W. L. Zhan
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Nuclear Physics | 2002
Hy Zhang; Wen-Qing Shen; Zhong-Zhou Ren; Yin-Zhe Ma; W. Z. Jiang; Zong-Hong Zhu; Xiang-Zhou Cai; De-Qing Fang; C. Zhong; L.P. Yu; Yb Wei; W. L. Zhan; Zy Guo; Guoqing Xiao; J. Wang; Wang J; Q.J. Wang; Jx Li; Meng Wang; Z. Chen
Radioactive ion beams were produced through the projectile fragmentation induced by 69 MeV/nucleon Ar-36 primary beam on a Be-9\ target. Measurements of reaction cross sections (sigma(R)s) for 44 nuclei with A < 30 (mostly proton-rich), on carbon were performed on RIBLL (Radioactive Ion Beam Line in Lanzhou) of HIRFL (Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou) at intermediate energies around 30 MeV/nucleon by a transmission method. The experimental sigma(R) values for Al-23 and P-27 are abnormally large compared with their neighboring nuclei. Together with the previous experimental facts such as the binding energy and ground state data, it suggests anomalously large matter root-mean-square radii and proton halo structure in Al-23 and in P-27. There is an enhancement for the sigma(R) of F-17 + C-12 compared with the neighboring isotopes. Considering that the ground state of F-17 is 1d(5/2), this can indicate that there is a proton skin in F-17. The calculation of relativistic density-dependent Hartree model (RDDH) shows that the nuclei Al-23 and P-27 may have proton-halo structure and F-17 may have proton-skin structure. The significance of these measurements is discussed
Physical Review Letters | 2016
X. Xu; Pengjie Zhang; P. Shuai; R.J. Chen; X.L. Yan; Y. H. Zhang; M. Wang; Yu. A. Litvinov; H. Xu; T. Bao; X. Chen; H. S. Chen; C. Y. Fu; Shigeru Kubono; Y. H. Lam; Dean Liu; R. S. Mao; X. W. Ma; M. Z. Sun; X. L. Tu; Y. M. Xing; J. Yang; Y. Yuan; Qin Zeng; X. J. Zhou; X. H. Zhou; W. L. Zhan; S. Litvinov; Klaus Blaum; G. Audi
Masses of ^{52g,52m}Co were measured for the first time with an accuracy of ∼10 keV, an unprecedented precision reached for short-lived nuclei in the isochronous mass spectrometry. Combining our results with the previous β-γ measurements of ^{52}Ni, the T=2, J^{π}=0^{+} isobaric analog state (IAS) in ^{52}Co was newly assigned, questioning the conventional identification of IASs from the β-delayed proton emissions. Using our energy of the IAS in ^{52}Co, the masses of the T=2 multiplet fit well into the isobaric multiplet mass equation. We find that the IAS in ^{52}Co decays predominantly via γ transitions while the proton emission is negligibly small. According to our large-scale shell model calculations, this phenomenon has been interpreted to be due to very low isospin mixing in the IAS.
Physical Review C | 2004
Z. H. Liu; M. Q. Ruan; Yuliang Zhao; Hong-Qun Zhang; F. Yang; Z. Y. Ma; C. J. Lin; B. Q. Chen; Y. W. Wu; W. L. Zhan; Zy Guo; Gq Xiao; H. Xu; Z. Y. Sun; Junqing Li; Z. J. Chen
The reaction cross sections of
International Journal of Modern Physics E-nuclear Physics | 2009
G Q Xiao; J.W. Xia; Y. Yuan; R. S. Mao; J. H. Zheng; X. L. Tu; Meng Wang; W. X. Huang; H. Xu; W. L. Zhan
Journal of Physics: Conference Series | 2009
X. Y. Ma; Huiping Liu; L. T. Sun; Mingtao Song; X L Zhu; S Sha; W T Feng; Dazhi Zhang; S. Zhang; B. Li; Jiacai Li; D B Qian; S Y Xu; Daqing Gao; Ping Wang; L. Ma; K D Man; G Q Xiao; H. W. Zhao; W. L. Zhan
P and the corresponding isotones on Si target were measured at intermediate energies. The measured reaction cross sections of the N=12 and 13 isotones show an abrupt increase at
International Journal of Modern Physics E-nuclear Physics | 2009
Meng Wang; H. Xu; J.W. Xia; X. L. Tu; R. S. Mao; Y. Yuan; Z. G. Hu; Y. Liu; H. B. Zhang; Y. D. Zang; T. C. Zhao; X. Y. Zhang; F. Fu; J. C. Yang; L. J. Mao; C. Xiao; G Q Xiao; H. W. Zhao; W. L. Zhan
% Z=15
Nuclear Physics | 2001
Jieci Wang; WQ(沈文庆) Shen; ZY(朱志远) Zhu; J. Feng; Zy Guo; W. L. Zhan; Guoqing Xiao; X. Cai; DQ(方德清) Fang; HY(张虎勇) Zhang; YG(马余刚) Ma
. The experimental results for the isotones with
Journal of Physics: Conference Series | 2009
L J Meng; X. Y. Ma; He-Qun Liu; X.D. Yang; J.W. Xia; H. Xu; Z. G. Hu; X L Zhu; M. Wang; R. S. Mao; D C Zhang; L.J. Mao; J. Li; Guisheng Li; Y. Liu; J. Yang; Y. Yuan; J H Zheng; Xin-An Yang; G Q Xiao; W. L. Zhan
Z\leq 14
Physica Scripta | 2015
X. Y. Ma; Wenlong Wen; Z.K. Huang; H.B. Wang; Y. Yuan; M. Wang; Z. Y. Sun; L.J. Mao; J. Yang; H. Xu; G Q Xiao; W. L. Zhan
as well as
Journal of Physics: Conference Series | 2013
Y. H. Zhang; H. Xu; Yu. A. Litvinov; X. L. Tu; X.L. Yan; S. Typel; Klaus Blaum; M. Wang; X. H. Zhou; Y. Sun; B. A. Brown; Y. Yuan; J.W. Xia; J. Yang; G Audi; X. Chen; G. B. Jia; Z. G. Hu; X. W. Ma; R. S. Mao; B. Mei; P. Shuai; Z. Y. Sun; S. T. Wang; Gengfu Xiao; X. Xu; T. Yamaguchi; Y. Yamaguchi; Y. D. Zang; H. W. Zhao
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