Walter Oleschko Arruda
Federal University of Paraná
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Featured researches published by Walter Oleschko Arruda.
Arquivos De Neuro-psiquiatria | 2002
Kelly Cristina Bordignon; Walter Oleschko Arruda
The present study describes the cranial computed tomography (CT) scan findings of 2,000 cases of mild head trauma (HT) in Curitiba, Southern Brazil. The mean age of the entire series was 30.8 +/-19 years. The overall male to female ratio was 2:1. The most common causes of head injury were interpersonal aggression (17.9%), falls (17.4%), automobile accidents (16.2%), falls to the ground (13.1%) and pedestrian injuries (13 %). Alcohol intoxication was associated with HT in 158 cases (7.9%). A normal CT scan was seen in 60.75% (1215) and an abnormal CT scan in 39.25% (785) of patients. Out of 785 abnormal CT scan, 518(65.9%) lesions were related to HT. The most common CT scan HT related findings were: soft tissue swelling (8.9 %), skull fractures (4.3 %), intracranial and subgaleal hematomas (3.4% and 2.4 %), brain swelling (2 %) and brain contusion (1.2%). Out of 785 abnormal CT scans, 267 (34.1%) lesions were not related to head trauma. Incidental CT scan findings included brain atrophy (5.9%), one calcification (5.2%) several calcifications (2.4%) (probably neurocysticercosis in most cases), ischemic infarct (1.9%) and leukoaraiosis (1.3%). These findings showed the importance of CT scan examination in mild head injuries. Further studies to identify mild HT patients at higher risk of significant brain injury are warranted in order to optimize its use.
Arquivos De Neuro-psiquiatria | 1991
Walter Oleschko Arruda
The objective of this study was to establish the etiology of epilepsy in 210 chronic epileptics (110 female, 100 male), aged 14-82 years (34.2 +/- 13.3). Patients less than 10 years-old and alcoholism were excluded. All underwent neurological examination, routine blood tests, EEG and CT-scan. Twenty patients (10.5%) were submitted to spinal tap for CSF examination. Neurological examination was abnormal in 26 (12.4%), the EEG in 68 (45.5%), and CT-scan in 93 (44.3%). According to the International Classification of Epileptic Seizures (1981), 101 (48.1%) have generalized seizures, 66 (31.4%) partial seizures secondarily generalized, 25 (11.8%) simple partial and complex partial seizures, and 14 (6.6%) generalized and partial seizures. Four patients (2.0%) could not be classified. In 125 (59.5%) patients the etiology was unknown. Neurocysticercosis accounted for 57 (27.1%) of cases, followed by cerebrovascular disease 8 (3.8%), perinatal damage 5 (2.4%), familial epilepsy 4 (1.9%), head injury 4 (1.9%), infective 1 (0.5%), and miscelanea 6 (2.8%).
Revista Do Instituto De Medicina Tropical De Sao Paulo | 2001
Walter Oleschko Arruda; Charles Kondageski
The aseptic meningitis after Measles-Mumps-Rubella vaccine (MMR) is a well recognized complication, and different incidences have been observed in several studies. We retrospectively analyzed forty cases of aseptic meningitis, during a large public immunization campaign (1998) in Curitiba, Southern Brazil (590,609 people), admitted in our Service. The vaccine utilized was Leningrad-3-Zagreb mumps strain, Edmonston-Zagreb measles strain, and RA 27#3 rubella strain. In all county, a total number of 87 cases were reported, resulting in a incidence of 1.7 cases per 10,000 given doses. The mean age was 23.7 +/- 12.8 years. The female:male ratio was 1.35:1. Severe headache with meningismus (92.5%), fever (87.5%), nausea/vomiting (82.5%) were the most common clinical findings. Three cases (7.5%) developed mild mumps. All patients underwent cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) tap with the following findings: mononuclear pleocytosis from 100 to 500 cells/mm(3) in 17 cases (42.5%; 257.5 +/- 260.6 cells/mm3); increased protein 28 cases (67.5%; 92.1 +/- 76.9 mg/dL); glucose was normal in all cases (56.8 +/- 11.2 mg/dL) except in 4 (10%) cases, which presented less than 44 mg/dL. All serological tests (latex to bacterial meningitis, Cryptococcus, cysticercosis, VDRL) and bacteriological cultures were negative. Virus identification were also negative in 8 samples. None of the patients had neurological deficits or related symptoms after one year of onset. We believe the benefit of vaccination clearly outweighs the incidence of benign vaccine-associated meningitis.
Neurosurgery | 1990
Murilo S. Meneses; Claude Thurel; Jacqueline Mikol; Ricardo Ramina; Joao J. Maniglia; Walter Oleschko Arruda; Jean Cophignon
The authors present five cases of olfactory neuroblastoma with intracranial extension operated on in the Department of Neurosurgery in collaboration with otorhinolaryngologists. This tumor is most frequently reported as growing inside the nasal cavities, and it can extend to the paranasal sinuses. Cases presenting initially as intracranial tumors have been infrequently reported. At present, histological diagnosis of this tumor is aided by the use of electron microscopy and immunocytochemistry. Total resection combined with radiation therapy remains the most satisfactory treatment.
Arquivos De Neuro-psiquiatria | 2004
Walter Oleschko Arruda; Kelly Cristina Bordignon; Jerônimo Buzetti Milano; Ricardo Ramina
A doenca de Creutzfeldt-Jakob (CJD) e uma forma de demencia pre-senil de rapida evolucao, geralmente fatal em um ano. Casos autoctones no Brasil tem sido raramente descritos assim como achados de ressonância magnetica. Mulher, natural de Ponta Grossa PR, branca , 54 anos , foi admitida no servico em outubro de 2001 com quadro de amaurose bilateral cortical progressiva desde ha 1 mes do internamento. Nunca viajou ao exterior e foi somente submetida a uma cirurgia de reducao do estomago, para obesidade. Historia familial sem relato de casos semelhantes. Logo apos o internamento a paciente desenvolveu quadro de disfasia mista, hemiparesia flacida direita, com movimentos coreoatetoticos e crises parciais motoras. Paciente evoluiu com quadro demencial progressivo; atualmente, acamada, torporosa, dependente de alimentacao enteral, recebendo mepacrina, fenitoina e clorpromazina , estabilizando o quadro ate final de maio de 2002. Exames laboratoriais negativos ou normais. Pesquisa de proteina 14-3-3 no liquor foi positiva; enolase-neuronio-especifica no liquor foi normal. Estudo genetico do gen PRNP nao revelou mutacao descrita anteriormente. EEG (23/10/2001) revelou intensa atividade irritativa hemisferio cerebral esquerdo. Estudo de ressonância magnetica revelou areas de hipersinal em T2 e FLAIR em regioes temporal esquerda e bioccipital; gânglios da base normal. Imagens de DWI mostraram hipersinal nas mesmas areas.Outro EEG (15/03/2002) revelou padrao periodico de ondas trifasicas sugestivos de CJD. A paciente fez uso de mepacrina associado a clorpromazina com aparente estabilizacao do quadro, ate seu obito por complicacoes infecciosas pulmonares em abril de 2003.
Arquivos De Neuro-psiquiatria | 2003
Maurício Coelho Neto; Ricardo Ramina; Murilo S. Meneses; Walter Oleschko Arruda; Jerônimo Buzetti Milano
OBJECTIVE Central neurocytoma is a low grade tumor of neuroglial origin and a relatively new histological entity. Only a few cases have been reported and its biological behavior is still uncertain. Some cases have shown an aggressive behavior (local recurrence, malignant dedifferentiation or CSF dissemination) and challenged the initial view of its relative benignity. A case of central neurocytoma with peritoneal dissemination is presented. CASE A six years-old boy with recurrent neurocytoma of III ventricle and left thalamus showed fast growth of tumor rest and ascites three and a half years after subtotal removal of the lesion. Tumor cells were identified in the ascitic fluid and implanted in the peritoneum. Chemotherapy was initiated immediately after diagnosis of peritoneal dissemination (etoposide, carboplatin, doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide). The patient developed metabolic imbalance and respiratory failure due to rapid formation of ascitic fluid and died 3 days after the diagnosis of peritoneal dissemination was established. CONCLUSION Central neurocytoma is a low grade tumor with low values of the proliferative index in the majority of cases. In spite of that, some tumors may present a very aggressive behavior and extraneural dissemination. Evaluation of proliferative index may be a guideline parameter for planning adjuvant therapies after surgical treatment in selected cases. Extraneural dissemination may occur in some cases specially in patients with ventriculoperitoneal shunt.
Arquivos De Neuro-psiquiatria | 2010
Ana Luisa Bordini; Thiago F. Luiz; Maurício Fernandes; Walter Oleschko Arruda; Hélio A. G. Teive
OBJECTIVE To describe the most important coma scales developed in the last fifty years. METHOD A review of the literature between 1969 and 2009 in the Medline and Scielo databases was carried out using the following keywords: coma scales, coma, disorders of consciousness, coma score and levels of coma. RESULTS Five main scales were found in chronological order: the Jouvet coma scale, the Moscow coma scale, the Glasgow coma scale (GCS), the Bozza-Marrubini scale and the FOUR score (Full Outline of UnResponsiveness), as well as other scales that have had less impact and are rarely used outside their country of origin. DISCUSSION Of the five main scales, the GCS is by far the most widely used. It is easy to apply and very suitable for cases of traumatic brain injury (TBI). However, it has shortcomings, such as the fact that the speech component in intubated patients cannot be tested. While the Jouvet scale is quite sensitive, particularly for levels of consciousness closer to normal levels, it is difficult to use. The Moscow scale has good predictive value but is little used by the medical community. The FOUR score is easy to apply and provides more neurological details than the Glasgow scale.
SciELO | 2005
Ricardo Ramina; Maurício Coelho Neto; Yvens Barbosa Fernandes; Guilherme Borges; Donizeti Cesar Honorato; Walter Oleschko Arruda
Low-grade gliomas arising in dorsal midbrain in children and young patients usually present few neurological symptoms and findings, and patients management is controversial. Some authors propose only clinical observation until the patient present signs of increased intracranial pressure when a shunt with or without biopsy, is inserted; others recommend radiotherapy after stereotactic or open biopsy. Microsurgical total removal of tumor may be curative. We present a retrospective analysis of eight patients (mean age 16.6 +/- 11.5 years-old) with low-grade astrocytoma of the tectal region operated on using an infratentorial/supracerebellar approach between 1981 and 2002. All patients presented hydrocephalus and had a shunt insertion before surgical resection of the lesion. The tumour could be totally resected in seven patients. In one case radical removal was not possible due to infiltrative pattern of the lesion. Postoperative radiotherapy was performed in two cases, one patient at the beginning of this series and in the case with infiltrative tumor. This patient presented progressive tumor growth and died five years after surgery. No recurrence occurred after total removal. Post-surgical follow-up time ranged from 2 1/2 to 22 1/2 years (mean 9.9 +/- 5.9 years). Radical microsurgical removal of non invasive tumors is possible without mortality or significant morbidity. It may be curative and should remain as an alternative to be discussed with the patient.
Arquivos De Neuro-psiquiatria | 2014
Yara Dadalti Fragoso; Christian Cardoso Arruda; Walter Oleschko Arruda; Joseph Bruno Bidin Brooks; Alfredo Damasceno; Carlos Augusto de Albuquerque Damasceno; Alessandro Finkelsztejn; Juliana Finkelsztejn; Paulo Diniz da Gama; Maria Cristina Brandão Giacomo; Sidney Gomes; Marcus Vinicius Magno Goncalves; André Palma da Cunha Matta; Marilia Manprim de Morais; Enedina Maria Lobato de Oliveira; Yuna Ribeiro; Henry Koiti Sato; Carlos Bernardo Tauil
Fingolimod is a new and efficient treatment for multiple sclerosis (MS). The drug administration requires special attention to the first dose, since cardiovascular adverse events can be observed during the initial six hours of fingolimod ingestion. The present study consisted of a review of cardiovascular data on 180 patients with MS receiving the first dose of fingolimod. The rate of bradycardia in these patients was higher than that observed in clinical trials with very strict inclusion criteria for patients. There were less than 10% of cases requiring special attention, but no fatal cases. All but one patient continued the treatment after this initial dose. This is the first report on real-life administration of fingolimod to Brazilian patients with MS, and one of the few studies with these characteristics in the world.
Arquivos De Neuro-psiquiatria | 2002
Marco Aurélio Lana-Peixoto; Dagoberto Callegaro; Marcos Aurélio Moreira; Gilberto Belisário Campos; Paulo Eurípedes Marchiori; Alberto Alain Gabbai; Luiz Alberto Bacheschi; Walter Oleschko Arruda; Paulo Diniz da Gama; Ailton Melo; Fernando Coronetti Gomes da Rocha; Angelina Maria Martins Lino; Maria Lucia Brito Ferreira; Luiz Ataíde Júnior
There has been unprecedented advances in knowledge of multiple sclerosis (MS) in the last few years. A new set of criteria for its diagnosis and a bunch of recent clinical trials with disease-modifying agents (DMA) have been published. All of that has made it necessary to update and expand the previous consensus for MS treatment as formulated by the Brazilian Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (BCTRIMS) two years ago. The BCTRIMS Expanded Consensus emphasizes the need to (1) consider MS treatment on an individual basis; (2) educate patients about the potential benefits and risks of treatment; (3) monitor drugs side effects; (4) have a signed Informed Consent Form; (5) consider the relative cost of the drug. The various clinical possibilities and the indications of the DMA and other immunointerventions are considered according to classes of evidences and types of recommendations. The BCTRIMS Expanded Consensus on Treatment of MS may turn out to be a model to other developing countries.