Veridiana Camilotti
State University of West Paraná
Featured researches published by Veridiana Camilotti.
Brazilian Oral Research | 2012
Veridiana Camilotti; Juliana Zilly; Priscilla do Monte Ribeiro Busato; Carlos Augusto Nassar; Patrícia Oehlmeyer Nassar
The aim of this randomized, controlled, split-mouth, clinical study was to differentiate and clinically qualify the effectiveness of different desensitizing agents in the treatment of painful symptoms caused by cervical dentin hypersensitivity (CDH). Two hundred-and-fifty-two teeth of 42 patients were distributed into seven groups (n = 36): G1 - placebo; G2, G3, G4 and G6 - fluoride varnishes; G5 - sodium fluoride; G7 - potassium oxalate. Three applications were made one week apart. A three-score system (Alfa = 0, Bravo = 2, and Charlie = 3, respectively for no sensitivity, slight sensitivity and high sensitivity) was used to assess CDH after each application and after 30 days. The data were subjected to statistical analysis using the Kruskall-Wallis and Dun tests. After the second week, statistically significant differences were observed for all materials compared with the baseline. After 30 days, Group G7 had presented a significant gradual reduction along all the evaluated time intervals. It was concluded that all the desensitizing agents were capable of reducing dentin hypersensitivity, with the exception of the placebo and the sodium fluoride groups.
Brazilian Oral Research | 2008
Veridiana Camilotti; Patrícia Grau Grullón; Márcio José Mendonça; Paulo Henrique Perlatti D'Alpino; João Carlos Gomes
The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of different light sources on the bond strength of indirect resin composite restorations cemented with a dual-cure resin cement. The superficial dentin of human third molars was exposed and acid-etched and an adhesive system was applied (Single Bond 2). Four-mm-thick indirect resin composite restorations (Gradia) were fabricated and cemented using a dual-cure resin cement (Rely X). Four light sources were used to polymerize the cement: QTH - Optilux 401; LED1 - L.E.Demetron 1; LED2 - Optilight CL; and LED3--Ultralume 5. The teeth were stored for 24 h and then sectioned, yielding stick-shaped specimens for each group with a bonded area of 1.0 mm(2). The specimens were then tested in a universal testing machine, at a crosshead speed of 1 mm/min. Data were analyzed using ANOVA. Bond strength mean values were: QTH: 22.5 (+/- 8.4); LED1: 22.7 (+/- 9.4); LED2: 21.4 (+/- 10.2); and LED3: 27.3 (+/- 13.8). No statistically significant difference was observed among the experimental groups. The bond strength values when the cement was polymerized using different LED lights were equivalent to the values when the QTH light was used. It can be concluded that the variety of light sources used in the present study did not influence the bond strength of indirect resin composite restorations cemented with a dual-cure resin cement.
Polimeros-ciencia E Tecnologia | 2010
Máx Dobrovolski; Priscilla do Monte Ribeiro Busato; Márcio José Mendonça; Virginia Bosquirolli; Rosana Aparecida dos Santos; Veridiana Camilotti
O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar a influencia do tipo de ponteira condutora de luz na microdureza de uma resina composta micro-hibrida. Foram confeccionados 14 corpos de prova da resina composta Opallis (FGM) com dimensoes: 5 x 2 mm, divididos em dois grupos de acordo com a ponteira condutora de luz do aparelho fotoativador de lâmpada halogena Optilight Plus - GNATUS/300 GI - ponteira condutora de luz de fibra optica; GII - ponteira condutora de luz de polimero. Apos 24 horas, as medidas de microdureza foram efetuadas com um microdurometro HMV 2000 (Shimadzu Japao). Cinco penetracoes foram efetuadas em cada superficie (topo e base) totalizando 10 penetracoes para cada corpo de prova. A analise estatistica dos resultados realizada por meio do teste de ANOVA nao apresentou diferencas significativas entre os tipos de ponta condutora de luz nas superficies avaliadas. A analise estatistica demonstrou diferenca significativa nos valores medios de microdureza superficial entre as superficies de topo e de base, para ambas as ponteiras. Com base nos resultados obtidos, foi possivel concluir que as ponteiras de luz nao interferem na microdureza da resina composta, e que ambas apresentaram diferencas estatisticamente significativas nos valores de microdureza das superficies topo e base.
Polimeros-ciencia E Tecnologia | 2016
Andréa Cristina Schneider; Márcio José Mendonça; Roberta Bento Rodrigues; Priscilla do Monte Ribeiro Busato; Veridiana Camilotti
Proper curing of composites is critical to obtaining good toughness able to withstand masticatory forces. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of curing techniques - conventional (CONV), Soft -start (SS) and Pulse delayed (PA) in microhardness of three composites. To make up the body-of - evidence were used composites Filtek Z350 (3M ESPE), Empress Direct (IvoclarVivadent) and P90 (3M ESPE). Nine experimental groups were obtained according to the polymerization technique and composite resin. Twenty -four hours after curing was performed Knoop microhardness test surfaces of base and top of each body - of - evidence. Thus, the values obtained were subjected to the Kruskal Wallis test followed by Dunns test, p < 0.05. The effectiveness of the polymerization on the top surface of the composites tested was not affected by different modes of polymerization. The Empress Direct composite resin showed the lowest hardness values for all modes of polymerization compared to other composites evaluated.
Polimeros-ciencia E Tecnologia | 2015
Priscilla do Monte Ribeiro Busato; Paola Guellere Saggin; Veridiana Camilotti; Márcio José Mendonça; Mauro Carlos Agner Busato
This study analyzes and comparatively evaluate, by a visual method, the fluorescence of the color A2 composite resins for both enamel and dentin from seven different commercial sources. We made fifty-two specimens of anterior/posterior composite resins. The specimens were obtained with a rigid and transparent acrylic matrix. The polymerization was done irradiating with the 3M Curing Light 2500, intensity of 600 mW cm–² for 40 s. The specimens were polished with Sof-Lex discs. A wooden box painted with flat black paint was used to avoid light reflection and other light sources and the experiment was conducted in a darkroom. Three calibrated and trained evaluators rated the degree of fluorescence of the specimens under the effect of ultraviolet light, and classified them according to their intensity. For each evaluator, the specimens were mixed and randomly arranged inside the box. For the evaluation of fluorescence between resin enamel and dentin, the Kruskal-Wallis test (p <0.05) was applied. The best resins in terms of fluorescence of enamel are Esthet X-HD, TPH, Z350 and Opallis and for dentin are Opallis and Evolu-X.
Revista de Odontologia da UNESP | 2013
Veridiana Camilotti; Matheus Dalmédico Ioris; Priscilla do Monte Ribeiro Busato; Julio Katuhide Ueda; Márcio José Mendonça
INTRODUCAO: A contaminacao do substrato dentinario pode interferir na qualidade de uniao entre materiais adesivos e o dente. OBJETIVO: Investigar a influencia de diferentes solucoes de irrigacao na resistencia de uniao de um cimento resinoso. MATERIAL E METODO: Foram selecionadas 40 coroas dentais bovinas, divididas em quatro grupos: G0 = soro; G1 = clorexidina; G2 = EDTA; G3 = clorexidina 0,12%, apos condicionamento acido. Em seguida, foram confeccionados cilindros de cimento resinoso utilizando-se uma matriz de Tygon com diâmetro interno de 1 mm e 2 mm de altura. A fotoativacao foi realizada por aparelho de luz LED com 900 mW/cm2 por 40 segundos. Foram confeccionados quatro cilindros de cimento resinoso para cada coroa bovina, totalizando 40 corpos de prova de cimento resinoso para cada grupo avaliado. O teste de resistencia adesiva por microcisalhamento foi realizado apos 24 horas. Decorrido esse periodo, os cilindros de cimento resinoso foram testados em uma maquina universal de ensaios (EMIC). Os dados obtidos foram submetidos a analise estatistica pelos testes ANOVA e Tukey (p = 0,001). RESULTADO: Nao houve diferencas estatisticamente significativas entre os grupos estudados, com excecao para o G3, que apresentou de forma significativa os menores valores de resistencia adesiva. CONCLUSAO: As diferentes solucoes irrigadoras utilizadas previamente ao condicionamento acido na dentina nao interferem na resistencia de uniao por microcisalhamento.
General dentistry | 2011
Carlos Augusto Nassar; Ana Paula Serraglio; Anelize Balotin; Daniela Colte; Veridiana Camilotti; Priscilla de Monte Ribeiro Busato; Luis Carlos Spolidório; Patrícia Oehlmeyer Nassar
British journal of medicine and medical research | 2016
Carlos Rodrigues Gasparello; Carlos Augusto Nassar; Priscilla do Monte Ribeiro Busato; Márcio José Mendonça; Lyvia Bertacchini; Veridiana Camilotti
Prosthesis and Esthetics in Science | 2018
Jamille Favarão; Maurício Zanini; Adriana Daga; Veridiana Camilotti; Márcio José Mendonça
Rev. Odonto Ciênc. (Online) | 2017
Veridiana Camilotti; Virgínia Bosquiroli; Máx Dobrovolski; Mario Alexandre Coelho Sinhoretic; Priscilla Busatoa do Monte Ribeiro; Lyvia Karla Cerci Ferreira Bertacchinib; Márcio José Mendonça