Wen Luo
University of South China
Featured researches published by Wen Luo.
Physics of Plasmas | 2015
Wen Luo; Yi-Bo Zhu; H. B. Zhuo; Yan-Yun Ma; Ying-Ming Song; Zhi-Chao Zhu; Xiao-Dong Wang; Xing-Huo Li; I. C. E. Turcu; Min Chen
We use quantum electrodynamics (QED) particle-in-cell simulations to investigate and compare the generation of dense electron-positron plasmas and intense γ-ray bursts in the case of counter-propagating laser solid interaction (two-side irradiation) and single laser solid interaction (one-side irradiation). In the case of counter-propagating linearly polarized laser pulses irradiating a thin aluminum foil with each pulse peak power of 12.5 PW (I = 4 × 1023 W/cm2), we calculate that about 20% of the laser energy is converted into a burst of γ-rays with flux exceeding 1014 s.−1 This would be one of the most intense γ-ray sources among those currently available in laboratories. The γ-ray conversion efficiency in the case of two-side irradiation is three times higher than in the case of one-side irradiation using a single 12.5 PW laser. Dense electron-positron plasma with a maximum density of 6 × 1027 m−3 are generated simultaneously during the two-side irradiation which is eightfold denser compared to the on...
Physica Scripta | 2014
Wen Luo; H B Zhuo; Y. Y. Ma; Zhi-Chao Zhu; G.T. Fan; W. Xu; Ying-Ming Song
Compton scattering between an intense laser pulse and a relativistic electron beam offers a promising development path toward high-energy, high-brightness x-and gamma-ray sources. Increasing laser peak power to obtain intense x-and gamma rays causes nonlinear Compton scattering to occur. To predict high-order harmonic radiation properties, we upgrade a Monte Carlo laser-Compton scattering simulation code (MCLCSS) by taking into account the nonlinear effect for the relativistic Compton scattering process. The energy spectra and angular and harmonic intensity distributions of the scattered photons are investigated using nonlinear Compton scattering of an intense circularly polarized laser. It is found that the laser parameter a(0) equivalent to eA m(e)C(-2) plays a n important role in the generation of high-order harmonic radiation. Our study also suggests that the high-energy tails of the second and higher harmonics will stray from the backscattering region.
Physics of Plasmas | 2017
Tao Yuan; Min Chen; Ji-Ye Yu; W. Y. Liu; Wen Luo; S. M. Weng; Z. M. Sheng
Pair production from the Breit-Wheeler process in ultra-intense laser pulse interactions with solid targets are studied by particle-in-cell simulations using the EPOCH code including the quantum electrodynamics module. We find that the pair yield depends on both the target transverse size and the laser pulse duration. For a short laser pulse, the highest pair yield is achieved with a target as wide as the laser spot size. For a long laser pulse, however, the optimal target size for the pair production increases with the pulse duration due to a self-generated cone by the hole-boring process. The effect of laser polarization upon the pair production is also studied. It is found that a circularly polarized laser pulse is more efficient in the ion acceleration rather than in the pair production. With the same laser energy, we find that a linearly polarized laser pulse can generate two times more positrons than the circularly polarized laser pulse does. These findings may benefit the future researches on the l...
Physics of Plasmas | 2017
Wei-Yuan Liu; Wen Luo; Tao Yuan; Ji-Ye Yu; Min Chen; Z. M. Sheng
Electron-positron ( e − e + ) pair plasma generation in the relativistic transparency regime in a thin foil with a fixed thickness irradiated by two counter-propagating laser pulses is investigated through multi-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations. It is shown that target transparency can significantly enhance the pair generation due to the formation of a stable standing wave. An optimum foil density of 200–280 n c (with nc being the critical plasma density of the incident laser at the wavelength of 1 μm) is found for enhanced e − e + pair generation for laser intensity around 10 PW. With such foil density, laser energy transformed to pair plasma formation is approximately four times higher than that with a foil density of 710 nc, while the laser energy transformed to γ-photons remains almost the same. Dense e − e + plasma with a density as high as 10 22 cm − 3 ( ≃ 10 n c ) can be produced accordingly. Comparison of pair plasma generation between cases with fundamental and double frequency driv...
Scientific Reports | 2018
Wen Luo; Wei-Yuan Liu; Tao Yuan; Min Chen; Ji-Ye Yu; F. Y. Li; D. Del Sorbo; C. P. Ridgers; Zheng-Ming Sheng
Upcoming ultrahigh power lasers at 10 PW level will make it possible to experimentally explore electron-positron (e−e+) pair cascades and subsequent relativistic e−e+ jets formation, which are supposed to occur in extreme astrophysical environments, such as black holes, pulsars, quasars and gamma-ray bursts. In the latter case it is a long-standing question as to how the relativistic jets are formed and what their temperatures and compositions are. Here we report simulation results of pair cascades in two counter-propagating QED-strong laser fields. A scaling of QED cascade growth with laser intensity is found, showing clear cascade saturation above threshold intensity of ~1024 W/cm2. QED cascade saturation leads to pair plasma cooling and longitudinal compression along the laser axis, resulting in the subsequent formation of relativistic dense e−e+ jets along transverse directions. Such laser-driven QED cascade saturation may open up the opportunity to study energetic astrophysical phenomena in laboratory.
Proceedings of SPIE | 2017
D. Del Sorbo; David R. Blackman; Remi Capdessus; Kristina Small; Cody Slade-Lowther; Wen Luo; Matthew J. Duff; A. P. L. Robinson; P. McKenna; Zheng-Ming Sheng; J. Pasley; C. P. Ridgers
The radiation pressure of next generation high-intensity lasers could efficiently accelerate ions to GeV energies. However, nonlinear quantum-electrodynamic effects play an important role in the interaction of these lasers with matter. We show that these quantum-electrodynamic effects lead to the production of a critical density pair-plasma which completely absorbs the laser pulse and consequently reduces the accelerated ion energy and efficiency by 30-50%.
Physics of Plasmas | 2017
Xiao-Dong Wang; Z. Y. Xu; Wen Luo; Haiyang Lu; Zhi-Chao Zhu; X. Q. Yan
Photo-transmutation of long-lived nuclear waste induced by a high-charge relativistic electron beam (e-beam) from a laser plasma accelerator is demonstrated. A collimated relativistic e-beam with a high charge of approximately 100 nC is produced from high-intensity laser interaction with near-critical-density (NCD) plasma. Such e-beam impinges on a high-Z convertor and then radiates energetic bremsstrahlung photons with flux approaching 1011 per laser shot. Taking a long-lived radionuclide 126Sn as an example, the resulting transmutation reaction yield is the order of 109 per laser shot, which is two orders of magnitude higher than obtained from previous studies. It is found that at lower densities, a tightly focused laser irradiating relatively longer NCD plasmas can effectively enhance the transmutation efficiency. Furthermore, the photo-transmutation is generalized by considering mixed-nuclide waste samples, which suggests that the laser-accelerated high-charge e-beam could be an efficient tool to tran...
Annals of Nuclear Energy | 2016
Zhi-Chao Zhu; Wen Luo; Zhuo-Cheng Li; Ying-Ming Song; Xiao-Dong Wang; Xing-Liu Wang; Gong-Tao Fan
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion | 2018
Ji-Ye Yu; Tao Yuan; Wei-Yuan Liu; Min Chen; Wen Luo; Su-Ming Weng; Zheng-Ming Sheng
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion | 2018
Wen Luo; Shao-Dong Wu; Wei-Yuan Liu; Yan-Yun Ma; F. Y. Li; Tao Yuan; Ji-Ye Yu; Min Chen; Zheng-Ming Sheng