
Acta Neuropathologica | 2014

Zebrafish models of BAG3 myofibrillar myopathy suggest a toxic gain of function leading to BAG3 insufficiency

Avnika A. Ruparelia; Viola Oorschot; Raquel Vaz; Georg Ramm; Robert J. Bryson-Richardson

Mutations in the co-chaperone Bcl2-associated athanogene 3 (BAG3) can cause myofibrillar myopathy (MFM), a childhood-onset progressive muscle disease, characterized by the formation of protein aggregates and myofibrillar disintegration. In contrast to other MFM-causing proteins, BAG3 has no direct structural role, but regulates autophagy and the degradation of misfolded proteins. To investigate the mechanism of disease in BAG3-related MFM, we expressed wild-type BAG3 or the dominant MFM-causing BAG3 (BAG3P209L) in zebrafish. Expression of the mutant protein results in the formation of aggregates that contain wild-type BAG3. Through the stimulation and inhibition of autophagy, we tested the prevailing hypothesis that impaired autophagic function is responsible for the formation of protein aggregates. Contrary to the existing theory, our studies reveal that inhibition of autophagy is not sufficient to induce protein aggregation. Expression of the mutant protein, however, did not induce myofibrillar disintegration and we therefore examined the effect of knocking down Bag3 function. Loss of Bag3 resulted in myofibrillar disintegration, but not in the formation of protein aggregates. Remarkably, BAG3P209L is able to rescue the myofibrillar disintegration phenotype, further demonstrating that its function is not impaired. Together, our knockdown and overexpression experiments identify a mechanism whereby BAG3P209L aggregates form, gradually reducing the pool of available BAG3, which eventually results in BAG3 insufficiency and myofibrillar disintegration. This mechanism is consistent with the childhood onset and progressive nature of MFM and suggests that reducing aggregation through enhanced degradation or inhibition of nucleation would be an effective therapy for this disease.

Cellular and molecular gastroenterology and hepatology | 2015

Lysosome associated membrane proteins maintain pancreatic acinar cell homeostasis : LAMP-2 deficient mice develop pancreatitis

Olga A. Mareninova; Matthias Sendler; Sudarshan R. Malla; Iskandar Yakubov; Samuel W. French; Elmira Tokhtaeva; Olga Vagin; Viola Oorschot; Renate Lüllmann-Rauch; Judith Blanz; David W. Dawson; Judith Klumperman; Markus M. Lerch; Julia Mayerle; Ilya Gukovsky; Anna S. Gukovskaya

Background & Aims The pathogenic mechanism of pancreatitis is poorly understood. Recent evidence implicates defective autophagy in pancreatitis responses; however, the pathways mediating impaired autophagy in pancreas remain largely unknown. Here, we investigate the role of lysosome associated membrane proteins (LAMPs) in pancreatitis. Methods We analyzed changes in LAMPs in experimental models and human pancreatitis, and the underlying mechanisms: LAMP deglycosylation and degradation. LAMP cleavage by cathepsin B (CatB) was analyzed by mass spectrometry. We used mice deficient in LAMP-2 to assess its role in pancreatitis. Results Pancreatic levels of LAMP-1 and LAMP-2 greatly decrease across various pancreatitis models and in human disease. Pancreatitis does not trigger the LAMPs’ bulk deglycosylation but induces their degradation via CatB-mediated cleavage of the LAMP molecule close to the boundary between luminal and transmembrane domains. LAMP-2 null mice spontaneously develop pancreatitis that begins with acinar cell vacuolization due to impaired autophagic flux, and progresses to severe pancreas damage characterized by trypsinogen activation, macrophage-driven inflammation, and acinar cell death. LAMP-2 deficiency causes a decrease in pancreatic digestive enzymes content, and stimulates the basal and inhibits cholecystokinin-induced amylase secretion by acinar cells. The effects of LAMP-2 knockout and acute cerulein pancreatitis overlap, which corroborates the pathogenic role of LAMP decrease in experimental pancreatitis models. Conclusions The results indicate a critical role for LAMPs, particularly LAMP-2, in maintaining pancreatic acinar cell homeostasis and provide evidence that defective lysosomal function, resulting in impaired autophagy, leads to pancreatitis. Mice with LAMP-2 deficiency present a novel genetic model of human pancreatitis caused by lysosomal/autophagic dysfunction.

Acta Neuropathologica | 2015

Zebrafish models for nemaline myopathy reveal a spectrum of nemaline bodies contributing to reduced muscle function

Tamar Sztal; M. Zhao; Caitlin Williams; Viola Oorschot; Adam C. Parslow; Aminah Giousoh; Michaela Yuen; Thomas E. Hall; Adam Costin; Georg Ramm; Phillip I. Bird; Elisabeth M. Busch-Nentwich; Derek L. Stemple; Peter D. Currie; Sandra T. Cooper; Nigel G. Laing; Kristen J. Nowak; Robert J. Bryson-Richardson

Nemaline myopathy is characterized by muscle weakness and the presence of rod-like (nemaline) bodies. The genetic etiology of nemaline myopathy is becoming increasingly understood with mutations in ten genes now known to cause the disease. Despite this, the mechanism by which skeletal muscle weakness occurs remains elusive, with previous studies showing no correlation between the frequency of nemaline bodies and disease severity. To investigate the formation of nemaline bodies and their role in pathogenesis, we generated overexpression and loss-of-function zebrafish models for skeletal muscle α-actin (ACTA1) and nebulin (NEB). We identify three distinct types of nemaline bodies and visualize their formation in vivo, demonstrating these nemaline bodies not only exhibit different subcellular origins, but also have distinct pathological consequences within the skeletal muscle. One subtype is highly dynamic and upon breakdown leads to the accumulation of cytoplasmic actin contributing to muscle weakness. Examination of a Neb-deficient model suggests this mechanism may be common in nemaline myopathy. Another subtype results from a reduction of actin and forms a more stable cytoplasmic body. In contrast, the final type originates at the Z-disk and is associated with myofibrillar disorganization. Analysis of zebrafish and muscle biopsies from ACTA1 nemaline myopathy patients demonstrates that nemaline bodies also possess a different protein signature. In addition, we show that the ACTA1D286G mutation causes impaired actin incorporation and localization in the sarcomere. Together these data provide a novel examination of nemaline body origins and dynamics in vivo and identifies pathological changes that correlate with muscle weakness.

Science | 2018

BAK/BAX macropores facilitate mitochondrial herniation and mtDNA efflux during apoptosis

Kate McArthur; Lachlan Whitehead; John M. Heddleston; Lucy Li; Benjamin S. Padman; Viola Oorschot; Niall D. Geoghegan; Stephane Chappaz; Sophia Davidson; Hui San Chin; Rachael M. Lane; Marija Dramicanin; Tahnee L. Saunders; Canny Sugiana; Romina Lessene; Laura D. Osellame; Teng Leong Chew; Grant Dewson; Michael Lazarou; Georg Ramm; Guillaume Lessene; Michael T. Ryan; Kelly L. Rogers; Mark F. van Delft; Benjamin T. Kile

The great escape Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is a potent damage-associated molecular pattern that, if it reaches the cytoplasm or extracellular milieu, triggers innate immune pathways. mtDNA signaling has been implicated in a wide range of diseases; however, the mechanisms of mtDNA release are unclear, and the process has not been observed in real time thus far. McArthur et al. used live-cell lattice light-sheet microscopy to look at mtDNA release during intrinsic apoptosis. Activation of the pro-death proteins BAK and BAX resulted in the formation of large macro-pores in the mitochondrial outer membrane. These massive holes caused the inner mitochondrial membrane to balloon out into the cytoplasm, resulting in mitochondrial herniation. This process allowed the contents of the mitochondrial matrix, including mtDNA, to escape into the cytoplasm. Science, this issue p. eaao6047 Mitochondrial DNA is released from mitochondria in apoptotic cells as a result of BAK/BAX-induced mitochondrial herniation. INTRODUCTION There has been an explosion of interest in the role of cell death pathways and damage-associated molecular pattern (DAMP) signaling in shaping inflammatory and immune responses. Mitochondria are central to the intrinsic apoptosis pathway, the classical form of programmed cell death. Several mitochondrial constituents have been implicated as DAMPs, including mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Recent work has shown that activation of intrinsic BAK and BAX–mediated apoptosis results in mtDNA-dependent triggering of the innate immune cGAS/STING pathway, resulting in type I interferon production by dying cells. The apoptotic caspase cascade normally functions to suppress this mtDNA-induced cGAS/STING signaling, rendering apoptosis “immunologically silent.” RATIONALE It is thought that during apoptosis, mtDNA is released into the cytoplasm. In addition to apoptosis, loss of mtDNA from the matrix has been associated with conditions including HIV and dengue infection, calcium overload, irradiation, or inflammatory diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus or rheumatoid arthritis. However, mtDNA escape from the mitochondria has not been documented in real time. RESULTS Using a combination of live-cell lattice light-sheet microscopy, 3D structured illumination microscopy, correlative light electron microscopy, and electron cryotomography, we found that after BAK/BAX activation and cytochrome c loss, the mitochondrial network broke down and large BAK/BAX pores appeared in the outer membrane. These BAK/BAX macropores allowed the inner membrane an outlet through which it herniated, carrying with it mitochondrial matrix components, including the mitochondrial genome. A subset of the herniated inner membranes lost their integrity, allowing mtDNA to be exposed to the cytoplasm. CONCLUSION An extensive literature suggests that mtDNA is found outside the mitochondria—and, indeed, outside the cell—in a wide range of circumstances. Our study provides a mechanistic description of its release from the mitochondria. mtDNA release from mitochondria during apoptosis occurs irrespective of caspase activity, but in normal cells, caspases attenuate the subsequent cGAS/STING-mediated interferon response by driving rapid cellular collapse and clearance. Mitochondrial herniation might represent a general mechanism of mtDNA escape. In addition to BAK and BAX oligomerization, there may be alternative triggers—for example, other pore-forming proteins (host- or pathogen-derived) or mitochondrial stresses—that lead to the occurrence of this phenomenon. Schematic of apoptotic mitochondrial herniation. Inset images show the key stages as captured by lattice light-sheet microscopy, structured illumination microscopy, and correlative light and electron microscopy. Mitochondrial apoptosis is mediated by BAK and BAX, two proteins that induce mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization, leading to cytochrome c release and activation of apoptotic caspases. In the absence of active caspases, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) triggers the innate immune cGAS/STING pathway, causing dying cells to secrete type I interferon. How cGAS gains access to mtDNA remains unclear. We used live-cell lattice light-sheet microscopy to examine the mitochondrial network in mouse embryonic fibroblasts. We found that after BAK/BAX activation and cytochrome c loss, the mitochondrial network broke down and large BAK/BAX pores appeared in the outer membrane. These BAK/BAX macropores allowed the inner mitochondrial membrane to herniate into the cytosol, carrying with it mitochondrial matrix components, including the mitochondrial genome. Apoptotic caspases did not prevent herniation but dismantled the dying cell to suppress mtDNA-induced innate immune signaling.

Acta neuropathologica communications | 2018

Testing of therapies in a novel nebulin nemaline myopathy model demonstrate a lack of efficacy

Tamar Sztal; Emily A. McKaige; Caitlin Williams; Viola Oorschot; Georg Ramm; Robert J. Bryson-Richardson

Nemaline myopathies are heterogeneous congenital muscle disorders causing skeletal muscle weakness and, in some cases, death soon after birth. Mutations in nebulin, encoding a large sarcomeric protein required for thin filament function, are responsible for approximately 50% of nemaline myopathy cases. Despite the severity of the disease there is no effective treatment for nemaline myopathy with limited research to develop potential therapies. Several supplements, including L-tyrosine, have been suggested to be beneficial and consequently self-administered by nemaline myopathy patients without any knowledge of their efficacy. We have characterized a zebrafish model for nemaline myopathy caused by a mutation in nebulin. These fish form electron-dense nemaline bodies and display reduced muscle function akin to the phenotypes observed in nemaline myopathy patients. We have utilized our zebrafish model to test and evaluate four treatments currently self-administered by nemaline myopathy patients to determine their ability to increase skeletal muscle function. Analysis of muscle pathology and locomotion following treatment with L-tyrosine, L-carnitine, taurine, or creatine revealed no significant improvement in skeletal muscle function emphasizing the urgency to develop effective therapies for nemaline myopathy.

Oncotarget | 2017

An ultrastructural investigation of tumors undergoing regression mediated by immunotherapy

Jennifer A. Westwood; Sarah Ellis; Jill Danne; Chad Johnson; Viola Oorschot; Georg Ramm; David C. Tscharke; Alexander J. Davenport; James C. Whisstock; Phillip K. Darcy; Michael H. Kershaw; Clare Y. Slaney

While immunotherapy employing chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells can be effective against a variety of tumor types, little is known about what happens within the tumor at an ultrastructural level during tumor regression. Here, we used transmission electron microscopy to investigate morphologic and cellular features of tumors responding to immunotherapy composed of adoptive transfer of dual-specific CAR T cells and a vaccine, supported by preconditioning irradiation and interleukin-2. Tumors responded rapidly, and large areas of cell death were apparent by 4 days after treatment. The pleomorphic and metabolically active nature of tumor cells and phagocytic activity of macrophages were apparent in electron microscopic images of tumors prior to treatment. Following treatment, morphologic features of various types of tumor cell death were observed, including apoptosis, paraptosis and necrosis. Large numbers of lipid droplets were evident in tumor cells undergoing apoptosis. Macrophages were the predominant leukocyte type infiltrating tumors before treatment. Macrophages decreased in frequency and number after treatment, whereas an increasing accumulation of neutrophils and T lymphocytes was observed following treatment. Phagocytic activity of macrophages and neutrophils was apparent, while T cells could be observed in close association with tumor cells with potential immunological synapses present. These observations highlight the cellular composition and ultrastructural appearance of tumors undergoing regression mediated by immunotherapy.

Neuromuscular Disorders | 2014


Tamar Sztal; M. Zhao; Caitlin Williams; Viola Oorschot; Adam C. Parslow; T.E. Hall; Adam Costin; Georg Ramm; Peter D. Currie; Nigel G. Laing; Kristen J. Nowak; Robert J. Bryson-Richardson

Ten genes have been identified to cause nemaline myopathy when mutated and yet the mechanism by which muscle weakness occurs remains elusive. Nemaline myopathy is defined by the presence of rod-like aggregates in the muscle and, in some cases, can be accompanied by a thickening of the Z-disk, leading to the suggestion that this is their site of origin. Whilst the presence of rods defines the condition, previous studies have demonstrated there is no correlation between their frequency and the severity of disease, questioning their contribution to muscle weakness. To investigate the mechanism of disease in nemaline myopathy, and the functional consequences of rod formation, we created a zebrafish model conditionally overexpressing an EGFP tagged mutant form of skeletal muscle α -actin (ACTA1D286G-EGFP). These fish form nemaline bodies in their muscle, as evidenced by Gomori trichrome labelling and electron microscopy, and show reduced swimming activity. Through the use of in vivo imaging to examine the onset and progression of disease in vivo we identified two distinct types of ACTA1 aggregates representing successive stages in disease progression. The earlier forming rods arise from the myosepta, the site of muscle attachment in the zebrafish, with analogy to the myotendinous junction, and not the Z-disk as previously supposed. The rods are dynamic within the muscle cell, being seen to move within the cytoplasm in vivo , and are transitory in nature. Coincident with the breakdown of the rods, globular aggregation is observed, the presence of which correlates with reduced swimming performance. Our data provide new morphological markers for disease progression and suggest a novel pathogenic mechanism whereby muscle weakness results from accumulation of excess actin. Further support will be presented from additional zebrafish myopathy models and emerging data from recently identified nemaline mutations.

Journal of Cell Biology | 2016

Atg8 family LC3/GABARAP proteins are crucial for autophagosome–lysosome fusion but not autophagosome formation during PINK1/Parkin mitophagy and starvation

Thanh Ngoc Nguyen; Benjamin S. Padman; Joanne Usher; Viola Oorschot; Georg Ramm; Michael Lazarou

Human Molecular Genetics | 2016

FLNC myofibrillar myopathy results from impaired autophagy and protein insufficiency

Avnika A. Ruparelia; Viola Oorschot; Georg Ramm; Robert J. Bryson-Richardson

Methods in Cell Biology | 2014

Immuno correlative light and electron microscopy on tokuyasu cryosections

Viola Oorschot; Tamar Sztal; Robert J. Bryson-Richardson; Georg Ramm

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