Vita Rudovica
University of Latvia
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Featured researches published by Vita Rudovica.
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis | 2014
Vita Rudovica; Arturs Viksna; Andris Actins
The control of inorganic contaminants in active pharmaceutical ingredients has a significant role in the quality control of drug products. The concentration limits for metal residues in drug products have been defined by various regulatory guidelines. Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) is a powerful and fast analytical technique for multi-elemental analysis. A disadvantage in using LA-ICP-MS method is the lack of matrix reference materials for validation and calibration purposes. This article focuses on the handling strategy of laboratory-made matrix calibration standards for the quantification of elemental impurities in an active pharmaceutical ingredient by LA-ICP-MS.
International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry | 2015
Juris Burlakovs; Fabio Kaczala; Kaja Orupõld; Amit Bhatnagar; Zane Vincevica-Gaile; Vita Rudovica; Mait Kriipsalu; Marika Hogland; Mara Stapkevica; William Hogland; Maris Klavins
Landfill mining applied in reclamation at the territories of old dump sites and landfills is a known approach tended to global economic and environmental benefits as recovery of metals and energy is an important challenge. The aim of this study was to analyse the concentration of several metallic elements (Ca, Cu, Cr, Fe, K, Mn, Pb, Zn) in the fine fraction of waste derived in the landfill and to compare the results of measurements obtained by field-portable equipment with the data gained by advanced analytical tools. Atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) were used for the quantitative detection of metallic elements at the laboratory; whereas field-portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (FPXRF) was applied for rapid sample characterisation in the field (on-site). Wet digestion of samples (fine fraction of waste at landfill) was done prior analytical procedures at the laboratory conditions, but FPXRF analysis was performed using raw solid samples of waste fine fraction derived in the Kudjape Landfill in Estonia. Although the use of AAS and ICP-MS for the measurements of metals achieves more precise results, it was concluded that precision and accuracy of the measurements obtained by FPXRF is acceptable for fast approximate evaluation of quantities of metallic elements in fine fraction samples excavated from the waste at landfills. Precision and accuracy of the results provided by express method is acceptable for quick analysis or screening of the concentration of major and trace metallic elements in field projects; however, data correction can be applied by calculating moisture and organic matter content dependent on sample matrix as well as special attention must be paid on sample selection and homogenisation and number of analysed samples.
Resources Conservation and Recycling | 2017
Juris Burlakovs; Mait Kriipsalu; Maris Klavins; Amit Bhatnagar; Zane Vincevica-Gaile; Jan Stenis; Yahya Jani; Valeriy Mykhaylenko; Gintaras Denafas; Tsitsino Turkadze; Marika Hogland; Vita Rudovica; Fabio Kaczala; Rene Rosendal; William Hogland
Abstract For the next century to come, one of the biggest challenges is to provide the mankind with relevant and sufficient resources. Recovery of secondary resources plays a significant role. Industrial processes developed to regain minerals for commodity production in a circular economy become ever more important in the European Union and worldwide. Landfill mining (LFM) constitutes an important technological toolset of processes that regain resources and redistribute them with an accompanying reduction of hazardous influence of environmental contamination and other threats for human health hidden in former dump sites and landfills. This review paper is devoted to LFM problems, historical development and driving paradigms of LFM from ‘classical hunting for valuables’ to ‘perspective in ecosystem revitalization’. The main goal is to provide a description of historical experience and link it to more advanced concept of a circular economy. The challenge is to adapt the existing knowledge to make decisions in accordance with both, economic feasibility and ecosystems revitalization aspects.
Environmental Geochemistry and Health | 2013
Zane Vincevica-Gaile; Maris Klavins; Vita Rudovica; Arturs Viksna
The current paper involves overview of several studies concerning quantitative major and trace element analysis of different food samples, such as products of plant origin, e.g., locally grown vegetables (carrots, onions, potatoes) and products of animal origin derived with or without processing (cottage cheese, eggs, honey). Food samples were collected over the territory of Latvia in the time period 2009–2012. Sample pre-treatment was chosen according to the product specifics but mostly wet mineralization with concentrated nitric acid was applied. Analysis of major elements (e.g., Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Na) and trace elements (e.g., As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Se, Zn) was performed by appropriate quantitative analytical technique: atomic absorption spectrometry, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry or total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. Not only the influence of environmental factors (e.g., geographical or seasonal impact) was detected in element dissemination in food, also botanical origin (if applicable) and applied agricultural praxis, product processing and storage specifics were found to be important. Possible food contamination by potentially toxic elements can be associated mostly with the consequences of anthropogenic activities. The studies revealed the significance of food research in the context of environmental science.
Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology | 2016
Gunita Zariſa; Sabrina B. Sholts; Alina Tichinin; Vita Rudovica; Arturs Vīksna; Austra Engīzere; Vitolds Muižnieks; Eric J. Bartelink; Sebastian K.T.S. Wärmländer
Cribra orbitalia (CO), or porotic hyperostosis (PH) of the orbital roof, is one of the most common pathological conditions found in archaeological subadult skeletal remains. Reaching frequencies higher than 50% in many prehistoric samples, CO has been generally attributed to a variety of factors including malnutrition (e.g., megaloblastic anemia) and parasitism. In this study, we tested the relationship between CO, trace element concentrations, and stable isotope values (δ13C, δ15N, δ18O) in subadult skeletons from a 17th to 18th century cemetery in the historic town of Jēkabpils, Latvia. A total of 28 subadults were examined, seven of which (25%) showed evidence of CO. Bioarchaeological evidence indicated high mortality for children in this cemetery: half of the burials were subadults under the age of 14, while a third were under the age of four. Life expectancy at birth was estimated to have been only 21.6 years. Trace element concentrations measured by Inductively Coupled Plasma - Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) showed no relationship between presence or absence of CO and levels of manganese, zinc, strontium, barium, copper, cadmium, or lead in the bones (p>0.05). However, a significant correlation (p<0.05) was found between the presence of CO and decreased levels of iron. The correlations between CO and decreased levels of copper and lead approached significance (p=0.056 for both elements). Individuals with CO furthermore displayed significantly lower δ15N isotope values, suggesting greater consumption of lower trophic level food resources than those unaffected by CO; δ13C and δ18O values, in contrast, showed no significant differences. These results suggest that the prevalence of CO may be related to dietary deficiencies. In this case, low iron levels may also signify a diet low in other key vitamins (e.g., B9 and B12), which are known to cause megaloblastic anemia.
Scientific Journal of Riga Technical University. Environmental and Climate Technologies | 2011
Zane Vincevica-Gaile; Maris Klavins; Vita Rudovica; Arturs Viksna
Trace and Major Elements in Food Articles in Latvia: Root Vegetables It is known that the content of trace and major elements in plants is dependent on several factors, such as type of species, soil properties, climate conditions, agricultural and agrichemical factors, pollution. The aim of the study was to quantify element content of root vegetables grown in farmlands and allotment gardens in Latvia. Samples of onion bulbs and carrot roots were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Quantitative amounts of 17 trace elements (Ag, As, Ba, Cd, Ce, Co, Cr, Cu, La, Mn, Ni, Pb, Rb, Se, Sr, V, Zn) and 5 major elements (Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Na) were determined. It was detected that carrot roots contained higher amounts of several elements than onion bulbs. Differences in element content of vegetables were also detected between the subgroups of samples grown in farmlands versus samples grown in allotment gardens. Data revealed that onions grown in farmlands were more affected by contaminants. Mikro- un makroelementi pārtikā Latvijā: sakņu dārzeņu analīze Uzturproduktu ķīmiskā sastāva izpēte ir komplicēts process, kas kā pētniecības metode tiek pielietota galvenokārt pārtikas ķīmijas nozarē. Ir zināms, ka ķīmisko elementu saturu augos ietekmē dažādi faktori, tādi kā suga, augsnes īpašības, laika apstākļi, mēslošana un augu aizsardzības līdzekļu lietošana, kā arī augu attīstības stadija, tāpēc pārtikas produktu analīze var būt nozīmīga arī citu nozaru kontekstā. Pētījuma mērķis - iegūt informāciju par Latvijā audzētu sakņu dārzeņu (sīpolu un burkānu), mikro- un makroelementu sastāva īpatnībām, ņemot vērā dārzeņu paraugu izcelsmi. Pētījuma ietvaros no dažādiem Latvijas regioniem, precizējot paraugu izcelsmi no zemnieku saimniecībām vai piemājas dārziem, tika ievākti sīpolu un burkānu paraugi. Pēc paraugu apstrādes un mineralizācijas tie tika analizēti ar tādām kvantitatīvās analīzes metodēm kā atomabsorbcijas spektrometrija un induktīvi saistītās plazmas masas spektrometrija. Iegūtie dati par mikroelementu (Ag, As, Ba, Cd, Ce, Co, Cr, Cu, La, Mn, Ni, Pb, Rb, Se, Sr, V, Zn) un makroelementu (Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Na) saturu dārzeņos tiks statistiski apstrādāti, savstarpēji salīdzināti, kā arī izvērtēti kontekstā ar līdzīgiem citu valstu pētījumiem. Kopumā tika konstatēts, ka burkānos vairāku elementu saturs ir augstāks nekā sīpolos, kamēr citi elementi abos dārzeņu veidos ir vienlīdzīgā apjomā. Apakšgrupu analīze atklāja statistiski nozīmīgas vairāku elementu īpatnības starp zemnieku saimniecībās mazdārziņos audzētiem sakņu dārzeņiem. Piemēram, Cd, Co, Na, Ni, Rb, Se un Sr koncentrācijas sīpolu paraugos no mazdārziņiem bija statistiski būtiski zemākas nekā sīpolos, kas audzēti zemnieku saimniecībās. Datu analīze ļauj secināt, ka vides faktoru ietekmei ir būtiska nozīme uz elementu saturu dārzeņos. Микро- и макроэлементы в продуктах питания в Латвии: корнеплодные овощи Исследование химического состава продуктов питания представляет собой сложный процесс, который в основном используется в пищевой химии в качестве исследовательского метода. Известно, что содержание химических элементов в растениях зависит от различных факторов, таких как вид растения, характеристика почвы, условия погоды, продукты для удобрения и защиты растений, а также стадия развития растения, поэтому анализ продуктов питания растительного происхождения может иметь важное значение в контексте разных отраслей науки. Цель исследования - получить информацию о корнеплодных овощах, таких как репчатый лук и морковь, местного латвийского происхождения относительно микро- и макроэлементов, с учетом происхождения с образцов. Образцы были собраны по всей территории Латвии. Происхождение образцов было выяснено при покупке, получая образец из сельскохозяйственного предприятия или из садово-огородного участка. После обработки и минерализации образцов растворы были анализированы такими методами, как: атомно-абсорбционная спектрометрия и масс-спектрометрия индуктивно-связанной плазмы. Полученные данные о содержании микроэлементов (Ag, As, Ba, Cd, Се, Со, Сг, Си, La, Mn, Ni, Pb, Rb, Se, Sr, V, Zn) и макроэлементов (Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Na) в овощах статистически обработаны, сравнены между собой, а также в контексте подобных исследований в других странах. В целом, было установлено, что несколько элементов в составе моркови выше, чем у лука, в то время как другие элементы входят в состав обоих видов в одинаковом количестве. Анализ подгрупп показал статистически значимые особенности многих элементов в корнеплодах, выращенных в условиях садово-огородных участков и сельскохозяйственных условиях. Например, концентрации Cd, Co, Na, Ni, Rb, Se и Sr в образцах лука были статистически значимо ниже, чем у лука, выращенного при сельскохозяйственных условиях. Анализ данных показал, что факторы окружающий среды играют важную роль в содержании элементов в овощах.
Key Engineering Materials | 2014
Arita Dubnika; Vita Rudovica
The in vitro behavior of silver doped hydroxyapatite (HAp/Ag) prepared by two wet precipitation routes were studied in water and simulated body fluid (SBF). In order to evaluate the silver ion bioavailability from HAp/Ag, the samples were soaked in SBF or water and kept at 37°C for fixed periods of time up to one year. After fixed periods of time, analyses of SBF and water solutions were performed and silver ion concentration within the solutions determined. According to silver release data from dense and porous HAp/Ag ceramic scaffolds, release rate of silver ions were reduced in water as the ion exchange there was slower compared to SBF solution. X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy analysis approved the formation of hydroxyapatite type layer on the surfaces of scaffolds after one year soaking in SBF.
Archive | 2011
Vita Rudovica; Arturs Viksna; G. Zarina; I. Melne
Bone is one of the few materials that are consistently recovered from archaeological and paleontological sites; its chemical composition has the potential to provide valuable information about ancient human and faunal diet and health status. Diet is one aspect of the development of human culture; changes in dietary regimes occurred together with changes in the manner of food procurement. Gathering, hunting and, after domestication, cattle breeding, and finally agriculture, each stage of development of the dietary process also brought social stratification, which in turn led to a preferred diet for certain individuals (Smrcka 2005). The most frequently examined elements for the reconstruction of a paleodiet are Zn, Cu, Mg, Mn and Sr (Gilbert 1985). According to Gilbert (1985), Zn and Cu should be related to the supply of animal protein, while Sr, Ba, Mg and Mn could indicate the supply of vegetal food. Other elements, such as Cd and Pb, should give information about anthropogenic activities and environmental pollution.
Ceramics International | 2017
Arita Dubnika; Dagnija Loča; Vita Rudovica; Mansi Bharat Parekh; Liga Berzina-Cimdina
Arkivoc | 2014
Jevgeņija Mackeviča; Pāvels Ostrovskis; Hakon Leffler; Ulf J. Nilsson; Vita Rudovica; Arturs Viksna; Sergey Belyakov; Māris Turks