. Ferrari Júnior; Valdinei Tadeu Paulino; Rosana Aparecida Possenti; Thales Leite de Lucenas
EnglishThis experiment was conducted at Instituto de Zootecnia, Nova Odessa, Brazil, in order to evaluate the silage Pennisetum hybridum cv. Paraisograss, with 100 days old. The treatments of the ensiled grass studied were: 1) Pennisetum hybridum cv. Paraiso (PG) without additive, 2) PG + 5% of citric pulp, 3) PG + with 10 % of citric pulp, 4) PG + with 1% of calcium oxide and 5) PG + commercial additive (Silomax). The experimental design employed was randomised blocks (5 treatments vs. 4 replications). DM, CP, IVDM digestibility and lactic acid contents increased with citric pulp addition. NDF and ADF decreased for this same additive. Calcium oxide addition did not affect the fermentative characteristics of silage. The commercial additive controlled the non desirable fermentation and approving the desirable one. Exception the treatment with calcium oxide, the other treatments showed nutrititional and fermentative characterists adequate of ensiling process to Pennisetum hybridum cv. Paraiso. portuguesNo Instituto de Zootecnia, Nova Odessa, Brasil, estudou-se o capim Pennisetum hybridum cv. Paraiso, com vistas ao processo de ensilagem. Aos 100 dias de idade, foi cortado e ensilado conforme os seguintes tratamentos: 1) capim paraiso (CP) sem aditivo, 2) CP + 5% de polpa citrica, 3) CP + 10% de adicao de polpa citrica, 4) CP + 1% de oxido de calcio e 5) CP + aditivo comercial (Silomax), em delineamento em blocos ao acaso (5 tratamentos x 4 repeticoes). As porcentagens de MS, PB, DIVMS e acido latico aumentaram com a adicao de polpa citrica. A FDN e FDA decresceram para este mesmo aditivo. A adicao de oxido de calcio nao favoreceu a qualidade da silagem. O aditivo comercial (Silomax) controlou a fermentacao indesejavel, com excecao do tratamento com oxido de calcio, os outros tratamentos apresentaram caracteristicas nutricionais e fermentativas adequadas ao processo de ensilagem para o capim paraiso.
Revista Brasileira De Parasitologia Veterinaria | 2016
Cecília José Veríssimo; Flavia Vasques; Keila Maria Roncato Duarte; Valdinei Tadeu Paulino; Luís Alberto Ambrósio
Dairy cattle farming is of great economic and social importance in all Brazilians regions. Parasites can reduce milk productivity, especially the tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus. This study consisted of a questionnaire answered by 40 milk producers in the northwestern region of the State of São Paulo. The aim was to ascertain how these producers controlled ticks and other parasites. Very many of them knew nothing about the biological cycle of the cattle tick or about strategic control or acaricide efficacy tests. The majority (87.5%) controlled ticks at a high frequency, without technical criteria and care to apply the acaricide. Spraying was the most used mode of acaricide application (95%) and endectocides were used by 45%. Cattle tick fever was the harm most associated with ticks (87.5%) followed closely by screwworm (77.5%). However, 65% were satisfied with their tick control. About the control of others parasites, all dewormed at least twice a year their animals; 65% were controlling horn fly; 40% had problems with screwworm. The interviewers had in general good level of education and the farms generally exhibited a high degree of technology for milk production on pasture because half of them received technical assistance frequently.
American Journal of Experimental Agriculture | 2015
Valdinei Tadeu Paulino; J. B. de Andrade; Erika Maria Celegato Teixeira; Keila Maria Roncato Duarte; M. A. C. de Lucena
In integrated crop - livestock systems (ICLS), g rain crop and pasture development may affect the soil organic carbon stocks and chemical soil fertility and help to renew degraded pastures, increasing land use efficiency and endeavor income. Our objectives were to evaluate changes in the soil chemical pr operties, carbon stock in soil and carbon stratification rates of a typical Acrudox soil, with or without ICLS, liming and fertilization. The systems studied integrated with maize were: (i) Urochloa brizantha cv. Marandu (ICLS - Ub - Mar), (ii) U. brizantha cv . Piata (ICLS - Ub - Pia) and (iii) U. ruziziensis ICLS - Ur) and (iv) U. brizantha cv. Marand u (untreated control - UC) single without maize intercropped. Experiment was performed at the Institute of Animal Science in the municipality of Nova Odessa, Sao Paulo St ate (Brazil) using a randomized blocks experimental design. ICLS
Revista Científica de Produção Animal | 2006
Newton de Lucena Costa; Valdinei Tadeu Paulino; João Avelar Magalhães
O efe i to da adubacao nitro ge nad a (O , 4 0 , 80 , 12 0 e 160 mg N / k g so l o ) so br e a producao e composicao quimica da forragem e car a ct er i s ti cas morfo ge n i c as e e st ru tu r ais d e Pa n i c um maximum cv. Vencedor foi avali a do em c ond icoes d e c as a -d e - vege t aca o . O d el in ea mento experimental fo i em blocos casualizados co m t r es r e p eti c oe s . A adub acao nitr oge nada afetou positi v a e linearmente a producao de ma te r i a s eca e o tamanho m e dio d e f olha s, co ntudo implicou em decrescimo s s i gnific a ti v os dos teor e s de fosfo r o . A s maiores t a x as d e ap a r e c i m e nto e de expansao foliar , o maior numero de folhas / perfilho e o t a manho maximo d e fo l has fo r am obtidos , respectivamente , com a aplicacao de 139 , 5 ; 115 , 4 ; 125 , 7 e 105 , 1 m g/N/kg so lo . A efici e ncia de utilizacao e a recupera c ao aparente de N f o ram in ve r sa m e nte pr o p orc i o n ais as do s es d e N aplicadas . A q ualidad e da forragem produzida foi m el hora da p e la a d u b ac a o n itro ge n a d a, a pr es entando maiores teores de N.
Pubvet | 2018
Newton de Lucena Costa; Valdinei Tadeu Paulino; Vicente Gianluppi; A. B. Bendahan; João Avelar Magalhães
The effects of phosphorus levels (0, 40, 80 and 120 kg of P2O5 ha) on green dry matter (GDM), chemical composition and nodulation of Stylosanthes capitata cv. Lavradeiro were evaluated under field conditions in Roraima ́s savannas. Phosphorus fertilization increased significantly (P<.05) GDM yields, nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and potassium (K) concentrations and number and dry weight of nodules. Maximum GDM yields and Ca, Mg and K contents were obtained with the application of 89.4; 56.2; 113.1 and 75.6 kg of P2O5 ha, respectively, while the N and P contents and number of nodules were directly proportional to P levels. The P critic level, related to 90% of GDM maximum production, was estimated at 2.43 g kg. The P efficiency utilization was inversely proportional to the P rates applied.
Pubvet | 2018
Newton de Lucena Costa; Valdinei Tadeu Paulino; Vicente Gianluppi; A. B. Bendahan; João Avelar Magalhães
The effect of phosphate fertilization (0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 kg of P2O5 ha) on green dry matter (GDM) yield and the occurrence of arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi (AMF) of Trachypogon plumosus pastures was evaluated under field conditions of Roraima’s savannas. Phosphate fertilization positively and significantly (P<0.05) affected GDM, phosphorus concentrations and extraction, but linearly reduced spore numbers and root colonization rates by AMF. Maximum GDM yields, phosphorus concentrations and uptake were obtained with the application of 91.8; 76.7 and 82.6 kg of P2O5 ha, respectively. The phosphorus efficiency utilization was inversely proportional to the phosphorus rates applied.
Nucleus | 2016
Newton de Lucena Costa; Valdinei Tadeu Paulino; João Avelar Magalhães; B. H. N. Rodrigues; Francisco José de Seixas Santos
O efeito da adubacao nitrogenada (0, 40, 80, 120 e 160 mg de N/kg solo) sobre a producao e composicao quimica da forragem e caracteristicas morfogenicas e estruturais de Panicum maximum cv. Massai foi avaliado em condicoes de casa-de-vegetacao. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados com tres repeticoes. A adubacao nitrogenada afetou positiva e linearmente a producao de materia seca. As maiores taxas de aparecimento e de expansao foliar, o maior numero de folhas/perfilho, numero de perfilhos/planta e o tamanho medio de folhas foram obtidos, respectivamente, com a aplicacao de 155,6; 157,8; 147,0; 150,9 e 151,1 mg de N/kg solo. A eficiencia de utilizacao e a recuperacao aparente de N foram inversamente proporcionais as doses de N aplicadas.
PUBVET | 2015
Newton de Lucena Costa; Claudio Ramalho Townsend; João Avelar Magalhães; Valdinei Tadeu Paulino; Antônio Neri Azevedo Rodrigues; B. H. N. Rodrigues
The effect of phosphorus levels (0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 mg/dm of P) on dry matter (DM) yield and chemical composition of Panicum maximum var. Massai, was evaluated under greenhouse conditions. P fertilization significantly increased DM yields and nitrogen, and phosphorus contents, however did not affect calcium, magnesium and potassium contents. Maximum DM yield and crude protein, and phosphorus contents were obtained with the application of 169.9; 86.4 and 175.5 mg/dm of P, respectively. Internal phosphorus requeriment for 80% maximum DM yield was estimated at 0.227%, corresponding to application of 199.1 mg/dm of P. The phosphorus efficiency utilization was inversely proportional to phosphorus levels.
PUBVET | 2015
Newton de Lucena Costa; Valdinei Tadeu Paulino; João Avelar Magalhães; B. H. N. Rodrigues; Antônio Neri Azevedo Rodrigues
The effect of nitrogen levels (0, 40, 80, 120 and 160 mg of N/dm 3 of soil) on dry matter (DM) yield, chemical composition and morphogenetic and structural characteristics of Cynodon dactylon cv. Vaquero, was evaluated under greenhouse with natural conditions of light and temperature. The experimental design was a complete randomized blocks, with three replications. Nitrogen fertilization increased linearly DM yields, nitrogen contents, blade length and number of tillers/pot, however decreased significantly phosphorus contents. Maximum leaf appearance and elongation rate, blade length, tiller number and number of live leaves/tiller were obtained with the application of 58.4; 147.3; 149.4; 154.8 and 101.4 mg/dm 3 of N, respectively. The nitrogen efficiency utilization was inversely proportional to nitrogen levels, while the apparent recovery of nitrogen was directly proportional to the increased nitrogen levels.
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Ricardo Gomes de Araújo Pereira
Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária
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