Wilfrid Neri
University of Bordeaux
Analytical Chemistry | 2013
Wolfgang Harreither; Raphaël Trouillon; Philippe Poulin; Wilfrid Neri; Andrew G. Ewing; Gulnara Safina
We have compared the properties and resistance to DA fouling of a carbon nanotube fiber (CNTF) microelectrode to a traditional carbon fiber (CF) microelectrode. These two materials show comparable electrochemical activities for outer-sphere and inner-sphere redox reactions. Although the CNTF might have a higher intrinsic RC constant, thus limiting its high-frequency behavior, the CNTF shows a significantly higher durability than the CF in terms of electrode stability. During constant oxidation of 100 μM DA, the signal measured by the CNTF microelectrode shows a 2-h window over which no decrease in current is observed. Under the same conditions, the current obtained at the CF microelectrode decreases by almost 50%. A model of the fouling process, assuming the formation of growing patches of insulator on the surface, has been compared to the data. This model is found to be in good agreement with our results and indicates a growth rate of the patches in the 0.1-2 nm s(-1) range.
Nature Communications | 2015
Jinkai Yuan; Alan Luna; Wilfrid Neri; Cécile Zakri; Tanja Schilling; Annie Colin; Philippe Poulin
Graphene flakes with giant shape anisotropy are extensively used to establish connectedness electrical percolation in various heterogeneous systems. However, the percolation behaviour of graphene flakes has been recently predicted to be far more complicated than generally anticipated on the basis of excluded volume arguments. Here we confirm experimentally that graphene flakes self-assemble into nematic liquid crystals below the onset of percolation. The competition of percolation and liquid crystal transition provides a new route towards high-k materials. Indeed, near-percolated liquid-crystalline graphene-based composites display unprecedented dielectric properties with a dielectric constant improved by 260-fold increase as compared with the polymer matrix, while maintaining the loss tangent as low as 0.4. This performance is shown to depend on the structure of monodomains of graphene liquid-crystalline phases. Insights into how the liquid crystal phase transition interferes with percolation transition and thus alters the dielectric constant are discussed.
New Journal of Chemistry | 2005
Florent Carn; Alain Derré; Wilfrid Neri; Odile Babot; Hervé Deleuze; Rénal Backov
Using a two-step synthetic route that first takes benefit of an α-Zr(HPO4)2·H2O (α-ZrP) exfoliation process followed by an air–liquid foam shaping method we have designed for the first time 3D macrocellular foams made of α-ZrP lamellae. Apart from this high scale texturation we were able to tune the macroscopic void space shapes (polygonal-type or spherical-type) as well as cell wall thickness by varying the starting foam’s water volume fraction (ρ). Also, by adjusting the size of the porous disk employed during the bubbling process we can define the macroscopic cell diameters with a strong degree of control.
Langmuir | 2015
Alan Luna; Jinkai Yuan; Wilfrid Neri; Cécile Zakri; Philippe Poulin; Annie Colin
Near-percolated CNT-polymer composites are promising high-permittivity materials. The main challenge in the field consists of finding compromises that allow high permittivity and low losses in frequency ranges of interest. Using an emulsion approach and optimizing the size of the droplets and the curing procedure, we obtain unprecedented performances and measure giant permittivity larger than 20,000 at 100 Hz along with a conductivity below 10(-4) S/m.
Bioresource Technology | 2017
Brigitte Delord; Wilfrid Neri; Karen Bertaux; Alain Derré; Isabelle Ly; Nicolas Mano; Philippe Poulin
Novel carbon nanotube based electrodes of microbial fuel cells (MFC) have been developed. MFC is a promising technology for the wastewater treatment and the production of electrical energy from redox reactions of natural substrates. Performances of such bio-electrochemical systems depend critically on the structure and properties of the electrodes. The presently developed materials are made by weaving fibers solely comprised of carbon nanotubes. They exhibit a large scale porosity controlled by the weaving process. This porosity allows an easy colonization by electroactive bacteria. In addition, the fibers display a nanostructuration that promotes excellent growth and adhesion of the bacteria at the surface of the electrodes. This unique combination of large scale porosity and nanostructuration allows the present electrodes to perform better than carbon reference. When used as anode in a bioelectrochemical reactor in presence of Geobacter sulfurreducens bacteria, the present electrodes show a maximal current density of about 7.5mA/cm2.
Langmuir | 2012
Bernard Desbat; Nessim Arazam; Salim Khiati; Giovanni Tonelli; Wilfrid Neri; Philippe Barthélémy; Laurence Navailles
Langmuir monolayers have been extensively investigated by various experimental techniques. These studies allowed an in-depth understanding of the molecular conformation in the layer, phase transitions, and the structure of the multilayer. As the monolayer is compressed and the surface pressure is increased beyond a critical value, usually occurring in the minimal closely packed molecular area, the monolayer fractures and/or folds, forming multilayers in a process referred to as collapse. Various mechanisms for monolayer collapse and the resulting reorganization of the film have been proposed, and only a few studies have demonstrated the formation of a bilayer after collapse and with the use of a Ca(2+) solution. In this work, Langmuir isotherms coupled with imaging ellipsometry and polarization modulation infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy were recorded to investigate the air-water interface properties of Langmuir films of anionic nucleolipids. We report for these new molecules the formation of a quasi-hexagonal packing of bilayer domains at a low compression rate, a singular behavior for lipids at the air-water interface that has not yet been documented.
Nanotechnology | 2016
J Idier; Wilfrid Neri; Christine Labrugère; Isabelle Ly; Philippe Poulin; Rénal Backov
We report an easy method to prepare thin, flexible and transparent electrodes that show enhanced inertness toward oxidation using modified silver nanowires (Ag NWs). Stabilization is achieved through the adsorption of triphenylphosphine (PPh3) onto the Ag NW hybrid dispersions prior to their 2D organization as transparent electrodes on polyethylene terephtalate (PET) films. After 110 days in air (20 °C) under atmospheric conditions, the transmittance of the PET/Ag NW/PPh3 based films is nearly unchanged, while the transmittance of the PET/Ag NW-based films decreases by about 5%. The sheet resistance increases for both materials as time elapses, but the rate of increase is more than four times slower for films stabilized by PPh3. The improved transmittance and conductivity results in a significantly enhanced stability for the figure of merit σ dc/σ op. This phenomenon is highlighted in highly oxidative nitric acid vapor. The tested stabilized films in such conditions exhibit a decrease to σ dc/σ op of only 38% after 75 min, whereas conventional materials exhibit a relative loss of 71%. In addition, by contrast to other classes of stabilizers, such as polymer or graphene-based encapsulants, PPh3 does not alter the transparency or conductivity of the modified films. While the present films are made by membrane filtration, the stabilization method could be implemented directly in other liquid processes, including industrially scalable ones.
TIMES OF POLYMERS (TOP) AND COMPOSITES 2014: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Times of Polymers (TOP) and Composites | 2014
Jinkai Yuan; Cécile Zakri; Fabienne Grillard; Wilfrid Neri; Philippe Poulin
We report in this work studies of the shape memory behavior of polymer fibers loaded with carbon nanotubes or graphene flakes. These materials exhibit enhanced shape memory properties with the generation of a giant stress upon shape recovery. In addition, they exhibit a surprising temperature memory with a peak of generated stress at a temperature nearly equal to the temperature of programming. This temperature memory is ascribed to the presence of dynamical heterogeneities and to the intrinsic broadness of the glass transition. We present recent experiments related to observables other than mechanical properties. In particular nanocomposite fibers exhibit variations of electrical conductivity with an accurate memory. Indeed, the rate of conductivity variations during temperature changes reaches a well defined maximum at a temperature equal to the temperature of programming. Such materials are promising for future actuators that couple dimensional changes with sensing electronic functionalities.
Chemical Communications | 2013
José M. González-Domínguez; Wilfrid Neri; Maryse Maugey; Philippe Poulin; Alejandro Ansón-Casaos; M. Teresa Martínez
Single-walled carbon nanotubes can be spun in a polyvinyl alcohol stream to produce nanocomposite fibres. We use a facile ester linking between both elements to create improved fibres which exhibit outstanding enhancements in the absence of post-processing stages, providing a promising alternative based on a chemical method.
Langmuir | 2017
Alan Luna; Mickaël Pruvost; Jinkai Yuan; Cécile Zakri; Wilfrid Neri; Cécile Monteux; Philippe Poulin; Annie Colin
Using an emulsion road and optimizing the dispersion process, we prepare polymer carbone nanotubes (CNT) and polymer reduced graphene oxide (rGO) composites. The introduction of conductive nanoparticles into polymer matrices modifies the electronic properties of the material. We show that these materials exhibit giant electrostriction coefficients in the intermediate filler concentration (below 1 wt %). This makes them very promising for applications such as capacitive sensors and actuators. In addition, the values of the piezoresistivity measured in the high filler concentration situation are at least an order of magnitude greater than the one reported in the literature. This opens the way to use these materials for stress or strain sensor applications considering their giant responses to mechanical deformations.