
Featured researches published by W. Hoppe.

Journal of Molecular Biology | 1983

Three-dimensional reconstruction and averaging of 30 S ribosomal subunits of Escherichia coli from electron micrographs.

H. Oettl; Reiner Hegerl; W. Hoppe

From the micrographs of a tilt series, several particles of negatively stained 30 S ribosomal subunits of Escherichia coli were three-dimensionally reconstructed. Three of them showing similar orientation with respect to the supporting foil were averaged after alignment by newly developed three-dimensional correlation methods. As a main result we found a stained channel-like structure inside the particle. We tentatively propose that this corresponds, at least partially, to positively stained segments of the 16 S RNA.

Ultramicroscopy | 1982

Trace structure analysis, ptychography, phase tomography

W. Hoppe

Abstract Three papers dedicated to the author elicit further comment stemming from his own engagement with the three topics- trace structure analysis, ptychography and phase tomography.

Journal of Molecular Biology | 1975

Electron microscopy of thin protein crystal sections

R. Langer; Ch. Poppe; H.J. Schramm; W. Hoppe

Abstract In continuation of an earlier publication (Hoppe et al. , 1968), further experiments are described here on the preparation of thin film sections of embedded protein crystals for investigation by electron microscopy and electron diffraction. Several embedding media were compared, the best being Aquon. Periodicities were observed in electron micrographs as well as in electron diffraction patterns. In diffraction experiments the best resolution observed was approximately 10 to 11 A.

Naturwissenschaften | 1974

Zur elektronenmikroskopisch dreidimensionalen Rekonstruktion eines Objektes

W. Hoppe

u einiger Zeit wurde die Rekonstruktion der Struktur eines dre.idimensionalen Objektes aus einer Anzahl yon gegeneinander verschwenkten elektronenmikroskopischen Aufnahmen vorgeschlagen [ t --3] . Die Fouriertransformierten-Theorie der Rekonstruktion wurde in [4] entwickelt. Eine im Prinzip v611ig analoge Ableitung enth~ilt auch [5]. Inzwischen hat es sich herausgestellt, dal3 das Problem der dreidimensionalen Rekonstruktion aus Projektionen schon vor den elektronenmikroskopischen Arbeiten ftir die Radiologie (Bestimmung des Modells eines menschlichen KSrpers aus R6ntgendurchstrahlungen) und die Radioastronomie bearbeitet worden war. Auf die entsprechenden mathematischen Arbeiten die meist die unmittelbare Rekonstruktion im Ortsraum zum Ziele hatten kann in diesem Zusammenhang nicht eingegangen werden.

European Physical Journal A | 1971

Experimental test of a new method for phase determination using gamma resonance spectroscopy

Fritz Parak; Rudolf L. Mössbauer; Ulrich Biebl; Helmut Formanek; W. Hoppe

We have performed an experimental study of the feasability to employ resonance scattering of γ-radiation in order to measure directly the phase of the structure factor which is required in X-ray crystal structure determination. The phases of the (020) and the (040) reflection of a K3Fe(CN)6 single crystal were determined by measuring the interference between nuclear resonance scattering and by electronic scattering.

Journal of Molecular Biology | 1979

Unit cell and space group of catalase from Micrococcus luteus.

Alain L. Marie; Fritz Parak; W. Hoppe

Octahedral shaped crystals of about 1 mm were grown from catalase of Micrococcus luteus. The space group was determined as P422121 with a = b = 106.6 A and c = 106.3 A. In contrast to mammalian catalase, the bacterial catalase contains only one subunit per asymmetric unit. This proves that the four subunits of bacterial catalase are identical.

Journal of Chemical Crystallography | 1974

X-ray structure analysis of 5-anilinopentadienylidenanilinium bromide, C17H17BrN2

F. Brandl; H. J. Springer; P. Narayanan; J. Preuss; W. Hoppe; G. Scheibe

The crystal and molecular structure of 5-anilinopentadienylidenanilinium bromide has been solved by X-ray diffraction methods. The crystals of this compound are monoclinic, space groupC2/c (No. 15), with unit cell data:a = 14.63,b = 12.68,c= 17.77 Å and β = 104.8 °,Dm = 1.39 g cm−3,Z = 8,Dc = 1.37 g cm−3 and μ = 38.4 cm−1 (CuKα radiation). The structure has been refined to anR-value of 0.049, using diffractometer intensity data for 2014 reflexions. The bond angles in the pentamethene chain are widened by about 3.8 ° from the expected value of 120 °, owing to the repulsion of hydrogen atoms in the chain. Steric hindrances from the hydrogen atoms cause the phenyl rings to be twisted by approximately 20.7 and 16.5 ° in the opposite directions with respect to the pentamethene chain. The nitrogen atoms take part in hydrogen bonds with the neighbouring bromine atoms (N ...; Br = 3.35 Å).

Archive | 1977

Physikalische Methoden zur Bestimmung der strukturellen Eigenschaften von Biomolekülen

Friedrich Dörr; W. Hoppe; Horst Brunner; Klaus Dransfeld; Harald Neubacher; Wolfgang Lohmann; Georg Zundel; G. Michael Kalvius; Fritz Parak; Ulrich Deffner; Volker Penka

Proteine und Nucleinsauren bilden Makromolekule, mit Dimensionen bis zu einigen 102 nm und Molekulargewichten bis 108. Zur Bestimmung ihrer (idealisierten) Form, ihrer Grose und ihres Molekulargewichts eignen sich besonders diejenigen physikalischen Methoden, die fur die Analytik synthetischer Makromolekule entwickelt worden sind. Synthetische Polymere fallen aber im allgemeinen nicht mit einem einheitlichen Molekulargewicht M an, sondern mit einer mehr oder weniger breiten Molekulargewichtsverteilung. Fur eine Mischung solcher Makromolekule sei N i die Zahl der Teilchen mit dem Molekulargewicht M i .

Chemische Berichte | 1965

Zur Chemie des Ecdysons, VII: Die Kristall- und Molekülstrukturanalyse des Insektenverpuppungshormons Ecdyson mit der automatisierten Faltmolekülmethode

Robert Huber; W. Hoppe

Naturwissenschaften | 1968

Protein-Kristallstrukturanalyse mit Elektronenstrahlen

W. Hoppe; R. Langer; G. Knesch; Ch. Poppe

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