
Featured researches published by Valérie Delvaux.

Clinical Neurophysiology | 2003

Post-stroke reorganization of hand motor area: a 1-year prospective follow-up with focal transcranial magnetic stimulation

Valérie Delvaux; Giovanna Alagona; Pascale Gerard; Victor De Pasqua; Giovanni Pennisi; Alain Maertens De Noordhout

OBJECTIVE Focal transcranial magnetic stimulation was used to test prospectively corticospinal excitability changes and reorganization of first dorsal interosseous (FDI) motor cortical representation in 31 patients who experienced a first ischemic stroke in the middle cerebral artery territory. All had severe hand palsy at onset. METHODS Patients were assessed clinically with the Medical Research Council, Rankin, the National Institutes of Health stroke scales and Barthel Index at days 1, 8, 30, 90, 180 and 360 after stroke. The following parameters of FDI motor evoked potential (MEPS) to focal transcranial magnetic stimulation were measured at the same delays: motor threshold, MEP amplitude, excitable cortical area, hot spot and center of gravity of FDI motor maps on affected and unaffected hemispheres. Correlations were sought between clinical and electrophysiological parameters. RESULTS In patients whose affected motor cortex remained excitable at day 1, motor thresholds were not significantly different between sides and were similar to those of controls. Persistence of MEP on the affected side at day 1 was a strong predictor of good recovery. If present at day 1, MEPs recorded in affected FDI were significantly smaller than of the opposite side or in normals and progressively recovered up to day 360. In these patients, area of excitable cortex remained stable throughout the entire study. At day 1, amplitudes of MEPs obtained in unaffected FDI were significantly larger than later. Between days 1 and 360, we observed a significant displacement of center of gravity of motor maps towards more frontal regions on the affected side while no change was noted on the unaffected side. CONCLUSIONS Our data confirm the early prognosis value of transcranial magnetic stimulation in stroke. They indicate that the brain insult induces a transient hyperexcitability of the unaffected motor cortex. The evolution of FDI motor maps along the course of recovery mostly reflect corticospinal excitability changes but might also reveal some degree of brain plasticity. Most modifications observed occurred within 3 months of stroke onset.

Stroke | 2001

Ipsilateral Motor Responses to Focal Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Healthy Subjects and Acute-Stroke Patients

Giovanna Alagona; Valérie Delvaux; Pascale Gerard; Victor De Pasqua; Giovanni Pennisi; Paul J. Delwaide; F. Nicoletti; Alain Maertens De Noordhout

Background and Purpose— Prevalence and characteristics of ipsilateral upper limb motor-evoked potentials (MEPs) elicited by focal transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) were compared in healthy subjects and patients with acute stroke. Methods— Sixteen healthy subjects and 25 patients with acute stroke underwent focal TMS at maximum stimulator output over motor and premotor cortices. If present, MEPs evoked in muscles ipsilateral to TMS were analyzed for latency, amplitude, shape, and center of gravity (ie, preferential coil location to elicit them). In stroke patients, possible relationships between early ipsilateral responses and functional outcome at 6 months were sought. Results— With relaxed or slightly contracting target muscle, maximal TMS over the motor cortex failed to elicit ipsilateral MEPs in the first dorsal interosseous (FDI) or biceps of any of 16 normal subjects. In 5 of 8 healthy subjects tested, ipsilateral MEPs with latencies longer than contralateral MEPs were evoked in FDI muscle (in biceps, 6 of 8 subjects) during strong (>50% maximum) contraction of the target muscle. In 15 of 25 stroke patients, ipsilateral MEPs in the unaffected relaxed FDI (in biceps, 6 of 25 stroke patients) were evoked by stimulation of premotor areas of the affected hemisphere. Their latencies were shorter than those that MEPs evoked in the same muscle by stimulation of the motor cortex of the contralateral unaffected hemisphere. Such responses were never obtained in normal subjects and were mostly observed in patients with subcortical infarcts. Patients harboring these responses had slightly better bimanual dexterity after 6 months. Conclusions— Ipsilateral MEPs obtained in healthy individuals and stroke patients have different characteristics and probably different origins. In the former, they are probably conveyed via corticoreticulospinal or corticopropriospinal pathways, whereas in the latter, early ipsilateral MEPs could originate in hyperexcitable premotor areas.

European Journal of Neurology | 2011

Natalizumab induces a rapid improvement of disability status and ambulation after failure of previous therapy in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis.

Shibeshih Belachew; Rémy Phan-Ba; Emmanuel Bartholomé; Valérie Delvaux; Isabelle Hansen; Philippe Calay; Kaoutar El Hafsi; Gustave Moonen; Luaba Tshibanda; Mathieu Vokaer

Background:  Natalizumab (Tysabri) is a monoclonal antibody that was recently approved for the treatment of relapsing‐remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS). Our primary objective was to analyse the efficacy of natalizumab on disability status and ambulation after switching patients with RRMS from other disease‐modifying treatments (DMTs).

Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology | 1998

Motor and somatosensory evoked potentials in cervical spondylotic myelopathy

A. Maertens De Noordhout; S. Myressiotis; Valérie Delvaux; J. D. Born; P. J. Delwaide

We recorded upper and lower limb MEPs and SEPs in 55 patients with clinically suggestive and myelography-documented cervical cord compression due to spondylotic changes. MEPs were abnormal in biceps brachii of 21 patients (38%), in first dorsal interosseous muscle of the hand of 49 patients (89%) and in tibialis anterior of 47 patients (85%). Overall, MEP abnormalities were present in at least one muscle of 51/55 patients (93%). Median SEPs were abnormal in 20 cases (36%), ulnar SEPs in 24 (44%) and posterior tibial SEPs in 40 (73%). Overall incidence of SEP alterations was 73% (40/55) and SEPs detected clinically silent sensory dysfunction in 10 patients (18%). Among the 43 patients who underwent surgical decompression, first dorsal interosseous (FDI) MEPs and tibial SEPs remained abnormal in most cases 1 year after surgery, independently of clinical outcome. On the other hand, serial EP studies seemed useful to confirm and monitor the clinical evolution of unoperated patients.

Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry | 2001

Reduced excitability of the motor cortex in untreated patients with de novo idiopathic “grand mal” seizures

Valérie Delvaux; Giovanna Alagona; Paul Gérard; V. De Pasqua; P. J. Delwaide; A. Maertens De Noordhout

OBJECTIVES Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) was used to investigate motor cortex excitability, intracortical excitatory, and inhibitory pathways in 18 patients having experienced a first “grand mal” seizure within 48 hours of the electrophysiological test. All had normal brain MRI, and were free of any treatment, drug, or alcohol misuse. Results were compared with those of 35 age matched normal volunteers. METHODS The following parameters of responses to TMS were measured: motor thresholds at rest and with voluntary contraction, amplitudes of responses, cortical silent periods, and responses to paired pulse stimulation with interstimulus intervals of 1 to 20 ms. RESULTS In patients, there were significantly increased motor thresholds with normal amplitudes of motor evoked potentials (MEPs), suggesting decreased cortical excitability. Cortical silent periods were not significantly different from those of normal subjects. Paired TMS with short interstimulus intervals (1–5 ms) induced normal inhibition of test MEPs, suggesting preserved function of GABAergic intracortical inhibitory interneurons. On the contrary, the subsequent period of MEP facilitation found in normal subjects (ISIs of 6–20 ms) was markedly reduced in patients. This suggests the existence of abnormally prolonged intracortical inhibition or deficient intracortical excitation. In nine patients retested 2 to 4 weeks after the initial seizure, these abnormalities persisted, although to a lesser extent. CONCLUSION The present findings together with abnormally high motor thresholds could represent protective mechanisms against the spread or recurrence of seizures.

Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair | 2011

Comparison of the Timed 25-Foot and the 100-Meter Walk as Performance Measures in Multiple Sclerosis

Rémy Phan-Ba; Amy Pace; Philippe Calay; Patrick Grodent; Frédéric Douchamps; Robert Hyde; Christophe Hotermans; Valérie Delvaux; Isabelle Hansen; Gustave Moonen; Shibeshih Belachew

Background. Ambulation impairment is a major component of physical disability in multiple sclerosis (MS) and a major target of rehabilitation programs. Outcome measures commonly used to evaluate walking capacities suffer from several limitations. Objectives. To define and validate a new test that would overcome the limitations of current gait evaluations in MS and ultimately better correlate with the maximum walking distance (MWD). Methods. The authors developed the Timed 100-Meter Walk Test (T100MW), which was compared with the Timed 25-Foot Walk Test (T25FW). For the T100MW, the subject is invited to walk 100 m as fast as he/she can. In MS patients and healthy control volunteers, the authors measured the test–retest and interrater intraclass correlation coefficient. Spearman rank correlations were obtained between the T25FW, the T100MW, the Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS), and the MWD. The coefficient of variation, Bland–Altman plots, the coefficient of determination, and the area under the receiver operator characteristic curve were measured. The mean walking speed (MWS) was compared between the 2 tests. Results. A total of 141 MS patients and 104 healthy control volunteers were assessed. Minor differences favoring the T100MW over the T25FW were observed. Interestingly, the authors demonstrated a paradoxically higher MWS on a long (T100MW) rather than on a short distance walk test (T25FW). Conclusion. The T25FW and T100MW displayed subtle differences of reproducibility, variability, and correlation with MWD favoring the T100MW. The maximum walking speed of MS patients may be poorly estimated by the T25FW since MS patients were shown to walk faster over a longer distance.

Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience | 2013

Finger tapping clinimetric score prediction in Parkinson's disease using low-cost accelerometers

Julien Stamatakis; Jérôme Ambroise; Julien Cremers; Hoda Sharei; Valérie Delvaux; Benoît Macq; Gaëtan Garraux

The motor clinical hallmarks of Parkinsons disease (PD) are usually quantified by physicians using validated clinimetric scales such as the Unified Parkinsons Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS). However, clinical ratings are prone to subjectivity and inter-rater variability. The PD medical community is therefore looking for a simple, inexpensive, and objective rating method. As a first step towards this goal, a triaxial accelerometer-based system was used in a sample of 36 PD patients and 10 age-matched controls as they performed the MDS-UPDRS finger tapping (FT) task. First, raw signals were epoched to isolate the successive single FT movements. Next, eighteen FT task movement features were extracted, depicting MDS-UPDRS features and accelerometer specific features. An ordinal logistic regression model and a greedy backward algorithm were used to identify the most relevant features in the prediction of MDS-UPDRS FT scores, given by 3 specialists in movement disorders (SMDs). The Goodman-Kruskal Gamma index obtained (0.961), depicting the predictive performance of the model, is similar to those obtained between the individual scores given by the SMD (0.870 to 0.970). The automatic prediction of MDS-UPDRS scores using the proposed system may be valuable in clinical trials designed to evaluate and modify motor disability in PD patients.

PLOS ONE | 2012

Motor fatigue measurement by distance-induced slow down of walking speed in multiple sclerosis

Rémy Phan-Ba; Philippe Calay; Patrick Grodent; Gaël Delrue; Emilie Lommers; Valérie Delvaux; Gustave Moonen; Shibeshih Belachew

Background and rationale Motor fatigue and ambulation impairment are prominent clinical features of people with multiple sclerosis (pMS). We hypothesized that a multimodal and comparative assessment of walking speed on short and long distance would allow a better delineation and quantification of gait fatigability in pMS. Our objectives were to compare 4 walking paradigms: the timed 25-foot walk (T25FW), a corrected version of the T25FW with dynamic start (T25FW+), the timed 100-meter walk (T100MW) and the timed 500-meter walk (T500MW). Methods Thirty controls and 81 pMS performed the 4 walking tests in a single study visit. Results The 4 walking tests were performed with a slower WS in pMS compared to controls even in subgroups with minimal disability. The finishing speed of the last 100-meter of the T500MW was the slowest measurable WS whereas the T25FW+ provided the fastest measurable WS. The ratio between such slowest and fastest WS (Deceleration Index, DI) was significantly lower only in pMS with EDSS 4.0–6.0, a pyramidal or cerebellar functional system score reaching 3 or a maximum reported walking distance ≤4000 m. Conclusion The motor fatigue which triggers gait deceleration over a sustained effort in pMS can be measured by the WS ratio between performances on a very short distance and the finishing pace on a longer more demanding task. The absolute walking speed is abnormal early in MS whatever the distance of effort when patients are unaware of ambulation impairment. In contrast, the DI-measured ambulation fatigability appears to take place later in the disease course.

Movement Disorders | 2012

Brain activation pattern related to gait disturbances in Parkinson's disease†‡§

Julien Cremers; Kevin D'Ostilio; Julien Stamatakis; Valérie Delvaux; Gaëtan Garraux

Gait disturbances represent a therapeutic challenge in Parkinsons disease (PD). To further investigate their underlying pathophysiological mechanisms, we compared brain activation related to mental imagery of gait between 15 PD patients and 15 age‐matched controls using a block‐design functional MRI experiment. On average, patients showed altered locomotion relatively to controls, as assessed with a standardized gait test that evaluated the severity of PD‐related gait disturbances on a 25‐m path. The experiment was conducted in the subjects as they rehearsed themselves walking on the same path with a gait pattern similar as that during locomotor evaluation. Imagined walking times were measured on a trial‐by‐trial basis as a control of behavioral performance. In both groups, mean imagined walking time was not significantly different from that measured during real gait on the path used for evaluation. The between‐group comparison of the mental gait activation pattern with reference to mental imagery of standing showed hypoactivations within parieto‐occipital regions, along with the left hippocampus, midline/lateral cerebellum, and presumed pedunculopontine nucleus/mesencephalic locomotor area, in patients. More specifically, the activation level of the right posterior parietal cortex located within the impaired gait‐related cognitive network decreased proportionally with the severity of gait disturbances scored on the path used for gait evaluation and mental imagery. These novel findings suggest that the right posterior parietal cortex dysfunction is strongly related to the severity of gait disturbances in PD. This region may represent a target for the development of therapeutic interventions for PD‐related gait disturbances.

Reviews in The Neurosciences | 2009

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Disorders of Consciousness

Natallia Lapitskaya; Olivia Gosseries; Valérie Delvaux; Morten Overgaard; F. Nielsen; Alain Maertens De Noordhout; Gustave Moonen

We have reviewed the literature on transcranial magnetic stimulation studies in patients with brain death, coma, vegetative, minimally conscious, and locked-in states. Transcranial magnetic stimulation permits non-invasive study of brain excitability and may extend our understanding of the underlying mechanisms of these disorders. However, use of this technique in severe brain damage remains methodologically ill-defined and must be further validated prior to clinical application in these challenging patients.

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