Vilma Villar Martins
Rio de Janeiro State University
Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da Usp | 2012
Lucia Helena Garcia Penna; Joana Iabrudi Carinhanha; Vilma Villar Martins; Gleice da Silva Fernandes
Este estudo objetiva descrever as concepcoes das adolescentes abrigadas quanto ao processo da maternidade e analisar a vivencia desse processo na perspectiva das proprias adolescentes, dessa forma, visando a identificacao de uma estrutura de apoio a maternidade. Pesquisa exploratoria e qualitativa, realizada em dois abrigos municipais do Rio de Janeiro cujos dados foram produzidos atraves de grupos focais, com 10 adolescentes abrigadas. A analise de conteudo dos dados revelou duas categorias: A maternidade na adolescencia: perspectiva da adolescente abrigada e Ser mae no abrigo: condicoes favoraveis e desfavoraveis. A experiencia da maternidade na adolescencia e vivida de forma ambivalente pelas jovens abrigadas. O abrigo aparece como espaco acolhedor, mas que ainda apresenta dificuldades em ajuda-las a construir uma maternidade saudavel. Observa-se a necessidade de sensibilizacao dos atores sociais envolvidos para intervencao intersetorial no que concerne ao contexto e modos de viver da jovem, desta maneira, possibilita a ruptura na trajetoria de vulnerabilizacao/desafiliacao de mae e filho.The objective of this study is to describe the understanding that sheltered female adolescents have regarding motherhood and analyze their experience of this process from their perspective, for the purpose of identifying a support structure for young sheltered mothers. This exploratory and qualitative study was performed at two municipal shelters in Rio de Janeiro. The data were collected through focal groups performed with 10 sheltered adolescents. The content analysis of the data revealed two categories: Motherhood in adolescence: the perspective of the sheltered adolescent and Being a mother at the shelter: positive and negative experiences. Being a mother during adolescence is an ambivalent experience for the sheltered adolescents. The shelter is described as a supportive environment, but difficulties still exist in helping them to construct a healthy image of motherhood. There is a need to sensitize the social actors involved in terms of creating intersectoral interventions regarding the context and lifestyles of these youths, which could prevent vulnerability/disaffiliation of mother and child.
Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing | 2012
Iraci dos Santos; Alacoque Lorenzini Erdmann; José Luís Guedes dos Santos; Patrícia Klock; Vilma Villar Martins; Euzeli da Silva Brandão
Aim : To understand the views of nursing students about the education of healthcare management in terms of their academic background. Method: this is a qualitative study developing theory based on a data approach. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews with 18 students of two different Brazilian universities. To analyze the information, we used open, axial and selective codification. Results: the identification of defined categories: recognizing the interconnections among the subjects helped the client as a whole; associating healthcare management to the understanding of the real physical and mental necessities of the client; understanding healthcare management as a wide and complex activity related to the direct and indirect healthcare of the client, and; related to the fact there is a higher emphasis on the theoretical content compared with the practical, especially regarding healthcare management, which empowers the client with a more humanized and more complete healthcare service. Conclusion: the students understand that management, in the face of institutional demands, is a strategy to develop better healthcare
Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da Usp | 2012
Lucia Helena Garcia Penna; Joana Iabrudi Carinhanha; Vilma Villar Martins; Gleice da Silva Fernandes
Este estudo objetiva descrever as concepcoes das adolescentes abrigadas quanto ao processo da maternidade e analisar a vivencia desse processo na perspectiva das proprias adolescentes, dessa forma, visando a identificacao de uma estrutura de apoio a maternidade. Pesquisa exploratoria e qualitativa, realizada em dois abrigos municipais do Rio de Janeiro cujos dados foram produzidos atraves de grupos focais, com 10 adolescentes abrigadas. A analise de conteudo dos dados revelou duas categorias: A maternidade na adolescencia: perspectiva da adolescente abrigada e Ser mae no abrigo: condicoes favoraveis e desfavoraveis. A experiencia da maternidade na adolescencia e vivida de forma ambivalente pelas jovens abrigadas. O abrigo aparece como espaco acolhedor, mas que ainda apresenta dificuldades em ajuda-las a construir uma maternidade saudavel. Observa-se a necessidade de sensibilizacao dos atores sociais envolvidos para intervencao intersetorial no que concerne ao contexto e modos de viver da jovem, desta maneira, possibilita a ruptura na trajetoria de vulnerabilizacao/desafiliacao de mae e filho.The objective of this study is to describe the understanding that sheltered female adolescents have regarding motherhood and analyze their experience of this process from their perspective, for the purpose of identifying a support structure for young sheltered mothers. This exploratory and qualitative study was performed at two municipal shelters in Rio de Janeiro. The data were collected through focal groups performed with 10 sheltered adolescents. The content analysis of the data revealed two categories: Motherhood in adolescence: the perspective of the sheltered adolescent and Being a mother at the shelter: positive and negative experiences. Being a mother during adolescence is an ambivalent experience for the sheltered adolescents. The shelter is described as a supportive environment, but difficulties still exist in helping them to construct a healthy image of motherhood. There is a need to sensitize the social actors involved in terms of creating intersectoral interventions regarding the context and lifestyles of these youths, which could prevent vulnerability/disaffiliation of mother and child.
Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da Usp | 2012
Lucia Helena Garcia Penna; Joana Iabrudi Carinhanha; Vilma Villar Martins; Gleice da Silva Fernandes
Este estudo objetiva descrever as concepcoes das adolescentes abrigadas quanto ao processo da maternidade e analisar a vivencia desse processo na perspectiva das proprias adolescentes, dessa forma, visando a identificacao de uma estrutura de apoio a maternidade. Pesquisa exploratoria e qualitativa, realizada em dois abrigos municipais do Rio de Janeiro cujos dados foram produzidos atraves de grupos focais, com 10 adolescentes abrigadas. A analise de conteudo dos dados revelou duas categorias: A maternidade na adolescencia: perspectiva da adolescente abrigada e Ser mae no abrigo: condicoes favoraveis e desfavoraveis. A experiencia da maternidade na adolescencia e vivida de forma ambivalente pelas jovens abrigadas. O abrigo aparece como espaco acolhedor, mas que ainda apresenta dificuldades em ajuda-las a construir uma maternidade saudavel. Observa-se a necessidade de sensibilizacao dos atores sociais envolvidos para intervencao intersetorial no que concerne ao contexto e modos de viver da jovem, desta maneira, possibilita a ruptura na trajetoria de vulnerabilizacao/desafiliacao de mae e filho.The objective of this study is to describe the understanding that sheltered female adolescents have regarding motherhood and analyze their experience of this process from their perspective, for the purpose of identifying a support structure for young sheltered mothers. This exploratory and qualitative study was performed at two municipal shelters in Rio de Janeiro. The data were collected through focal groups performed with 10 sheltered adolescents. The content analysis of the data revealed two categories: Motherhood in adolescence: the perspective of the sheltered adolescent and Being a mother at the shelter: positive and negative experiences. Being a mother during adolescence is an ambivalent experience for the sheltered adolescents. The shelter is described as a supportive environment, but difficulties still exist in helping them to construct a healthy image of motherhood. There is a need to sensitize the social actors involved in terms of creating intersectoral interventions regarding the context and lifestyles of these youths, which could prevent vulnerability/disaffiliation of mother and child.
Rev. enferm. UERJ | 2013
Lucia Helena Garcia Penna; Joana Iabrudi Carinhanha; Vilma Villar Martins; Valéria Aliprandi Lucido; Beatriz Yuan Soares; Gleice da Silva Fernandes
Revista de Pesquisa : Cuidado é Fundamental Online | 2013
Vilma Villar Martins; Lucia Helena Garcia Penna; Maria Angela Boccara de Paula; Lícia Maria Accioly Lima; Luciane Marques de Araujo
Revista Enfermagem UERJ | 2013
Lucia Helena Garcia Penna; Joana Iabrudi Carinhanha; Vilma Villar Martins; Valéria Aliprandi Lucido; Beatriz Yuan Soares; Gleice da Silva Fernandes
Rev. pesqui. cuid. fundam. (Online) | 2013
Vilma Villar Martins; Lucia Helena Garcia Penna; Maria Angela Boccara de Paula; Lícia Maria Accioly Lima; Luciane Marques de Araujo
Archive | 2013
Lucia Helena; Garcia Penna; Joana Iabrudi Carinhanha; Vilma Villar Martins; Valéria Aliprandi Lucido; Beatriz Yuan; Soares
Archive | 2013
Vilma Villar Martins; Lucia Helena; Garcia Penna; Lícia Maria Accioly Lima; Luciane Marques de Araujo