
Featured researches published by Vera Popovic.


Hranljiva vrednost i prinos zrna ovsa

Vera Đekić; Mirjana Saletić; Jelena Milivojević; Vera Popovic; Miodrag Jelic

Istraživanje je izvedeno na Oglednom polju Centra za strna žita u Kragujevcu, a sprovedeno je sa ciljem da se utvrdi hranljiva vrednost i prinos zrna sa aspekta koriscenja ovsa u ishrani stoke. U radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja kragujevackih jarih sorti ovsa (Vranac, Slavuj i Lovcen). U dvogodisnjem poljskom ogledu istraživan je prinos zrna, masa 1000 zrna i sadržaj proteina u zrnu tri sorte ovsa. Prosecan prinos zrna kod ispitivanih sorti ovsa kretao se u opsegu od 3,281 t/ha do 4,792 t/ha. Nesto vece prosecne vrednosti prinosa zrna ustanovljene su u 2007. godini. Prosecne vrednosti mase 1000 zrna kod ispitivanih sorti ovsa kretale su se u opsegu od 26,90 do 30,80 g. Rezultati pokazuju da postoje vrlo znacajne razlike između ispitivanih sorti, pri cemu se sadržaj proteina u proseku kretao od 11,05% do 12,88%. Za sintezu proteina znatno povoljnija bila je 2006. u odnosu na 2007. Proizilazi da je ovo svojstvo sortna osobina, ali da je takođe pod vrlo jakim uticajem ekoloskih faktora. Ispitivani materijal bi stoga mogao biti vredan kako sa aspekta gajenja ovsa kao krmne ratarske biljke tako i sa aspekta njegovog oplemenjivanja na kvalitet zrna i produktivnost.

Contemporary Agriculture | 2017

The Importance of Planting Pot Marigolds (Calendula officinalis L.) in Degraded Public Spaces from the Agroecological and Economic Perspective

Slobodan Popovic; Slobodanka Jovin; Dragan Đuranović; Vera Popovic; Vladimir Filipović; Olja Munitlak-Ivanović; Zeljko Grubljesic; Ranko Mijic

Summary The purpose of this paper is to analyse the introduction of certain plant species such as pot marigolds (Calendula officinalis L.) into neglected and predominantly urban spaces in the Republic of Serbia. The research was based on the results obtained in a two-year experiment conducted in the vicinity of the Novi Sad-Backa Palanka road. The primary objective of the experiment was to examine the behaviour of pot marigolds in poor-quality and neglected soils, with minimum cultural practices, in order to obtain novel plants in such adverse environments, which could be subsequently marketed in Serbia. The experiment commenced in 2014 by planting pot marigolds in plots previously cleared of weeds by mechanical tilling. In the spring of 2015, pot marigold seedlings, i.e. the first generation of plants obtained from the plots created in 2014, were planted in weed-free plots. The measurements were performed in three replicates from 10 October to 10 December 2015 in order to determine the number of volunteer plants, which could be further improved in nursery production and subsequently marketed in Serbia. The results obtained indubitably indicate that this and prospective studies exert positive ecological, agricultural and economic effects on a vast range of potential users.

The Journal "Agriculture and Forestry | 2016

Soybean oil yield as affected by the growing locality in agro-climatic divergent years.

Vera Popovic; Miloš Vidić; Jela Ikanovic; Vladimir Filipović; Vera Djekic; Marijenka Tabakovic; Jelica Veselic

The subject of this study are two-year results of the oil yield of six NS soybean genotypes, 0 and I maturity group (MG) at two growing localities (Rimski Sancevi and Sombor in Serbia). Sombor had higher oil yield than Rimski Sancevi (by 119 kg ha -1 , i.e. 15.97%). In the locality of Sombor, in 2010, of the oil yields were statistically significantly higher (1.088 kg ha -1 ) compared to 2009 (640 kg ha -1 ), which is higher by 448 kg ha -1 or 70% of the average oil yield in 2009. The average oil yield, for all tested genotypes at both locations was 805 kg ha -1 , and ranged from 745 kg ha -1 (Rimski Sancevi) to 864 kg ha -1 (Sombor). At both sites significantly higher oil yield was recorded in 2010 compared to 2009. The highest average oil yield at both sites was achieved growing genotype Sava (840 kg ha -1 ). Sava had highest oil yield (887 kg ha -1 ) and Balkan (902 kg ha -1 ) in locality of Sombor. On average for both genotypes and growing localities I MG had higher average oil yield of 29 kg ha -1 ( 3.67%) than 0 MG genotypes. Realizing the potential for soybean productivity depends on genetic factors, the cultural practice implemented, meteorological conditions and the growing localities.

Selekcija i Semenarstvo | 2016

NS-Kaća: High-protein, very early soybean cultivar

Miloš Vidić; Jegor Miladinović; Vera Popovic; Vojin Djukic

NS-Kaca, a new, very early soybean cultivar, has been created at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops Novi Sad by crossing domestic and foreign genotypes. The main traits of the cultivar are its early maturity, which placed it into the 000 maturity group, and excellent technological quality of grain. Due to the short vegetation period, it is primarily sown as the second crop in our country, or as the first crop in northern countries (Russia, Ukraine, Austria, Slovenia) and hilly regions. It provides economically justifiable yield gain during the second crop harvest if sowing is conducted by the end of early July, so each day of sowing delay significantly reduces yield. It achieved significantly higher yields in the multiannual macro- and micro-trials compared to standard cultivars from the same maturity group. Producers are advised to sow 600,000 germinated seeds per hectare. The cultivar is also suitable for narrow-row planting (with inter-row spacing of 12.5 cm or 25 cm), whereby the planting rate can be increased by 15-20%. Seed of the cultivar NS-Kaca can also be used as raw material in the production of products intended for human consumption, thanks to the high protein content which is usually between 44% and 47% (in absolutely dry grain). It is suitable for the production of soy milk and soy milk products, due to its large grain, coated with light-yellow seed coat without mottled appearance, and weak expression of hilum colour same as the seed coat, which provides a natural, milkywhite colour of the final products. Development and dissemination of the newly released cultivar NS-Kaca is a major step forward in soybean breeding, as the cultivar exhibited a significantly higher protein content while maintaining its high-yielding potential, despite the strong negative correlation of these traits.

Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences | 2016


Vladimir Sikora; Vera Popovic; Miroslav Zoric; Dragana Latković; Vladimir Filipović; Mladen Tatić; Jela Ikanovic; Josif Pancic

Comprehensive overview of the extent genetic diversity in South-East European landrace collection was estimated regard broadening of broomcorn (Sorghum bicolor [L]. Moench) germplasm variability. In a long-term field trials 28 accessions were analyzed to determine variability of agronomic (unthreshed panicle weight UTP, threshed panicle weight TRP, grain yield per panicle SWG and threshed panicle ratio RAN), morphological (plant height PHG, stalk height SHG, panicle length PLG, peduncle length PDL, flag leaf sheath length LSL and panicle exsertion PEX) and technological (fiber length FLG, fiber number per panicle NOP and fiber fineness FFI) traits. By all obtained results combining over univariate and multivariate analysis, the study showed significant variability over traits, so the examined landraces will be included in existing broomcorn germplasm. Accessories with valuable quantitative and qualitative characters can significantly contribute to improvement of new bred cultivars and broadening germplasm diversity. Three years field experiment showed significant positive correlations between PHG-SHG, PDL-PEX and UTP-SWG and significant negative correlations between PDL-FLG and SWG-RAN. The performance of examined landraces were generally within the ambit of broomcorn germplasm variability, but several accessions with the extreme trait profile for yield components and panicle quality will be useful as parents in the breeding process.

Procedia. Economics and finance | 2015

Organic Production of Horseradish (Armoracia Rusticana Gaertn., Mey., Scherb.) in Serbian Metropolitan Regions☆

Vladimir Filipović; Vera Popovic; Milica Aćimović

Abstract This article shows complete data of the means to grow organic horseradish in open field conditions in serbian metropolitan regions. In developed countries demand for organic productions grows, day in day out. That means that these cultures must be produced without appliance of additives, mineral fertilizers, pesticides, different hormones, and especially herbicides, that may biologically misbalance production environment. Thats why it is necessary to find the way and develop methods to produce medically clean food and to preserve natural resources. Horseradish is one of the ideal cultures for this kind of production.

Lekovite sirovine | 2014

Origanum heracleoticum L. and Origanum vulgare L. seeds germination stimulators

Vladimir Filipović; Vera Popovic; Milica Aćimović; Tatjana Marković; Rade Protić; Vladan Ugrenović; Vladimir Sikora

This paper studies the effect of gibberellic acid (GA 3 ), herbal preparation (LAB 1 ) and the pre-cooling treatment (Ph) on seed germination of Origanum heracleoticum L. and Origanum vulgare L. As a control variant, seed treatment with distilled water was used. The highest germination energy (EK), germination after 14 days (14D) and total germination values (UK) were achieved with seeds of O. heracleoticum treated with 400 ppm GA 3 (50.3%, 57.3% and 64.8%, respectively) and the lowest values were observed with 3-day pre-cooling treatment (28.3%, 28.8% and 28.8%, respectively). The highest values for all seed quality parameters for O. vulgare were achieved by the treatment with the highest GA 3 concentration, 1000 ppm (60.0%, 67.0% and 74.8%, respectively), while the lowest germination values were recorded in 4-day pre-cooling treatment (26.0%, 26.8% and 27.5%, respectively). Overall, higher germination was observed in seeds of O. vulgare . The best germination stimulitor for both species proved to be gibberellic acid (GA 3 ), a hormone of plant origin, followed by the herbal preparation (LAB 1 ), then the control variant (DW) and, as the most unfavourable to stimulate germination proved to be pre-cooling treatment (Ph), which had no impact on the increase of seed germination.


Prinos i sadržaj ulja u zrnu soje kod organskog i konvencionalnog načina gajenja

Gordana Dozet; Gorica Cvijanovic; Drago Cvijanović; Jelena Boskovic; Vera Popovic

Dvogodisnje istraživanje je sprovedeno u uslovima organske i konvencionalne tehnologije gajenja na karbonatnom cernozemu posle psenice kao preduseva. Faktori ispitivanja bili su tri sorte soje razlicite grupe zrenja koje su sejane na tri razlicite gustine setve sto je predstavljalo drugi faktor ispitivanja. Podaci su obrađeni analizom varijanse po metodi dvofaktorijalnog split – plot ogleda, gde su faktori ispitivanja: sorta i gustina setve, a razlike između tretmana testirane su LSD-testom. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se utvrdi prinos i sadržaj ulja u zrnu soje u zavisnosti od genotipa i gustine setve kod organskog i konvencionalnog nacina gajenja. Prosecan prinos u konvencionalnoj tehnologiji proizvodnje iznosio je 4,84 t ha -1 i bio je veci u poređenju sa ekoloskim nacinom proizvodnje gde je zabeležen prinos od 4,68 t ha -1 . Utvrđen je veci procenat ulja u ekoloskoj proizvodnji (21,88 %) u odnosu na konvencionalnu proizvodnju (21,68 %).

Genetika-belgrade | 2012

Variability and correlations between yield components of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.]

Vera Popovic; Miloš Vidić; Djordje Jockovic; Jela Ikanovic; Snezana Jaksic; Gorica Cvijanovic

Genetika | 2011

Genotype specificity in nitrogen nutrition of malting barley

Vera Popovic; Djordje Glamoclija; Miroslav Malesevic; Jela Ikanovic; Gordana Drazic; Marija Spasic; Sasa Stankovic

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