
Revista De Psiquiatria Clinica | 2004

Epidemiology, course and evolution of eating disorders

Vanessa Pinzon; Fabiana Chamelet Nogueira

Eating disorders use to affect young women and have a chronic and variable course, with high levels of morbidity and mortality. The objective of this article is to demonstrate the epidemiological findings that support such clinical impressions.

Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria | 2010

Feasibility, acceptability, and effectiveness of family-based treatment for adolescent anorexia nervosa: an observational study conducted in Brazil

Gizela Turkiewicz; Vanessa Pinzon; James E. Lock; Bacy Fleitlich-Bilyk

OBJECTIVE There is strong evidence that family-based treatment is effective in cases of adolescent anorexia nervosa. Although family-based treatment has been studied in English-speaking countries, there is a need to examine the generalizability of this approach to non-English speaking cultures. This pilot-study aimed to examine the feasibility, acceptability, and effectiveness of family-based treatment in Brazil. METHOD Observational study of adolescents with anorexia nervosa (excluding menstrual criteria), as determined with the Diagnostic and Well-Being Assessment, referred for treatment at a specialized center in São Paulo, Brazil. The following data were collected at baseline, at the end of treatment, and after six months of follow-up: weight; height; body mass index; menstrual status; Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire score; and Children Global Assessment of Functioning Scale score. RESULTS Of 11 eligible patients/families, 9 (82%) enrolled in the study, and 7 (78%) completed the treatment. The mean patient age was 14.64 +/- 1.63 years (range, 12.33-17.00 years). The Wilcoxon signed rank test showed statistically significant improvement in weight and body mass index at the end of treatment, as well as after six months of follow-up, at which point none of the patients met the diagnostic criteria for any eating disorder. CONCLUSION The results suggest that family-based treatment is acceptable and feasible for Brazilian families. Outcomes suggest that the approach is effective in this cultural context, leading to improvements similar to those reported in previous studies conducted in other cultures.

Revista De Psiquiatria Clinica | 2004

Peculiaridades do tratamento da anorexia e da bulimia nervosa na adolescência: a experiência do PROTAD

Vanessa Pinzon; Ana Paula Gonzaga; Alicia Weisz Cobelo; Eunice Labaddia; Patrícia Belluzzo; Bacy Fleitlich-Bilyk

The particular aspects of eating disordes in adolescents are reviwed. This article presents the multidisciplinary approach used in this population.

Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria | 2005

The Eating Disorders Section of the Development and Well-Being Assessment (DAWBA): development and validation

Tatiana Moya; Bacy Fleitlich-Bilyk; Robert Goodman; Fabiana Chamelet Nogueira; Patrícia Souza Focchi; Manoela Nicoletti; Vanessa Pinzon; Táki Athanássios Cordás; Francisco Lotufo Neto

OBJECTIVE Development and validation of the Eating Disorders Section of the Development and Well-Being Assessment (DAWBA). It is a package of questionnaires, interviews and evaluation techniques, designed to generate DSM-IV and ICD-10 based diagnoses of anorexia, bulimia nervosa and the respective partial syndromes in epidemiological studies, in subjects who are 7 to 17 years old. The parents are interviewed in all cases, as are young people aged 11 or more. METHODS 174 girls, divided into three groups, were assessed with the Eating Disorders Section of the Development and Well-Being Assessment: 48 with eating disorders, 55 clinical controls (with depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder or gastrointestinal disease) and 71 community controls. The sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of the assessment were investigated by comparing the Development and Well-Being Assessment diagnoses with independent psychiatric diagnoses. The test-retest reliability was investigated by reapplying the measure on 55 subjects after 2 or 3 weeks. RESULTS For the detection of any DSM-IV and ICD-10 eating disorder, the final Development and Well-Being Assessment diagnosis had a sensitivity of 100%, specificity of 94%, positive predictive value of 88%, and a negative predictive value of 100%; there was 95% agreement between the initial and repeat diagnoses (a kappa of 0.81). CONCLUSION The Eating Disorders Section of the Development and Well-Being Assessment has suitable psychometric properties for use in clinical and epidemiological studies.

Hormone Research in Paediatrics | 2014

Menstrual Cycle Recovery in Patients with Anorexia Nervosa: The Importance of Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1

Louise Cominato; Mariana Moraes Xavier da Silva; Leandra Steinmetz; Vanessa Pinzon; Bacy Fleitlich-Bilyk; Durval Damiani

Background: Follow-up visits of patients recovering from anorexia nervosa (AN) have shown that some patients do not resume menstrual cycles despite returning to the normal weight for their age and height. Aim: To verify whether leptin, insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) or another hormonal marker could be a good predictor of the return of menses. Patients and Methods: This prospective study included female adolescents diagnosed with AN or eating disorders not otherwise specified (EDNOS) and who were being treated in an ambulatory care unit during nutritional recovery. Body mass index and leptin, luteinizing hormone, estradiol and IGF-1 levels of these patients were evaluated. Blood samples were collected in the 1st (T1), 5th (T2), 10th (T3), 15th (T4) and 20th (T5) weeks of treatment. The hormone levels during nutritional recovery and at the time of the resumption of menses were analyzed. Results: The hormonal profiles improved after nutritional recovery, with IGF-1 correlating the most with the resumption of menses and nutritional recovery (p = 0.0001). At the resumption of menstruation, the patients showed IGF-1 levels >342.8 ng/ml. Conclusion: IGF-1 was the best predictor of the return of menses in female adolescents with AN or EDNOS.

Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy | 2013

Who are the children and adolescent patients of a national referral service of eating disorders in Brazil?: a cross-sectional study of a clinical sample.

Vanessa Pinzon; Gizela Turkiewicz; Denise Oliveira Monteiro; Priscila Koritar; Bacy Fleitlich-Bilyk

OBJECTIVES To investigate the sociodemographic and clinical profile of patients receiving treatment at a specialized service for children and adolescents with eating disorders (ED) in São Paulo, Brazil, and to compare data with the relevant literature. METHODS This cross-sectional study assessed male and female patients with ED up to 18 years of age. All data were collected upon admission. RESULTS A total of 100 subjects were assessed. Mean age was 15.41±0.18 years, and mean age at ED onset was 13.5±0.19 years. Mean disease duration was 21.06 ±1.67 months. Of the total sample, 82% of the patients were female, 84% were Caucasian, 64% came from A and B economic tiers. Moreover, in 60% ED started at 14 years of age or less, and 74% had psychiatric comorbidities. Anorexia nervosa was the most prevalent diagnosis (43%). Hospitalized patients had lower body mass index, longer ED duration, and more severe scores on the Childrens Global Assessment Scale than outpatients (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS Our young Brazilian patients with ED present epidemiological and symptomatic characteristics very similar to those found in the scientific literature, including a high prevalence of psychiatric comorbidities. The higher frequency of full syndrome ED, the predominance of cases with an early onset, the delay in beginning specialized treatment, and the more severe state of inpatients provide grounds for concern because these factors differ from what has been reported in reference studies and indicate greater ED severity.

Revista De Psiquiatria Clinica | 2017

Age and gender changes in children and adolescent patients of a Brazilian eating disorder program

Felipe Alckmin-Carvalho; Alicia Weisz Cobelo; Márcia Helena da Silva Melo; Rafael Zeni; Vanessa Pinzon

ABSTRACT Background: International studies have demonstrated an increase in the prevalence of boys and a decrease of patients’ age at the beginning of outpatient treatment for eating disorders (ED). Objective: To evaluate if these changes are also present in the Brazilian population participating in the PROTAD, a Brazilian ED program, and to discuss its clinical implication for treatment. Methods: Cross-sectional study. We evaluated 150 medical records of patients under 18 years diagnosed with ED (DSM IV-TR). Patients were divided into two groups: G1 (2001-2007) (n = 77) and G2 (2008-2014) (n = 73). The girl/boy proportion and the mean age of patients were compared. Results: In G1, six boys (7.8%) were admitted (girl/boy proportion: 11.8:1), while in G2, 16 (22%) boys were admitted (girl/boy proportion: 3.5:1) (p 0.05). Discussion: The increase in the number of boys treated for EDs reported in international studies was also found at the PROTAD. Contrary to what has been reported in international studies, the mean age of patients at the PROTAD did not decrease significantly. Gender and sexual orientation issues, clinical presentation, prior overweight history and culture/media impact on boys should be addressed by the healthcare team to increase the therapeutic efficacy.

Revista De Psiquiatria Clinica | 2018

Evidence-based psychotherapy for treatment of anorexia nervosa in children and adolescents: systematic review

Felipe Alckmin-Carvalho; Juliana Bergamo Vega; Alicia Weisz Cobelo; Alessandra Donzelli Fabbri; Vanessa Pinzon; Márcia Helena da Silva Melo

Background: Efficacy studies on the treatment of anorexia nervosa (AN) in childhood and adolescence are scarce and systematic reviews are almost non-existent. Objective: Systematic review of the literature regarding the modalities of psychological intervention based on evidence used in the treatment of AN in childhood and adolescence. Methods: The research was carried out in the databases: PubMed, PsycINFO and Cochrane, using the combined keywords: anorexia nervosa and evidence-based therapy. Articles published between 1990 and 2015 were assessed. Results: Of the 139 eligible articles, 14 were selected, of which 10 (71.4%) were conducted in the United States and England. The sample ranged from 9 to 167 participants. Randomized Clinical Trial represented the most frequent design (n = 9; 63.4%), with more than half of the interventions structured in 20 or more sessions (n = 9, 64.3%). Nine types of treatments were tested, with the most tested being Family-Based Treatment (FBT) (n = 7; 50%). Interventions involving the family seem to be more effective, however, the rates for complete remission are modest. Discussion: Although evidence of efficacy was verified in the treatments analyzed, the limited number of studies, the various methodological limitations and the methodological heterogeneity between studies make the findings inconclusive.

Jornal Brasileiro De Psiquiatria | 2016

Validation of the Disordered Eating Attitude Scale for adolescents

Marle dos Santos Alvarenga; Priscila Koritar; Vanessa Pinzon; Manoela Figueiredo; Bacy Fleitlich-Bilyk; Sonia Tucunduva Philippi; Fernanda Baeza Scagliusi

Objetivo Realizar a avaliacao psicometrica da Escala de Atitudes Alimentares Transtornadas (EAAT) para adolescentes. Metodos A amostra foi composta por 1.119 adolescentes (12-18 anos; 59,6% do sexo feminino) estudantes de escolas tecnicas do estado de Sao Paulo, que responderam online a EAAT, ao Teste de Atitudes Alimentares (EAT-26) e a Escala de Restricao (RS). A consistencia interna da EAAT foi avaliada usando o alpha de Cronbach e a validade convergente por meio do coeficiente de correlacao de Pearson com o EAT-26 e a RS. A confiabilidade teste-reteste foi avaliada usando uma subamostra de 61 adolescentes. A validade known-groups foi determinada pela comparacao dos escores medios de estudantes do sexo feminino com os escores de 33 adolescentes do sexo feminino com transtornos alimentares. Resultados A consistencia interna foi de 0,79, e as pontuacoes no EAT-26 e na RS estiveram positivamente correlacionadas com a pontuacao da EAAT (EAT: 0,78 para o sexo feminino e 0,59 para o masculino, p < 0,001; RS: 0,63 para o sexo feminino e 0,48 para o masculino, p < 0,001). O escore da EAAT diferenciou estudantes e pacientes com transtornos alimentares (p < 0,001). O coeficiente de correlacao intraclasse na confiabilidade teste-reteste foi de 0,87. Conclusao A versao da EAAT para adolescentes mostrou boa consistencia interna, validade convergente, known-groups e confiabilidade teste-reteste, sugerindo o seu potencial na identificacao de atitudes alimentares transtornadas entre adolescentes. Ela pode, portanto, ser util na identificacao de adolescentes com risco de transtornos alimentares, auxiliando em programas de prevencao.

Revista Mexicana de trastornos alimentarios | 2014

Anorexia nervosa: differences and similarities between adolescents with and without a history of obesity

Priscila Koritar; Vanessa Pinzon; Claudia Barros; Alicia Weisz Cobelo; Bacy Fleitlich-Bilyk

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