Vanessa Barbosa Romera Leme
Rio de Janeiro State University
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Featured researches published by Vanessa Barbosa Romera Leme.
Psico-USF | 2014
Adriana Benevides Soares; Vanuza Francischetto; Betânia Marques da Silva Dutra; Jacqueline Maia de Miranda; Cátia C. de Carvalho Nogueira; Vanessa Barbosa Romera Leme; Alexandra Maria Dantas de Castro Araújo; Leandro S. Almeida
Los desafios que enfrentan los jovenes que resultan del ingreso a la educacion superior han sido objeto de numerosas investigaciones, destacando la convergencia de variables personales y contextuales en este proceso de transicion y adaptacion a la educacion superior. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar como las expectativas afectan la calidad de las experiencias de adaptacion de los estudiantes que inician la educacion superior. Participaron 182 estudiantes brasilenos (M=26,2; DP=8,76), siendo 146 mujeres y 36 hombres, que respondieron dos cuestionarios direccionados a las expectativas y experiencias academicas. Los resultados indicaron que las expectativas iniciales de los estudiantes ingresantes se correlacionaron con la calidad de sus experiencias academicas. En particular, las expectativas de participacion en las relaciones con los companeros, en el proyecto de la carrera y en las actividades curriculares del curso fueron relacionadas con la adaptacion academica de los estudiantes.
Estudos De Psicologia (natal) | 2010
Vanessa Barbosa Romera Leme; Alessandra Turini Bolsoni-Silva
Parental Social Educational Skills and behavior of preschoolers. The study had for objectives, from the reports of 20 mothers of children with behavior problems (Clinical group) and 20 mothers of children without behavior problems (Non-clinical group): a) compare the frequencies of social skills and behavior problems of children; b) describe the situations where the children had behavior problems and social skills; c) describe the behaviors of mothers face behaviors of the children; d) describe the behaviors of children ahead of maternal behaviors. Pre-school they were selected age by teachers who responded to a scale and who were collected through interview and scale with the mothers. The results indicated that children of Non-clinical group had more social skills and fewer externalizing behavior problems than children of the Clinical group. The mothers in the Non-clinical group reported more Parental Social Educational Skills expression of feelings and coping and Communication and less negative parenting practices, than mothers of children with behavior problems.
Paidèia : Graduate Program in Psychology | 2015
Vanessa Barbosa Romera Leme; Zilda Aparecida Perreira Del Prette; Susana Coimbra
There is no consensus in the literature regarding the influence of family configuration on the psychological well-being of adolescents. Based on the perception of adolescents, this study evaluates the influence of family configuration, social skills and social support appraisals as potential predictors of adolescent psychological well-being. The participants were 454 adolescents aged between 13 and 17 years from nuclear, separated and remarried families. The adolescents were students in the first and second years of public high school. The data were collectively obtained in the classroom using the Social Skills Inventory for Adolescents, the Social Support Appraisal Scale and the Psychological Well-being Scale. The results indicated that family configuration is not associated with the psychological well-being of adolescents. The social skills of empathy, self-control, civility, social resourcefulness and affective approach as well as the social support appraisals from friends and family were the best predictors of adolescent psychological well-being. The implications of the results are discussed with respect to future research and interventions.
Psicologia-reflexao E Critica | 2014
Jorge Gato; Anne Marie Fontaine; Vanessa Barbosa Romera Leme
In this work two studies regarding the validation and transcultural adaptation of the Multidimensional Scale of Attitudes towards Lesbians and Gay Men (EMAFLG; Gato, Fontaine, & Carneiro, 2012) were presented. The instrument is composed by 27 items distributed in four dimensions: Rejection of Proximity, Pathologization of Homosexuality, Modern Heterosexism, and Support. In the first study, the structure was tested in a sample of Portuguese university students (N = 425) using Confirmatory Factor Analysis. Most of the items presented high and significant factor loadings and the model showed a reasonable global fit (χ2/gl= 2.35; CFI= .93; RMSEA= .056; SRMR= .04). The indicators of convergent and discriminant validity were also satisfactory, and the construct validity of the instrument was established. In the second study, with the goal of verifying to what extent the EMAFLG had an equivalent meaning in another Portuguese-speaking country, its invariance was tested through Multigroup Confirmatory Factor Analysis, using a sample of Brazilian university students (N= 420). Results suggested the applicability of the instrument in samples of university students from both countries.
Spanish Journal of Psychology | 2013
Vanessa Barbosa Romera Leme; Susana Coimbra; Jorge Gato; Anne-Marie Fontaine; Zilda Aparecida Pereira Del Prette
This study aims to evaluate the construct validity, internal consistency and cross-cultural invariance of the Generalized Self-Efficacy Scale-Portuguese version (GSE) in a Brazilian and Portuguese sample. The GSE is composed of 10 items, designed to parsimoniously and comprehensively assess self-efficacy beliefs to deal with a wide range of stress-inducing situations. The construct validity (factorial, convergent and discriminant) and internal consistency of the instrument were established within a sample of 304 Portuguese adolescents (study 1) and a sample of 477 Brazilian adolescents (study 2). Then, the invariance of the GSE was tested in a sample of Brazilian adolescents (study 3), using Multigroup Confirmatory Factor Analysis (MGCFA). In the first two studies, the construct validity of the GSE was demonstrated in its three components and the reliability of the scales was confirmed based on satisfactory levels of internal consistency. In the third study, the cross-cultural invariance of the instrument was established. This work adds to previous research on generalized self-efficacy instruments, with good psychometric qualities. Moreover, comparisons can now be made with confidence using this instrument among adolescent samples from Portugal and Brazil.
Psico-USF | 2016
Vanessa Barbosa Romera Leme; Luana de Mendonça Fernandes; Neidiany Vieira Jovarini; Ana Maria Nunes El Achkar; Zilda Aparecida Pereira Del Prette
O estudo examinou indicadores de processo e avaliou os efeitos de um programa de Habilidades Sociais no repertorio de habilidades sociais, autoeficacia e percepcao de apoio social de 10 adolescentes (idade de 13 a 17 anos), de comunidades (favelas) do Rio de Janeiro. Foi realizado um programa exploratorio e com foco na promocao de saude, composto por 10 encontros, com medidas de avaliacao de processo e de resultados finais. A avaliacao de processo incluiu o registro de comportamentos em um protocolo. Os participantes responderam, antes e apos a intervencao, ao Inventario de Habilidades Sociais para Adolescentes, a Escala de Autoeficacia e a Escala de Percepcao de Apoio Social. A avaliacao de processo revelou indicadores de confianca entre os adolescentes e os pesquisadores. Os resultados indicaram aumento nos niveis de habilidades sociais, apoio social dos professores e autoeficacia. Estudos experimentais e de seguimento devem ser realizados para confirmar a efetividade do programa.O estudo examinou indicadores de processo e avaliou os efeitos de um programa de Habilidades Sociais no repertorio de habilidades sociais, autoeficacia e percepcao de apoio social de 10 adolescentes (idade de 13 a 17 anos), de comunidades (favelas) do Rio de Janeiro. Foi realizado um programa exploratorio e com foco na promocao de saude, composto por 10 encontros, com medidas de avaliacao de processo e de resultados finais. A avaliacao de processo incluiu o registro de comportamentos em um protocolo. Os participantes responderam, antes e apos a intervencao, ao Inventario de Habilidades Sociais para Adolescentes, a Escala de Autoeficacia e a Escala de Percepcao de Apoio Social. A avaliacao de processo revelou indicadores de confianca entre os adolescentes e os pesquisadores. Os resultados indicaram aumento nos niveis de habilidades sociais, apoio social dos professores e autoeficacia. Estudos experimentais e de seguimento devem ser realizados para confirmar a efetividade do programa.
Psicologia-reflexao E Critica | 2014
Vanessa Barbosa Romera Leme; Edna Maria Marturano
Este estudo investigou preditores de habilidades sociais, problemas de comportamento e competencia academica de criancas, em um momento sensivel do desenvolvimento, isto e, a transicao para o primeiro ano do ensino fundamental. Participaram 160 maes de diferentes configuracoes familiares, cujos filhos estavam matriculados no primeiro ano do ensino fundamental, e 22 professoras das criancas como informantes. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: Inventario de Praticas Parentais; Sistema de Avaliacao de Habilidades Sociais; Inventario de Recursos do Ambiente Familiar. Os resultados indicaram que as praticas parentais negativas e a qualidade da relacao da crianca com o pai biologico foram os melhores preditores dos comportamentos e da competencia academica das criancas. A configuracao familiar nao foi associada aos indicadores de ajustamento infantil focalizados no estudo.
Temas em Psicologia | 2018
Luana de Mendonça Fernandes; Vanessa Barbosa Romera Leme; Luciana Carla dos Santos Elias; Adriana Benevides Soares
The literature has shown that the socio-emotional development of students can be associated with their repertoire of social skills and perception of social support, while the school repetition experience seems Artigo –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– * Endereço para correspondência: Rua Maestro José Botelho, 2, Apto 203, Vital Brasil, Niterói, RJ, Brasil 24230410. Fone: (21) 2711-9291. E-mail: [email protected] Fernandes, L. M., Leme, V. B. R., Elias, L. C. S., Soares, A. B. 216 to negatively infl uence their development and academic achievement at the end of Middle School. In this context, the present study aimed to test a prediction model for academic achievement, having social skills, perception of social support from family, teachers and peers and history of school repetition of students as independent variables. The participants were 311 at the end of Middle School (8th and 9th grade), from public schools in the state of Rio de Janeiro. The data were collectively obtained using the Social Skills Inventory for Adolescents and the Social Support Appraisal Scale. The experience of school repetition, social skills and perceived social support from teachers predicted the academic achievement of students. From these results, the importance of the resources of students and of their context is discussed. These can be used in the school through programs of prevention and promotion of good academic achievement with students, families and teachers.
Spanish Journal of Psychology | 2017
Vanessa Barbosa Romera Leme; Felipe Valentini; Josiane Rosa Campos; Almir Del Prette; Zilda Aparecida Pereira Del Prette
The present study aimed to evaluate the evidence of internal structure and scores reliability of the Social Skills Inventory for adolescents - brief version (IHSA-Del-Prette). The following analyses were performed: (1) Exploratory Factor Analysis - EFA; (2) Confirmatory Factor Analysis - CFA; (3) Reliability; (4) Multigroup Analysis (invariance). The participants were 2,291 students of the Middle and High Schools, both sexes aged 12 to 17 years old divided into two sample groups: 1,172 participants in sample group 1 (collected 2006-2007) and 1,119 in sample group 2 (collected 2011-2012). The results of the EFA (group 1) support the four subscales structure (Self-control, Affective Approach, Empathy and Assertiveness) for 16 items (loadings > .30). The structure was confirmed by the CFA performed on the second group (CFI = .96, TLI = .95, RMSEA = .05, 90% CI [.04, .05], loadings > .50); and showed scalar invariance (samples 1 and 2) due to group and age, as well as partial scalar invariance due to gender (ΔCFI < .01; ΔNCI < .02). It was concluded the brief version of IHSA-Del-Prette presents psychometric properties for use in the Brazilian context.
Temas psicol. (Online) | 2015
Jorge Gato; Anne Marie Fontaine; Vanessa Barbosa Romera Leme; Alessandro André Leme
In this study we compared prejudice against lesbians and gay men in Portugal and Brazil, in a sample of university students (N = 844). Two forms of prejudice were assessed: one with a more traditional nature (pathologization of homosexuality) and a more contemporary one (modern heterosexism). Because these prejudices are not independent of gender, we explored the relation with this variable. No differencesIn this study we compared prejudice against lesbians and gay men in Portugal and Brazil, in a sample of university students (N = 844). Two forms of prejudice were assessed: one with a more traditional nature (pathologization of homosexuality) and a more contemporary one (modern heterosexism). Because these prejudices are not independent of gender, we explored the relation with this variable. No differences 1 Enderço para correspondência: Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação, Rua Alfredo Allen, 4200-135, Porto, Portugal, E-mail: [email protected] Este trabalho foi fi nanciado por uma bolsa de doutoramento atribuída pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (SFRH/BD/41752/2007). Este trabalho foi anteriormente publicado na revista Passages de Paris e o autor obteve autorização do corpo editorial da mesma, para submissão a revista científi ca indexada e com revisão por pares. Gato, J., Fontaine, A. M., Leme, V. B. R., Leme, A. A. 702 were found between the two countries in both variables. Portuguese and Brazilian participants evidenced signifi cantly higher levels of modern heterosexism than of pathologization of homosexuality. As far as the gender of participants is concerned, men scored higher than their female counterparts in both types of prejudice. Results of this study draw attention to the need of homophobia reducing interventions. Educational and psychosocial agents, particularly those who work in university environments should be especially attentive both to modern expressions of prejudice against lesbians and gay men, and to its major prevalence in the male population.