Viorel Miclaus
University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad
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Featured researches published by Viorel Miclaus.
Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca: Horticulture | 2016
Vasile Rus; Bianca Matosz; Flavia Ruxanda; Sidonia Bogdan; Cristian Rațiu; Viorel Miclaus
Saliva secreted by acini from parotid gland is concentrated in the excretory ducts. This study aims to highlight certain microscopical aspects concerning the presence, density and disposition of mitochondria in intralobular and interlobular ducts from parotid parenchyma in rats. In the intralobular ducts’ segment lined by cuboidal cells, mitochondria are present throughout the whole cytoplasm, without a regular arrangement. In the area where cells are columnar, mitochondria become more numerous and most of them are disposed in the basal half and have a regular disposition (perpendicular to the basal pole). In the interlobular ducts, mitochondria are somehow less, but their disposition is similar to the one in the previous segment. In intralobular ducts with a thin wall, mitochondria have an irregular disposition and are present throughout the whole cytoplasm, while in striated and interlobular ducts, they have a regular disposition, perpendicularly on the basal pole of the cell and most of them are concentrated in the basal half of the cell.
Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca: Horticulture | 2016
Vasile Rus; Flavia Ruxanda; Bianca Matosz; Cristian Ratiu; Adrian Gal; Viorel Miclaus
Epiglottis presents a central axis covered by mucosa. The aim of this study was highlighting the type of epithelium lining the lamb epiglottis. Thus, we histologically processed the epiglottis from 3 lambs. The epithelium lining the whole epiglottis surface is non-keratinized stratified squamous, with different thickness from one side to the other. Hence, on the pharyngeal side the epithelium is twice as thick as the one found on the laryngeal side.
Romanian Review of Laboratory Medicine | 2013
Al. Raul Pop; Viorel Miclaus; Simona Ciupe; Gabriela Mutiu; Mihai Borzan; Vasile Rus; Horia Matei; Ioan Groza
Abstract The research was conducted on a number of 24 sexually mature male rabbits of common breed, divided into two numerically equal groups. The subjects from the experimental group were given 20 mg/kg nandrolone decanoate, intramuscularly, twice a week for four consecutive weeks. The control group did not receive any treatment. At the end of the experiment the testes were harvested through bilateral orchiectomy and processed for carrying out histopathological investigations. Testicular fragments were fixated in Stieve’s mixture for 24 hours, dehydrated with alcohol, clarified with butyl alcohol and included in paraffin. Serial sections of 5 μ thickness were stained by Massons trichrome method modified by Goldner. The testes taken from the control animals showed no detectable changes in optical microscopy. In the case of the animals belonging to experimental lots, there were alterations revealed evidenced by vacuolar dystrophy in the spermatocytes and spermatids, apoptosis, the edema of sperm head, spermatids syncytialization and cell necrosis followed by the disintegration of the seminal cell line with the formation of cellular debris in the seminiferous tubules lumen. These changes have affected part of the seminal cell line from the adluminal compartment (primary and secondary spermatocytes, spermatids and spermatozoids), but not those from the basal compartment (type A1 and B spermatogonia), which proved to be resistant in the conditions of 30 days exposure, at a dose of 20 mg/kg. In this context spermatogenesis is affected only for the period of drug action, but the risk of nandrolone decanoate transmission to humans through animal origin food consumption remains, with negative consequences on the spermatogenesis. Rezumat Având în vedere faptul că hormonii steroidieni au capacitatea de a modifica atât exprimarea informaţiei genetice codată la nivel genic cât şi nivelul fertilităţii la masculi, lucrarea de faţă şi-a propus testarea efectului nortestosteronului decanoat asupra celulelor spermatogene la iepuroi. Materialul biologic utilizat a fost reprezentat de către 24 iepuroi maturi sexual, împărţiţi în două loturi a câte 12 subiecţi fiecare, un lot experimental la care s-a administrat intramuscular 20 mg/kgc nortestosteron decanoat, de două ori pe săptămână, timp de 4 săptămâni şi un lot martor. La sfârşitul experimentului animalele aparţinând celor două loturi au fost supuse operaţiei de orhidectomie bilaterală iar testiculele au fost fixate în amestec Stieve, incluse în parafină şi secţiuni în grosime de 5 μm au fost colorate prin metoda Tricrom Goldner. Examinarea secţiunilor histologice provenite de la lotul martor a evidenţiat faptul că epiteliul tubilor seminiferi prezenta aspecte normale, fără a fi semnalate leziuni, nici măcar discrete. În cazul preparatelor histologice provenite de la lotul experimental au fost consemnate o serie de modificări cu preponderenţă la nivelul celulelor (spermatocite primare şi secundare, spermatide şi spermatozoizi) situate în compartimentul „adluminal” al tubilor seminiferi. Severitatea şi gradul de extindere al leziunilor a variat semnificativ de la un tub seminifer la altul şi chiar de la o porţiune la alta a aceluiaşi tub seminifer. Aceste modificări au constat în apariţia de celule în apoptoză precum şi numeroşi corpi apoptotici, degenerescenţă balonizantă a spermatocitelor şi spermatidelor, sinciţializarea spermatidelor, necroze însoţite de dezorganizare zonală moderată a epiteliului seminifer. În câteva zone au fost evidenţiate un număr mic de celule afectate (spermatogoniile) şi în compartimentul „bazal”. Dacă leziunile din compartimentul „adluminal” sunt reversibile, cele din compartimentul „bazal” sunt ireversibile deoarece afectează celulele „de rezervă” ale liniei spermatogenetice, compromiţând într-o oarecare măsură fertilitatea mascului. Aspectele evidenţiate ridică semne de întrebare asupra oprtunităţii utilizării nortestosteronului decanoat în terapie sau stimularea producţiei animale deoarece afectează funcţia spermatogenetică la masculi existând totodată riscul transferului lor la om prin consumul de alimente de origine animală.
Key Engineering Materials | 2012
Cristian Ratiu; Simona Cavalu; Viorel Miclaus
Most of edentulous areas need reconstructive procedures of hard tissues for an ideal implant position. In this perspective, guided bone regeneration with semi-permeable membranes or onlay bone grafts harvested from intra-or extra-oral sites is indicated. Establishment of well regulated tissue banks allows surgeons use of allograft bone. This study compares two clinical cases, where a relevant horizontal deficit was present: first one reconstructed with allograft bone + titanium mesh and the other one with onlay graft + autogenous cortico-spongiosa bone particles, harvested from ramus. In both cases plasma rich in growth factors and fibrin membranes were used in order to enhance graft vascularization and osseous regeneration, as well as faster healing.
Key Engineering Materials | 2011
Cristian Ratiu; Simona Cavalu; Viorel Miclaus; Ciprian Ober; I. Ratiu; Oana Ponta
The materials used for major sinus lift varies from autogenous or allogenous bone, to animal origin (xenograft) bone or synthetic (alloplastic) materials. A combination of bone substitutes, alloplastic graft with allogenic or xenogenic bone seems to give satisfactory results in terms of new bone formation and the long-term implant success rate. On the other hand, using PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) mixed with bone substitutes seems to enhance graft vascularization and osseous regeneration, as well as faster healing. The novel sinus lift technique with PRGF (Plasma rich in Growth Factors) has demonstrated significant development of new bone, minimizing any complications in the event of Scheneiderian membrane perforation. The present study compares two clinical cases where major sinus lifts were performed using as regenerative material xenograft bone and porous titanium mixed with PRGF.
Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca: Horticulture | 2010
Liviu Oana; Ciprian Ober; Cosmin Pestean; Viorel Miclaus; N. Mates; Cosmin Mure An
Gastric dilatation-volvulus is a medical and surgical emergency that principally affects large-breed dogs. A proper surgical approach of gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV) involves gastric repositioning and surgical formation of a permanent fixation to prevent recurrence of the disease. Repositioning and gastropexy procedures are recommended after a patient stabilization and as soon as the patient present a minimal anesthetic risk. The purpose of this clinical-case study was to evaluate the effect of a surgical method in the treatment of gastric dilatation-volvulus in a dog.
Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Veterinary Medicine | 2014
Cristian Martonos; Cristian Dezdrobitu; Vasile Rus; Viorel Miclaus; Irina Irimescu; Aurel Damian
Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Veterinary Medicine | 2014
Flavia Ruxanda; Viorel Miclaus; Vasile Rus; Adrian Gal; Liviu Oana
Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Veterinary Medicine | 2014
Bianca Bosca; Aranka Ilea; Alina Șovrea; Anne Marie Constantin; Flavia Ruxanda; Vasile Rus; Cristian Ratiu; Viorel Miclaus
Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Veterinary Medicine | 2014
Vasile Rus; Adrian Gal; Flavia Ruxanda; Bianca Bosca; George Nadas; Cristian Ratiu; Viorel Miclaus