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Featured researches published by Walter Haas.

Naturwissenschaften | 1966

Die Quotienten Calcium/Kalium und Rohlignin/Holocellulose bei Sonnen- und Schattenblttern der Blutbuche

Walter Haas; Walter Kausch

Wie ktirzlich be r i eh te t [1 a] spiegel t s ich die x e r o m o r p h e S t ruk f u r der Sonnenb l~ t f e r ~1 b] der ] 3 h t b u c h e (Fagus sylvatica L. cv. Atropunicea) chemi sch in ei l iem h o h e n Q u o t i e n t e n Rohl ign in /Holocel lu lose (QR= 1,46). ]3ei dell Schat tenbl /~ t te rn h ingegen s ind die Gewich t san te i l e der be iden Subs ta l i zen alisgeg l ichen ( QR = 1,0t). X e r o m o r p h e S t r u k t u r e n k 6 n n e n n a c h ~Llteren Arbe i t en [2~5] d u r c h e inen h o h e n Calciumgehalf i im ]31att, m e s o m o r p h e dagegen du rch e inen h o h e n t~a l iumgeha l t induz ie r t werden . Zus a m m e n h ~ n g e zwischen C a l c i u m a n g e b o t n n d L ign i f i z i e rung s ind b i she r IIur in nega t i ve r R i c h t u n g b e k a n n t , insofe rn nXmlich, als eine s t a rke Ca lc iumgabe im N X h r m e d i u m y o n Gewebek u l t u r e n die L i g n i n b i l d u n g verh i l ider t ~6]. C a l c i u m m a n g e l sell dagegen die L ign i f iz ie rung f6rdern [7]. Auf dieser Grund l age ve rg l i chen wir die Calc iumu n d K a l i m n g e h a l t e u n s e r e r Sonilenu n d Schat tenbl /~ t ter m i t ihreI1 Rohligninlu n d Holocel luloseartteilen. A i i a l y s e n m e t h o d e fiir Ca lc ium u n d K a l i u m : Grav ime t r i s che B e s t i m m u n g des Ca lc iums als CaCaO~ 9 H~O u n d des K a l i u m s als T e t r a p h e n y l o b o r a t [8]. B e s t i m m u n g der Holocel lulosen n d L ign inwer t e s iehe [la~ b], Die Tabel le e n t h ~ l t die Mi t te lwer te a u s je 4 Einzelanla lysen m i t ih ren m i t t l e r e n Fehlern . Die U n t e r sch iede zwischen Sonnena n d Schat tenbl /~ t te rn s ind m i t p ~ = 0,00t seh r s ign i f ikan t (t-Test).

Planta | 1969

Die Aminosäurenzusammensetzung der Proteine von Sonnen- und Schattenblättern der Blutbuche (Fagus sylvatica L. cv. Atropunicea)

Walter Haas

SummaryThe amino acid contents of sun and shade leaves of the copper beech are significantly different. On the basis of dry matter, the concentration of the majority of amino acids is higher in shade leaves. Only the concentrations of proline, valine, histidine and arginine are about 30% lower compared with those of the other amino acids. Calculated on the basis of crude protein, the concentrations of lysine, histidine, arginine, valine, isoleucine and proline are considerably lower in shade leaves than in sun leaves. On the other hand, shade leaves contain more tyrosine, phenylalanine, and methionine.A hypothesis interpreting the different morphogenesis of sun and shade leaves in connection with the high proline content of sun leaves is discussed.The amino acid contents of sun and shade leaves of the copper beech are significantly different. On the basis of dry matter, the concentration of the majority of amino acids is higher in shade leaves. Only the concentrations of proline, valine, histidine and arginine are about 30% lower compared with those of the other amino acids. Calculated on the basis of crude protein, the concentrations of lysine, histidine, arginine, valine, isoleucine and proline are considerably lower in shade leaves than in sun leaves. On the other hand, shade leaves contain more tyrosine, phenylalanine, and methionine.A hypothesis interpreting the different morphogenesis of sun and shade leaves in connection with the high proline content of sun leaves is discussed.

Planta | 1969

Die Aminosurenzusammensetzung der Proteine von Sonnen- und Schattenblttern der Blutbuche (Fagus sylvatica L. cv. Atropunicea)@@@Amino acid composition of proteins in sun and shade leaves of the copper beech (Fagus sylvatica L. cv. Atropunicea)

Walter Haas

SummaryThe amino acid contents of sun and shade leaves of the copper beech are significantly different. On the basis of dry matter, the concentration of the majority of amino acids is higher in shade leaves. Only the concentrations of proline, valine, histidine and arginine are about 30% lower compared with those of the other amino acids. Calculated on the basis of crude protein, the concentrations of lysine, histidine, arginine, valine, isoleucine and proline are considerably lower in shade leaves than in sun leaves. On the other hand, shade leaves contain more tyrosine, phenylalanine, and methionine.A hypothesis interpreting the different morphogenesis of sun and shade leaves in connection with the high proline content of sun leaves is discussed.The amino acid contents of sun and shade leaves of the copper beech are significantly different. On the basis of dry matter, the concentration of the majority of amino acids is higher in shade leaves. Only the concentrations of proline, valine, histidine and arginine are about 30% lower compared with those of the other amino acids. Calculated on the basis of crude protein, the concentrations of lysine, histidine, arginine, valine, isoleucine and proline are considerably lower in shade leaves than in sun leaves. On the other hand, shade leaves contain more tyrosine, phenylalanine, and methionine.A hypothesis interpreting the different morphogenesis of sun and shade leaves in connection with the high proline content of sun leaves is discussed.

Naturwissenschaften | 1965

Chemische Unterschiede zwischen Sonnen- und Schattenblttern der Blutbuche (Fagus sylvatica L. cv. Atropunicea)

Walter Kausch; Walter Haas

Naturwissenschaften | 1969

[Condensation of aminoacyl-adenylates. A model for abiogenic protein synthesis].

G. Krampitz; S. Baars; Walter Haas; M. Kempfle

Naturwissenschaften | 1966

Ligningehalte der Zellwnde bei Sonnen-und Schattenblttern der Blutbuche (Fagus sylvatica L. cv. Atropunicea)

Walter Kausch; Walter Haas

Naturwissenschaften | 1969

Zur Kondensation von Aminoacyl-adenylaten

G. Krampitz; S. Baars; Walter Haas; M. Kempfle

Naturwissenschaften | 1969

Inhibition of plant growth by thermal polylysine

Walter Haas; Heinrich G. Hardebeck

Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition | 2009

Lysinreiche Proteine in Blättern und Samen der Gartenmelde (Atriplex hortensis L.)

G. Krampitz; Walter Haas; H. Hardebeck

Zeitschrift für Naturforschung B | 1971

Notizen: Light Enhanced Decarboxylation of Indol-3-acetic Acid by Thermal Proteinoids

Heinrich G. Hardebeck; Walter Haas


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