
Featured researches published by W. von der Osten.

Solid State Communications | 1974

Exciton recombination in silver bromide

W. von der Osten; J. Weber

Abstract The recombination luminescence of the free indirect exciton is studied in pure AgBr single crystals at low temperature. The participation of two phonons with wavenumbers of 96 and 64 cm−1, respectively, is discussed in view of the unusual behaviour of the transverse phonon branches near L. Weak coupling of the exciton to the LO (Γ) phonon and recombination via a shallow trap are observed.

European Physical Journal | 1966

A trigonal color center in NaF

G. Baumann; F. Lanzl; W. von der Osten; W. Waidelich

Uniaxial stress splitting experiments suggest the 5456 Å zero-phonon line in NaF to be due to a transition of the F3+ center. The line and a number of phonon-assisted peaks are observed in absorption and emission.

Solid State Communications | 1971

Phonon sideband analysis of the 4T1g(4G)-absorption in MnF☆

U. Röder; W. von der Osten; W. Gebhardt

The phonon sideband of the 6A1g(6S) → 4T1g(4G) transition in MnF2 at low temperature is analysed by unfolding the spectrum with a computer program. The one-phonon absorption and the spectral density of coupled modes are obtained and the magnitude of the coupling strength is determined. For T ≤ 40 K the experimentally determined coupling strength as function of temperature is found to be in good agreement with that calculated from the density of coupled modes.

Naturwissenschaften | 1962

Zum Linien- und Bandenspektrum von strahlungsverfärbtem Lithiumfluorid

W. von der Osten; W. Waidelich

The line and band spectra of LiF are produced by irradiation with x- rays, electrons, neutrons, and alpha particles. The effect of the various radiations on the half-value width of the strongest line are shown. The line spectrum is altered by heat treatment of the crystal after irradiation. Measurements made at 20 and 90 deg K show that at 90 deg K lines are visible only from strongly irradiated crystals. New line groups found are tabulated.

Physics Letters A | 1968

Linear Stark effect of the F3+ center in LiF and NaF

G. Johannson; F. Lanzl; W. von der Osten; R. Piehl; W. Waidelich

Abstract A linear Stark effect is observed with the ionized R center in λ-irradiated alkali halides by studying the zero-phonon absorption lines 4874 A in LiF and 5456 A in NaF in high electric fields.

European Physical Journal A | 1968

Momentenanalyse der R 2 -Nullphononen-Linie in NaF unter einaxialem Druck

F. Lanzl; H. Morian; W. von der Osten; W. Waidelich

The R2 zero-phonon absorption line 4480 Å in NaF at 4.2 °K and 23 °K is studied under uniaxial stress along 〈100〉 and 〈100〉. According to the F3 model of theR center the R2 line is found to be due to a transition between a degenerate ground state (2E) and a nondegenerate excited state (2A) of this center. Instead of a splitting into single components under stress, changes in line shape are observed which are analyzed by means of the method of moments. The zeroth and first moment of the line are calculated as functions of the magnitude of stress and temperature. The theoretical moments are found to be in good agreement with those determined from the experimental data. From a comparison of the measured moments with the theoretical expressions the stress splitting parameters are obtained which describe the removal of both the orientational and the orbital degeneracy of theR center under uniaxial stress. The corresponding strain parameters of the R2 line in NaF are compared with those in other alkali halides.

European Physical Journal A | 1968

Pseudo Stark and uniaxial stress splitting of the 6955 Å zero-phonon line in LiF

G. Johannson; F. Lanzl; H. Mödl; W. von der Osten; W. Waidelich

Pseudo Stark and uniaxial stress splitting is observed with the zero-phonon line 6955 Å in LiF at 4.2 °K. From the combination of the results obtained by means of both methods it is concluded that the corresponding color center hasC2v point symmetry. The twofold rotation axis of the center and the transition dipole moment are oriented along 〈110〉 perpendicular to each other. On the basis of the results a few models of aggregate color centers are discussed. The theory necessary for the interpretation of the electric and uniaxial stress spectra of lines associated with rhombic 〈110〉 centers is presented including the numbers, intensities and energy shifts of the splitting components.

Solid State Communications | 1968

Moment analysis of the Stark effect of the R2 zero-phonon line in LiF at 4.2°K

G. Johannson; F. Lanzl; W. von der Osten; W. Waidelich

Abstract By studying the R 2 zero-phonon absorption line in X-irradiated LiF in high electric fields a linear Stark effect of the R center is observed at 4.2°K. The analysis of the experimental results is performed using the method of moments. The results are in good accordance with the theory for E → A transitions of a C 3v center. By cooling the crystals from 4.2°K to 1.7°K the zero-field splitting of the R center ground state is found to be -1 .

Naturwissenschaften | 1965

Thermische Erholung UV-bestrahlter AgCl-Einkristalle

W. von der Osten; H. Peisl; W. Waidelich

[1] CREMER, M. : Aufgabe und Funktion des Insti tuts flit Dokumentationswesen. Mitt. Max Planek-Ges. 1963, H. 1/2, 77--86. [2] PIETSCI L E.: Struktur von Informationseinrichtungen. Nachr. Dok. 15, H. l, 28--4t (1964). [8] SCHEELE, M.: Die Lochkartenverfahren in Forschung und Dokumentation, mit besonderer Bertieksichtigung der Biologie, 2. Aufl. Stut tgart : Sehweizerbart f959. [4] SCHEEL~, M.: Literatur fiber Loehkartenverfahren. Eine vermittels SiehtIoehkarten aufgeschlfisselte Bibliographie tiber Loehkarten und die mit ihrer Anwendung zusammenh~ngenden Fragen. Schlitz/Hessen: H. Guntrum II. K. G. 1959. I5] SCHNEiDER, K. : Fiinf Jahre KWIC-Indexing nach H. P. LUH~. Nachr. Dok. 14, It. 4, 200--205 ( t 9 6 3 ) . [6] SENGBUSCH, R. v.: Probleme der Auslese und ihre Beziehungen zu unserem kulturellen Leben. Jahrb. Max-Planek-Ges. 1959, 135--t85.

European Physical Journal | 1967

Farbzentren rhombischer und monokliner Symmetrien in NaF

G. Johannson; F. Lanzl; W. von der Osten; W. Waidelich

A number of zero-phonon absorption lines ofF aggregate color centers is studied inx-irradiated NaF crystals under uniaxial stress. The color centers associated with the lines are found to exhibit rhombic (D2h, D2, C2v; rotation axes along 〈110〉 and 〈100〉) and monoclinic (C2h, C2, Cs; rotation axis along 〈110〉) symmetries. The transitions of the rhombic color centers correspond to 〈100〉 and 〈110〉 dipoles, those of the monoclinic centers to 〈112〉 and 〈110〉 dipoles. The most prominent line at 5803 Å is due to a 〈112〉 dipole transition within a monoclinic color center. Several models of centers are discussed.

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