Vinia Mattioli
University of Perugia
Featured researches published by Vinia Mattioli.
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology | 2007
Vinia Mattioli; E. R. Westwater; D. Cimini; J. C. Liljegren; B. M. Lesht; S. I. Gutman; F. J. Schmidlin; Tito Scalo
During 9 March–9 April 2004, the North Slope of Alaska Arctic Winter Radiometric Experiment was conducted at the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program’s (ARM) “Great White” field site near Barrow, Alaska. The major goals of the experiment were to compare microwave and millimeter wavelength radiometers and to develop forward models in radiative transfer, all with a focus on cold (temperature from 0° to 40°C) and dry [precipitable water vapor (PWV) 0.5 cm] conditions. To supplement the remote sensors, several radiosonde packages were deployed: Vaisala RS90 launched at the ARM Duplex and at the Great White and Sippican VIZ-B2 operated by the NWS. In addition, eight dual-radiosonde launches were conducted at the Duplex with Vaisala RS90 and Sippican GPS Mark II, the latter one modified to include a chilled mirror humidity sensor. Temperature comparisons showed a nighttime bias between VIZ-B2 and RS90, which reached 3.5°C at 30 hPa. Relative humidity comparisons indicated better than 5% average agreement between the RS90 and the chilled mirror. A bias of about 20% for the upper troposphere was found in the VIZ-B2 and the Mark II measurements relative to both RS90 and the chilled mirror. Comparisons in PWV were made between a microwave radiometer, a microwave profiler, a global positioning system receiver, and the radiosonde types. An RMS agreement of 0.033 cm was found between the radiometer and the profiler and better than 0.058 cm between the radiometers and GPS. RS90 showed a daytime dry bias on PWV of about 0.02 cm.
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing | 2004
Patrizia Basili; Stefania Bonafoni; Vinia Mattioli; Piero Ciotti; Nazzareno Pierdicca
This paper deals with a procedure to generate maps of the integrated precipitable water vapor (IPWV) over the Mediterranean area by using estimates from a global positioning system (GPS) network over land and from the Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I) over sea. In particular, we investigate the application of the kriging geostatistical technique to obtain regularly spaced IPWV values. The horizontal spatial structure of water vapor retrieved by SSM/I is explored by computing variograms that provide a measure of dissimilarity between pairs of IPWV values for the region of interest. Because the water vapor density decreases with height, the GPS station elevation is accounted for in the interpolation procedure. In this respect, the potential of the kriging with external drift relative to the ordinary kriging is evaluated by applying a test based on the cross-validation approach. Case studies are presented and qualitatively compared to the corresponding Meteosat infrared images. A quantitative comparison with an independent source of information, such as IPWV computed from radiosonde observations and from European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts analysis, is also performed.
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology | 2008
Vinia Mattioli; Ed R. Westwater; Domenico Cimini; Albin J. Gasiewski; M. Klein; Vladimir Ye. Leuski
Abstract In a recent paper by Mattioli et al., a significant difference was observed between upper-tropospheric and lower-stratospheric water vapor profiles as observed by two radiosonde systems operating in the Arctic. The first was the Vaisala RS90 system as operated by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program; the second was the operational radiosondes launched by the U.S. National Weather Service that used the Sippican VIZ-B2 type. Observations of precipitable water vapor by ground-based microwave radiometers and GPS did not reveal these differences. However, both the microwave radiometer profiler (MWRP) and the ground-based scanning radiometer (GSR) contain channels that receive a significant response from the upper-tropospheric region. In this paper, it is shown that brightness temperature (Tb) observations from these instruments are in consistent agreement with calculations based on the RS90 data but differ by several degrees with calculations based on the VIZ radio...
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing | 2006
Nazzareno Pierdicca; Bruno Greco; Christian Bignami; Paolo Ferrazzoli; Vinia Mattioli; Luca Pulvirenti
The passive calibration of the Radar Altimeter (RA) consists of characterizing the receiver gain by observing natural surfaces with known emission in the so-called noise-listen mode. It is based on the comparison between the simulated values of the brightness temperature impinging on the altimeter antenna, and the digital counts at the output of the altimeter receiver in the absence of echo. The proposed method aims to calibrate measurements of the backscattering coefficient performed by a spaceborne altimeter based on the assumption that the receiver gain is the main source of uncertainty. This paper focuses on the general approach undertaken to characterize the receiver and to simulate the brightness temperature at the top of the atmosphere observed by the Envisat RA-2. The simulations rely on emissivity models for land and sea, as well as on atmospheric radiation models supported by a continuous flow of online data used as model inputs. To assess the accuracy, the model outputs are compared with observations from calibrated radiometers, namely the Special Sensor Microwave/Imager and Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission Microwave Imager, with particular attention to the low-frequency channels (10 and 19 GHz). The new method has been first tested on European Remote Sensing satellite data and has been subsequently adopted for Envisat RA-2 in the framework of the Envisat Calibration and Validation activities managed by European Space Agency. The evaluation of the receiver gain at both Ku-band and S-band is presented and compared to the preflight values, as well as to transponder calibration done for Ku-band. An error budget for the final estimates is also presented and discussed
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing | 2011
Stefania Bonafoni; Vinia Mattioli; Patrizia Basili; Piero Ciotti; Nazzareno Pierdicca
A method based on neural networks is proposed to retrieve integrated precipitable water vapor (IPWV) over land from brightness temperatures measured by the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-Earth Observing System (AMSR-E). Water vapor values provided by European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) were used to train the network. The performance of the network was demonstrated by using a separate data set of AMSR-E observations and the corresponding IPWV values from ECMWF. Our study was optimized over two areas in Northern and Central Italy. Good agreements on the order of 0.24 cm and 0.33 cm rms, respectively, were found between neural network retrievals and ECMWF IPWV data during clear-sky conditions. In the presence of clouds, an rms of the order of 0.38 cm was found for both areas. In addition, results were compared with the IPWV values obtained from in situ instruments, a ground-based radiometer, and a global positioning system (GPS) receiver located in Rome, and a local network of GPS receivers in Como. An rms agreement of 0.34 cm was found between the ground-based radiometer and the neural network retrievals, and of 0.35 cm and 0.40 cm with the GPS located in Rome and Como, respectively.
international geoscience and remote sensing symposium | 2009
Nazzareno Pierdicca; Fabio Rocca; Björn Rommen; Patrizia Basili; Stefania Bonafoni; Domenico Cimini; Piero Ciotti; Fernando Consalvi; Rossella Ferretti; Willow Foster; Frank S. Marzano; Vinia Mattioli; A. Mazzoni; Mario Montopoli; Riccardo Notarpietro; Sharmila Padmanabhan; Daniele Perissin; E. Pichelli; Steven C. Reising; Swaroop Sahoo; Giovanna Venuti
Spaceborne Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) is a well established technique useful in many land applications, such as monitoring tectonic movements and landslides or extracting digital elevation models. One of its major limitations is the atmospheric variability, and in particular the high water vapor spatial and temporal variability, which introduces an unknown delay in the signal propagation. On the other hand, these effects might be exploited, so as InSAR could become a tool for highresolution water vapor mapping. This paper describes the approach and some preliminary results achieved in the framework of an ESA funded project devoted to the mitigation of the water vapor effects in InSAR applications. Although very preliminary, the acquired experimental data and their comparison give a first idea of what can be done to gather valuable information on water vapor, which play a fundamental role in weather prediction and radio propagation studies.
international geoscience and remote sensing symposium | 2004
Ed R. Westwater; Marian Klein; Vladimir Ye. Leuski; Albin J. Gasiewski; Taneil Uttal; Duane Hazen; Domenico Cimini; Vinia Mattioli; Bob L. Weber; Sally G. Dowlatshahi; Joseph A. Shaw; James C. Liljegren; Barry M. Lesht; Bernard Daniel Zak
A multiinstrument radiometric experiment was conducted on the North Slope of Alaska near Barrow, Alaska, during March 9 to April 9 2004. Initial radiometric and radiosonde data from this experiment are presented.
international geoscience and remote sensing symposium | 2011
Nazzareno Pierdicca; Fabio Rocca; Patrizia Basili; Stefania Bonafoni; Giovanni Carlesimo; Domenico Cimini; Piero Ciotti; Rossella Ferretti; Frank S. Marzano; Vinia Mattioli; Mario Montopoli; Riccardo Notarpietro; Daniele Perissin; E. Pichelli; Björn Rommen; Giovanna Venuti
Spaceborne Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) is a well established technique useful in many land applications, such as tectonic movements, landslide monitoring and digital elevation model extraction. One of its major limitation is the atmospheric effect, and in particular the high water vapour spatial and temporal variability which introduces an unknown delay in the signal propagation. This paper describes the general approach and some results achieved in the framework of an ESA funded project devoted to the mapping of the water vapour with the aim to mitigate its effect in InSAR applications. Ground based (microwave radiometers, radiosoundings, GPS) and spaceborne observations (AMSR-E, MERIS, MODIS) of columnar water vapour were compared with Numerical Weather Prediction model runs in Central Italy during a 15-day experiment. A dense network of GPS receivers was deployed close to Como, in Northern Italy, to complement the operational network in order to derive Zenith Total Delay as well as Slant Delay which can support InSAR processing. A comparison with Atmospheric Phase Screens (APS) derived from a sequence of Envisat multi pass interferometric acquisitions processed using the Permanent Scatters technique on the two test sites has been also performed. The acquired experimental data and their comparison give a valuable idea of what can be done to gather information on water vapour, which, besides InSAR applications, plays a fundamental role in weather prediction and radio propagation studies. The work has been carried out in the framework of an ESA funded project, named “Mitigation of Electromagnetic Transmission errors induced by Atmospheric Water Vapour Effects” (METAWAVE). This paper presents the general approach an the various methodologies exploited in the project, together with the overall intercomparison of the results. In deep details on the comparison with the InSAR APS maps derived by the PS technique, as well as on GPS receiver processing and water vapour tomography are reported in two companion papers.
european conference on antennas and propagation | 2006
Vinia Mattioli; Patrizia Basili; Stefania Bonafoni; Piero Ciotti; Luca Pulvirenti; Nazzareno Pierdicca; Frank S. Marzano; Fernando Consalvi; Ermanno Fionda; E. R. Westwater
The Salonen cloud model currently in use in propagation and remote sensing simulations is analyzed at two independent sites: the ARM SGP site in USA, and the FUB site in Pomezia, Italy. The humidity threshold function is evaluated by using a ceilometer located at SGP and an otimization of such threshold is proposed. The cloud water model is assessed by comparing simulated brightness temperatures (TBs) with those measured by a dual-channel radiometer at 23.8 and 31.4 GHz. At SGP, the Salonen model is also tuned to the radiometer TBs. Then, the Salonen model, its modifications, and a model developed based on the outputs of numerical simulations are all evaluated at the site of Pomezia, in Italy, by comparing simulated TBs with measurements from a dual-channel radiometer at 23.8 and 31.65 Ghz.
international geoscience and remote sensing symposium | 2003
P. Ciotti; E. Di Giamaolo; Patrizia Basili; Stefania Bonafoni; Vinia Mattioli; R. Biondi; Ermanno Fionda; Fernando Consalvi; A. Memmo; Domenico Cimini; R. Pacione; F. Vespe
This paper concerns the validation of the atmospheric integrated precipitable water vapour (IPVW) product of the MERIS instrument on board of ENVISAT satellite. The validation is performed both at specific locations and over an extended area. The first comparison is performed with respect to the measurements of ground based instruments (microwave radiometers, GPS receivers, radiosoundings). The second assessment is based on IPWV maps of the Tyrrhenian area that are produced by geostatistical interpolation of the measurements of a network of GPS receivers (over land) and measurements of Special Sensor Microwave Imager Radiometer (over sea). The preliminary results show that the standard ESA algorithm for MERIS underestimates IPWV values both over land and sea backgrounds.