
Interações (Campo Grande) | 2016

Assentamentos rurais na agenda política do desenvolvimento local: a retórica e a prática

Vera Lúcia Silveira Botta Ferrante; Luís Antonio Barone

O texto procura discutir as relacoes dos assentamentos com o poder local, encarado como expressao dearranjos, de tensoes, de gestacao de novas estrategias de recusa e de aceitacao a propostas de parcerias entreprefeituras e usinas da regiao e do engendramento de uma nova cultura. O artigo, produto inicial de um projeto emandamento, descreve acoes das prefeituras e demais instituicoes publicas nos rumos dos assentamentos, encaradoscomo alternativas de desenvolvimento local.

Retratos de Assentamentos | 2015

Etnografias sobre mulheres assentadas: expressões de dominação, de resignação e de protagonismos

Henrique Carmona Duval; Vera Lúcia Silveira Botta Ferrante

The article presents the ethnographic methodology prioritizedxa0for research on gender relations in rural settlements in the region of Araraquara/SP. From the recognition of the places women settled in the social production and reproduction of these social groups, ethnographic research allows a deepening of issues relating to the origin and history of women, as well as expressions of domination, resignation and protagonists. The article expresses more clearly the differences and uniqueness of the experiences of women in this social space. We present four cases of women who take forward the agricultural production in lots, have wage in and out of the settlement, but do not fail to be concerned with caring for the house and with the children. Other differences are constituted on the basis of marital status and stage of life of the children. Without intending to exhaust the existing singularities in the settlements, the article emphasizes the difference in places and in women’s attitudes. Despite some clashes violence material and symbolic lived, there is still a long record of struggle to put into action an agenda for effective public policies whose central axis rights in gender equality.

Retratos de Assentamentos | 2014

Os nós da questão ambiental em PA’s e PDS’s: desafios e perspectivas

Daniel Tadeu do Amaral; Vera Lúcia Silveira Botta Ferrante

This paper seeks to bring to light the universe of studies of agrarianreform in the region of more modernized agriculture in the country aboutthe discussion of environmental issues in two settlements made at differentxa0times and contexts (modalities) differentiated (PA and PDS) , environmentalissues serves as conductor axis analysis, which is supported by much of theliterature review. When proposing the topic had as purpose of discussingbrands of environmental legislation that are present in contemporaryagrarian question and also point out some differences between thesemodalities newer settlements classified as sustainable developmentprojects and models of formation and more traditional framework, as PAs- settlement projects. Finally, the paper aims to contribute to thesystematization of information related to environmental issues in agrarianreform and how it is being conducted and incorporated by the various actorsinvolved.

Retratos de Assentamentos | 2013

Mulheres Assentadas: da Invisibilidade ao Protagonismo

Daniele Torres Aro; Vera Lúcia Silveira Botta Ferrante

Women continue to enter the workforce working outside the homexa0with double workloads of family care and paid-employment, as they arexa0still primarily responsible for tasks with the home and family environment,xa0including housework and childrearing. This paper examines the genderxa0division of labor within households, the roles that are assigned to womenxa0including responsibilities in the home, backyards, and in the plots of land,xa0highlighting that the statistics data underestimate female participation inxa0agriculture, making them invisible. The work aimed to monitor and analyzexa0the gender division of labor in rural settlements, and emphasizes the positionsxa0occupied by women in the activities of agro-industrialization, consumption,xa0highlighting that rural women play a pivotal role in food security. Fieldxa0notes and qualitative/quantitative questionnaires were used as researchxa0methods of the INCRA/UNIARA project. The results showed that womenxa0undertake the reproductive role and are involved in agricultural activitiesxa0for family nutrition. Secondary activities are assigned to them such as axa0reserve workforce for farming practices, for instance activities of plantationxa0and harvesting. From this perspective, these hierarchical relations of powerxa0between women and men tend to reflect the social structure and patternsxa0that men tend to rise to higher positions than women thus depicting the conceptxa0of symbolic violence. Keywords: Gender division of labor; Family Agro-Industrialization; Female role.

Retratos de Assentamentos | 2011

Metodologia em Ação: A Importância de se Apreender Invisibilidades nos Assentamentos Rurais

Henrique Carmona Duval; Vera Lúcia Silveira Botta Ferrante

This article focuses on the methodology applied to the investigationxa0of food handling practices and consumption, which was used for Mastersxa0Research program in the settlement Monte Alegre, in the region ofxa0Araraquara, SP. The self-sufficiency ratio of domestic production to consumption is closely linked to the social reproduction of settled family farms, but its assessment goes beyond the economic dimension and also there are plenty of invisibilities. Therefore, we have carried out a qualitative study that allowed an evaluation of the material and symbolic dimensions of consumption. The techniques used herein were based on direct observation, ethnographic records transcribing field diaries, semi-structured questionnaire to test the hypothesis and address the central research questions, photographic documentation, and collection of drawings of the plots and weekly menu for a family. Thus, an integrated analysis of farming systems, family labor, and the main daily meal of settled families was performed using data collected through this research. Keywords: Rural Anthropology; Qualitative Research; Consumption.

Retratos de Assentamentos | 2006

Programas Municipais e Produções de Autoconsumo: Alternativas para o Desenvolvimento com Sustentabilidade nos Assentamentos de Araraquara-SP

Henrique Carmona Duval; Vera Lúcia Silveira Botta Ferrante

O presente artigo e fruto de um trabalho que vem se desenvolvendo no interior do projeto CNPq Poder Local e Assentamentos Rurais: expressoes de conflito, de acomodacao e de resistencia, coordenado pela profa. Vera Lucia S. Botta Ferrante. Parte dele e oriundo da monografia3 de conclusao de curso em Ciencias Sociais, na qual se analisam semelhancas entre conceitos de agriculturas sustentaveis e a agricultura de autoconsumo praticada nos assentamentos rurais Monte Alegre e Bela Vista do Chibarro, na regiao de Araraquara. O trabalho se volta ao segundo eixo tematico do projeto acima referido, que trata das contradicoes entre as diferentes estrategias familiares e os padroes de organizacao economica regionais. Tais contradicoes sao analisadas sob o prisma de uma trama de tensoes, representativa da complexa rede de relacoes existentes entre os varios atores envolvidos na politica de assentamentos. A partir do jogo de interesses que se trava na esfera politica e envolve interesses dos orgaos gestores, dos poderes locais, da economia regional e dos assentados na constituicao desses espacos, investigam-se estrategias familiares para seu desenvolvimento que comportam as dimensoes politica, economica, social, cultural e ambiental do conceito de sustentabilidade.

Retratos de Assentamentos | 2010

As Políticas de Assentamentos em São Paulo: por Um Balanço da Trajetória das Experiências em Distintas Regiões

Luís Antonio Barone; Vera Lúcia Silveira Botta Ferrante

Retratos de Assentamentos | 2008

Autoconsumo num Assentamento Rural: Segurança Alimentar e Agroecologia em Debate a Partir de um Estudo de Caso

Henrique Carmona Duval; Norma Valencio; Vera Lúcia Silveira Botta Ferrante

Retratos de Assentamentos | 2008

O Preço Amargo das Parcerias dos Assentamentos com as Usinas

Vera Lúcia Silveira Botta Ferrante; Luís Antonio Barone; Henrique Carmona Duval

46th Congress, July 20-23, 2008, Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil | 2008


Henrique Carmona Duval; Vera Lúcia Silveira Botta Ferrante; Norma Valencio

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