
Biomedizinische Technik | 2007

Dynamic coupling between heart rate and ventricular repolarisation

Josef Halámek; Pavel Jurák; Marco Villa; Miroslav Souček; Petr Fráňa; Jiří Nykodym; Martin Eisenberger; Pavel Leinveber; Vlastimil Vondra; Virend K. Somers; Tomáš Kára

Abstract A novel model for the coupling between ventricular repolarisation and heart rate (QT/RR) is presented. It is based upon a transfer function (TRF) formalism that describes the static and dynamic properties of this coupling, i.e., the behaviour after a sudden change in heart rate. Different TRF models were analysed by comparing their capability to describe experimental data collected from 19 healthy volunteers using several RR stimulation protocols: (i) rest with deep breathing at 0.1 Hz; (ii) tilt with controlled breathing at 0.1 and 0.33 Hz; and (iii) cycling. A search for the best TRF led to unambiguous identification of a three-parameter model as the most suitable descriptor of QT/RR coupling. Compared with established static models (linear or power-law), our model predictions are substantially closer to the experimental results, with errors ∼50% smaller. The shape of the frequency and step responses of the TRF presented is essentially the same for all subjects and protocols. Moreover, each TRF may be uniquely identified by three parameters obtained from the step response, which are believed to be of physiological relevance: (i) gain for slow RR variability; (ii) gain for fast RR variability; and (iii) time during which QT attains 90% of its steady-state value. The TRF successfully describes the behaviour of the RR control following an abrupt change in RR interval, and its parameters may offer a tool for detecting pharmacologically induced changes, particularly those leading to increased arrhythmogenic risk.

Annals of Noninvasive Electrocardiology | 2012

Measure of the QT/RR Dynamic Coupling in Patients with the Long QT Syndrome

Josef Halámek; Jean-Philippe Couderc; Pavel Jurák; Vlastimil Vondra; Wojciech Zareba; Ivo Viscor; Pavel Leinveber

Background: The patients with the long QT syndrome type‐1 (LQT‐1) have an impaired adaptation of the QT interval to heart rate changes. Yet, the description of the dynamic QT–RR coupling in genotyped LQT‐1 has never been thoroughly investigated.

international conference of the ieee engineering in medicine and biology society | 2007

Dynamic QT/RR Coupling in Patients with Pacemakers

Josef Halámek; Pavel Jurák; Marco Villa; Miroslav Novák; Vlastimil Vondra; M. Soucek; P. Frafia; Virend K. Somers; T. Kara

The dynamic coupling between heart rate intervals (RR) and ventricular repolarization (QT) is analyzed. The analysis is based on measurements of 11 patients with pacemaker. In each measurement, there are at least 4 abrupt changes of RR preset by the pacemaker. With such a protocol, RR changes are important and well defined while disturbing factors and noise sources (such as those related with motion of patient) are minimized. The QT/RR coupling was described by 3 parameters (a1, b2, b3) transfer function (TRF) selected on the basis of a statistical analysis of performances of different TRF models. We found that our model is by far the best in its class: with more parameters (higher order models) the residuals remain almost the same while the extra parameters display variability much larger than that of our parameters. For all measurements, our TRF model describes more than 70 % of QT variability. Within the patient set, we found interesting differences concerning dynamic non-linearity (response times longer with decreasing RR intervals than with increasing RR).

Biomedizinische Technik | 2016

A multichannel bioimpedance monitor for full-body blood flow monitoring.

Vlastimil Vondra; Pavel Jurák; Ivo Viscor; Josef Halámek; Pavel Leinveber; Magdalena Matejkova; Ladislav Soukup

Abstract The design, properties, and possible diagnostic contribution of a multichannel bioimpedance monitor (MBM) with three independent current sources are presented in this paper. The simultaneous measurement of bioimpedance at 18 locations (the main part of the body, legs, arms, and neck) provides completely new information, on the basis of which more precise haemodynamic parameters can be obtained. The application of the MBM during various haemodynamic stages, such as resting in a supine position, tilting, exercise stress, and various respiration manoeuvres, is demonstrated. Statistical analysis on a group of 34 healthy volunteers is presented for demonstration of blood flow monitoring by using the proposed method.

Cardiovascular Oscillations (ESGCO), 2014 8th Conference of the European Study Group on | 2014

Influence of tilt load on pulse wave velocity in the lower limbs

Filip Plesinger; Magdalena Matejkova; Josef Halámek; Pavel Jurák; Ivo Viscor; Vlastimil Vondra

Pulse wave velocity is a marker of the state of health of the arterial system. We have developed a device (hardware unit and software) for concurrent determination of pulse-wave velocity in several parts of body (up to 18). Using this device we measured the change of pulse-wave velocity in the lower limbs when the subject is exposed to a specific load - “Head-up Tilt Test”.

international conference of the ieee engineering in medicine and biology society | 2011

Excitation specificity of repolarization parameters

Josef Halámek; Pavel Jurák; Vlastimil Vondra; Ivo Viscor; Martin Plachy; Pavel Leinveber

The excitation specificity of QT dynamic parameters was tested on three groups of subjects: healthy subjects; non-medicated hypertensive subjects with metabolic syndrome; and subjects with essential hypertension. Four different excitations of RR were used: bicycling exercise; tilt with breathing 0.1 and 0.33 Hz; and deep breathing. Linear dynamic feedback model of QT/RR coupling was supposed at the analysis and next repolarization parameters were tested: QTc; gain of QT/RR coupling for slow and fast RR variability; time constant of QT adaptation; and random QT variability. Results: Dynamic repolarization parameters statistically significantly depend on the type of RR excitation. The gain of QT/RR coupling for slow RR variability, the time constant of QT adaptation and QTc are maximal at RR excitation given by the bicycling exercise. The frequency of breathing, i.e. corresponding vagal modulation has no effect on repolarization parameters. The measurements with deep breathing, without any other slow excitation of heart rate, has low signal-to-noise ratio of analyzed data and resulting QT parameters are inaccurate. Conclusion: The use of heart rate excitation and all measurements conditions should be defined for the exact analysis of the repolarization dynamic parameters.

Circulation-arrhythmia and Electrophysiology | 2018

Ventricular Electrical Delay Measured From Body Surface ECGs Is Associated With Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Response in Left Bundle Branch Block Patients From the MADIT-CRT Trial (Multicenter Automatic Defibrillator Implantation-Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy)

Filip Plesinger; Pavel Jurák; Josef Halámek; Petr Nejedly; Pavel Leinveber; Ivo Viscor; Vlastimil Vondra; Scott McNitt; Bronislava Polonsky; Arthur J. Moss; Wojciech Zareba; Jean-Philippe Couderc

Background: Although cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) is beneficial in heart failure patients with left bundle branch block, 30% of these patients do not respond to the therapy. Identifying these patients before implantation of the device is one of the current challenges in clinical cardiology. Methods: We verified the diagnostic contribution and an optimized computerized approach to measuring ventricular electrical activation delay (VED) from body surface 12-lead ECGs. We applied the method to ECGs acquired before implantation (baseline) in the MADIT-CRT trial (Multicenter Automatic Defibrillator Implantation-Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy). VED values were dichotomized using its quartiles, and we tested the association of VED values with the MADIT-CRT primary end point of heart failure or death. Multivariate Cox proportional models were used to estimate the risk of study end points. In addition, the association between VED values and hemodynamic changes after CRT-D implantation was examined using 1-year follow-up echocardiograms. Results: Our results showed that left bundle branch block patients with baseline VED <31.2 ms had a 35% risk of MADIT-CRT end points, whereas patients with VED ≥31.2 ms had a 14% risk (P<0.001). The hazard ratio for predicting primary end points in patients with low VED was 2.34 (95% confidence interval, 1.53–3.57; P<0.001). Higher VED values were also associated with beneficial hemodynamic changes. These strong VED associations were not found in the right bundle branch block and intraventricular conduction delay cohorts of the MADIT-CRT trial. Conclusions: Left bundle branch block patients with a high baseline VED value benefited most from CRT, whereas left bundle branch block patients with low VED did not show CRT benefits.

international conference of the ieee engineering in medicine and biology society | 2012

Respiratory induced heart rate and blood pressure variability during mechanical ventilation in critically ill and brain death patients

Pavel Jurák; Václav Zvoníček; Pavel Leinveber; Josef Halámek; Vlastimil Vondra

We analysed respiratory induced heart rate and blood pressure variability in mechanically ventilated patients with different levels of sedation and central nervous system activity. Our aim was to determine whether it is possible to distinguish different levels of sedation or human brain activity from heart rate and blood pressure. We measured 19 critically ill and 15 brain death patients ventilated at various respiratory frequencies - 15, 12, 8 and 6 breaths per minute. Basal and deeper sedation was performed in the critically ill patients. We detected and analysed heart rate and blood pressure parameters induced by ventilation. Results: Respiratory induced heart rate variability is the unique parameter that can differentiate between brain death patients and sedated critically ill patients. Significant differences exist, especially during slow deep breathing with a mean period of 10 seconds. The limit values reflecting brain death are: baroreflex lower than 0.5 ms/mmHg and tidal volume normalised heart rate variability lower than 0.5 ms/ml. Reduced heart rate variability parameters of brain death patients remain unchanged even after normalisation to respiration volume. However, differences between basal and deep sedation do not appear significant on any parameter.

Archive | 2007

Two-channel high dynamic range bioimpedance monitor for cardiography

Ivo Viscor; Vlastimil Vondra; Josef Halámek

In the paper we introduce conception of a two-channel bioimpedance monitor. We describe the basic hardware blocks and analyze their limitations from the point of view of the dynamic range. The conception based on the direct digital synthesizer and the digital down converter en- ables high-quality bioimpedance signal and the analysis of the impedance phase.

international conference of the ieee engineering in medicine and biology society | 2015

Can we hear ventricle dyssynchrony? Yes, we can.

Pavel Jurák; Josef Halámek; Filip Plesinger; Tereza Reichlova; Vlastimil Vondra; Ivo Viscor; Pavel Leinveber

This study introduces a method for detection of ventricular depolarization activity and the transfer of this activity into an audible stereo audio signal. Heart potentials are measured by an ultra-high-frequency high-dynamic-range electrocardiograph (UHF-ECG) with a 25-kHz sampling rate. Averaged and prolonged UHF amplitude envelopes of V1-3 and V4-6 leads at a frequency range of 500-1000 Hz are used as a modulating function for two carrier audio frequencies. The right speaker makes it possible to listen to the depolarization of the septum and right ventricle (V1-3) and the left speaker the left ventricle lateral wall (V4-6). In the healthy heart, both speakers can be heard simultaneously. A delayed L or R speaker represents the dyssynchronous electrical activation of the ventricles. Examples of the normal heart, right bundle branch block and left bundle branch block can be heard at

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