Wayne L. Darnell
Langley Research Center
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1992
Wayne L. Darnell; W. Frank Staylor; Shashi K. Gupta; Nancy A. Ritchey; Anne C. Wilber
Surface radiation budget data are presented for the midseasonal months of July and October of 1983 and January and April of 1984. These data allow examination for the first time of geographical and seasonal variations of the entire surface radiation budget from pole to pole. The latest flux estimation techniques have been used along with data from the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) and the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE). Regional, zonal, and hemispheric distributions of the downward and net components of both shortwave and longwave fluxes and of the net total surface fluxes are determined. Seasonal flux variation per region, expressed as flux range, is illustrated for these components also. The estimated fluxes appear to be accurate to about 16 W m−2 on a global average, based on sensitivity analyses and comparisons with ground data. An analysis of flux errors showed that most of the error was attributable to errors in input data.
Journal of Applied Meteorology | 1992
Shashi K. Gupta; Wayne L. Darnell; Anne C. Wilber
Abstract Several improvements have been made recently to the parameterization for surface longwave radiation described by Gupta. Model constants have been modified in order to use meteorological data from the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project instead of from the TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder data, primarily to take advantage of the vastly superior cloud information available from the former. Additional modifications were made to improve the estimation of cloud effect in the presence of low-level clouds. The latter modifications reduced the systematic error of the overcast-sky fluxes from 10.0 to 1.7 W m−2 and the random error from ±18.9 to ±6.3 W m−2 when compared to the fluxes computed with a detailed radiative transfer model.
Journal of Climate | 1988
Wayne L. Darnell; W. Frank Staylor; Shashi K. Gupta; Frank M. Denn
Abstract A technique is presented for estimating insulation at the Earths surface using only sun-synchronous satellite data. The technique was tested by comparing the insolation results from year-long satellite datasets with simultaneous ground-measured insolation taken at five continental United States sites Monthly average insolation values derived from the satellite data showed a standard error of 4.2 W m−2, or 2.7% of the average ground insulation value.
Journal of Hydrology | 1998
Bhaskar J. Choudhury; Nicolo E. DiGirolamo; Joel Susskind; Wayne L. Darnell; Shashi K. Gupta; Ghassem Asrar
A process-based biophysical model of evaporation described previously was run using spatially representative data to calculate global fields of monthly total transpiration, soil evaporation and interception for a period of 24 months (January 1987 to December 1988). Solution of the energy balance equation provided net radiation and sensible heat flux, complementing the evaporative flux. The zonally averaged (area weighted 5° latitude bands) values of annual total evaporation and evaporative fraction (ratio of evaporation and net radiation) are in broad agreement with previous estimates. Transpiration was found to be the dominant component of annual total evaporation in 20 out of the 28 latitude bands. Partitioning of annual total evaporation over the global land area is calculated to be, 52% transpiration, 28% soil evaporation and 20% interception. Seasonal variations of total evaporation and its components are presented for some specific types of vegetation (e.g., tundra, taiga, rainforest, crop land) and compared with field observations.
Journal of Applied Meteorology | 1983
Wayne L. Darnell; Shashi K. Gupta; W. F. Staylor
Abstract A new technique is presented for generating downward longwave flux at the Earths surface from satellite meteorological data and a radiative transfer model The technique was tested by using TIROS-N data from 41 passes over a ground site covering a period of one month. Satellite-derived fluxes were compared with those measured by a ground-based pyrgeometer during each overpass. The standard error of the satellite-derived fluxes relative to the mean ground-measured values was found to be 6.5%.
Journal of Applied Meteorology | 1986
Wayne L. Darnell; Shashi K. Gupta; W. Frank Staylor
Abstract An extensive study has been carried out to validate a satellite technique for estimating downward longwave radiation at the surface. The technique, mostly developed earlier, uses operational sun-synchronous satellite data and a radiative transfer model to provide the surface flux estimates. The satellite-derived fluxes were compared directly with corresponding ground-measured fluxes at four different sites in the United States for a common one-year data period. This provided a study of seasonal variations as well as a diversity of meteorological conditions. Dome heating errors in the ground-measured fluxes were also investigated and were corrected prior to the comparisons. Comparison of the monthly averaged fluxes from the satellite and ground sources for all four sites for the entire year showed a correlation coefficient of 0.98 and a standard error of estimate of 10 W m−2. A brief description of the technique is provided, and the results validating the technique are presented.
International Journal of Remote Sensing | 1993
S. K. Gupta; A. C. Wilber; Wayne L. Darnell; J. T. Suttles
Abstract Errors have been analysed for monthly-average downward and net longwave surface fluxes derived on a 5° equal-area grid over the globe using a satellite technique. The parametrized equations used for flux computation were derived from a detailed radiative transfer model. Meteorological data used in this technique are available from the TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder (TOVS) system flown aboard NOAAs operational Sun-synchronous satellites. The data used are for February 1982 from NOAA-6 and NOAA-7 satellites. The errors in the parametrized equations were estimated by comparing their results with those from a detailed radiative transfer model. The errors in the TOVS-derived surface temperature, water vapour burden and cloud cover were estimated by comparing these meteorological parameters with independent measurements obtained from other satellite sources. Analysis of the overall errors shows that the present technique could lead to underestimation of downward fluxes by 5 to 15 Wm-2 and net flux...
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union | 1996
Wayne L. Darnell; W. F. Staylor; Nancy A. Ritchey; Shashi K. Gupta; A. C. Wilber
A new long-term global data set of monthly average surface shortwave (SW) and longwave (LW) fluxes extending from July 1983 to June 1991 is now available. It is the product of computationally fast radiative transfer algorithms that compute global surface radiative fluxes using satellite data. The data set can be used in the development of general circulation models and in climate studies, including those that examine surface processes and interannual climate anomalies such as El Nino/Southern Oscillation and regional floods and droughts.
Long-Term Monitoring of the Earth's Radiation Budget | 1990
Wayne L. Darnell; W. F. Staylor; Shashi K. Gupta; Anne C. Wilber; Nancy A. Ritchey
The surface radiation budget of the Earth is important in climate research because it gives an understanding of the distribution of solar and IR radiation exchanges at the surface. Data on the distribution and exchange of these surface radiations are needed over the entire Earth on a long-term basis. Global satellite data coupled with highly developed models now provide estimates of the surface radiation budget which are near the accuracy required for climate research. A description of surface radiation research its current state and planned programs are presented. 1.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1993
Shashi K. Gupta; W. Frank Staylor; Wayne L. Darnell; Anne C. Wilber; Nancy A. Ritchey