
Featured researches published by Wescley Viana Evangelista.

Revista Arvore | 2005

Influência da idade e da posição radial na flexão estática da madeira de Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex. Maiden

José de Castro Silva; Jorge Luis Monteiro de Matos; José Tarcísio da Silva Oliveira; Wescley Viana Evangelista

The objective of this work was to study the static bending variation of Eucalyptus grandis wood along the radial plane at four different ages (10 _ 14 20 and 25 years), from commercial stands. The samples were removed from a diametrical board on each of sixteen trees (four from each age); taken from four equidistant positions (0, 33, 66 and 100%), in the pith-to-bark direction, with six replicates per position. It was found that the elasticity modulus (MOE) showed mean values of 129.230 kgf/cm2, and the rupture modulus (MOR) showed mean values of 854 kgf/cm2, both showing to be positively correlated with age and radial position in the pith-to-bark direction. The greatest values were obtained from twenty-year-old wood and located near the bark.

Ciencia Florestal | 2015


Jackson Marcelo Vidal; Wescley Viana Evangelista; José de Castro Silva; Ivaldo Pontes Jankowsky

The objective of this paper was to show a comprehensive literature review about wood preservation in Brazil, since the earliest years until 2011. Brazil is rich in natural resources and wood has always occurred in abundance. With the industrial growing, there was the necessity of using wood with low natural durability but with chemical preservative treatment. Wood chemical treatment began in late XIX century, mainly to attend the big demand of sleepers to railroads. Only during the 60s, wood preservation gained market with the increase of scientific researches, elaboration of technical standards and building industrial plants for wood preservation. From this point on, few advances have been reached. In 2011, Eucalyptus and Pinus, were the main species used in wood preservation plants that adopts the vacuum-pressure process. In small production scale, diffusion process is adopted. Copper chromium arsenate (CCA) and Copper chromium borate (CCB) are the most preservatives utilised with some creosote utilisation. The treated wood production is concentrated in fence posts, poles and sleepers. As a trend, the wood preservation must reach new markets, such as building constructions, wood packages and crossarms, and also to intensify the traditional uses. Although there are a lot of researches about chemicals for wood preservation, CCA must keep by the years, once alternative products do not present the same efficacy or clear effects about human health and environment.

Ciencia Florestal | 2013


Mara Lúcia Agostini Valle; José de Castro Silva; Ricardo Marius Della Lucia; Wescley Viana Evangelista

Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a retencao e penetracao de arseniato de cobre cromatado (CCA tipo C), bem como algumas propriedades da madeira em duas rotacoes de dois hibridos naturais de Eucalyptus urophylla S. T. Blake, visando a sua utilizacao como madeira tratada. O estudo foi realizado com material proveniente de plantacoes comerciais, com 63 meses de idade. Para a caracterizacao da madeira, avaliaram- se a relacao cerne-alburno, a massa especifica basica e as dimensoes de fibras e vasos. Para a avaliacao da madeira tratada, determinaram-se a penetracao e a retencao de arseniato de cobre cromatado (CCA tipo C). Utilizaram-se quatro arvores por rotacao e material genetico, que, posteriormente, foram seccionadas em tres toras, totalizando 12 toras para cada tratamento. O tratamento preservativo foi realizado atraves do processo celula cheia, em autoclave, utilizando solucao de CCA com concentracao de 2 % de ingredientes ativos. O processo de tratamento utilizado foi eficiente dentro das condicoes exigidas pela norma NBR 9480, apresentando valores de retencao superiores aos minimos exigidos pela norma, que e de 6,5 kg/m3 de CCA por madeira tratada, alem de proporcionar a penetracao profunda e regular do preservativo no alburno de todas as toras tratadas. Nao existem restricoes quanto ao aproveitamento das madeiras de primeira e segunda rotacao para tratamento preservativo, com base nas propriedades avaliadas. Nao existiu correlacao entre a retencao de CCA tipo C e as propriedades da madeira avaliadas.

Revista Arvore | 2010

Análise dos resíduos madeireiros gerados nas marcenarias do município de Viçosa - Minas Gerais

Zaíra Morais dos Santos Hurtado de Mendoza; Wescley Viana Evangelista; Solange de Oliveira Araújo; Celso Coelho de Souza; Fabiana David Leite Ribeiro; José de Castro Silva

The objectives of this work were to analyze the residues produced by carpentry shops in Vicosa and to propose actions that would lead to their better use. For this, data were gathered from questionnaires sent to 17 shops in town. The results showed that sawdust, wood strips, planner shavings and chips are the more common type of residues, sawdust being the most abundant. The machines that produced most of the waste were the planners and the jointers. Most of the shops either donate or sell their waste. It was found that the owners showed no regard to increasing the value of the residue or to environmental damage they may cause. Based on the information collected, the following measures are indicated for waste utilization: generation of energy through direct burning of solid wood residues, production of briquet and fertilizers and production of the so called small wooden articles.

Ciencia Florestal | 2015

Wood preservation in Brasil: historical, current scenario and trends

Jackson Marcelo Vidal; Wescley Viana Evangelista; José de Castro Silva; Ivaldo Pontes Jankowsky

The objective of this paper was to show a comprehensive literature review about wood preservation in Brazil, since the earliest years until 2011. Brazil is rich in natural resources and wood has always occurred in abundance. With the industrial growing, there was the necessity of using wood with low natural durability but with chemical preservative treatment. Wood chemical treatment began in late XIX century, mainly to attend the big demand of sleepers to railroads. Only during the 60’s, wood preservation gained market with the increase of scientific researches, elaboration of technical standards and building industrial plants for wood preservation. From this point on, few advances have been reached. In 2011, Eucalyptus and Pinus, were the main species used in wood preservation plants that adopts the vacuum-pressure process. In small production scale, diffusion process is adopted. Copper chromium arsenate (CCA) and Copper chromium borate (CCB) are the most preservatives utilised with some creosote utilisation. The treated

Revista Arvore | 2009

Avaliação da madeira de Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh e Eucalyptus urophylla S.T. Blake em ensaios de usinagem, visando à produção moveleira

Maria Odete Alves de Souza; José de Castro Silva; Ricardo Marius Della Lucia; Wescley Viana Evangelista

The objective of this research was to conduct machining tests in woods of 6 and 8-year-old Eucalyptus urophylla and of a ten-year old Eucalyptus camaldulensis and to evaluate their possible use by the furniture industry. The wood samples were obtained from six trees of each clone, planted in a consortium with cattle and grain, owned by Votorantim Metals and Zinc. The plantation is located in the neighborhood of the city of Vazante, in the State of Minas Gerais. The following essays were conducted: cut by a table saw either parallel or perpendicular to the grain; shaping; planing; drilling; routing; mortising and drilling for dowels. All the samples yielded satisfactory results, mainly the eight year old Eucalyptus urophylla, during parallel-to-the-grain and mortising sawing. Woods from the clones tested seem very appropriate for furniture production. In fact, the samples did not show any difficulties during machining.

Scientia Forestalis | 2013

Variation in the pith-to-bark and in the height directions of the physical and anatomical properties of the wood of angico-vermelho.

B. M. dos R. T. Valente; Wescley Viana Evangelista; J. de C. Silva; R. M. della Lucia

Brazilian Journal of Wood Science | 2010


Wescley Viana Evangelista; José de Castro Silva; Ricardo Marius Della Lucia; Lilian Messias Lobo; Maria Odete Alves de Souza

Ciência da Madeira | 2010

Physical and mechanical properties of the wood of Eucalyptus urophylla S.T. Blake in the bark-to-pith direction and along the stem.

Wescley Viana Evangelista; J. de C. Silva; Ricardo Marius Della Lucia; Luiz Lobo; M. O. A. de Souza

Scientia Forestalis | 2015

Study of the retention and penetration of CCA in teakwood, for use as treated fence posts.

S. F. Chagas; Wescley Viana Evangelista; J. de C. Silva; M. A. Pinheiro

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