
Revista Brasileira De Otorrinolaringologia | 2010

Processamento auditivo, reflexo acústico e expressão fonológica

Tiago Mendonça Attoni; Victor Gandra Quintas; Helena Bolli Mota

Estima-se que haja uma estreita relacao entre o acometimento nas habilidades do processamento auditivo, do reflexo acustico e na fala. OBJETIVO: O presente estudo e retrospectivo. Avaliar estas tres vertentes em criancas com e sem desvio fonologico e ver se ha relacao entre elas. MATERIAL E METODO: Neste estudo participaram 46 criancas, 24 sem comprometimento de fala e 22 com desvio fonologico. Todas as criancas foram submetidas a testes do processamento auditivo e pesquisa dos limiares do reflexo acustico DESENHO CIENTIFICO: Transversal e contemporâneo. RESULTADOS: Todas as criancas com desvio fonologico apresentaram alteracoes no processamento auditivo e nos limiares do reflexo acustico. O mesmo nao ocorreu com as criancas tidas como normais para o desempenho de fala. CONCLUSAO: Alteracoes no processamento auditivo e nos limiares do reflexo acustico estao intimamente ligados as dificuldades de fala.

Revista Brasileira De Otorrinolaringologia | 2010

Avaliação do processamento auditivo e da discriminação fonêmica em crianças com desenvolvimento fonológico normal e desviante

Tiago Mendonça Attoni; Victor Gandra Quintas; Helena Bolli Mota

UNLABELLED Auditory processing and phonemic discrimination are essential for communication. TYPE OF STUDY Retrospective. AIM To evaluate auditory processing and phonemic discrimination in children with normal and disordered phonological development. MATERIAL AND METHODS An evaluation of 46 children was carried out: 22 had phonological disorders and 24 had normally developing speech. Diotic , monotic and dichotic tests were applied to assess auditory processing and a test to evaluate phonemic discrimination abilities. DESIGN Cross-sectional, contemporary. RESULTS The values of normally-developing children were within the normal range in all auditory processing tests; these children attained maximum phonemic discrimination test scores. Children with phonological disorders performed worse in the latter, and presented disordered auditory processing. CONCLUSION Auditory processing and phonemic discrimination in children with phonological disorders are altered.

Pró-Fono Revista de Atualização Científica | 2010

Processamento auditivo e consciência fonológica em crianças com aquisição de fala normal e desviante

Victor Gandra Quintas; Tiago Mendonça Attoni; Márcia Keske-Soares; Carolina Lisbôa Mezzomo

BACKGROUND Auditory processing (AP) and phonological awareness (PA) in children with and without phonological disorders. AIM To compare the performance of children with and without phonological disorders in a PA test; to verify the possible relationship between performances in distinct tasks of this test with the performance in the AP evaluation. METHOD Participants were 44 children with and without the diagnosis of phonological disorder, aged between 5:0 and 7:0 years, of both genders. After speech samples were gathered, subjects were divided into two groups: a study group (SG), composed by children with phonological disorders, and a control group (CG) with children without phonological disorders. PA was assessed through the Protocol Task Awareness Test (PTAT), and through the simplified AP evaluation (screening)--Disyllabic change--Staggered Spondaic Word (SSW), dichotic listening test and the binaural fusion test. RESULTS In both PA and AP assessments, children of the CG obtained better results. When correlating the results of AP and PA, a greater number of correlations were observed for the SG. CONCLUSION A significant relationship between the performance in the AP evaluation and success in PA tasks exists for children with phonological disorders.

Revista Brasileira De Otorrinolaringologia | 2010

Perfil dos limiares audiométricos e curvas timpanométricas de idosos

Tatiana Marques Guerra; Lucimar Pires Estevanovic; Marcela de Ávila Meira Cavalcante; Rafaela Carolina Lopez Silva; Izabel Cristina Campolina Miranda; Victor Gandra Quintas

AIM: to analyze the audiological profile of elderly patients seen in a clinic from an audiology school clinic in the city of Belo Horizonte. METHODS: we studied all the charts from the patients who underwent audiologic assessment from April of 2004 and August of 2007 in an audiology clinic in the city of Belo Horizonte. RESULTS: We studied the 313 audiological tests from patients 60 years of age or over. The results from the audiological evaluations as to the type of hearing loss were: auditory thresholds within normal standards - 22.28%; sensorineural hearing loss - 60.62%; mixed hearing loss - 14.70%, conductive hearing loss - 2.40%. The level varied between normal and profound. As to the tympanometry, 83.22% had the type A curve, and the other types of curves obtained made up a total of 16.3%. The percentage of individuals who did not undergo the test was 0.48%. 1.76% of the patients who had unilateral hearing loss and 98.24% had bilateral hearing loss. CONCLUSIONS: we found a greater prevalence of sensorineural hearing loss, and the degree of the loss varied from mild to profound, with a prevalence of the moderate degree.AIM to analyze the audiological profile of elderly patients seen in a clinic from an audiology school clinic in the city of Belo Horizonte. METHODS we studied all the charts from the patients who underwent audiologic assessment from April of 2004 and August of 2007 in an audiology clinic in the city of Belo Horizonte. RESULTS We studied the 313 audiological tests from patients 60 years of age or over. The results from the audiological evaluations as to the type of hearing loss were: auditory thresholds within normal standards - 22.28%; sensorineural hearing loss - 60.62%; mixed hearing loss - 14.70%, conductive hearing loss - 2.40%. The level varied between normal and profound. As to the tympanometry, 83.22% had the type A curve, and the other types of curves obtained made up a total of 16.3%. The percentage of individuals who did not undergo the test was 0.48%. 1.76% of the patients who had unilateral hearing loss and 98.24% had bilateral hearing loss. CONCLUSIONS we found a greater prevalence of sensorineural hearing loss, and the degree of the loss varied from mild to profound, with a prevalence of the moderate degree.

Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De Fonoaudiologia | 2010

Aquisição da coda: um estudo comparativo entre dados transversais e longitudinais

Carolina Lisbôa Mezzomo; Victor Gandra Quintas; Angélica Savoldi; Leilani Baccin Bruno

ABSTRACT Purpose: To identify the acquisition profiles of the archiphonemes /N, L, S, R/ in medial and final coda position in Brazilian Portugue-se in transversal and longitudinal studies. Methods: Speech samples of 170 children with ages between one year and two months and three years and eight months (transversal study), as well as speech samples of a child, G., monitored from one year, one month and twenty two days to three years, four months and twenty seven days (longitudinal study), were collected and phonologically analyzed. Results: In the transversal profile, data showed the early emergence of the blocked syllable (at one year and two months), and com-pletion of the acquisition at three years and eight months. The phonemes in final coda tended to emerge before the ones in medial coda, with rare exceptions. The /L/ and the /N/ archiphonemes were the first to emerge in this position. After that, it was observed the /L/ acquisition, and, finally, the /R/ acquisition. In the longitudinal study, the coda also emerged early, coincidentally when the child was one year and two months old; however, it was acquired six months before what it was observed in the transversal data, at three years and eight months. The emerging syllable contained the /N/ rather than the /L/, as observed in the transversal data. The /L/ was the second phoneme in coda, while the /S/ was still earlier than the /R/, and these two phonemes were the last segments to emerge as a syllabic block. In all cases, the phonemes in final coda emerged before those in medial coda, similarly to the transversal results.

Revista Brasileira De Otorrinolaringologia | 2010

Processamento auditivo em crianças com fala normal e desviante

Victor Gandra Quintas; Tiago Mendonça Attoni; Márcia Keske-Soares; Carolina Lisbôa Mezzomo

UNLABELLED Phonological speech disorders are characterized by abnormal development towards the adult target pattern; its etiology is unknown. It is thought the this condition results from auditory processing disorders involving the abilities required for human beings to understand what is heard. AIM To investigate the relationship between auditory processing and the acquisition of disordered or normal speech, drawing comparisons between these profiles. MATERIAL AND METHOD A prospective, contemporary, cross-sectional study comprising a sample of 44 subjects aged 5 to 7 years; two groups were formed: a study group (SG) comprising children with disordered speech acquisition, and a control group (CG) consisting of children with normal speech acquisition. A simplified evaluation of auditory processing was undertaken: the PSI test in Portuguese; the speech-in-noise test; the binaural fusion test; the dichotic digit test; and the staggered spondaic word test (SSW). RESULTS There was a statistically significant difference between the two groups; the SG scored worse than the CG in all the tests. The PSI test only - with a 100% success rate - scored equally in both groups. CONCLUSION Auditory processing may affect speech development.

Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De Fonoaudiologia | 2011

O processamento auditivo e a combinação de traços distintivos na aquisição de fala em crianças com desvios fonológicos

Victor Gandra Quintas; Tiago Mendonça Attoni; Márcia Keske-Soares; Carolina Lisbôa Mezzomo

OBJETIVO: Investigar a relacao entre as habilidades auditivas e as combinacoes de tracos presentes na fala de criancas com desvios fonologicos. METODOS: Participaram da pesquisa 22 criancas com diagnostico de desvio fonologico, com idades entre 5 e 7 anos e de ambos os generos. Foi feita a coleta dos dados de fala por meio do teste Avaliacao Fonologica da Crianca. A combinacao de tracos foi observada mediante o Modelo Implicacional de Complexidade de Tracos (MICT). Os tracos adquiridos consideraram uma producao correta acima de 80%. Foram aplicados ainda os testes: Avaliacao Simplificada do Processamento Auditivo (triagem), Teste Dicotico de Dissilabos Alterados (SSW), Teste Dicotico de Digitos, Teste de Fusao Binaural, Teste de Fala no Ruido e o Teste de Logoaudiometria Pediatrica (PSI). RESULTADOS: Todas as criancas obtiveram 100% de exito no PSI. Nos testes de fala no ruido e de fusao binaural, bem como na triagem, os sujeitos tambem obtiveram medias altas. Os testes SSW e Dicotico de Digitos mostraram escores baixos. A combinacao de tracos que se mostrou mais alterada foi a [+aproximante,+continuo], que esta na composicao do fonema /r/, seguida de [coronal,+continuo]/(-anterior), que compoem os fonemas /ʃ,ʒ/. CONCLUSAO: Os resultados obtidos nos testes SSW e Dicotico de Digitos mostraram haver alteracao nas habilidades de ordenacao temporal complexa e figura-fundo, bem como memoria sensorial defasada. Ao relacionar com os tracos, estas alteracoes encontradas podem comprometer a aquisicao destes tracos descritos.

Revista Brasileira De Otorrinolaringologia | 2010

Original ArticleAuditory processing in children with normal and disordered speech

Victor Gandra Quintas; Tiago Mendonça Attoni; Márcia Keske-Soares; Carolina Lisbôa Mezzomo

UNLABELLED Phonological speech disorders are characterized by abnormal development towards the adult target pattern; its etiology is unknown. It is thought the this condition results from auditory processing disorders involving the abilities required for human beings to understand what is heard. AIM To investigate the relationship between auditory processing and the acquisition of disordered or normal speech, drawing comparisons between these profiles. MATERIAL AND METHOD A prospective, contemporary, cross-sectional study comprising a sample of 44 subjects aged 5 to 7 years; two groups were formed: a study group (SG) comprising children with disordered speech acquisition, and a control group (CG) consisting of children with normal speech acquisition. A simplified evaluation of auditory processing was undertaken: the PSI test in Portuguese; the speech-in-noise test; the binaural fusion test; the dichotic digit test; and the staggered spondaic word test (SSW). RESULTS There was a statistically significant difference between the two groups; the SG scored worse than the CG in all the tests. The PSI test only - with a 100% success rate - scored equally in both groups. CONCLUSION Auditory processing may affect speech development.

Revista Cefac | 2011

Consciência do próprio desvio de fala e processamento auditivo no desvio fonológico

Roberta Freitas Dias; Victor Gandra Quintas; Roberta Michelon Melo; Helena Bolli Mota; Carolina Lisbôa Mezzomo

BACKGROUND: the ability of recognizing the own speech impairment and its possible relationship with the auditory processing in children with phonological disorder. PROCEDURES: this study included eight subjects diagnosed with phonological disorders, age between 5:0;26 and 7:7;2-year old. The phonetic / phonological system was evaluated by the Phonological Assessment of Child Speech. The Awareness of the own Speech Impairment Test, which aims to make the child listening and judging the deviations existing in their own speech, was applied. For evaluating the auditory processing, we used the Simplified Assessment of Auditory Processing (Screening), and Speech in Noise and the Alternate Dichotic Dissyllable Special Tests. RESULTS: all subjects were rated below expectations, with values below 50% of the maximum possible value in the tests of auditory processing. As for awareness of their own speech impairment, all subjects showed this ability in quite variable values even though their performance in the auditory processing tests was not satisfactory. This finding suggests that children in this period (5 to 7-year old), even the ones with difficulty to understanding or interpreting what they hear, are able to realize the mistakes they have in speech. CONCLUSION: the awareness of the own speech impairment is found in subjects with phonological disorder, regardless the performance in auditory processing tasks.

Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De Fonoaudiologia | 2010


Victor Gandra Quintas

Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar a relacao do processamento auditivo com a fonologia e a consciencia fonologica em criancas monolingues falantes do Portugues Brasileiro. Estiveram envolvidos no estudo tanto sujeitos com desenvolvimento fonologico normal quanto desviante, sendo que nas criancas com desvios, objetivou-se identificar o envolvimento das habilidades do processamento com as combinacoes de tracos distintivos adquiridos e alterados. A pesquisa contou com um total de 44 sujeitos, com idades entre os 5 anos e os 7 anos, destros, sendo que 22 compuseram o grupo controle e 22 o grupo de estudo. O diagnostico de desvio fonologico foi determinado pelas avaliacoes fonoaudiologicas e exames complementares. Foi aplicado o Protocolo de Tarefas de Consciencia Fonologica (PTCF), proposto por Cielo (2001), bem como a Avaliacao Simplificada do Processamento Auditivo, os testes especiais Teste PSI em portugues; Teste de fusao binaural; Teste de fala no ruido; Teste Dicotico de Digitos; e o Teste de Dissilabos Alternados (SSW) do Processamento Auditivo Central: Manual de Aplicacao, proposto por Pereira e Schochat (1997). Nos sujeitos com Desvios Fonologicos, ainda foi analisada a combinacao dos tracos distintivos por meio do Modelo Implicacional de Complexidade de Tracos (MICT), elaborado por Mota (1996), bem como calculado o Percentual de Consoantes Corretas Revisado (PCC-R), de Shriberg et al. (1997). Os resultados obtidos, de forma geral, mostraram que o grupo com desvios fonologicos apresenta resultados no processamento auditivo e na consciencia fonologica inferiores ao grupo com aquisicao de fala tipica. Quanto a consciencia fonologica em relacao ao processamento auditivo, esta pode nao estar defasada em ambos os grupos. Em se tratando dos tracos distintivos e suas combinacoes, de acordo com o MICT, notase que algumas habilidades auditivas, principalmente a de ordenacao temporal, podem estar correlacionadas, entretanto, nao houve resultados estatisticamente significativos e acredita-se que o numero amostral pequeno pode ter interferido nos valores. Por fim, e possivel concluir que ha uma estreita relacao do processamento auditivo com a aquisicao de fala, tanto de forma normal quanto de forma desviante, e que novos estudos podem aprofundar ainda mais nesta area ainda muito pouco explorada.

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